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QoL Improvements to Live Map

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Digei, Jul 11, 2022.

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  1. Digei

    Digei Newbie Adventurer

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    1. Go into detail. (it is important to explain your idea and why it is good for Wynn, suggestions that lack detail will be ignored and not gain a good reputation even if it has potential to being fantastic)

      Yo, I've been playing on the server for one day and the biggest hangup I keep getting is trying to find my bearings out in the world.

      To be fair, even having a map at all is a blessing, but if you're going to have a map why not make it a really good one?

      For starters, pins on the map need their size increased, or a way for the user to do so. Pretty simple. Implement a slider bar to change the pin icon's scale.

      Pins should be able to be created, destroyed, and shared locally. Why not? If this is already a thing, then cool. I want to be able to put a pin where I personally like to fish, then go back to the same spot later. There's been other neat locations i didn't want to fully explore, but would have loved to throw a pin and go back later when stronger.

      Coordinate direction need to be explicitly stated on the map. Just an N with an arrow please. I see the MC compass on the map and I just sigh. Every good map doesn't have a good compass stitched to the corner. it has a compass rose. (im not going to also share my disdain of the vanilla MC compass icon, but know its there)(not to mention the MC compass isnt a real compass, it points towards spawn locations, not true north)

      Springboarding off of this, coordinate location needs to be visible somehow on the map. The XYZ of the player on the map, written, on the map. Same goes for the cursor. XYZ of the cursors position over the map. This can be togglable via a gear icon in the corner. A checkbox for isplayercoordinatevisible, and is cursorcoordinatevisible.

      The waypoint beacon is REALLY NICE and I love having it, but after being in the pigman ravine and realizing you cannot see that marker at ALL outside of any flat plains biome.... yikes. Tracking a quest (appears to me as a novice player) in a cave/valley is neigh impossible.
      Can't think of too many ways to improve this without giving some kind of overlay/alpha/glow of the waypoint beacon.

      idk these all seem like QoL most MMO have right now. I play a lot of them and was surprised how barebones the map was. (maybe its new and just unmodified? idk i just got here)

    2. Is it possible? (ask yourself if what you are suggesting is actually possible in Wynncraft and can be done)

      Yep. All of it probably under 20 lines of code? few input fields and changing whats already there. maybe an icon for player created pins?

    3. Does it fit? (does your idea actually fit in Wynncraft? If you want guns added then most likely not)

      No clue. This is my biggest wonder. I feel like if a lot of the player base feels that this difficulty leads to more mystery and intrigue about the locations in game, and a sense of pride and accomplishment in knowing the map like the back of thier hand... then yeah I can see that. But also, eh. Innovate > Stagnate

    4. Has it been suggested before? (there are some things that have been suggested time and time again, it is better to look through suggestions first before making one just in-case someone already asked for it)

      Probably? On the first page alone I do see where someone else is also asking for more map functionality. But it's not specifically the same suggestion.

    5. Feedback or suggestion? (if you want something that is in the game that is changed or you don't like something then you should use the LINKICANTSHOW)

      Little bit of both?

    6. Don't tag staff/CT

  2. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    Great idea! Personally I think 2.0 should update both the game and the online map, adding both the changes you suggested(with any changes necessary), and actually adding the new structures onto the map. I also think there should be a way to change the perspective that you can look at the map from, since the current map doesn't really help with navigating in the 5 hardest to navigate areas(Pigman's Ravine, Mesa, Canyon of the Lost, Lower Molten Heights/Molten Caverns, and Silent Expanse). Overall, your suggestion is definitely something that we need.
  3. __Kofa__

    __Kofa__ Travelled Adventurer

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    add a poll please
  4. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I largely would be in favor of this, but my biggest issue with the map is honestly spoiling content, I got the entire SE spoiled for me when I looked at it on the map when I was at like lv~20 so I'd suggest having the map have certain parts covered up depending on the level of your character or something.
  5. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    add a poll please make this real best idea
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