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Game Mechanics Jungle Gameplay Suggestions (Please give reasons for polls)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Barrylowe, Jun 23, 2022.


Do you think this idea would be an improvement?

  1. Yes

    9 vote(s)
  2. Yes with some changes.

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  3. No

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  1. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    This is not a call for a revamp of the jungle, it's new suggestions on how to improve it into something different from the rest of Wynncraft. I personally think that Troms, even though it might not be the oldest area in the map, is in the most need of an update, being my only disliked area. On my first playthrough I quit there and didn't play again until my 1.20 run, and in that one it took me a month to get through the 10 levels of the jungle. In comparison I got through 30 levels of the updated Gavel in a week and a half. This wasn't because I had to grind more to level up in Troms, it was simply due to the fact that I didn't want to play it.

    I feel like the jungle needs to be redone first since it's a main area, unlike the ocean which has a few side quests here and there, so Troms impacted me more. However a Gavel Reborn style update for this small of an area will easily fix this.

    The other reason I think I got tired of Wynn here was the repetition. Once you get to Gavel it feels like a new area with Lore and new plotlines, meanwhile at the same time you are playing in the Troms area. Every ten levels in wynn you meet a new town/kingdom, and do a main past storyline with some side quests. I think a change in gameplay could break the monotony.

    I was talking with friends about how hard it would be to go through a jungle without rivers. I thought it would be interesting to set up a sea skipper type system (not the sea skipper) between contained areas with rivers that you wouldn't be able to swim in. This would be multiple splitting rivers, not one main one, in the Dernal Jungle area specifically. Some of these areas would be the Troms docks, the tribe, and ruins for some examples. Areas could have branching paths out from it (the walking kind, not the rivers) with all the normal Wynncraft things (grind spots, caves, ect.), and you could have small paths run between these closed off areas. Areas could be closed off from each other by dense foliage or as a last resort it could kick you back to the area saying not to get lost. Areas wouldn't be open plains, builds or caves, rather a normal Wynncraft landscape but contained, you could still walk around parts of the forest.

    Now one thing this could effect is the feeling of getting lost in the jungle. However if you made each of these 'docks' locked for travel until you reach it by foot, it would give a sense of progression. This would be the safer, more down to earth step, simply having multiple areas connected by a river sea skipper system, making the jungle feel different.

    The next, more radial, step of this idea would be to have quests unlock some of these areas. This progression could be followed through a main quest, going deeper and deeper into the jungle with a sense of adventure, which could work well as the climax questline of Wynn. This is why the rivers would not be swam in, since it would ruin this idea. I don't think it would harm much of the jungle and would, in my opinion, add a dynamic feeling to it, making it a cool side adventure, adding a main questline, and improving it into one of my favorite areas in the game. This would combat the intrigue I felt with Gavel and make me invested in these quests. Of course the main downside of this would be a large, if not complete rework of the build, however for a smaller update I feel like it would the right balance between relaxed and small scale, as well as interesting.

    Obviously this is very different from anything that is in Wynncraft currently, I started noticing the team changing how they approach quests, builds, combat, practically everything except overarching game design. I feel like this would give a change to it while keeping with the central ideas of the quest system, and further it to create a compact side adventure without straying too far from the current game. I think that the more structured area, continuous quests and feeling of achievement across them would combine into a good end to Wynn like the silent expanse. This is just an idea and I am interested in how people can build off of or destroy my suggestions made here, so please do the poll and comment on anything.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
  2. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    There's a large amount of Wynncraft focused on side quests, and example of one of these here is where you search for some ruins as part of a larger questline, however you get captured by the tribe outcasts and rescued by the tribe, eventually taking down the outcasts. In response to your help they let you unlock the sea-skipper type travel there. Obviously this can barely even be considered an outline for a quest, it just shows that there's ways to fit side quests in while still progressing you through the jungle and 'docks'.
  3. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    Honestly the jungle just needs to be less dense. I know this is kind of against the idea of a jungle, but it's annoying looking for the signs and getting swarmed by mobs. I think part of the reason this area is kind of neglected is because the game's trying to ease you into Gavel. Nonetheless, I'd like a Troms rework, even though it was updated a few years ago iirc.
    blankman and Mooseroom like this.
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I imagine the jungle will be obligated to get reworked soon because they need to add secret discoveries to the area
  5. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    The idea would make it so there would be areas that were somewhat dense, with you unable to move between these areas without the sea skipper type system or certain paths. Hopefully the sea skipper system would help with that problem, once you get to a place once you wouldn't have to, let say run around trying to find the hidden obscure tribe over and over. Your point of it easing you into Gavel is probably true, I never thought of that, however I think by switching around a few quests you could give a climatic ending to wynn while still building gavel up.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    All I'm saying is that some of the stuff in the jungle was touched in 2.0.......
  7. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wait really, where?
  8. Namakobushi

    Namakobushi Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    The jungle is probably one of the last places on Wynn that needs a rework, in my opinion. Maybe a few touch-ups to fit more with the modern state of Wynncraft, but nothing extreme. Like maybe paths could be cleaner, and the quest trails could be more eye-pleasing (purple trail for that one quest, weird "eyeballs" everywhere, specifically in the middle of the roads. On the temples is fine).
    Dernel is a nice place, I loved exploring it on my first class, and there's still places I don't think I have explored. Sodeta Mansion could look cleaner too, less block-spammy.
    I can't think of any quest done terribly too (maybe The Passage or whatever it's called, since it's just a fetch quest with a boss altar . . . okay, and maybe the one with the little prince wanting to be a mercenary, that one is quick and not too interesting) and travelling doesn't take long, and all the beacons for tracked quests help with navigation so that doesn't need a rework.
    For travelling, maybe there can be something between Olux or Gelibord with Troms. Maybe a mage to teleport you between the two, or a tunnel (that would be one long tunnel, how would anyone dig that? Grootslang maybe, one dug over to Troms?)

    Other areas that could use an update more:
    Meanwhile, there's the Mesa area, which is in dire need of some new content and a build update, it's block-spammed terrain and doesn't have clean rock layers. There's what, two quests in the Mesa, for SST and then the bird thing?

    I can't think of any particular memorable area in Wynn, it's so shadowed by the new and shiny Gavel remake. The whole terrain could be touched up to make cleaner and more interesting.

    Nemract is still very old-style looking, and could use a touch up too. The only thing justifying keeping it the way it looks is some poor port town, but it could still be modern-Wynn style and give the same vibe.

    Mount Wynn doesn't look very pleasing either, and for a mountain named after the province, it's used for one small quest.

    I want to see a modernized Almuj, I bet it would look amazing. The desert quests and terrain are probably in a decent spot for now.

    The Savanna. Almost forgot about this place. It's devoid of content. They recently added the Lava Springs quest, good addition, but after that, I never set foot in this place (I don't do Bob's Lost Soul, tedious, boring, and requires social interaction).

    Meanwhile, the Jungle has a ton of content, and is still rather interesting to play through and in terms of pleasing the brain through the eyeballs. Troms is a beautiful city, after Cinfras, Detlas, and Ragni. (Oh, it doesn't have secret discoveries, does it?)

    Okay, so while the jungle could use a touch-up in the modern-Wynn style of looks, feels, and gameplay, it doesn't need it nearly as much as other places on Wynn, and I don't see your suggestions as the kind of improvement the jungle needs.

    Edit: Still finding grammar and spelling errors.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
    Rythew, Aftershokke and Mooseroom like this.
  9. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    For around a year now I've wanted an update of the Mesa, Desert, Nesaak, and Troms areas. However I have had sneaking suspicions that they are updating the desert and mesa with them redoing the rivers in those areas and them showing off a new small section of the redone mesa in one of Olinuses 2.0 livestreams.
  10. Aftershokke

    Aftershokke Meow?

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    u forgot about adding actual houses to Llevgar
    looks more like the taj mahal than an actual city that has inhabitants, more of a monument tbh
    luckeyLuuk and Namakobushi like this.
  11. Namakobushi

    Namakobushi Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Well, the people live in that mess of quartz, like apartment or hotel type style or something.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  12. __Kofa__

    __Kofa__ Travelled Adventurer

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    I think add a few touch ups to Troms, Nesaak, modernize and add more content to mesa like for a level 50 or 60 quest, your sent to stop a band of mercanaries who took something from the quest npc while he was on vacation and visiting Wynn. (Not the best quest idea but it’s fine I guess)
  13. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I never thought it was too difficult or annoying, it feels like a natural continuation of the serious difficulty spike around Nesaak and honestly I have more trouble with Nesaak and lv40 than with Troms at lv50, as long as you know how to crowd control and strafe the flicker frogs it's not really annoying, it feels like pretty hard but fair difficulty to me.
    Edit: I've on my most recent class gone through here on an ETW Impulse build that has 860 hp and it's never been a huge problem.
    I know the mesa has old texturing that's kind of ugly but it's honestly nowhere near as bad as what used to be in Molten Heights and it doesn't ruin it at all for me. The mesa is my favorite area in wynn and one of my favorites in the game, I see it as kind of just a harder side-area to the Desert sort of like the Ice Canyon, so I don't really have a problem with the lack of content, the terrain is enough to keep me excited the whole time honestly, and it has a pretty neat town and a really cool boss altar as well.
    In addition to this Nesaak is another one of my favorites, as is Ragni Plains, I find those areas in wynn to actually be far more memorable than many of the areas in Gavel are for me although granted I haven't leveled as many classes through Gavel as I have Wynn.
  14. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Considering the size of the jungle, especially Dernel jungle, there wouldn't be enough room for anything and it wouldn't look good compared to the rest of the map.

    This would not make sense, as the story of Wynn is about the Corruption, which is mainly present on the plains. Yes, this is the final area, but not lore-wise. The ultimate questline of Gavel is not the Sky Islands, but RoL.

    Actually, we have made one already.

    To be honest, I do not really like this suggestion, although I would be glad to see the jungle reworked.

    I do not like the idea of separation of already separated and small space into even smaller pieces, especially if there wouldn't be a really good reason for it lore-wise. The great majority of Wynncraft is open without any big hard-blocks for exploration (ones I can come up with from the top of my head are RoL and SE, both of which are special), yes, you may die in a second when you go to Sky Islands as level 1, but you can do it. I get that Dernel is annoying to navigate and it could perhaps see a bit if cleaning (imo just reduce the amount of ranged (especially) and otger mobs that sometimes constantly attack you), but I have never really had big troubles with it.

    My problem with Dernel, which you try to address too, is the lack of content, it does not have any real plot in it. But, as opposed to making it the final area whih would be almost surely forced, you could give it its own story, self contained but still beautiful. For example you could expand on the tribes, how they fight between each other or use the fountain of youth. For Iboju, you could work with the relationships between them and thr Tromsians. There is also the ancient structures from WynnEx D and it civilisation, which has a ton of potential. Did the tribes worshop them? Did they come after the ancients disappeared? Many questions can be asked. Then we have the Sodetas and Temple of Legends, which could be expanded upon.
    TLDR: In my opinion, it does mot need a great storyline that affects the world, it gas enough stuff on its own. (also the community made one rework of it already)

    One thing I really liked in your suggestion was the fast travel. Maybe a toned down version, but some kind of ferry through the rivers would be a great thing once you have made some progress. Building up from your suggestion, it could be a part of a questline where you are on an expedition with a ton of stuff and need a transport. It wouldn't limit you in normal movement though, you could explore as much you want when you want (see C.S.S Wavebreaker). But when (as?) you travel with your group, you get more areas you can fast-travel to. Or it could be just that after a quest the tribesmen give you a free ride, whatever.
    TLDR: Fast Travel could be nice if done properly

    TLDR: Suggestion has potential, but I do not like it much as-is.
    Linnyflower likes this.
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