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Just watched a video about why mmos "die"

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by PercyTW, Jun 18, 2022.

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  1. PercyTW

    PercyTW Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This video
    It seems modern mmos often try to pump out more and more content all the time, yet by doing so makes the game painful and drives people away in the long run. Games should be fun and make you want to return, yet admit that it must end; It doesn't force you to stay.
    I am currently hyped for 2.0, and every update since 1.18 has made me come back for more, it's great. I just don't want greed to suck out all the fun out of this game and make me not want to play it again. Another minecraft mmo server, monumenta, has items only obtainable with daily rewards (shulker boxes (5 dailies), certain pieces of armor (12 or 16 dailies)), and this has made the game not fun for me.

    As for more concrete suggestions, the video suggests that mmos can improve their replayability by making playing and leveling alts as easy as possible. The upcoming skill tree system will greatly help with this and make trying out new classes quite fun, however the 39 day wait to delete a high-level class is obviously bad for this.
    The video also points out that making content too easy makes for a less social and bland experience. I think wynn's difficulty is alright, though there could be some more (optional or not) challenging early-game to mid-game content. Wynn shines not in its endgame, but the journey to it; I hope it can be more fun on repeated playthroughs than it is now.
    Throwing away old content: wynn's not guilty of this, though i would say the grootslang raid should have a max-level version (to make it replayable and to not lock high-level players out of the tome requirement) (also other raids once the max level increases again).

    Sorry that these suggestions are more abstract and vague, I just hope wynn doesn't fall into the same pitfalls as other mmos (the festivals and their crate sales are a bit of a red flag for me personally). I'd say wynn's doing quite well, and the content team being made up of volunteers might actually be an advantage: people work on wynncraft because of their passion, and this innate motivation is what allows people (and groups) to succeed in the long run (aka sustainability).
    side notes: i suppose i'm much more inclined to talk about philosophical stuff
    i'm nervous about people's thoughts on this... i'm just honest okay :( i'm anxious okay :( i'm awkward okay :(

    side note 2.0: i didn't actually come back for 1.20, i only came back for 1.20.4 when one time i randomly decided to check the server list and saw that emerald pouches were added
    cider note: the team shouldn't worry about this too much, just focus on what wynn's good at and don't go pay to win
    i won't expect wynn to bring about the old mmo vibe/social atmosphere anytime soon, it's too hard
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  2. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    I agree with much of what you said, I especially agree on the fact that currently wynncraft is a very early to late game playthrough experience rather than a late game grinding one. But I would like to say that the crate thing isn't too much of a red flag because that is purely cosmetic.

    Also it's kind of interesting to see people talking about how they don't want wynncraft to be pay to win/content spamming cuz overall it updates very slowly and everything in the shop i've seen is not p2w except that champions get a little bit of extra QOL whereas everyone else doesn't with the auto skill point/armor layout thing. Still good to know people are concerned about this.
    PercyTW and luckeyLuuk like this.
  3. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    The wait time to delete a high level class exists for a reason, and I do not think it should be, or will be removed.
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