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Suggestion About Horses

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Apple___________, Apr 29, 2022.

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  1. Apple___________

    Apple___________ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hello fellow Wynncrafters i always had that idea in mind so might as well share it!

    I was looking into horses and thought wouldn't it be cool if horses had armors which gives them an ability for example:
    Light Armor: adds 5 Speed - 5Jump
    Water Armor: your horse walks faster near Water
    Lava Armor: Your horse walks faster near Lava
    Xp Armor: Levels your horse faster
    that was all my suggestion would love to hear ur opinion on this :D
    luckeyLuuk and swaginatorAF like this.
  2. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    Uh... wrong forum section. Something like this belongs in "general suggestions".
    Apple___________ likes this.
  3. Apple___________

    Apple___________ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  4. Danny2222

    Danny2222 Skilled Adventurer

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    defo feel that horse in general need a good redo, firstly they are buggy af, basically suicide to use then in the sky islands as for some reason on wynn they is major server client desync with them constanly (expacally apperent in kandon-beta) but bugs asside, for me both the despawning when you interact with your inventory and the inabilty to attack on them is pretty silly in my opinion (certainly a lower damage amount makes perfect sence tho) anyways onto the suggestion itself, yes horse armor makes perfect sence in a world full of so much hostility, you see nearly every guard or enemy wearing Armor so why would you not Armor your horse, certainly at low levels it makes sence but once you get to the end game to me it just looks silly (you have the best armor in the game sitting on a naked horse is just odd) to me even just the asthetic aspect is odd and even if it ends up only being a cometic skin (as horses dont take damage) thats ok by me, but it would also be nice if it did something to help make your horse better.
    Light Armor: adds 5 Speed - 5Jump - to me it always feels odd how armor can make a horse faster, shoes yes but how can adding weight make it faster or jump heiger?
    Water Armor: your horse walks faster near Water - again nice suggestion but this will involve a lot of server processing to constantly scan for blocks around your horse so no
    Lava Armor: Your horse walks faster near Lava - again nice suggestion but this will involve a lot of server processing to constantly scan for blocks around your horse so no
    Xp Armor: Levels your horse faster - yes although quite useless in the long run as horses are pretty easy to level and it kinda just happens as you play the game
    my suggestions would be:
    armor allows you horse to come out even with lots of mobs
    armor that allows you to attack on horseback
    armor that allows your horse to act as pet and help you fight (ofc dont count towards the pet count)

    as said above i feel that horses should have a big rethink and really should be more like a pet over something you litrally only can use when your sitting on it (if they didnt constanly despawn as much you could even use them as a little bit of inventory expansion with some upgrade (even if it has some restriction like only being able to hold a few weapons and potions or something)
    luckeyLuuk and Apple___________ like this.
  5. GGaxy

    GGaxy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Great suggestion. I feel like there is lots that can be done with horses. There is probably no need to go into too much detail on what has to be done. I like your ideas, but I feel that they would have to be tweeted so the armors have use and are not just a set of items of which you find lots and you use only some.

    The point is horses sure deserve some kind of update :D
    luckeyLuuk and Apple___________ like this.
  6. Danny2222

    Danny2222 Skilled Adventurer

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    idk the issue with at least the current implemetation of horses are that any buff would be too easy to change as horse right now are only for travel so realistically the only stats that matter are speed and maybe jump boost, xp will only matter for a bit, where rhis would really shine is if wynn allowed them to be used in combat as maybe a new class or only as part of certain classes (archer and other more ranged classes would really benefit) as this is where changing stats isnt really possible due to time, it also may be worth adding some kind of health system or maybe just redirect damage to the rider (maybe) as it would be quite op since the horse hitbox in mc currently obstructs the lower half of the players hitbox
    kinda feel like it would be best for horse armor to more just be a quite generic upgrade where its more a small selection of buffs but they do make sence to use individually eg. XP armor, speed armor or combat armor (where the horse can be ridden in combat)
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