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Game Mechanics Remove Soul Points (v2)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Saya, Oct 16, 2021.


Remove Soul Points?

  1. Yes

  2. Yes but there needs to be a penalty for death

  3. I don't care either way

  4. No

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  1. Crystqllized

    Crystqllized Skilled Adventurer

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    this thread has gone over a week without a bump what
    Nukewarmachine, Saya and luckeyLuuk like this.
  2. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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  3. Crystqllized

    Crystqllized Skilled Adventurer

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    how did aledar only lose one soul point when he died

    anyway, bump
    HyperSoop and cmosier like this.
  4. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    bump bump !
  5. _Unbeatable_

    _Unbeatable_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION Builder

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    What does “escaping from a dangerous situation” have to do with this though? If your main objective is to move from one town to another, you are not gonna be in combat, and this penalty will therefore not be a problem.

    How is this not relevant? Your chances of dropping items increases as you get lower on soul points, and having a high chance of losing items, is one of the main challenges with Hunted mode.

    Yes, but that emerald cost is extremely low in many areas. IIRC a detlas scroll is 8 emeralds, and this is nothing for an endgame player. And just increasing the emerald cost would be a really bad idea, for obvious reasons.
  6. Sycorax

    Sycorax ba ba boy VIP+

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    What if there were not soul points, but a different kind of soul points, for ex. if you kill an enemy it has a chance of dropping a soul point. if this were to be a feature you could grind for soul points back and th devs wouldn't ave to code much in the game
  7. Crystqllized

    Crystqllized Skilled Adventurer

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    Saya is talking about using /kill to get away from something that might kill you.

    It's not relevant because it can simply be made so that Hunted mode keeps the risk of losing items that it currently has, without soul points being a thing. In Hunted mode, soul points do not affect your drop rates; it's always as if you had 1 sp, so it's not like variable drop rates based on current soul points would be removed, as they don't currently exist.

    I don't think teleport scrolls being spammable is really a problem at all.

    Assuming you mean that soul points don't ever regenerate naturally, that'd be pretty problematic, because people who are on low sp would be forced to go into combat (and therefore risk dying and losing items) in order to get their sp back.
    Saya, Dr Zed and That_Chudley like this.
  8. Sycorax

    Sycorax ba ba boy VIP+

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    yes but you could go to low lvl enemies which would be easy to kill and soul points could regenerate
  9. Crystqllized

    Crystqllized Skilled Adventurer

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    So you want to add mindless grinding every time you die? That just bores the player for no good reason.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  10. Sycorax

    Sycorax ba ba boy VIP+

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    not to add tons of grinding but a way to gain soul points faster than waiting thirty minutes
  11. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    remove soul points because: they are bad

    i will not listen to any criticism
  12. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Fair point, completely reasonable
    Crystqllized likes this.
  13. Crystqllized

    Crystqllized Skilled Adventurer

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    There already is a way to get soul points much faster, which is using UWynn to switch worlds to the ones that are about to get sp

    Also, you wouldn't need to wait 20 minutes for a soul point if soul points didn't exist :)
    Dr Zed likes this.
  14. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I think CoW is one of the best examples of the problems with skill points currently. CoW seems to have been designed to be a sort of skill-check boss. For people who know how and when to use their different spells, how to evade enemies well and kite their AI around, most of whom will be people who are on their second or third playthrough, the boss becomes pretty easy, but also very fun.
    On the other hand, for people who are still stuck with the strategy of 'stand in front of the boss and cast your 3rd spell repeatedly', or some variation of it (which is what I was doing when I first fought him), CoW will just hitstun them and spam multihit, killing them pretty quickly. This can easily lead to complaints of the boss being impossible, when it definitely isn't. If people struggling with it were able to try it as many times as they wanted, they'd probably start using different strategies and seeing how they worked, once they realized that what they'd been doing hadn't been working. Instead, thanks to soul points, players have a sense that there's a limited number of times they can mess up, since they'll be stuck afking if they die enough times. They won't really get a chance to try experimenting with different approaches to the boss, they'll just stick to what they're familiar with, run out of soul points, come to the conclusion that the game is just being unfair, and go do something else, not coming back to CoW until later on when they're over-leveled for him and can tank and then kill him easily. This was my experience with the boss, and my friend has had a similar experience.
    To be honest, they'd be right to come to the conclusion that the game was unfair, and badly designed. The game is being unfair when this happens, not because CoW is a bad boss but because soul points are a bad death system, one that makes having a very challenging "mainstream" boss that is still reasonably beatable, especially at lower levels, a frankly impossible task for the CT.
    Call it a 'skill issue', it is a skill issue, but you can't expect people to develop their skills when every time they try, every time they have a chance to, they end up being forced to sit in detlas for an hour lest they lose all their items.
  15. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Same thing happened to me, it's way harder to beat a boss when you can only have 3 or 4 attempts at a time
    Sharpie0316 likes this.
  16. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Said it before, but CoW is a great boss fight for that reason of it nails in to the player that some bosses need strategy, but not in a unfair way. Newer players struggle but also learn and find the fight fun after, older players hate the quest but can easily kill CoW in 1 attempt normally. Maybe 2 if having an off day, or using a class they don't really use.
    Yeah, new players get 4 attempts before that soul system catches up with them (if at level 68.) MAYBE 5 depending on how lucky they are with the regen. 5 attempts in that mildly chaotic fight isn't giving much room to learn.
    Honestly, there are some players who will do that fight in 1 attempt, others it'll take more, not their fault. CoW can be an easy fight if you know what you're doing, or a hard fight if you're not used to that type of fight. Punishing the players for struggling at a new fight by saying oh you died 4 times? AFK or leave for a few hours (also the fact using mods to switch worlds consistently is at this point recommended by the majority of people now shows there's a problem)
  17. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Here’s a free bump
    Saya likes this.
  18. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    i shall put this 'thread', a digital term that refers to a chain of posts starting with a major post of discussion, to the top of this section of the wynncraft forums, a place from the #1 minecraft mmorpg where you may dicuss mechanics in the game called wynncraft in the game called minecraft
    i shall also put ten characters, meaning letters or numbers, to make this post fit the requirements of the wynncraft forums
  19. RJJguyTheCarrot

    RJJguyTheCarrot Carrut

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    so true oomfie
    Saya likes this.
  20. Jstt

    Jstt Well-Known Adventurer

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    I believe that death should be punished. Dungeons and Raids have build-in elements that if you die, you lose your progress and/or entreé-costs and I do believe it shouldn't be more. That said, doing general things in the game and it results in your death, there should be a greater cost than just time. I believe that in an MMORPG death shouldn't be excusable. It's the VERY thing you should avoid. If Death somewhat isn't scary, the challenge will dull. I'm not saying that Wynn should suddenly become like Dark Souls but without having enough punishments for death, there is no real reason to care about health in general. Sure, you can make the argument of late-game but lets first get most players to that point before we start to discuss it.

    Lives (or in this case Souls) are an out-dated system. I also never liked the fact you can lose your main weapon. I've stopped playing myself because of it and I wouldn't consider myself incompetent. As you said, Wynncraft wants to gather players interest and keep that interest rather than stopping a players momentum, exactly what Souls do currently.

    So how can we fix this?

    I don't know myself but here are a couple of ideas:
    -Curse: When you die, curse will be applied. Curse is a negative de-buff for a short period of time (2-5h). Curse has 3 levels. Each time you die before the current curse has lifted, will result in a stronger curse.

    The effect of curse I don't really know but I do have a few ideas: Significantly reduce item droprates; Can't use horses, teleports or the boat; Need more mana to cast spells; Other players will know you're cursed; Items are more expensive during this time; Basically anything that inconveniences the player without halting progression.

    Players that wanna die, they can't without shooting themselves into their feet for their next live. Curse won't be activated for a single use of /kill (in case players get stuck and need it) but when spammed or used too regularly by abusing players. Cursed they will be. Curse doesn't stop the players progression for quests or farming XP but will halt the amount of riches you may or may not encounter. Curse can also be used to enhance gameplay or storytelling. Imagine having to have max curse in order to be able to enter a dungeon?
    -Halving the amount of emeralds
    Okay, you already gave this suggestion but wanted to add my opinion to it. The idea is great but it's not enough. The impact barely matters since Banks are too easy to access and to store Emeralds in. Unless the roads from town to town are becoming more dangerous or something. It's just not enough. Would definitely be a somewhat good penalty otherwise.
    -Ghost of the past
    At the place of death, your dead corpse has gotten back to life and wants.... REVENGE.

    This is an idea that doesn't want to do anything to the player, directly. When you die, there is a good chance you will return to the same place, or not. It might just come sprinting after you. On top of the penalty of having to travel all the way back, now you will also have to fight the you that succumbed to death. The copy will be a copy: He/she wears your armor, uses your weapon and on top of that are incredibly sexy. They are you, after all. The copy is also weaker than you are. They died after all and you're well alive!

    Only you, can fight you!

    This system works quite simply because no progression has been halted. Literally none! Yet, there is this simple to understand drawback that there will be another thorn on your path. There could be a quest that will allow the player to die so the game teaches you that it is a thing (and not a jumpscare the first time around), yet in the Silent Expanse there could be another quest (lvl100+) that will allow you to live in harmony with yourself and the next time you die, you will allow you to kill yourself or be the reward from finding all discoveries in the Silent Expanse. Hollow Knight is the inspiration.

    My last idea will be about something else. Losing your items is infuriating. So what if there is an item or enchant that lets you spellbind certain items? They could be quest rewards. Ultimately the player shouldn't be able to get more than 2 to 4 at the same time.

    Anyway, those were my 2 cents.
    Nukewarmachine and luckeyLuuk like this.
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