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Guide A Comprehensive Guide to TCC

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by tunneldigger2012, Mar 14, 2022.

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  1. tunneldigger2012

    tunneldigger2012 Top Raida VIP+

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    The Canyon Colossus (TCC) is a level 100 raid located South-East of the Canyon of the Lost. It is also accessible from the Sky Islands side, via passage through the town of Kandon-Beda. To start, players of level 95+ are required to form a party of 4 either through normal means, or through the Party Finder queue. Players must then pay the entrance fee of 4 Tol runes, this begins the raid.

    Room 1:
    Resources room
    Of the first possible rooms is the resource room (also called minigames room). Players start in a central room, with 5 passages leading to various challenge rooms. Only 3 of the 5 pathways are available at any given time. After some time, all paths close briefly and a new set of 3 becomes available.

    The minigame rooms consist of 2 miniboss rooms, a parkour room, a boulders room, and a puzzle room (colors). Iron bars are rewarded for completing the challenges and must be inserted into the middle platform.

    The room is completed once 10 iron bars are deposited into the middle, at which point players must all gather on the central platform.

    • Assign a player to stay in the central area, as to prevent the room from unloading. Should this room be unloaded, all 5 passageways will be blocked until all players reconvene.
    • Despite the 2-player cap, players should avoid entering colors room if the current occupant is known to be near completion, entering will reduce their iron bar reward from 2 to 1.
    • Players standing on the middle platform while the final iron bar is inserted must re-enter, as the game will not register their presence on the platform.
    Lava Room
    In lava room, players start on a raised bank next to a lava lake, with 5 lava spouts spread across. A water pool is located on the west side, which may be right-clicked to obtain a water bucket. Every so often, a single lava spout "overflows" (indicated by sound and particles). Players will have 5 seconds to extinguish it, consuming the water bucket and advancing the challenge.

    After 5 successful douses, a platform will rise. The assigned player has 10 seconds to get on the platform and must remain on it. after 5 more douses, a second platform arises. The platform holder must cross to the second platform. After the final 5 douses, the challenge is completed, and all players may cross the lake to reach the exit.

    If the platform holder leaves the platform, or a total of 4 douses are failed. The platform crumbles and the room is effectively restarted.

    • For efficient clearing, players should spread out to cover all the lava spouts, generally positioned either in front of, or between 2 spouts.
    • The platform holder will be barraged by Prehistoric Soarers, do not opt to hold platforms if you believe that you will die trying.

    Room 2:
    3 Platforms
    In 3 platforms room, players start in the central location, with 5 blocked-off passageways (indicated by carpets). Periodically, 3 passageways will open, and players have 5 seconds to split up such that every passage contains at least 1 player.

    Once locked in, platforms in each passage must be stood on while dealing with surrounding mobs. A 60s timer will tick down while all 3 players are standing on their platforms. Players have up to 25 seconds in their passages before everyone is required to reconvene in the middle.

    The challenge is completed after the 60s timer is depleted, after which the exit is opened.

    • This room can be rather difficult for the average player. Ensure that any players incapable of going alone decide to pair up, taking on a platform together to avoid an unwanted death.
    • Crowd control spells (such as Aura, Spin Attack, Bomb Arrow, and Ice Snake) can be utilized to ward off unwanted mobs from knocking you off the platform.
    Maze Room
    Maze room (also called wings).

    Players spawn in the center of a large labyrinth, with 4 color-coded, separate pathways. One player is allowed to grab the pair of wings located in the middle. This player (commonly referred to as wings) is immediately put into spectator/ghost mode and is teleported above the maze.

    In order to complete this challenge, the randomly generated exit (indicated by a circle of particles) must be found. The wings user resides above many environmental collisions and may fly across the map to locate the exit. Players on land must instead traverse the maze on foot and are impeded by multiple blockades, which are opened by fighting minibosses.

    Once the exit is found, directions and/or callouts should be made to guide the remaining players to the exit.

    • If you intend to take wings, ensure that your particles are enabled. Otherwise, the exit will not render.
    • Due to the swiftness of wings searching, and potential softlocks that can occur in this room, teams often will often seek refuge from mobs at safe spots (indicated on the map) while waiting until wings finds the exit.
    • Players unable to memorize the possible exits can instead follow the second miniboss rule. That is, exits do not generate at spots prior to the second miniboss of a given color.
    • Dead players are required to be at the exit. Dead players are spectators and may fly to the exit, but they lack the ability to fly over the golems and obstacles that wings can.

    Room 3:
    2 Platforms
    2 platforms (also called upper-lower) is a room in which players must split up into 2 groups to hold both upper and lower platforms. The upper platform is immediately accessible, done by scaling the cliffside. Meanwhile, the lower platform resides in a room locked behind lower door, a door that stays open only while the upper platform is held down.

    Both platforms possess independent 60s timers, which must both be depleted to complete the challenge. In addition to mobs, the platform will periodically engage spikes, which will deal damage and launch players off the platform; Lava particles appear as a visual cue before this occurs.

    The challenge is completed once both platforms are depleted.

    • Should lower finish early, they can assist upper via the upper door. However, if upper finishes early, a single player must hold upper to allow anyone else to go assist lower.
    • Platform holders should stand on the seam of the platform while spikes activate. This allows one to avoid the launch while still decrementing the timer.
    • Despite knockback immunity, Fissuring Sediments may still be frozen in place with the use of Ice Snake, Uproot or Spin Attack.
    • Assassins may opt to sit in vanish for as long as possible to safely hold platforms. Though the strategy is rendered ineffective when not alone.
    Golems Room

    Golems room is a tower defense-esque challenge in which gameplay is centered on protecting 3 large, immobile golems.

    Upon starting the room, a 120s countdown timer is initiated, and a wave of mobs will spawn every 10s. In addition to various player-targeting mobs, waves will always contain 3 zombies; low-hp mobs that target the golems (1 zombie per golem). Zombies must be killed swiftly before reaching their targets, failure to do so will result in damage dealt to the golem. Golems have 6hp each, zombies deal 1hp.

    To complete the challenge, all golems must be protected from death for the duration of the 120s countdown. Failure will result in a challenge reset with increased difficulty (3x mob spawns).

    • The fronts of golems serve as a high ground and may be stood on, offering safety but not immunity from the mobs below.
    • A maximum of 12 waves may spawn in the allotted time. Since golems possess 6hp, it is only required to defend golems from a minimum of 7 of the 12 waves to eventually succeed.
    • Zombies are not required to touch the golems, but simply deal their damage after a set time. This should be kept in mind should the zombie be afflicted with CC but not killed.

    Raid buffs
    TCC contains 5 unique raid buffs, each containing 3 tiers of buffs. 3 buff rooms are present throughout the raid, presenting themselves after completion of a challenge.

    In each of the buff rooms, players are given a random selection of 3 buffs to choose from, drawn from the pool of 5. Tier I buffs are available after room 1, Tier II buffs after room 2, and Tier III buffs after room 3.

    Boss Fight:
    Boss Fight

    The Boss fight takes place at neck-height of the colossus, suspended above the raid's start location. Several platforms are laid out across the arena, falling off results in 25% of one's current HP being removed, and the player being sent to the phase's respective respawn location.
    The Colossus, and all of its segments, are stationary.

    Phase 1:
    2 Colossal Dukes (2,000,000 HP), which utilize Arrow Storm and Explosion spells must be killed. Dukes periodically shoot out fireballs, which rain from the sky, dealing 50% of the player's current hp on hit. At half-hp, Dukes begin to summon various flying mobs.

    Phase 2:
    The phase begins with the Mammoth Mouth (4,000,000 HP) and 2 Colossal Eyes (3,000,000 HP).
    Colossal Eyes have the Arrow Storm spell, while the Mammoth Mouth has a Flamethrower spell.

    Occasionally, a random platform in the arena is marked red. After some time, all players standing on the red platform will be dealt 50% of their current HP and launched into the air. The two platforms in-front of the eyes are never targeted.
    Additionally, players in the arena are periodically dealt high melee damage by the mouth while it is under attack.
    Both of these mechanics end after the Mouth is killed.

    A Colossal Core (500,000 HP) spawns when a Colossal Eye reaches half-hp.
    Cores reside in the back of the arena and must be killed alongside the segments to advance the fight. If left alone for too long, a core will "erupt" and begin emitting earthquakes that continuously displace the players. Once killed, the closest player to the core is chosen. Chosen players are to complete the required puzzle at the end of the fight.
    Each core chooses a player, resulting in 2 of 4 players being chosen. Chosen players should take extra care not to die; the raid is lost should both chosen die.

    Phase 3:
    P3 consists of 4 segments: the Gnarled Mouth, 2 Ruptured Ears, and the Quartzrite Cerebellum (1,000,000 HP each). The mouth bears a Flamethrower and a Quake spell, the ears have Explosion, and the Cerebellum will periodically summon minions.
    In addition to these spells, all segments possess a boss-specific retaliation mechanic. That is, for every hit you deal to the boss, it sends back a retaliatory projectile.
    Damage taken during this phase is almost entirely dealt by retaliatory projectiles. Rapid fire spells (such as Arrow Storm, War scream, and Multihit) should be avoided or safely used to prevent a swift death to yourself or any players standing in the crossfire.

    After killing the boss, chosen players must enter the colossus' body to complete the final puzzle. This is simple, a random pattern of X's is generated on a large 3x3 tile grid on the floor. Players must go to the front panel and must push buttons to match the pattern on the floor. After this, the raid is complete!

    • Melee builds should utilize Exploding and the Explosive Impact Major ID to amplify your DPS during p1's minion spawns and allow one to hit multiple segments in p2 simultaneously. (Methods and results dependent on class)
    • By jumping off after completing a phase, players will be teleported to the next phase's respawn location. This enables players to skip over time wasted by phase transitions, saving time in a kill. Note that p3 does engage an auto-tp to its Phase Start location after some time.
    • All platforms are outlined in barriers, 1 block thick. Some mechanics, such as red platform and mouth damage can be avoided using the front or back end of barrier outlines.

    World Downloader Mod (https://github.com/Pokechu22/WorldDownloader)
    Chunky (https://github.com/chunky-dev/chunky/)
    All images contain content belonging to Wynncraft©
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
  2. Fuguh

    Fuguh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    thank you tunnel diggre
  3. Pdunk

    Pdunk I'm back baby CHAMPION

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  4. Werveh

    Werveh numba 1 shaman CHAMPION

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    top raider
    tunneldigger2012 likes this.
  5. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    This is very very good! Good job!
  6. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    gj man
    also i have you friend added ingame lol
  7. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    the shaman raida
    tunneldigger2012 likes this.
  8. Syndicate_

    Syndicate_ ... CHAMPION

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    great content :tf:
  9. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    Wow, it’s so nice to see a very detail guide about tcc. I strongly believe that no one will throw tcc anymore after seeing this guide :D
    Nukewarmachine likes this.
  10. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    This is amazing, I love the visuals and its so nicely made. This is great!
  11. IamFye

    IamFye Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    Daktota you should be mad. This is a guide on how to murder your own kind. !
    cmosier likes this.
  12. W202

    W202 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    you sure you can use world downloader mod?
  13. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    He'll regenerate. I can rebuild him if he doesn't.
  14. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    Nice visuals but feels more like a general overview of what each challenge room and boss phase does rather than a comprehensive guide on how to play around their mechanics

    Also should note that phase one fireballs do true damage and deal half of your HP, and that both the Colossal Dukes and Mammoth Mouth have a sort of “pseudo arrow storm” in which they periodically fire straight projectiles at whichever player currently has aggro, and doesn’t seem to be telegraphed normally as it happens naturally
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
    MlecznyHuxel99 and SoulyHere like this.
  15. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    Super high quality guide. Took me by surprise how much effort you put into this. Well done!
  16. tunneldigger2012

    tunneldigger2012 Top Raida VIP+

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    Admittedly, yes. A true comprehensive guide would cover not only mechanics, but specific approaches to dealing with mechanics. Early on in drafts, I had in mind the addition of an advanced tips section centered on boss strategies for some meta and other common builds, which would include things like routing and positioning. I ended up dropping this later on, as such additions were bloating the guide.
    There just exist many builds and playstyles in Wynn, some of which I am not qualified to cover in a guide. How a player chooses to deal with mechanics may just be best left for them to figure out, from experience and learning from party members.

    Thanks for confirming that fireballs take half of current hp. I wasn't entirely sure about that.
    It is true that the boss-specific projectile spell performed by the dukes and mouth is not arrow storm. But due to the lack of a better name, referring to it as arrow storm sort of "just works" for now.

    Many thanks for the reply.
  17. tunneldigger2012

    tunneldigger2012 Top Raida VIP+

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    Great question!

    According to Rule 14 of the Game Rules (https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/game-forum-rules.111874/), it is forbidden to leak information about unreleased content or blocked off areas. I will neither confirm nor deny the existence of out-of-bounds content in the raid. But all of the outside stuff was hidden for rendering and is omitted from visuals.

    That said, Rule 17 forbids the use of Cave Maps, which are commonplace among the visuals. Maybe by someone's definition, indoor TCC rooms are caves? Though this rule specifically targets in-game minimaps and likely does not apply to this.

    To be honest, this could be considered a special case, and I think that staff should take a stance. I merely made a judgment call to create and upload this content.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
  18. TravusThaSlime

    TravusThaSlime TravisNH Media CHAMPION

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    This guide is superb, the effort you put into these visuals is amazing!
  19. asjisjdaijjqio21

    asjisjdaijjqio21 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey tunneldigger, this is a great guide.
    How did you make those maps? They look like the maps they use on the runescape wiki:
  20. tunneldigger2012

    tunneldigger2012 Top Raida VIP+

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    Good Eye!
    Yes, the legend design is basically a carbon copy of Runescape Wiki's. The actual maps are renders done with the help of software listed in the credits.
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