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Armor Idea

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by a92b, Jan 26, 2022.

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  1. a92b

    a92b Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The original idea came as an offhand, "what if negative Jump Height?" Very quickly my thoughts turned to how to fit it into a piece of equipment, but make it interesting. Eventually, I got to recording it, and have spent some time making up "Weight of the World"

    Chestplate: "Weight of the World"
    4100 Health
    Req. Strength: 90
    +20 Strength
    -40 Agility
    -30 Dexterity
    +10% to +30% Thorns
    +10% to +30% Reflection
    +5% to +10% XP Bonus
    -50% to -15% Walk Speed
    -8 Jump Height
    -500 to -150 Health Regen (raw)
    -10% Health Regen
    Major ID: "???"
    On hit, nearby allies regen health equal to damage you took

    [Flavor text:] A heavy burden rests upon your shoulders.

    Important things to note:
    -- I spent some time coming up with names for the Major ID, and came up with "Perseverance" and "Steadfast" Currently, I can't determine which fits better.
    -- I am not familiar with every item in-game, nor am I familiar with how items are balanced in-game; the numbers I've provided are what I came up with based on the gear I've seen and how well I feel it would fit into Wynncraft. In other words, very subjective and flexible; I'm all for suggestions of better ID ranges, bonuses, requirements, etc..
    -- I considered negative Sprint/regen, but felt that was 1) rather excessive, and 2) very unappealing (not sure on the general opinion(s) on sprint IDs, but I personally would not enjoy sprint penalties)
    -- I also considered -Attack Speed Tier, but wasn't confident it would be appropriate (gameplay-wise, I feel it's in-line thematically)
    -- The Major ID is just the basic, original concept; I avoided changing it up or taking balancing into consideration, as this one is definitely beyond my scope (though I'd imagine as is, it'd be a bit much)
    -- One more thing I almost forgot, I'm kind of assuming this to be around level 100, so hopefully that's reflected in what I've given so far
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2022
    BASS! and Bixlo like this.
  2. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    interesting idea tbh, would make tanking somewhat useful

    currently negative jump height doesn't actually do anything besides counteract any positive jump height you have, so that would have to change. also worth pointing out that a rollable item can't have a static id of -8
  3. a92b

    a92b Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    That's disappointing with the jump height. About the static ID, though, IIRC items can have static and rollable IDs; for example, Willpower is a necklace with static Mana Regen and rollable Health Regen. Hell, even Infernal Impulse has rollable IDs and a fixed Jump Height ID
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  4. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    Actually, the mana regen and infernal impulse, and all other items with both rollable IDs and IDs that are always the same. those IDs aren't static, it's just that with the way IDs are calculated (a base multiplied by any number between and including 0.3/1.3 for positive IDs and -0.7/-1.3 for negative IDs with some rules about rounding) always round to the same number for those items, no matter the random number.

    A base -8 Jump height would give a range of -6/-10.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  5. a92b

    a92b Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I see, that's interesting. -6 to -10 seems like a decent range
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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