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Dungeons Re - Buff Eldritch Outlook

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SaintEnderForum, Dec 17, 2021.

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  1. SaintEnderForum

    SaintEnderForum Happy Wynn Boi

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    Eldritch Outlook Is Arguably The Hardest Dungeon In The Game. It's Supposed To Be REALLY Hard. But A Lot Of People Seem To Have Expected The Opposite. A Lot Of Features From The Dungeon Have Been Nerfed Or Outright Removed From The Dungeon. Not Because They're Bad, But Because People Think It's Too Hard. I Know A Lot Of People Complain About The Bridge Room. Thinking It's Too Brutal When You Fall Down. The Truth Is It's Supposed To Be A Punishment's Room. You're Supposed To Take The Room Slow, Killing The Mobs After Stepping On Every Crack. The Maelstrom Is Trying To Tell You When You Play It Dangerous. The Bridge Room Is What EO Was Like Before It Was Ultra Nerfed.

    The Parkour Room Is Seen To Be Hard For A Lot Of People Early On. Even Though A Lot Of People Have Figured Out A Good Way To Do It, It Still Was REALLY Hard For Some People. Which It Is NOT btw. It Ruined The Difficulty Of The Final Challenge Before The Boss. Also, Players Don't Know When They Are Getting Close To Completion If All The Portals In The Room Are The Same. Meaning They Try Less IF They Don't Know Their Progress. The Sight Of That Last Portal Shows Them How Far They've Made It, Motivating Them For The Boss.

    The Outlook Should Be MUCH More Of A Challenge, Being The Test To Show Your Skills Before You Unlock The Final Quest In The Game And Get A Chance To See Dern. Along With The Loot From Panic Zealot. If Someone Says It's Too Hard, Then Say That's How It Should Be. Re Buffing The Outlook Entirely Would Most Likely Prepare Players To Do Better In Other Challenges In Future Updates.

    (Though The NoL Parkour Is Kinda Hard Ngl)
  2. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    The only aspect of EO that has been nerfed over time was the removal of the fourth parkour section (which it really shouldn't have been, it may be annoying at first but you get used to it quick) and I guess the addition of CCI to the minibosses and boss might count. To my knowledge the bridge section hasn't been altered at all.

    In terms of sheer difficulty I feel EO is quite good from a dungeon perspective once you actually learn the individual segments. The beginning mirror room, while I despise its design, isn't too bad in terms of difficulty as the Inverstares hit incredibly hard, but have low HP and no CCI to compensate. The bridge section can either be speedran or you can learn about how mobs progressively spawn as you go further and take tons of knockback. I think my main problem with the dungeon in terms of difficulty is the miniboss segment, of which many aren't particularly major threats, and have spell combos designed to run and waste time, with the main exception being the final miniboss.

    I actually really like your point about the parkour not being well placed in the dungeon, as it changes the pace quite drastically from the previous segment, and we already have the brief area at the top out of the outlook to take a breather before the boss.

    The Eye is an interesting case to me because it really hits the major points of the better aspects of Wynn's combat system, forcing the player to take telegraphs and spell combos into account, whilst also forcing you to balance on dealing with the minor threats in the gazers, arena spells and later in the fight, the deathknell wretch. Could it be made more difficult? Probably, but seeing so many people call it trivial (of which, it does become significantly easier once you've memorized all its attack patterns and how to position yourself, but isn't that the point? to become easier with gradual memorization and improvement?) doesn't make sense to me. I think the main argument to be made here is why the aspects of the eye's fight that basically force the player to learn and adapt aren't applied to an earlier game boss with a similar style, with boss altars being a somewhat fair exception, although they are primarily considered "optional" content.

    And Please, For The Love Of God Stop Capitalizing Every Word In Your Posts.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2021
  3. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    iirc you can’t use horses there now
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  4. SaintEnderForum

    SaintEnderForum Happy Wynn Boi

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    I do agree that it is important to give players a choice on how they want to play the game, but the problem is that more people tend to complain about it, and the horse patch might just increase the chance of a bigger nerf happening. Even if you do take it slow, it still is one of the most challenging parts of the dungeon. I get how they were trying to give the player an idea on what challenges await later in the dungeon, but it brings a lack of order. The first room is very easy for most players, but the second room is very hard. It's easy to see this as a problem on it's own, but the issue is that it get's arguably more grindy and less challenging after that.
  5. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    I'd say instead of making the dungeon itself harder, how about adding a hard mode version of the same dungeon that can be unlocked after completing the base dungeon? (and no not a corrupted version for lore and gameplay reasons). That way the difficulty can be even more unrestricted since it’ll be outside of “story” content and it allows for the devs to be more creative and spin the design of the dungeon to fit a harder difficulty.
  6. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Didn't in one of the CT updates they said that they are already planning to add dungeon modifiers to make it harder?
  7. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    yes put currently only for GG. They did say it might change in the future
  8. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The thing with EO is that the point of it is the boss and not the challenges leading up to it. The challenges are supposed to be quick and easy so you can get to the boss faster. It's already enough of a pain getting to the boss as it is, so buffing these challenges would be a poor move
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  9. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Why Do You Like To Talk Like This.
    Has been using a horse/vanish to run through bridge room since day 1. wdym
    No idea what you are talking about for the red part.
    The problem is not invisible parkour being "hard", but its quite time-consuming since you don't expect everyone is good at parkour in a big server like this.
    And there isn't a time limit, meaning that the 4th room (which is removed IIRC) is here just to stall your time.

    Another thing is that the real hard part of EO is the boss. I feel that they want you to do the rest of the dungeon as fast as possible (since there are little non-boss combat) and enjoy the boss fight. Horse patch is acceptable because horsing through the bridge room is too broken, but my point still holds.
  10. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    you have to beat 5 reversion catalysts but you don't know in advance that it's a 3x3 grid and that there's 5 fights
  11. SaintEnderForum

    SaintEnderForum Happy Wynn Boi

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    The portals that lead you through the parkour room are all identical. This is what i think adds on to why people tend to complain about it.

    shaman warrior mage archer? Yes they all can easily fly by, no they can't resist pull spells and push spells. no they can't direst their movement as easily.
    I agree. The only thing to say about the boss is that the addition of the capillary mobs would give a better sense of change between the phases. The outlook is meant to traverse the player through different shards of reality in a way. Each shard requiring a unique skill to beat. Parkour, strategy, and many forms of combat. The boss contains many phases so it can give the player several above average challenges ato add up to the big challenge all together,
    well, i was talking about the parkour. the reversion catalyst grid is a very good example of what the parkour should be like. the portals in-between each phase of the parkour getting more corrupted/dernic is a really good way to show the player their progress in a easy to understand, yet creative way.
    I understand your idea there, but with the upcoming addition of story mode and speedrun mode for dungeons combats that. Like i said, Eo is a final challenge/test to overcome before reaching the true endgame. The reason i made this is because the dungeon is, or has been made to easy to fit the original purpose of the dungeon. The buff would be a great addon to story mode EO, but they still need to be included in speedrun mode.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022
  12. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    it's so obvious that there's 3 sectors though?
  13. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    Why Are You Writing Like This?
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