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World More Diverse Telegraphing (111+ supporters)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by P1xell8ted, Nov 25, 2021.


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  1. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    In bossfight-oriented games like dark souls, or monster hunter, telegraphing is a significant part of learning to beat a boss, or “getting gud”. Essentially, telegraphing refers to a non-lethal action(one that does no damage) performed before a lethal action(one that does do damage). This can appear in many forms, such as a boss raising a hammer (non-lethal) before smashing it down (lethal), or when a red circle appears in an arena before an explosion occurs at that location. Telegraphing is a mechanic that forces players to be able to read them and react in time such that they can be able to dodge attacks consistently.

    Wynncraft itself is no stranger to this mechanic. Before any mob or boss uses a spell or ability, it will emit a white ring of particles to signal the upcoming attack. (Of course, there are some exceptions, such as the purple circles that appear in The Eye arena.) However, this telegraph does not tell the player WHAT spell is coming, just that there is one. Essentially, this white ring can mean arrow storm, multi hit, charge, explode, wave, vanish, teleport, heal, push, pull, flamethrower, etc. all of which are very different. This can make the boss very frustrating and seem more RNG based, as he can toss out a combo that you are ill- prepared for (e.g.You can’t tell if it is Robobob’s ultimate combo occurring, or just a simple charge.).

    Hence, my suggestion is as such:

    Add a different effect that occurs before a boss casts a spell, for each possible spell he can cast.

    This can be implemented in two ways:

    Particle-based telegraphing

    This is similar to the system we have now, except that there are more particles. Essentially, a different type of particle appears before an arrow storm than that which materialised before a flamethrower. They can also be used to illustrate direction, as in, particles can be used to trace the path a boss will charge through, or teleport.

    Behaviour-based telegraphing

    Basically, if a boss stays still, or spins, or runs really fast in one direction, something happens. This would be a lot harder to read and react to compared to particle-based telegraphs.

    Besides these two, more creative ways to telegraph can be explored, such as through armour stand models, status effects, or even chat messages.

    Telegraphs can also be unique to each boss, or to each spell. It’s up to the Wynncraft devs.

    Below, I will be listing examples for reworking telegraphs in most of the major bossfights in the game. I will be listing telegraph speeds, as well as how they will look. I will be explaining what mechanic each one uses (Beacons, Movement, Particles, etc.) These are by no means set in stone, and I will be merely be using them as a way to sort of see what my idea is all about, and what kind of telegraphs I am envisioning. Telegraph speeds, for instance, can, and should be tweaked a lot, for the sake of boss balancing.



    Info: This boss only really has one spell, but I want to be able to introduce players to the idea of unique telegraphs.
    Before Arrow Storm, 4 wither skulls rise from beneath Witherhead's feet, emitting smoke particles upwards. 2 seconds later, they disappear, and Witherhead unleashes the spell.


    Info: Also only one dangerous spell, as Pull is mainly used for disorienting the player. I wanted to make this telegraph really obvious for the player, as there are likely going to be a large umber of spiders obscuring their vision.
    A chat message will announce an imminent Web spell, and a cloud of white sparkle particles with appear over the spot the webs are going to spawn at. 0.5 seconds later, Web spell occurs.


    Info: Obviously, this boss needs a fire theme, so the telegraphs will reflect that.
    0.5 seconds before Charge, grass block particles will mark the path the boss is about to travel.
    1 second before Flamethrower, the boss will stand still, and orange potion particles will encircle him.


    Info: Powerful melee mob, sand/magic themed telegraphs.
    0.5 seconds before charge, white sparkle particles will display the path the boss is about to take.
    1 second before Vanish, the boss will stand still, and emit orange potion particles upwards.
    1 second before Multihit, dragon breath particles will encircle the boss.


    Info: This fight isn't just based on the boss, but on the powerful minions too. Dedicated telegraphs need to be added for them. Ice themed telegraphs.
    1 second before Self-Destruct, Biting Gusts will move quickly towards the player, emitting white sparkle particles in their wake.
    0.3 seconds before Teleport, blue ice particles will be emitted in the path Theorick is about to take.
    1 second before Teleport, the Ephemeral Scepters will emit blue water particles upwards.
    1 second before Vanish, the Ephemeral Scepters will stay still, and emit white cloud particles in a circle around them.


    Info: Slime/magic based telegraphs. Two real phases. First being the slimy bois, and second being the boss himself.
    0.5 seconds before Charge(1st phase), white sparkle particles mark its charge path.
    0.7 seconds before Heavy Teleport(2nd phase), smoke particles mark teleport path.
    1 second before Vanish, magic purple particles emanate from boss at eye level. (Similar to aura but lesser). The boss will also stay still.
    0.5 seconds before Arrow Storm(2nd phase), green slime particles form a circle above the boss’s head. He will stay still.


    Info: I will not be discussing this boss, as he is already getting a rework in the upcoming update.


    Info: 3 parts for the boss fight, mean 3 sets of telegraphs. You got smoke, sparks, the whole shebang.
    For Core A, 0.5 sec before Arrow Storm, sparks particles are emitted from the boss.
    For Core B, 0.2 seconds before Teleport, smoke particles show the direction of travel.
    For Core B, 0.7 seconds before Flamethrower, lava particles are emitted from the head of the boss.
    For the final boss, 0.3 seconds before teleport, the game will show the directions the boss is going to go through for the next 5 teleports.
    For the final boss, 0.5 seconds before Meteor, a red beacon beam will appear at the boss location. It will stay still during the 0.5 seconds.


    Info: A bunch of spells for this one. Eldritch/magic theme. The boss mostly stays still for the fight so movement-based telegraphs are not viable.
    1 sec before Heavy Arrow Storm, A large cloud of blue sparkle particles will appear in front of the pupil. The particles will pulse during this duration.
    0.3 seconds before Arrow Storm, purple sparkle particles will appear in front of the Eye pupil, in a cone shape, with the point of the cone pointing towards the pupil. The base of the cone will face whatever direction the projectiles will be fired in.
    1 second before summoning Retaliating Gazers, non-lethal, stationary versions of them will rise up from the ground in a semicircle formation in front of the Eye pupil. The eye can attack at this time.
    0.7 seconds before Meteor, white sparkle particles will encircle the pupil (very similar to current telegraphing)
    1.2 seconds before Heavy Wave, blue sparkle particles will radiate from the eye pupil in a circle direction at the player's eye level and 2 blocks above the player's head.
    0.5 seconds before consume, red blood particles will appear in a large cloud in front of the Eye pupil.
    Bovine Barn

    Info: only one spell, but it is really dangerous and fast.
    0.4 seconds before Heavy Charge, green sparkle particles will mark the direction the Durum Protector will be travelling.

    Rotten Passage

    Info: Minions are the main threat, but the boss also has some spells.
    0.7 seconds before teleport, smoke particles will show the direction the boss will travel through.
    0.7 seconds before meteor, the boss will stay still and red particles encircle him. A message will also appear in chat.
    For the minions, 1 second before multihit, they will emit explosion particles and run faster towards the player.
    For the minions, 0.8 seconds before Charge, they will stay still, and brown particles will show the path they will travel through.

    Sunrise Canyon

    Info: Most of the threat during this bossfight is the main attacks, although there are some spells. Boss stays still most of the time.
    0.5 second before Multihit, black smoke particles encircle the boss.
    0.7 seconds before Arrow Storm, red particles appear in a cloud in front of the boss, in the direction the arrows are going to travel. Arrows also appear around him, similar to Arrow Sheild.
    0.7 seconds before Charge, smoke particles appear, marking the direction the boss is going to travel.

    Prison of Souls

    Info: IMO pretty close to being the hardest boss in the game. Two bosses, two phases each. Magic based telegraphing.
    For the Beast and Unfettered, 1 second before Teleport, purple magic particles will show the path the bosses are going to take. The bosses stay still during this time.
    For the Beast and Unfettered, 1.2 seconds before Meteor, black smoke particles will encircle the boss, and a chat message will appear.
    For the Unbound, 1 second before Charge, blue sparkle particles will show the direction the boss is going to travel.
    For the Unbound, 1 second before Vanish, a purple beacon beam will appear at the boss location.

    Plague Laboratory

    Info: Main threat is minions, but boss also has a ton of spells.
    1 second before Teleport, black smoke particles mark the path the boss is going to travel.
    1 second before charge, black smoke particles the path the boss is going to travel. Fire particles are encircle the boss.
    0.6 seconds before Explode, the boss will gain the Glowing effect, and white sparkle particles will encircle him.
    1.2 seconds before Arrow Storm, purple magic particles will encirlce the boss.

    Tribal Sanctuary

    Info: Lots of minions, but only the boss has lethal spells.
    1 second before multiht, the boss starts running quickly at the player, and iron sword models appear in front of it.
    0.7 seconds before charge, purple magic particles display the path the boss will take.

    Magmastream Core

    Info: Chargespamming boss. Minions also have spells.
    1 second before starting its first charge in a Charge-Heavy charge string, the boss roars in chat, and the path for all the charges will be displayed using lava particles.
    1 second before Explode, the boss will attain the Glowing effect and emit white sparkle particles at chest level.
    1 second before Flamethrower, lava particles will circle the boss at chest and eye level.
    For the minions, 1.5 second before starting a charge-Heavy Charge string, they will stay still, and smoke particles will encircle them at eye level.
    For the minions, 1.5 seconds before Flamethrower, the minions will emit red particles in a cloud above them.

    Challenge of the Blades

    Info: This boss works by splitting when you defeat each instance. This can lead to a lot of minions in the arena, as well as a lot particle spam, even with the current wynncraft telegraphs. Therefore, I suggest implementing minimalistic telegraphs. The player should focus on not getting swarmed and overwhelmed rather than dodging each instance's attack. This is the only time where Teleport is not directional.
    1 second before Vanish, the boss will stay still and gain the Glowing effect.
    0.5 seconds before Teleport, purple magic particles will encircle the boss at eye level.
    1 second before Multihit, a cloud of smoke will appear over the boss's head.

    Altar of Santification

    Info: I will not be explaining the speed of each telegraph for this boss. This is due to how the spells increase in speed as the fight goes on.
    Before Multihit, the boss will emit smoke particles at eye level. Faster than Heavy Multihit.
    Before Heavy Multihit, smoke particles will encircle the boss. Slower than Multihit.
    Before Heavy Arrow storm, lava particles will appear in front of the boss, in the direction the arrows will be fired. This should be slower than regular Arrow Storm.
    Before Arrow Storm, red particles appear in front of the boss, in the direction the arrows will be fired. This should be faster than Heavy Arrow Storm.
    Before Charge, white sparkle particles will appear in front of the boss in the direction the boss will take. This is faster than Heavy Charge.
    Before Heavy Charge, a hammer model will appear on top of the boss' head. He will also emit brown particles at chest level. This is slower than Charge.
    Before Vanish, brown particles will encircle the boss.

    Arena of the Legends

    Info: Magic-based telegraphs. Boss is the main threat.
    1 second before Teleport, purple magic particles will appear in the direction the boss will be travelling.
    1 second before Meteor, white sparkle particles will encircle the boss at eye and chest level.
    For the minions, 1 second before Charge, the minions will stay still, and red particles will show the direction they will be moving.

    Geyser Pit
    Info: I hate this boss. Random one-shots everywhere. Undeserving of any respect. I will not be discussing the minions, as they are currently broken.
    1 second before Charge, smoke particles show the direction the boss will be travelling.
    0.7 seconds before Multihit, white sparkle particles will be emitted from the boss at chest level.
    In Phase 2, 1.2 seconds before Self-Destruct, the boss will stay still. A white beacon beam will appear at its location, and a message will appear in chat.

    Aerie of the Recluse

    Info: Mechanical and magic based telegraphs. Two bosses to keep track of.
    For Adamastor, 1 second before Charge, white sparkle particles show where the boss will be moving.
    For Adamastor, 1 second before Meteor, four feathers surrounded by purple magic particles appear around Adamastor, and float there for that period of time.
    For Urdur, 0.5 seconds before Charge, smoke particles will show the path it will take.
    For Urdur, 0.5 seconds before Multihit, it will run at the player more quickly and emit lava particles at chest level.

    The Orange Wybel

    Info: Fun boss. Magic Telegraphs. Blue and white colour scheme.
    0.7 seconds before Charge, light blue sparkle particles will show the direction the boss will take.
    0.7 seconds before Meteor, white sparkle particles will appear in a circle over the boss' head.
    1.2 seconds before Self-Destruct, a red beacon will appear at the boss location, as he stays still. A message will appear in chat. These will be different for phases 2 aand 4.
    0.8 seconds before Explode, water particles will be emitted from it.
    For the minions, 1.1 seconds before Flamethrower, white sparkle particles will appear in clouds over their heads.

    Panic Zealot

    Info: This is the only boss altar in this list that I have not beaten solo. As a result, I will not write down telegraphs for this one.

    Info: Magic-themed telegraphs. Diverse and fun boss fight.
    1 second before using Web Throw, a cloud of white particles will appear where the webs are going to be.
    1 second before Explode, smoke particles are emitted from Qira at chest level. She will also run quickly at the player.
    0.7 seconds before Teleport, purple magic particles will show the path the boss is going to take.
    1.2 seconds before Wave, blue sparkle particles radiate from Qira at eye level. She will also stand still.
    1.2 seconds before Flamethrower, lava particles will be emitted from the boss at chest level.
    0.6 seconds before Multihit, white sparkle particles will appear in front of the boss in a cloud. The boss will also run more quickly.
    0.6 seconds before Vanish, a large cloud of smoke particles appear around the boss.

    Doctor Legendary

    Info: Fight is based on Qira's boss fight, containing similar spells and phases. Mechanical and magic-based telegraphs.
    1.2 seconds before Flamethrower, the boss will stay still, and emit smoke particles at eye level.
    0.7 seconds before Teleport, white sparkle particles will show the path the boss will take.
    0.8 seconds before Charge, purple magic particles show the direction the boss will take.
    0.6 seconds before Multihit, the boss will run quickly towards the player, and attain the Glowing effect. Spark particles will also appear around the boss.

    In my opinion, this new system, while relatively simple, can pave the way for a large number of large changes in the way Wynncraft works.

    • The developers have more room to make harder bosses, with more damage, greater AoE, smaller arenas, etc. due to bossfights being less RNG heavy and more skill-based.
    • This can result in implementation of farmable bossfights as an alternative money-making method.
    • Party-based boss fights, like raids, are more viable as there is less chance of people dying due to dumb luck.
    • Bossfights and mob encounters can become more unique, dynamic and enjoyable.
    TL,DR: Add different effects before a spell cast by a boss or mob, depending on the spell about to be cast.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2022
  2. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    About time someone made this suggestion. Please Wynncraft, if you want more intuitive and clear mob/boss design (raid bosses especially suffer from lack of any decent telegraphs), better telegraphs is the way to go (also more unique attacks!).

    And apparently with the new tools at the CT's disposal, stuff like this can be possible...
  3. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    I think sounds, the glowing effect, and other things like beacon beams can be used.

    Also, I think the number of particles created by spells should be decreased, and the types that are used should be the ones that disappear quickly, otherwise it becomes impossible to see anything. Maybe some models and armor stands could be used instead, as those are much usually more clean than particles.
  4. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    this is a bump
  5. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    Bumping again
  6. TD3V

    TD3V Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Well IMO I think it would be something nice to add this, I mean wynn was or is fine without it but it would definitly be a good QOL upgrade
    P1xell8ted likes this.
  7. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    Bump 10chr
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I'm surprised you didn't mention how Novalescent has already fixed this problem ages ago in his Wynncraft remakes. You have an additional boss health bar that only appears when the spell is charging, like this:
    That way everyone can see what is happening regardless of where they are in the arena and if their view is obstructed. That's why it's much better than just having more or different particles for telegraphing; because the fight is already a huge cluster of particles (especially with multiple players). Unless you remove particles from player spells, you're not gonna be able to tell what the boss is telegraphing even if the particles are different for each spell from just the sheer amount of particle overlap.

    Movement based telegraphs like standing still or moving slightly faster aren't helpful either; mobs are jittery af from all sorts of sources such as player knockback, their movement spells, or even just lag. It doesn't help that Minecraft barely has animations and but has janky models. When you get to the mid to late game, this problem gets worse because of how fast mobs and bosses can get. The Corrupter of Worlds being the biggest offender.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2021
  9. Androphonia


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    antikythera, who moves so fast its essentially teleporting:
    P1xell8ted and Dr Zed like this.
  10. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    First of all, I’m really glad you took the time to make a detailed reply. :saltedhappy:
    In all honesty, I had no idea this existed. Thanks for showing it to me. This does seem really good, but it doesn’t seem ideal for faster telegraphs that require less reaction times. Also, it would be difficult to use in conjunction with boss fights that are made up of multiple entities, such as the Challenge of the Blades.
    This is an issue I’m aware of. I’m currently working on a more detailed improvement of the suggestion, involving several new points; namely, I want the particles to fit the theme of the boss (e.g. green particles for Slykaar, white or blue particles for Theorick) I don’t intend to abuse particles that much either, for the reasons you mentioned, or at least use them in conjunction with other telegraph types.
    Same point as above. I’m thinking about ways to combine different telegraphs to make it more obvious. As for your other point, different bosses of course need different kinds of telegraphing. Fast bosses like CoW are poor candidates for movement based telegraphing. I will try to address these if I update the thread.
  11. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    Except this isn't entirely true. I've always felt that Wynn combat especially suffers from lack of diverse and noticeable telegraphing, especially notably in raids. The white particle system is very flawed for quite a few reasons. First off, the white circle telegraph is pretty hard to see with the massive clusterfuck that is Wynn particles, especially when factoring in multiple mobs, players, or even larger mob hitboxes such as Orphion, making it near impossible to actually see the telegraph itself. And secondly, while it's arguable that Wynn boss spells are more focused on learning and memorizing the actual spell patterns, that isn't reason to keep the current system and especially in a game that actively deters and punishes trying over and practicing.

    Wynncon's boss telegraphs were great yes, but for the fights they were working with. You were typically only facing against one major threat/boss at a time, meaning you only had the input feed of one or a few spell telegraphs at a time, but in Wynncraft with bosses and challenges with varying mobs at a time, all with their own spell combos, it would become incredibly cluttered at the top of your screen very quickly.
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    That’s true, it’s not a one-size fits all solution. Though idk what else one can do with the aforementioned shortcomings of using particles or movement.

    Well, realistically that is. Ideally, Wynncraft (and really Minecraft as a whole), should have actual player and mob animations instead of the player literally just raising their dominant hand in a circle and mobs just stick-walking into you.

    Like holy crap it makes one see just how God awful vanilla Minecraft telegraphing and combat is. Though unfortunately, this wouldn’t be practically possible in Wynncraft. Hence why Wynncraft is forced to lean to into disjointed and extremely fast paced combat bc that’s the only other way to make non-modded combat work.
    Endistic likes this.
  13. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    Bump. Added a few examples of new boss telegraphs in the thread. Will update soon.
  14. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    Bumping this thread
  15. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    What do y’all think of the example telegraphs? Bump
  16. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    All of them are cool, although it would be cool if some bosses spoke before they did a spell. Like antikythera could say “Im about to do whats called a pro wynnic move” before doing a spell spam or something
  17. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    There is already a chat based telegraph (see Arakadicus). Definitely going to add more when I write more boss examples.
  18. Crystqllized

    Crystqllized Skilled Adventurer

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    bump this would make combat a lot more interesting
    also 49 supporters now!
  19. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    Finished adding some ideas to rework telegraphs for most major bossfights, including dungeon bosses, and boss altars.
    Crystqllized likes this.
  20. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    Bump 10chr
    Crystqllized likes this.
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