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Game Mechanics Buff Mythics

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Mardeknius, Nov 19, 2021.


Do you agree with my suggestion?

  1. Yes; bad mythics should be buffed

    7 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but not all of the mythics in the list

    8 vote(s)
  3. No, mythics are good how they are

    29 vote(s)
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  1. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    Hi everyone,
    In my year or so of Wynncraft, I've been extremely lucky with getting 5 mythics. However, those mythics were Hadal, Apocalypse, Dawnbreak, Stardew, and Warchief.
    So "lucky" is a relative term.
    Mythics are supposed to be rare. I get it - Toxoplasmosis, Cataclysm, Divzer, and the like, are all very powerful, but there are some mythics that aren't even really qualified to be called "mythic". Stardew is just Magnet Repulsor except with -mr. Dawnbreak, ok, fine, it has the most main attack neutral dmg in the game, but it's barely better than Blind Thrust, and I think we can all agree that it's WAY too rare for the fact that it isn't that powerful.
    I could go on, but I think you guys get the point. Yes, I'm being salty because all my mythics are trash, but I also think that this is a legitimate suggestion. These "less powerful" mythics are just as rare, and people put just as much effort into getting them, so they should be more powerful.
    List of mythics I feel should be buffed:
    1. Fantasia
    2. Hadal
    3. Gaia
    4. Stardew
    5. Revenant
    6. Warchief
    7. Dawnbreak
    8. Boreal
  2. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    all of those items that you’ve listed are incredibly powerful sans revenant being maybe too hard to incorporate and boreal being very niche

    flawless items? no, but calling most mythics weak is quite the stretch
    Toaster, AIexxx, Epicness937 and 7 others like this.
  3. PikaPrince

    PikaPrince Famous Adventurer HERO

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    ngl it looks more like you want the low price mythics to increase in value rather than actually caring about them getting buffs
    Toaster and Bart (MC) like this.
  4. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP

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    but what if
    and hear me out
    we did the exact opposite of what you're suggesting
    AIexxx, Mardeknius, Thega and 3 others like this.
  5. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Poll should really have a "No, Mythics aren't good how they are" option lmao
    Thega and cmosier like this.
  6. RJJguyTheCarrot

    RJJguyTheCarrot Carrut

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    boreal dogpee, the rest are good though.
    rev needs a buff but not much more than a touch up
  7. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    the issue is that all mythics should be equal in power. "shit mythics" shouldn't exist and i agree with that. The mythics listed here i only see issues with half, IE gaia, hadal, stardew ect. I think those myhtics just need a touch up to be good again
    starx280 likes this.
  8. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    you dont need mythics to play the game
    cope 10char
    EDIT: I just read your list and FANTASIA is at the top? To this day I feel Fantasia is the most criminally falsely rated mythic in the game

    As for the poll, I voted that the large majority of mythics are totally fine. There's maybe a handful I feel are deserving of a buff/rework
    Bart (MC), cmosier and Thega like this.
  9. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    Everything is fine. They don't need a buff.

    Fantasia and Hadal have high damage paired with lower attack speed to dish out good single-hit damages. It just feels like it is ungodly because of how Shaman spells function.

    Gaia is Melee, and mage melee builds (except singu) are weaker than spellspam mage.

    For Stardew and Dawnbreak play Assassin with high mana steal. 2 or 3 cost spells are practically negated.

    Warchief and Boreal are amazing in guild wars.

    Revenant is just a boot that fits perfectly in most underutilized build sets.
  10. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I'd also say a spell damage mage does well with stardew.
  11. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Boreal is insanely good in HPR builds, to the extent that it ends up making them nearly unkillable.
    Frankly, I've been trying to get HPR % nerfed heavy for the last 2 years, and Boreal really isn't helping that.
  12. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    sorry but thats not the case, i did it, once.

    stardew <<<<<< magnet repulser
  13. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You're trolling right? Stardew literally has the same stats as magnet repulsor but better. The only downside with stardew is mana regen (which is so easy to counter)
  14. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    But it's not better enough to make it a 7/999999 chance to get - it's good, but not good enough to be that rare (imo).
  15. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    yes stats wise its not that bad of an upgrade right? only downside is that -mana but on int builds -mana is a joke bc +30/5 mr go brr.
    but one key thing matters...
    magnet is what 32eb? like basically 20 mins of playing worth of money? yeah ez grab, go to market and look it up.

    stardew, 12-15 LE. ah yes liquid emerald, very cheap, what 2 salted feet licks and i can buy it?
    you do understand that spending 12 le for a pair of boots that can be replaced for 32eb is 100x better. thats money i can be saving for an actually useful mythic.
  16. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Eh. When mage's only options in the boots department for spell damage have some pretty glaring downsides. Stardew is a breath of fresh air. Magnet repulsor is literally slightly more common stardew for context. Just with half the spell damage
    To give an idea. Magnet repulsor, sapphire, ornate shadow boots and stardew, are the only 4 boots that have higher than 3k health and decent raw spell damage. (ornate and sapphire just aren't worth it though even with ornate's 4k health)
    You got 4 choices. 2 of which are just bad.
    Magnet repulsor is good for those who don't have stardew, while stardew has good stats to justify it being a mythic since it excels in both the health and spell damage department for a spell class using raw spell damage more often.
    When you look at other mythics that's VERY cheap. Like. You could do a few high level quests for that.
    I mean that just raises the question of why would you replace boots that have twice as much spell damage than the other pair just because they're cheaper.

    This is something I wish I didn't have to point out, but for a mage who uses spells for damage (meteor) Stardew is a great mythic solely because of how good stacking raw spell can be for the class. Magnet repulsor is literally like every other pair of boots in that regard other than slightly more health.

    A decently rolled stardew can be worth the price due to that since mage isn't exactly known for it's damage.
    I'm not saying magnet repulsor is bad, (it is good) but stardew really isn't bad either and is a decent enough mythic to justify it.
    Remember. Mythics are pretty niche. (in A Pve playthrough, i.e no wars) not many people are gonna need 400 spell damage raw and 4k health. But it does make some players life much easier.
    And seeing as how it's literally the best pair of boots in the field it's in by nearly double, it's probably better staying as a mythic.
  17. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    ok so we aren't gonna drop this discussion then? kool (keyboard warrior mode engaged)
    rEEEeEeEEEEEee bla bla bla my opnion matters bc i type online in forums lmao idk what im doing. <- impersonating me btw mods dont JFK me plz
    ok so i assume you know that raw spell is cool but it isnt the majic weaopn in spell dmg that its made out to be. yeah having 500 raw spell is neato but then having all the stat requrements and the -ele def, (drus ik u readin this dont @ me) and the -mana regen which is the biggest downgrade cant compare to a pair of boots that reach very similar dps without 1. being expensive, 2 having -ele def, 3 having -mr. lemme give you two diffrent builds that use magnet and stardew, and you tell me which is more combat efficent, since ive ran both for abt 2 months (1 each)
    Build 1: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0pc0mG0r50Qx09q09q0TN0OM0Ql071B210e0U1g00000
    this is stardew's
    using pure (bc its good)
    u get 15k with 1 cost, good dps! but the mr suffers a lil bit, and the - ele defs

    Build 2: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0pc0mG0r50uD09q09q0TN0OM0Ql020w220c0T1g00000
    i have more SP to work with, and I also did it at a fraction of the price.
    the dmg is 2k less HOWEVER i have more mr (arguably the issue when using pure) and not as bad -defs

    also magnets changed recently so forgot to mention, magnets is less SP than stardew AND has +5 sp, stardew has a larger SP req with no SP bonus. but they added -eles for some reason? why tho ;-;

    now, stardew isnt a bad upgrade, IF your looking for more dps period. however for the price and usage, magent is just better because fits the role and im not spending money on a mythic im gonna get bullied for using.

    theres a reason stardew is nicknamed the poor mythic for a reason lol.

    TD;DR price > mythic flex.
    yeah its cheap bc its trash.... no one wants it. The reason certain mythics are cheap is because they are hard to build with/ are boring/ are outplayed by legendaries. again why do a bunch of quests to get a mythic when I can just get a legendary thats equally as good?
    because its cheaper.... if u like SD then power to ya, but id rather save up for my other mythics that are 10x better like cata, guardian. I tried SD once, the rawspell isnt all that great ngl chief. its just another number that can be outdone by a colorful one.
  18. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Dex wise. There's only a 10 skill point difference between the 2 (which isn't even that bad unless you were also hard focussing another skill, eg agility/defence)
    Actually it only gives 3 -100 element defence compared to magnet repulsor's 2 and 1 -175. So it's not even that bad in that regard either (honestly i'd say that's actually better)
    Should point out you do have some leeway with mana regen, I believe it's like 2 or 3 mana regen negative where your mana actively starts decreasing? And you've either stacked mana steal to make sure it doesn't matter, or got 1 or 2 mana regen items as you got more raw spell.
    You also had more ehp, more mana steal and better ele def's in that build with stardew (like that really matters though)
    Tbf if you're going a spell damage build you probably have intelligence to spare (or doing what I do and decided to do a slight hybrid so i could dual wield koh and peaceful rest while using stardew, do not recommend this for obvious reasons but it's fun)
    Should point out the only people who call stardew the poor mythic are more just the tryhardy people. Stardew is seen as a pretty decent mythic for some playstyles.
    No it's cheap because it's so common. Like boots in general everyone hates because they're so common. Stardew are less bad and more just "OH COME ON ANOTHER ONE?!" Also mage in groups being better as a heal slave meaning stardew is better for solo content.
    Didn't even save up for it, just got it via item bomb with a good roll (after 3 attempts) And still a great thing to get. Also something I want to point out about your build. The dragon eye bracelet is near enough useless with how much mana regen/steal you managed to get.
    Also should make it clear I'm not saying go out of your way to get stardew (i.e buy it) I'm just saying don't say it's bad solely because it's stardew. if you happen to find it in a chest and get it. Just use it for that mage spell damage class you have (if you don't then sure sell it) But it's not gonna completely destroy a build for using it just because you find it. Anyway let's keep the thread on topic.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
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