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Client-Side Loot Chests

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by UrBroJosh, Sep 28, 2021.

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  1. UrBroJosh

    UrBroJosh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Details About the Idea
    I feel that client-side loot chests would heavily improve the game in quite a few ways, and I am here to explain exactly what I mean by client side loot chests and the reasons why it would likely improve the game.

    Explantion-- Skip to the next paragraph if you understand client-side loot chests
    Client-side loot chests would basically entail that all loot chests within Wynncraft would be generated based on each individual player's client. Therefore, as you walk around and find loot chests, those loot chests would appear specifically for you and only you. Two people would be able to walk up to the exact same loot chest and, unlike current Wynncraft server-based chests, both players could open the loot chests and each get the rewards from it.

    Debatable Details
    There could be a few small details that could be debated on with this concept. I will mention a few here, and I would appreciate opinions on these mechanics as well as any mentions of other debatable mechanics that could solidify this post.

    One of the main details I can think of would be if the same chest would give two players the same rewards or random rewards. For example, if chests rewards were the same and two or more players looted the same dungeon chest in Lutho, if that chest was predetermined to have a Mythic Wand, that would mean all players who opened that chest would get that same mythic. However, if chest rewards were set to be completely random, all four players could open the same chest, and one might get a mythic while the others do not. I personally believe random chest loot would be the better option since, if multiple people were to lootrun at once to make dungeon bosses easier, it would heavily inflate market values if groups of people started getting duplicate mythics.

    Another mechanic that would have to be decided on is how the timing system would work. This is where the current server-side system both succeeds and fails at. The current system bases it on two aspects: how old the server is and how recently another player has opened it. This means that while older servers should technically have better loot, it's impossible to get even half-decent loot when every server has been sucked dry by the increasing number of lootrunners. However, I believe I might have a solution to this. It wouldn't make sense to leave the current system in place since that would guarantee players endless amounts of untouched 5-6+ hours chests that they could keep server hopping and looting. This would make mythic hunting laughably easy. Nonetheless, a slightly remastered version of the current timing system might provide a solid replacement. I believe a chest should be filled in relation to a person's current log time on that server. Therefore, right as you log onto World 23, for example, you start out with what would be equivalent to a recently looted chest or a newly restarted world in the current system. However, after maybe an hour or two (this part is also debatable), that person would get chest loot equivalent to an untouched 5-6+ hour chest on the current system. This would prevent server hopping to look for an unlooted world, but I believe this restriction is worth it since it would guarantee much better rewards as you dedicate more playtime to a specific server.

    There are likely a few more details that would need to be discussed, but for now, these are the only main two that I could think of. This is where I ask that you provide any ideas you might come up with in the comments so that we can solidify this concept and make it more of a possibility.

    Does it fit?
    Client-side loot chests is a concept that absolutely fits inside of Wynncraft. The loot chest system is already a well-established part of the game. This would simply be a remastering of that system.

    I believe that this client-side system would also massively improve the game. Lootrunning is one of the biggest late-game mechanics for players to get into. This means that as the game grows, there is a constantly growing number of lootrunners that make it consistently harder to get any good loot at all within the game. This goes for both other lootrunners as well as the casual player looking naturally for new and better loot to play with. A client-side system would improve lootrunning for all players, giving an equal opportunity to lootrun for both new and experienced lootrunners.

    This system would also make it easier for people to get into lootrunning. With how often chests have been looted, lootrunners often rely on insane loot bonus boosts to have a chance for good loot. This new system would allow newer lootrunners to have a chance for good loot without needing the initial 15-64LE investment for lootrunning gear. It would also further benefit those who DO have good lootrunning gear in the long run. Overall, this would just make it much easier to become a lootrunner while giving extra benefits to experienced lootrunners.

    One of the biggest problems that I feel exists in Wynncraft as a whole is the vast gap between the large super-rich mega powers of the server and the casual player. Obviously, there is going to be a gap when someone grinds out mythics and sells them to make lots of money or anything like that. However, several main mythics are so comically overpriced that it is near impossible for any person to afford their first mythic. Several of the main money-making methods in the game also require an initial large investment. This means that any new players trying to get into that higher league of Wynncraft that uses many different combinations of mythics find it virtually impossible. One of the only real ways for new players to get that initial investment is by being incredibly lucky and getting a high-value mythic that they can sell.
    I just feel it's kind of unreasonable to have to hope for luck in order to get in that higher league in this game.

    This is where this new client-side system would improve user-friendliness. I feel that this new system would likely cause an increase in mythic findings, but I don't think it would be an insane surplus. I think that it would cause just enough mythics to be found that prices wouldn't drop to nothing, but rather drop to a much more reasonable price. If there are just enough extra mythics being found without there being an overwhelming surplus, the trade market competition would balance itself out so that prices drop to a much more reasonable price until it eventually becomes a much more attainable price. This means that not only would more new players be able to reasonably grind for the mythics that can improve their game (Freedom bows for archers, Discoverers for lootrunners, etc), but it would also slightly close that otherwise uncrossable gap between the new players and the supremely rich players who already own most mythics (typically since they were some of the first lootrunners rather than now where most chests are bare). I think this would also heavily future-proof the game since it would encourage more people to commit to long-term lootrunning.

    Is this mechanic possible?

    I am no expert in programming or anything of the sort, but I believe it's safe to say this is more than possible. Considering things like the multi-server capabilities, player ghost mechanics, location-based chat systems, and server-based loot chests, I would imagine it wouldn't be hard to convert to client-side loot chests.

    Final thoughts
    I hope I managed to get my point across and explain this concept thoroughly enough. I hope that I made it clear how the game could benefit from client-side loot chests as well as providing solutions for some of the problems that would occur the system was to convert from the current state to this new system. I had seen a few replies to the latest patch notes (1.20.4) mentioning this concept, but I couldn't find any main threads in the forum about this. That is why I decided to go ahead and make this post and why I tried explaining as much as I could. I hope some people agree with me on this concept, and I ask that if you have anything to add here that you comment down below :D
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
    melon and Ninja_VK like this.
  2. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    *How long the chest has remained unlooted.

    Man, just play the game as intended by exploring and completing quests on your first playthrough :rolling_eyes:. Do I think newer players are undeserving of mythics? If I'm being 100% honest - I partially do, yes. I don't think every new player should have easy access to the what-should-be the hardest to obtain and most powerful items in the game. It would crush the value of all the rarities below mythic (and less valid point - but take away from the crazy-luck finds of new players who stumble upon a royal-purple and maybe previously-unheard-of-to-them unidentified mythic box).

    It certainly would not. Unless your perspective of improve is to reduce the price of all existing tradable items. Yes this would benefit the average player who doesn't commit hours a day to the server but it would harshly affect those who do (aka the vast majority of forums users reading this).

    I don't see this as a problem? What IS a problem with LE hoarders is the lack of currency in circulation. I
    I'm honestly waiting for a more educated person to respond to this (perhaps about the balance of power levels between item rarities?). Since I'm smooth brain I'll respond to the quote with y o u d o n ' t n e e d m y t h i c s t o p l a y t h e g a m e. ALSO have you SEEN the difference between prices of Toxoplasmosis or Warp for example back 3 months or more? Strati is 6ft under at this point. Someone's first mythic SHOULD NOT be an expensive one. There are plenty of very good cheaper mythics like Monster, Grimtrap, etc.

    I mean... it isn't. Do your quests and buy a loot run set. Even Morph serves well as a loot run set for beginners.

    I don't understand this argument. To me it comes across as "everyone should be as rich as the veterans who spent WAYYY too many hours lowering their school grades for ingame wealth".

    I know and hate that I sound rude but I overall was not a fan of the arguments in this thread. They seem heavily biased and honestly whiney.

    EDIT: I made it look like I loot run a lot - not anymore I don't since the start of the year. What I do do is pay attention to item balancing and AFK for too long at the trade market enough to have a level of experience with the economy. I definitely acknowledge client-side chests as an option for "making loot running better", I just don't loot run enough anymore to form a strong opinion.
  3. Vholtz_

    Vholtz_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I agree with blues responses, the idea for client side chests is a good one but your reasoning is off.
    the only thing I'd add to blues is in relation the the quoted section if implemented in this way it would have one large obvious issue alts, just constantly get amazing chests via having one account afk a world whilst your other account loots another
    melon and _834 like this.
  4. UrBroJosh

    UrBroJosh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I can understand how this comes across as whiney (probably doesn’t help that I was making this while I couldn’t sleep at 4am), however the main goal of this post still stands. I wanted to put it out there exactly how the client side system could work and see what people agree/disagree with. I still appreciate the response and agree I could have worded a lot of things here better, but I’ll try and sum it up in the simplest way without sounding biased:

    The longer the game continues, the more people that are going to lootrun. The more people who are looting chests, the exponentially lower the mythic finds will be, even across all players (and I say this in the actual mathematical sense treating it as a logarithmic function). This newest update is essentially a lootrunning update, pushing for the passive income side of lootrunning with the new emerald pouch, since previously we would pass by all emeralds for inventory space. This in turn will likely boost the numbers of active lootruners further, cause the overall mythic finds to drop further. Therefore, eventually it would likely help balance things back out if client side loot chests were released.
    I am tempted to temporarily take down this post and re-upload it once I've edited it to remove a lot of the bias parts. I should not have tried posting this at 4am, but also thanks for pointing out the alts problem. I did not think of that and have not had time yet to think about solutions. I won't be able to think of every problem that could come with this system, so thanks for pointing that one out.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
    BlueTheSniper likes this.
  5. _834

    _834 I forgot what I was gonna write in this box CHAMPION

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    A lot of you're argument seems to boil down to "Everyone should be able to get all the mythics and be rich" so I think it could use a bit of refining, although like you said,
    so I'll cut you some slack for that.

    The whole point of mythics is to be extremely rare and powerful items that very few players actually get, which is reflected in a lot of their prices on the market (I also feel a lot of the mythics are a little overpriced but that's just me wanting them and not having enough money).

    My personal take on client-side chests is that depending on how they're implemented it could work well.
    If loot generation was adjusted so rarer items would be found about as often as they are currently, no matter how long the client-side chests would have sat for, I think it would help prevent oversaturation in the mythic market, although there most likely would be a couple more mythics found because of how many people would consistently be able to find good chests.
    Another benefit to client-side chests would be helping new players similarly to how you described. I find this is mainly a problem now since unleveled loot runs have practically been killed, finding untouched chests in the sky islands and expanse is pretty difficult because of all the players who run these two spots now. Client-side chests would allow newer players to actually get items that they could use and sell in these areas rather than almost always stumbling across chests that are empty.

    Alts are another issue with the way you described how the system could work as Vholtz said, and although I'm not sure my idea for it would be the best solution, it could work.
    Maybe if the player was offline for a significant amount of time like 8+ hours, they could jump into a world and it would guarantee that chests would be generated for them as if no one had looted them for ~5 hours. But if the player switched to a different world, the loot would be generated based on how long they were in that world. This would prevent players from hopping in one world to loot run while "baking" chests on another with an alt. The main issue with this is clearly how if a player switched worlds they'd need to basically afk for a couple of hours before they could run again or wait until they'd be guaranteed a good run again. Obviously, this could use ironing out but for now, it works as a rough idea.
    BlueTheSniper likes this.
  6. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    I appreciate your maturity in response to a huge chunk of criticism. Very admirable of you
    Vholtz_ likes this.
  7. UrBroJosh

    UrBroJosh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    To clarify, I definitely did not mean for this to come across this way. This was another problem that happened cause of the bias writing. I do not believe that mythics should be readily available to everyone, not in the slightest. I mostly just could not put it into words what I can probably explain better now. Basically, it irked me a bit to see this (as I've seen people calling it in the 1.20.4 post) "mini lootrun update" without changing the already worsening chest loot. Just kind of felt like pouring gasoline on a firepit that was already almost out of wood. In saying that, I wanted to explain that this new system (if impleted well) could possibly balance things a bit so that mythics don't become even harder to obtain.

    Also I do like the concept of this world "baking" type of fix to the alt problem. It would definitely be a good idea to play with.
    I appreciate that you were able to criticize it without being very rude about it. If I want to edit and revise this post to the best I can, I need both criticism so I know what to change here and the help in finding flaws in the system to solidify the concept. I really do want to make a strong case for client-side loot chests, so thanks for pointing out most of the bias problems without just coming in here calling me dumb or acting like some toxic kid.
    BlueTheSniper and Ninja_VK like this.
  8. Vholtz_

    Vholtz_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    that just makes it pay to win for players like me and many others who have multiple alts for storage, I have atleast 5 accounts that I could just log on lootrun on and then log off,

    best way to have it work is just have chests cap at 2-3 hrs.

    I also appreciate your response to criticism, it's nice to see that it is possible to have a decent discussion over ideas.
    Ninja_VK likes this.
  9. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    This feels like a good suggestion, but some points that have been added as to why are kinda scuffed, most of them have been pointed out by earlier replies already but yeah, there are other and better reasons for client side chests tho.
  10. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Like the idea, like the justification. Add a poll.
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