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Game Mechanics Pull Translations from Wiki Direct into the Game

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Enzoys, Sep 25, 2021.


Do you think an option for using translations pulled from the wiki should be added?

  1. Yes, Wynncraft should implement it

  2. Yes, Wynntils should implement it

  3. No, I don't think so

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  1. Enzoys

    Enzoys Enzoys

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    I was exploring around the wiki and found this amazing page containing all Wynn's quests which were translated to multiple languages. I never knew about it and found it extremely interesting. Now, wouldn't that be amazing if it was implemented straight into the game as an option?

    It could be provided as a feature in the compass or with a command like /toggle language [french] .

    This could bring a great amount of new players to the game, and I mean it. As a non-native speaker, I know a lot of friends for which the only reason they don't try the game is not speaking english. And this probably happens with many other players all around the world, specially when their mother tongues make learning english a challenge.

    Also, with this feature, much more people would be encouraged to translate more and more quests, UI and everything.

    As for now, the only way to utilize these translations would by having the wiki open in the browser with the selected translated quest (which most likely the new player wouldn't know about) and Wynn opened at the same time, scrolling through the dialogue (with the possibility of reading spoilers) and having to alt-tab all the time.

    So, Minecraft is huge these days, specially with many vtubers playing it and the cave updated coming soon, and I think we should avail this by letting more people know about this amazing server and be able to enjoy the experience with no trouble by enabling a feature like this. This could be a MASSIVE update for Wynn, with people from all over the world joining us. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading.
    LEITE and Ninja_VK like this.
  2. LEITE

    LEITE Skilled Adventurer

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  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    As neat As this would be, it'd be really hard to implement
    Ninja_VK likes this.
  4. mralex87

    mralex87 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Would be great and would help a lot of foreign players to enjoy the quests' lore
    Enzoys likes this.
  5. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    Having looked back at old messages/posts regarding the wiki translation project I'm fairly certain this was intended to be done at some point - but from what I understand, the wiki project never gained enough traction and the main developer who was going to work on it dropped off and eventually left Wynn. Meaning, to do this, there are two fairly big problems - the wiki translations are sorely lacking in a lot of areas, with only a small few languages having every quest translated and I'm not sure if any are fully updated even just to 1.20 - and, you have to find the dev time to implement such a thing; I don't really know how long this would take but I can't imagine it'd be easy.
    Alternatively, I suppose it would be possible to only implement currently translated quests, but still, you'd have to find the dev time to implement this, and get enough people working on wiki translations again to keep those quests updated and work on adding new ones. (Also, translated quests would all have to be checked over much more thoroughly, as there's a lot less risk in having something inappropriate or falsely translated on the wiki than there is in-game.) It'd be nice, I agree, but I don't see this happening any time soon with how big Wynn's dialogue system is.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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