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Game Mechanics Spell Perks of Wynn. (99.1% Approval) (Salted Approved)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by JaydonTheWarrior, Sep 12, 2021.


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  1. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    In 2019, my friend @Ironraptor3 and I started playing Outwards, a co-op Exploration RPG. After playing it for a while, we realized Outwards has a pretty exciting progression system; instead of gaining levels, you would buy different perks from 12 other perk trees in the game. This isn’t your standard perk trees; however, not only were you limited in what additional extras you could take from each tree, but you were also only able to pick from three different trees, and this, combined with the armor system, actually created some diversity in possible builds. At the time, we joked about how Outwards perk trees would breathe even more variety into Wynncraft’s already amazing build system. And for a while, that’s how it stayed, but in the back of my mind, I was constantly asking: “How could this actually be done in Wynn in the most faithful way possible?” After a lot of time thinking, I found the salutation. Introducing: Spell Perks of Wynn.
    In Wynn, you obtain upgrades for your spells at certain level intervals, however, these upgrades are stagnant; this suggestion asks a simple question: what if they weren’t?
    With this suggestion, when you reach a level interval, you will instead be prompted in chat to look into your compass to select a perk instead of getting an upgrade.​
    Upon interacting with your compass, you will find something new: a flashing book and quill. Clicking on this will bring you to the Spell Select menu, if any of your spells have available perks, they will be flashing. After this, you will be met by the Perk Tree menu, which allows you to select between different available bonuses.

    But what good is a perk tree without any perks? Mind you, these perks are purely examples of what the perks could look like with this system, as I’m suggesting the system, not the individual perks. That being said, I did put a lot of work into these, so feel free to say which perks you would take, though please ignore if any of these seem dull or poorly balanced.
    (Lv.16) Bash Tier 2:

    Abrupt Strike:
    + 200% Damage.

    Consecutive Pummel:
    + A second explosion that does 50% damage.

    (Lv.36) Bash Tier 3:

    Crippling Bash:
    + 50% slowness for 5 seconds on the last hit of Bash.

    Hastening Bash:
    + On-hit Bash gives 5% walk speed for 10 seconds. (stacks)

    (Lv.56) Bash Tier 4:

    Bleeding Bash:
    + Mob takes 25% of your damage per second for 10 seconds.

    Enraging Bash:
    + On-hit Bash gives you 50% strength for 1 second pre mob hit.

    Disassembling Bash: (Requires Crippling Bash)
    + 70% slowness for 10 seconds on the last hit of Bash.
    + Slowness is removed if the target is hit again.
    *(Requires Crippling Bash)


    (Lv.26) Charge Tier 2:

    Distancing Charge:
    + 100% Damage in air.
    + Distance is increased to 15 blocks.

    + 100% Damage in air.
    + You can control Charge in the air.

    (Lv.46) Charge Tier 3:

    Pinning Charge:
    + 150% Damage in the air.
    + Charge pulls mobs to the end of Charge.

    Explosive Landing:
    + 175% Damage when landing.
    + If pressing shift end of charge pulls in enemies instead of pushing them.

    (Lv.66) Charge Tier 4:

    Momentum Charge: (Requires Explosive Landing)
    + 250% Damage on landing.
    + Distance of charge is halved.

    *(Requires Explosive Landing)

    Jinxing Charge:
    + On-landing mobs hit by Charge do 50% less damage for 5 seconds.

    Channeling Charge:
    + Holding shift delays charge until you let go
    + For every second Charge is delayed it deals 10% more damage (Stacks to 100%)
    + For every second Charge is delayed its distance increases by 1 block (Stacks to 10)


    (Lv.41) Uppercut Tier 2:

    Efficient Strike:
    + Uppercut cost 1 less mana.
    + Uppercut has a short delay on hit.
    + Opponent will explode again doing 45% damage.

    Low Blow:
    + Uppercut has less max height.
    + Opponent will explode again doing 65% damage.

    (Lv.61) Uppercut Tier 3:

    Reflexive Uppercut:
    + Uppercut costs 1 less mana.
    + Bash does 30% more damage between the first and second hit of Uppercut.
    + Opponent will explode on landing doing 55% damage.

    Cursing Uppercut:
    + First hit of uppercut makes mobs take 5% more damage for 5 seconds.
    + The second hit makes them take 10% more damage for 5 seconds.
    + Opponent will explode on landing doing 45% damage.

    (Lv.81) Uppercut Tier 4:

    Hexing Uppercut: (Requires Cursing Uppercut)
    + The last hit of uppercut makes mobs take 20% more damage for 5 seconds.
    *(Requires Cursing Uppercut)

    Impact Uppercut:
    + The last hit of uppercut does 75% damage to mobs around it.

    + The last hit of uppercut does 35% more damage for every second in the air. (Stacks to 175%)


    (Lv.51) Warscream Tier 2:

    War Cry:
    + Warscream launches a projectile that does 10% damage multiple times.

    Raging Scream:
    + Warscream deals 150% damage.

    (Lv.71) Warscream Tier 3:

    Shrieking Cry: (Requires War Cry)
    + Warscreams launches one projectile that does 175% damage on hit.
    + Warscreams projectile travels 50% slower.
    *(Requires War Cry)

    Inspiring Cry:
    + Warscream applies 10% strength for 4 minutes.
    + Warscream applies 20% resistance for 4 minutes.

    (Lv.91) Warscream Tier 4:

    + Any hit of Warscream deals 125% additional damage for every debuff you’ve applied.
    (Does not count poison or Water Powder special.)
    + Any hit of Warscream removes all debuffs you’ve applied.

    Healing Cry:
    + Warscream Heals yourself for 4% of the damage it deals.

    Disturbing Scream:
    + Mobs aggro on to you when hit by Warscream.
    + Warscreams non-projectile damage blinds enemies for 1 second.
    In some major towns, you will be able to find an NPC who can reset your Spell Perks for a small price. The reason we are not allowing you to reset your perks on the go is simply because these are supposed to be more of an expression of your build. We created this aspect because we don’t want players to reset their skills before boss fights to obtain an easier kill.​
    Some more minor changes you may have noticed: we added grade 4 spell upgrades, and we changed the level intervals at which you get upgrades. The grade 4 spells are pretty self-explanatory; they really flesh out how much customization you get out of this system.

    The change in level intervals are less self-explanatory, we changed these for multiple reasons:
    For one, you now get some sort of upgrade every 5 levels starting at level 11.
    The second reason is that there are no longer any levels in which you get more than one upgrade, which helps not confuse the player. After thinking about, and playing with this a bit, I think you will agree with us that this makes a much smoother leveling experience for the player.​
    Thank you to @IceBear for helping design and balancing some of the perks.
    Thank you to BlueDog for helping edit the video and creating the title arts; you can find him at
    And a massive thanks to @Moderabo None of this would have been possible without him. He helped create my vision for this a reality, by making the working in-game menu. Show him all the love and support you possibly can!

    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
  2. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    Jaydon back again with another banger
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  3. GlassJarss

    GlassJarss Shaman Main CHAMPION

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    Very cool, wynn very much needs spell skill trees of any sort, it'll make the game so much more fun to play and give way more options for viable builds to players
  4. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    Thanks jaydon, very cool
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  5. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    I like that it makes classes more diverse due to custom combinations of spell perks, so +1
  6. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    These perks are actually pretty cool. Much better than what I thought they would be.
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Thanks, Dad, I tried.
    P.s. I know Salted liking it doesn't make it "Approved"
    But "Salted Likes" doesn't have the same ring.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
    AcadeeAlkana and ThedumbOX like this.
  8. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    jaydon the bringer of good posts
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  9. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    This idea looks really cool, this could add a lot of variety and could be very fun if it was added Imo, I like it
    luckeyLuuk and JaydonTheWarrior like this.
  10. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    By the way, if anyone has any ideas for perks on other classes, go ahead and shot.
    Could be fun to think up a bunch of perks with random people.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  11. Moderabo

    Moderabo Your Melon lord! CHAMPION

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    Nice suggestion and a very impressive video showcasing it! I wonder who made that in-game example...
    (I did if that is not obvious)
    JaydonTheWarrior and luckeyLuuk like this.
  12. Daisukekage

    Daisukekage Well-Known Adventurer Modeler CHAMPION

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    What a madlad. I love the idea. This one would be actually so nice to see in wynn. It makes amazing opportunities in creating builds and enchances the variety in playstyles so well, while keeping the wynncraft feel. Amazing job!
  13. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yes, its not too complicated and its still adds a new depth!
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  14. Potatus

    Potatus Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    But consider this, Major ids.
  15. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Major ids are tied behind items,
    This makes them a useful tool but it also comes with a downside; Whole playstyles can be locked behind certain items. And yes, this is an issue. Plus, you can't have more than one major ID for each spell, because they can't stack.

    That being said, the two systems aren't the same anyways. Major ids tend to change a spell more than these perks would, simply because these perks can't erase the last upgrades you toke. Charge giving healing instead of damage could never be a perk in this system because it would erase previous perks effects.

    These also affect everyone more and give them more control over what their spells do. Frankly, I could keep going about this, they simply aren't the same. Sure, they can both change the function of spells, but one serves to make items more interesting, while the other opens up a class to more customization.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
  16. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    I love how you're very sneakily suggesting Grade IV spells in this.

    I kinda dislike this.
    I'd tie resetting your spell perks to the same system that's used for resetting skill points. Makes more inuitive sense to me and since it would cost 4 soul points to change into something and change back again, it also disincentivises quickly changing your skills before difficult boss fights.

    I also don't like the idea of some NPCs in major towns that can make you unlearn your skills and learn new ones.

    I disagree with a lot of the numbers you gave but you specifically asked not to focus on balance so I edited out the numbers to keep my eyes of them and just focus on "rule of cool"

    (Lv.16) Bash Tier 2:

    Abrupt Strike:
    One big damage hit

    Consecutive Pummel:
    Two lesser damage hits

    Choice: Abrupt Strike
    One big damage hit is more consistent so probably that, warriors other spells are janky enough so a good reliable Abrupt strike would be cool.

    (Lv.36) Bash Tier 3:

    Crippling Bash:
    Slow on enemy

    Hastening Bash:
    Speed on self (stacks)

    note: I'm assuming everything that doesn't say "stacks" does not stack and if there's a time limit, it resets the timer instead.

    Choice: Crippling Bash
    I'd like to work around Hastening Bash in some build that has very low walk speed but good spells and consecutive pummel, however, I am sadistic and enjoy torturing my enemies with debuffs even more. Also, the speed de/increase might get a bit annoying

    (Lv.56) Bash Tier 4:

    Bleeding Bash:
    Mobs hit passively take damage for a little while.

    Enraging Bash:
    You deal more damage for a little bit.

    Disassembling Bash: (Requires Crippling Bash)
    Crippling bash now slows more
    but the slowness gets removed when you hit an enemy
    *(Requires Crippling Bash)

    Choice: Enraging Bash
    Disassembling bash getting removed if the opponent gets hit seems bad, enemies surviving more than two quick abrupt stikes seems undesirable which takes away from the benefit of Bleeding Bash but getting Buffed feels like dopamine, which it is, so enraging bash is the logical choice

    note: damage per second and strength are quite unclear in what they mean, I'm assuming you mean damage per second as "weapons base damage * attack speed" and +50% strength as "+50% damage"

    note: disassembling bash now removing itself when the enemy gets hit seems like almost a straight downgrade in most scenarios

    Bash total:
    Abrupt Strike, Crippling Bash, Enraging Bash

    One large hit that slows the enemy and buffs myself

    I'd like to see some version of bash that deals more knockback
    (Lv.26) Charge Tier 2:

    Distancing Charge:
    Deal more damage in the air and travel more blocks

    Deal more damage in the air and have more control

    Choice: aerodynamic
    The Aerodynamic upgrade currently just feels really good and cool and fun.

    (Lv.46) Charge Tier 3:

    Pinning Charge:
    deal more damage in the air
    pull mobs toward the direction you're charging

    Explosive Landing:
    deal more damage when you land
    if pressing shift when landing, charge pulls in enemies instead of pushing them

    Choice: Explosive landing
    Explosive landing no doubt
    Pinning charge just seems really bad if you ever use charge to get away from something.

    (Lv.66) Charge Tier 4:

    Momentum Charge: (Requires Explosive Landing)
    Deal more damage on landing
    Distance charged is shorter
    Requires Explosive Landing

    Jinxing Charge:
    On landing mobs hit by charge deal less damage for a bit

    Channeling Charge:
    Holding shift delays charge until you let go, depending on how long you held shift, you will deal more damage and charge further

    Choice: Jinxing Charge
    Momentum Charge takes away alot of the benefit from aerodynamics, channeling charge seems really cool but I feel like since you can just charge mid-air, the travel bonus from the channeling charge isn't great, which leaves jinxing charge, whose bonus makes charge a great initiator to a fight and almost makes me take pinning charge over explosive charge, but I still wanna be able to charge out of combat.

    Charge total:
    Aerodynamic, Explosive landing, Jinxing Charge

    Choose where to land, and have a very good impact when landing somewhere.

    would like to see a more vertical charge which kinda catapults you or something, might work on momentum charge instead of the charge length decrease.
    (Lv.41) Uppercut Tier 2:

    Efficient Strike:
    slower, cheaper, and weaker uppercuts

    Low Blow:
    lower, and harder hitting uppercuts

    Choice: Efficient Strike
    I'm onto you, Jaydon.
    The 'slower' part of the efficient strikes isn't a downside, it's an upside to make uppercanceling with bash much more reliable. I'd like to try out the uppercancel meta with this DPS spell based build, so I'll take this one.

    (Lv.61) Uppercut Tier 3:

    Reflexive Uppercut:
    cheaper uppercuts with uppercancel support and damage on landing

    Cursing Uppercut:
    Uppercuts now make the enemy take more damage for a bit and there's damage on landing

    Reflexive Uppercut

    Can't not take this if I'm planning to uppercancel

    (Lv.81) Uppercut Tier 4:

    Hexing Uppercut: (Requires Cursing Uppercut)
    uppercut now makes enemies more cursed
    requires cursing uppercut

    Impact Uppercut:
    The last hit of uppercut deals damage to mobs around it

    The last hit of uppercut deals more damage if you've been in the air for a bit

    Choice: Reflexive uppercut
    Hexing can not be gotten and Slam specifically disallows uppercanceling so my only real option is impact uppercut, which I'm happy with because if it effects all enemies inside the uppercut this gets broken really quickly. ;p

    Uppercut Total:
    Efficient Strike, Reflexive Uppercut, Impact Uppercut

    more like
    (Lv.51) Warscream Tier 2:

    War Cry:
    war scream hits a small amount often

    Raging Scream:
    war scream his a 'large' amount once

    Choice: War Cry
    many hits get the dopamine going, trying to hit them all is a fun challenge knocking enemies further back with more hits is also positive

    (Lv.71) Warscream Tier 3:

    Shrieking Cry:
    War cry now deals more damage and travels slower
    requires War Cry
    note: 175% damage? Before this it was 10%, Does this actually mean 17.5x as much damage? Or do you actually mean 1.75 x damage?

    Inspiring Cry:
    War scream makes you deal more and take less damage for a long time

    Choice: Inspiring Cry
    The numbers you gave seem absolutely busted but I'm not focussing on numbers and this build wants to focus on uppercanceling so war cry is taking a backseat and just giving buffs.

    (Lv.91) Warscream Tier 4:

    War scream deals more damage for each non-poison/curse debuff on the enemy and cleanses those debuffs from the enemy.

    Healing Cry:
    Warscream heals you for a little bit of the damage it deals

    Disturbing Scream:
    Mobs aggro on to you when hit by Warscream.
    Warscreams non-projectile damage blinds enemies for a very short while.

    Choice: Disturbing Scream
    I already slap Strobelight on all my warrior builds because I just really like taunt, this seems like a great support spell. Since I never took high damage things for war cry, both other options seem way less useful.

    Warcry total:
    War Cry, Inspring Cry, Disturbing Scream

    hit often, buff self, Taunt and Blind
    Spells chosen, for a somewhat tanky spell DPS uppercancel warrior build:
    Bash - Abrupt Strike, Crippling Bash, Enraging Bash
    Charge - Aerodynamic, Explosive landing, Jinxing Charge
    Uppercut - Efficient Strike, Reflexive Uppercut, Impact Uppercut
    War Scream - War Cry, Inspring Cry, Disturbing Scream
  17. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Each 5% walk speed has its own timer.

    I did mean 175%
    The 10% hits more than once, it's just the current war scream upgrade.
    the 175% hits just once, it's a single projectile.

    Beyond this, I would like to know what numbers you think are unbalanced, just because I think you may be misreading some of them, which is fair, this wording can be taken the wrong way when not expanded on. Though some of them probably are badly balanced, that's not something I can change at this point.

    I thought about this for a while, and there are really two things to get out of it.
    1. I wanted this to be harder to change than skill points.
    2. If it was on the go, Soul point bombs kinda... allow things.

    There are also Skill Reset Scrolls, which will probably confuse people, but I will 100% not allow that to reset spells and the fact that we would need to work a reset for each spell into the compass.

    Either way, I seriously appreciate you taking your time to actually look through this, and read the whole suggestion out.
  18. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    Sure thing, I tend to take things very literal which makes me pretty good at both proofreading and misreading.

    (Lv.16) Bash Tier 2:

    Abrupt Strike:
    + 200% Damage.

    Consecutive Pummel:
    + A second explosion that does 50% damage.

    T1 bash deals base 170% damage, 20% earth
    This reads to me like Abrupt strike does base 320% damage, 20% earth
    and consecutive pummel does base 170% damage, 20% earth + an additional hit dealing 50% damage, totaling out on 220% damage, 20% earth

    220% is way less than 320% and consecutive pummel would be more difficult to hit both times so I don't really see why you would take consecutive pummel here unless you're meming with hastening bash (assuming both hits count for Bash's on hit effect)

    (Lv.36) Bash Tier 3:

    Crippling Bash:
    + 50% slowness for 5 seconds on the last hit of Bash.

    Hastening Bash:
    + On-hit Bash gives 5% walk speed for 10 seconds. (stacks)

    Current T3 Slow is already quite good in my eyes and Crippling Bash is a strict upgrade over it (30%-->50%, 4s --> 5s) I'm assuming on-hit for Hastening Bash means on both hits if you have consecutive pummel. The problem with Hastening Bash is that I can't see it being good without being spammed, so it's only an option for spell builds. It looks basically useless outside of boss fights, but in boss fights, assuming someone gets a bash of every ~2 seconds, that'd be +10% walk speed every 2 seconds with consecutive pummel, or +50% walk speed.
    That is a really good buff, but to keep it up you need to stay very close to an enemy. So you won't be walking too much.
    I really don't know how to balance Hastening Bash but I feel like it might be too niche

    (Lv.56) Bash Tier 4:

    Bleeding Bash:
    + Mob takes 25% of your damage per second for 10 seconds.

    Enraging Bash:
    + On-hit Bash gives you 50% strength for 5 seconds.

    Disassembling Bash: (Requires Crippling Bash)
    + 70% slowness for 10 seconds on the last hit of Bash.
    + Slowness is removed if the target is hit again.
    *(Requires Crippling Bash)

    Bleeding Bash:
    I see now that I misread "25% of your damage per second for 10 seconds" as "25% of your damage per second over 10 seconds", the difference being a total of 225% damage.
    I'm assuming this "Damage" is calculated the same way normal spell damage multipliers work. Adding +250% damage over 10 seconds (basically doubling your Bash's damage), is really good. Especially for non-spell builds.

    Enraging Bash:
    Enraging Bash, however, seems much better. I interpret +50% strength as +50% damage, multiplied at the end of the damage formula. Where Bleeding Bash "punishes" you for attacking an opponent several times, in a Boss battle, this basically means +50% DPS where-as Bleeding Bash basically reads +25% non-boosted base DPS.

    Disassembling Bash:
    Difference between 50% and 70% slowness isn't alot but it's nice. Duration buff is nice, slowness now being removed on hit seems absolutely terrible and makes it like a downgrade from Crippling Bash.
    You can absolutely bully an enemy by only hitting it with bash but as-is I don't see why I would ever take it over Bleeding or Enraging.

    (Lv.26) Charge Tier 2:

    Distancing Charge:
    + 100% Damage in air.
    + Distance is increased to 15 blocks.

    + 100% Damage in air.
    + You can control Charge in the air.

    I absolutely love Aerodynamics but a 50% increase in distance actually made me consider not taking it. I quite like it.

    (Lv.46) Charge Tier 3:

    Pinning Charge:
    + 150% Damage in the air.
    + Charge pulls mobs to the end of Charge.

    Explosive Landing:
    + 175% Damage when landing.
    + If pressing shift end of charge pulls in enemies instead of pushing them.

    Pinning Charge seems very bad.
    Pulling mobs toward the end of Charge sounds fun and decent in theory, until you're using charge as an escape tool and all enemies come with you. Maybe make it only pull mobs when holding shift.

    (Lv.66) Charge Tier 4:

    Momentum Charge: (Requires Explosive Landing)
    + 250% Damage on landing.
    + Distance of charge is halved.

    *(Requires Explosive Landing)

    Jinxing Charge:
    + On-landing mobs hit by Charge do 50% less damage for 5 seconds.

    Channeling Charge:
    + Holding shift delays charge until you let go
    + For every second Charge is delayed it deals 10% more damage (Stacks to 100%)
    + For every second Charge is delayed its distance increases by 1 block (Stacks to 10)

    Momentum Charge halving distance travelled isn't as bad as it seems since that means it lands earlier for that big 425% (Frame of Reference: current uppercut does 400%) damage again but it takes away a lot of the utility of Charge.
    I think it's a really good build around, but it's quite niche and makes you completely focus on charge so it might be better as a major ID.

    Jinxing Charge is amazing and analoguous to the inspire upgrade we currently have but also supports other plays, which is amazing. People would sleep on it because it's hard to notice, but I think it's overpowered.

    Channeling Charge feels like the coolest idea to me, however. It is essentially useless with the stats given.
    A second is a long time to be standing still. Make it charge up to the max in 2.5-3 seconds and I might consider the option. Also like do 1.5-2x as much additional damage to make it even remotely worth using for combat purposes.
    The main problem Channeling Charge has is that simply casting charge twice is much faster and does the job just as good.

    (Lv.41) Uppercut Tier 2:

    Efficient Strike:
    + Uppercut cost 1 less mana.
    + Uppercut has a short delay on hit.
    + Opponent will explode again doing 45% damage.

    Low Blow:
    + Uppercut has less max height.
    + Opponent will explode again doing 65% damage.

    not sure what is ment by "short delay on hit" but I assume it's ment between the first and second hit to open up the timing for uppercanceling. I'm assuming the less max height is an upside because the enemy would be on the ground faster to get damaged again.

    I like 'em both.

    (Lv.61) Uppercut Tier 3:

    Reflexive Uppercut:
    + Uppercut costs 1 less mana.
    + Bash does 30% more damage between the first and second hit of Uppercut.
    + Opponent will explode on landing doing 55% damage.

    Cursing Uppercut:
    + First hit of uppercut makes mobs take 5% more damage for 5 seconds.
    + The second hit makes them take 10% more damage for 5 seconds.
    + Opponent will explode on landing doing 45% damage.

    Again, quite like 'em both.
    Always prefer cursing enemies over buffing yourself because it allows for teamplay.

    (Lv.81) Uppercut Tier 4:
    Hexing Uppercut: (Requires Cursing Uppercut)
    + The last hit of uppercut makes mobs take 20% more damage for 5 seconds.
    *(Requires Cursing Uppercut)

    Impact Uppercut:
    + The last hit of uppercut does 75% damage to mobs around it.

    + The last hit of uppercut does 35% more damage for every second in the air. (Stacks to 175%)

    Cursing Uppercut Cursing for a total of 35% more damage seems oddly worse than enraging bash which is +50% damage and only 'costs' one upgrade. I still like this, though.

    Impact uppercut: In a group of enemies, when you're grinding levels for exmple, this seems absolutely broken. It's not weird to have 5 mobs in your uppercut and +280% damage to not only each of those five mobs, but also 315% to some mobs you didn't hit with uppercut is insane.

    Not so great compared to the other two I think.
    I like the idea of holding shift and uppercutting into the stratosphere for additional damage, however, I don't think uppercut by base lasts more than 1.5 seconds. and flying into the air is only cool every so often. I think it could use a little more base damage, although I can also see nerfing Cursing/Impact uppercut instead. Also depends on how long uppercut exactly takes.

    (Lv.51) Warscream Tier 2:

    War Cry:
    + Warscream launches a projectile that does 10% damage multiple times.

    Raging Scream:
    + Warscream deals 150% damage.

    Air shout (projectile upgrade) currently does 20% damage multiple times, did you feel like war scream deals to much damage?

    I see now that "raging Scream" refers to the AEO damage and would not launch a projectile.
    That makes it a lot better than I thought it was yesterday.
    A good sidegrade from War Cry, which has less damage but also the added knockback.

    (Lv.71) Warscream Tier 3:

    Shrieking Cry: (Requires War Cry)
    + Warscreams launches one projectile that does 175% damage on hit.
    + Warscreams projectile travels 50% slower.
    *(Requires War Cry)

    Inspiring Cry:
    + Warscream applies 10% strength for 4 minutes.
    + Warscream applies 20% resistance for 4 minutes.

    I'd prefer for shrieking cry to just boost war cries damage rather than replace the multihit effect into a single hit as you replied it should. It'd also help the lower projectile travel speed (which I think is to nerf warriors long range potential) feel less bad because it could hit enemies more often.

    Inpiring Cry is just really good, just like it is now.

    (Lv.91) Warscream Tier 4:
    + Any hit of Warscream deals 125% additional damage for every debuff you’ve applied.
    (Does not count poison or Water Powder special.)
    + Any hit of Warscream removes all debuffs you’ve applied.

    Healing Cry:
    + Warscream Heals yourself for 4% of the damage it deals.

    Disturbing Scream:
    + Mobs aggro on to you when hit by Warscream.
    + Warscreams non-projectile damage blinds enemies for 1 second.

    Rupture seems really cool, quite like the literal "scream the shit out of 'em" approach but if this counts all three instances of curse from the cursing uppercut, that might be a bit OP.

    Healing Cry needs some math brb.
    For a simple unpowdered Morph-The Forsaken build, 10% damage is 480 damage.
    150% (Raging Scream) = 7200
    225% (War Cry + Shrieking Cry and non-shout damage) = 10800
    (both of these can get +50% strength bonus from bash and +35% curse damage from uppercut)

    7200 * 0.04 = 288
    10800 * 0.04 = 432

    Seems reasonable. Is alot more scary with curse/courage/inspiring cry/curse/enraging bash though.

    Bonus: Morph the Forsaken Rupture + Curse uppercut war scream damage:
    (375% + 150%) x 1.35 = 34020 damage

    * x 1.35 because I'm assuming curse damage bonus is counted before it is removed.
    I'm scared of what this might be on an optimized build

    Disturbing Scream is great but it is very weird to give the taunt option blind as well.
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  19. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I'm tempted not to read the rest of them because... No buddy, the 200% replaces the previous damage it doesn't add to it.
    Everything is like that, unless it says additional.
    When I said curse stacks, I mean it all gets added together, so its a single 35% damage increase, not 3 seperate damage increases, so it counts as one debuff. It, plus the charge debuff upgrade, and the both bashes damage over time and slowness, are all what count towards rupture.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
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  20. Ingo

    Ingo Class Building Enthusiast HERO

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    This would be great!
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
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