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World [Ocean Quest Suggestion] Vital Resarch (Lv. 29)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by camocat9, Aug 17, 2021.


Do you like this quest suggestion?

  1. (Yes) This would be a good new quest!

    16 vote(s)
  2. (Yes, but...) This would be a good new quest with some changes.

    6 vote(s)
  3. (No) This wouldn't be a good new quest.

    1 vote(s)
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  1. camocat9

    camocat9 Some Clever Tag VIP

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    Seavale Reef is an extremely valuable location to farm emeralds, though the idea of diving in that area is hardly explained to the player, and Selchar as a whole lacks some of the content needed to make it feel busier. Seeing as Level 29 has no quest, in order to fill such a gap, I would suggest that a new quest be added to unlock the reef, as well as expanding the lore of the ocean.

    Attempting to go more than 3 blocks below the water within Seavale Reef will cause you to be teleported back to the surface with the message

    You feel a dark presence emerging from the otherwise lively reefs- you decide it would be best to leave.

    Jonan is located on a boat that is anchored near the Seavale Reef.

    Stage 1: Speak to Jonan near the Seavale Reef at (321, y, -3265).

    If you were too low level to start the quest:

    [1/1] Jonan: Oh! Please, try to… eh... stay away from the reefs if you can manage it… it’s unsafe there after all that’s been happening lately! Come to think of it, perhaps I could use your help… come back when you’re… eh... Level 29!

    If you are the proper level to start the quest:

    [1 / 7] Jonan: A Wynnic Soldier? Out here in the middle of the ocean? Now that’s something I wasn’t expecting to see… but, perhaps I could…. eh... use your help!
    [2 / 7] Jonan: You see, I’m a scholar from Llevigar, attending the university there! There comes a time each year, see, where we’re… eh... sent to research phenomena throughout the world! A good portion of us felt studying the Corruption in Wynn would be the easiest path...
    [3 / 7] Jonan: I don’t know why we figured we would ever discover anything new... until my ship stopped by Selchar for the night, of course!
    [4 / 7] Jonan: As was usual, I… eh... had trouble sleeping. Went down to the local tavern to sit about for a bit, and… eh… clear my mind, when I heard talk on the other side of the room!
    [5 / 7] Jonan: Some fisherman talking about how aggressive the creatures around Seavale Reef had been getting lately… even the… eh... typically docile ones. Some of the larger fish were bumping up against his ship, rocking it in the water itself! He said he hadn’t seen anything like it in… eh… years!
    [6 / 7] Jonan: Why submit research to the university that’s already been done one-hundred times over? Now this… this is unique. Could you help me look into this?
    [7 / 7] Jonan: I first need to see if the fisherman has… eh... an example of one of these more hostile creatures… I overheard his name was Elfrim, and he typically spent most of his time on his ship in the Selchar Ports. Could you… possibly, speak to him for me? Get me a sample… eh... perhaps?

    Quest Started: Vital Research

    Stage 2: Search for Elfrim on the docks by (128, 35, -3073).

    If you speak to Elfrim before the quest or after his part:

    [1 / 1] Elfrim: Looking for fish? I hear the market at the hilltop sells anything you’d need!

    When you speak to Elfrim during this quest stage:

    [1 / 7] Elfrim: Greetings, traveler! I’ve just had the oddest of encounters lately, but nobody seems to believe me…
    [2 / 7] Elfrim: The maddened creatures? You’ve heard of them too? Perhaps I’m not as crazy as everyone seems to tell me I am!
    [3 / 7] Elfrim: A few days ago, I was out on the water, over the Reef. But, as I got closer to the center, some of the creatures grew almost... agitated at the presence of my ship!
    [4 / 7] Elfrim: Banging at my hull as they rammed into it, if they weren’t as small as they were, I’m sure they would have put a dent in the planks! I’d never seen anything like it before!
    [5 / 7] Elfrim: But I kept on fishing in that spot… ended up bringing aboard a few ordinary creatures, and some of the mad ones too! In the last months they’ve grown more frequent! Used to toss them back to the sea. As strange as it sounds, some of them even looked half dead already!
    [6 / 7] Elfrim: But, I couldn’t sustain myself anymore! I had to start pulling up and butchering the mad ones to make enough to survive, even if half the meat was unusable sludge!
    [7 / 7] Elfrim: You want one? I’ve got one that looks like it’ll be more of a hassle butchering than it’s worth, you can have it! Good riddance on my part! Don’t quite see what you want it for, though…

    +1 Maddened Fish

    Stage 3: Return to Jonan with the Maddened Fish

    If you speak to Jonan on stage two:

    [1 / 1] Jonan: If you... eh have a chance, I’m still looking for that sample! I don’t mean to… eh… rush you, though!

    If you speak to Jonan after stage two:

    [1 / 9] Jonan: Do you… eh... have the fish?
    [2 / 9] Jonan: Oh! Oh! You actually got me the sample I asked for! One moment, let me inspect it…

    ((The fish is removed from the player’s inventory, and Jonan would walk into a small room at the back of the ship, where a small study and sleeping quarter is set up.))

    [3 / 9] Jonan: It looked exactly like this on the day it was pulled up? It barely looks like it could’ve been… eh… alive!
    [4 / 9] Jonan: ...Wait... it couldn’t be, could it? No...
    [5 / 9] Jonan: One of my friends… another… eh… scholar. He mentioned that he was going to Wynn to study some village in the south, close by the… eh... Roots of Corruption!
    [6 / 9] Jonan: Apparently the residents there… they… eh… grew mad! Weren't as... eh... decayed, but could hardly look at someone walking through their town without feeling some urge to punch them! Or… eh… so my friend reported after he got punched!
    [7 / 9] Jonan: But the water… isn’t the water… eh... supposed to stop the corruption? The islands around here, they’re safe!
    [8 / 9] Jonan: It’s only a theory right now, though… right below my ship! Yes, there!
    [9 / 9] Jonan: Oh! I… eh… can’t let you go down there without a [Breathing Helmet]! Come back when you… eh… have one!

    Stage 4: Return to Jonan with a Breathing Helmet.

    ((This stage would be finished with both a Breathing Helmet I and a Breathing Helmet II. Jonan would not take the helmet, it would only progress the quest.))

    If you speak to Jonan during stage four:

    [1 / 1] Jonan: Have you found someone who can… eh… get you a breathing helmet yet?

    If you bring Jonan a Breathing Helmet I:

    [1 / 2] Jonan: Have you found someone who can… eh… get you a breathing helmet yet?
    [2 / 2] Jonan: Oh! You found one! Great, wonderful! Eh…maybe now you could dive below my ship and see if you can… eh… find any signs of Corruption! If there… eh… are any, of course.

    If you bring Jonan a Breathing Helmet II:

    [1 / 2] Jonan: Have you found someone who can… eh… get you a breathing helmet yet?
    [2 / 2] Jonan: Oh! You found one! Great, wonderful! That’s a far… eh… fancier helmet than I thought you’d need! It seems you’ve been busy! Maybe now you could dive below my ship and see if you can… eh… find any signs of Corruption! If there… eh… are any, of course.

    Stage 5: Search the Seavale Reef for any signs of Corruption.

    If you speak to Jonan after stage four:

    [1 / 1] Jonan: Dive below the ship… I need to see if my theory was correct. If… eh… you find the time, of course! I don’t want to be a bother...

    The player would search around the reef and, eventually, find the small start of a Corruption Spike beneath the water, just next to fully underwater cave on the outskirts of the reef. Getting close to the spike would trigger a message in chat:

    It’s the tip of a Corruption Spike! You decide that it would be in your best interest to destroy it before it grew too large.

    Stage 6: Search for the roots of the Corruption Spike in the cave near [x, y, z]!

    ((The cave in question would be a completely underwater cavern, with the breathing helmet necessary to survive in it! Entering the cave, the player would encounter new hostile mobs called “Maddened Sea Creature”- hostile squids with a melee attack. These squids would be Level 30. Upon reaching the center of the cave, the player would finally reach a room with air, and see the thin base of a corruption spike. Interacting with the spike would result in a crashing noise, and the message:

    You quickly destroy the Corruption Spike with one of your spells! A small piece falls off and lands at your feet- perhaps this could be your proof to Jonan!

    +1 Seasoaked Corruption Fragment

    There would be an exit portal in the cave that brought you back to the entrance.))

    If you speak to Jonan during stage six before finishing the objective:

    [1 / 1] Jonan: Corruption? My… theory was right! Try to… eh… destroy the spike!

    Stage 7: Bring the Seasoaked Corruption Fragment to Jonan

    [1 / 7] Jonan: Oh! You’re back! Did you… eh... find anything?

    ((The Seasoaked Corruption Fragment would be removed from the player's inventory)).

    [2 / 7] Jonan: A corruption spike? Where? Under the water? Eh… well… as much as I hate to believe it, my theory was correct…
    [3 / 7] Jonan: You destroyed it, though, right? It must not have fully taken a hold on the area yet, or we would have… eh… seen more physical signs of it sooner!
    [4 / 7] Jonan: Well… eh… I suppose the water is safe again… as far as I can tell, just being around the reef shouldn’t… eh… induce madness! Last I heard, there was... eh... quite the hoard of sunken treasure down there!
    [5 / 7] Jonan: But this is… eh... bad. I know for a fact that the Corruption doesn’t travel through water as it does land, else the islands would already be seeing the effects.
    [6 / 7] Jonan: But to me, this can only mean one thing… Something has… eh... spread the Corruption here. Perhaps the seas are no longer as safe as everyone once thought.
    [7 / 7] Jonan: You’ve been a great help to me, but… eh... unfortunately, I brought little on my travels, so I have little to give you… though, if you visit me in the Llevigar University at some point in the future, perhaps I could… eh... find some way to thank you! I usually spend my time around the library.

    Quest Complete! Rewards:
    +9500 Experience Points
    +Access to the Seavale Reef

    If you speak to Jonan (on the boat) after completing the quest:

    [1 / 1] Jonan: Thank you… eh… kind soldier, so much for your help once more!


    After completing this quest, Jonan would spawn in the Llevigar University Library. Upon interacting with him there, this would be the conversation.

    [1 / 5] Jonan: Oh! It’s… eh... you again! I can’t thank you enough for your help nearby Selchar... I made sure to let the authorities of the city know about the potential threat of Corruption in the… eh... sea.
    [2 / 5] Jonan: They didn’t believe me at first, but after showing them the evidence we collected, and getting Elfrim to… eh... speak before them, they had little choice but to.
    [3 / 5] Jonan: They spoke to the rulers of Wynn, and I’ve heard talks of new seaside defenses being devised alongside their… eh... ones on land.
    [4 / 5] Jonan: Also thanks to you, my research report was… eh... one of the most thorough in years!
    [5 / 5] Jonan: I believe it’s… eh... time I repaid you for this work! I found this while I was diving the Seavale Reef, searching for any… eh... lingering traces of the Corruption… perhaps you could find it useful?

    ((Jonan gives the player a “Corrupted Pearl Necklace” which is unidentified.))


    Corrupted Pearl Necklace
    Combat Min: Lv. 35
    Intelligence Min: 10
    Intelligence: +3
    Defense: -3

    Life Steal: 12/4s - 52/4s
    Mana Steal: 1/4s

    Health: -39 - -21
    Health Regen: -32% - -17%

    Reflection: 2% - 10%

    Rare Item

    If you speak to Jonan in the University after this point:

    [1 / 1] Jonan: Perhaps we will... eh... meet again in the future! Safe travels!

    If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments!
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
  2. Bozo Prime

    Bozo Prime Man I'm Dead HERO

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    add the seasoaked corruption fragment as a new quest item of Temple of Legends
    That_Chudley likes this.
  3. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Pretty sure you already need something from the seavale reef for Temple of the Legends, but it could replace it.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  4. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    This looks pretty good, and I love how Jonah says 'eh...' between sentences to give him some character (although it can be a bit annoying, but tbf Yahya also kinda has the same thing, so unironic eh).

    If I do have to say one thing about this, however, is that getting the Corruption spike thing feels a bit too easy, so maybe it could be guarded by a miniboss or a puzzle or smthn like that.

    Also, change the last bit's color to 'None' so its readable in dark mode.

    Otherwise, good idea for a quest based on the Seavale Reef, +1
    MlecznyHuxel99 and ThedumbOX like this.
  5. camocat9

    camocat9 Some Clever Tag VIP

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    Ahh, yeah, I wasn't all too sure what to do for the corruption spike thing. Figured the cave with the hostile squids in it would be a challenge enough. Would have to think about what a miniboss there might look like.
    You already need a Coral of Nelfar from the Seavale Reef for the Temple of Legends quest too!
  6. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Similar to most quest suggestions on the forums, this one ends up being a pretty basic and more old-fashioned fetch-quest with no real memorable gameplay, apart from exploring underwater areas, which can definitely be expanded upon. As for the story, I would be interested in a quest about actual sea creatures, but oh wow it's corruption again.

    As a last note, the necklace is really OP for the level and pretty good in even endgame; I'd probably just set the mana steal to 1.

    Still, the concept is pretty nice, as some game content for the reef could be really cool in my opinion, just with more refined gameplay and some other plot point than Corruption for the 576th time (the quest also makes Skien's Island lore less impactive).
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  7. camocat9

    camocat9 Some Clever Tag VIP

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    Thank you for your feedback on this-

    I completely agree that a quest about sea creatures could be an interesting way to break free of the use of corruption so frequently, as the main reason that I wanted to create this quest was to make Seavale Reef something to unlock, and to encourage the exploration of underwater locations, which Wynncraft has very few of. I had my end goal with the quest in mind, just seemed to struggle filling up the middle bit given that the ocean doesn't have very much unique lore to it, and I felt as if completely making up some new lore would be frowned upon. So- corruption was the safest bet. Something that players are used to already for when they travel to Selchar.

    And as for the necklace, I've never once used mana steal or know the exact details of how it works, and there are very few necklaces in this game around that level to make comparisons to- I've reduced the mana steal amount.
    Emogla3 likes this.
  8. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    well... eh...
  9. Bozo Prime

    Bozo Prime Man I'm Dead HERO

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    How mana steal works is that every few seconds when you hit a mob, it will regenerate some amount of mana. That's what the 2/3 mana steal means. Every three seconds, when you hit a mob, you will gain 2 mana. That's also how lifesteal works too.
  10. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    This is incorrect. Mana and life steal are not consistent, they are based on RNG. On average, if you were to repeatedly hit a mob with your melee, MS/LS would activate once per 3 seconds. What this means is that lower attack speeds have a higher chance of activating the IDs per hit. Spells can't activate the IDs, but damaging powder specials can.
  11. sin90equals1

    sin90equals1 A potato VIP+

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    I like this quest very much! There's a lot of quests in the ocean, but none really related to the corruption. This quest would reveal a threat to the ocean that had never before been realized, and would definitely pave the way for more quests on this topic.
    camocat9 likes this.
  12. camocat9

    camocat9 Some Clever Tag VIP

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    Even if it's not this topic itself, I believe the ocean could certainly use more quest content and a deeper lore.
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