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World Housing Megathread

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Olinus10, Aug 1, 2021.



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  1. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    Housing Megathread


    Hello and welcome to the housing megathread, we’re a group of builders who have put together this megathread surrounding the housing topic.

    We are @HoloTheProudWolf , @Ichikaaa and @Olinus10 .

    We have spent hundreds of collective hours into housing on Wynn. During that time we’ve come across some bugs, some things that could be worked on and also some things we’d like to see added into housing and that is what this megathread will focus on.

    Let’s get started:


    Let’s begin with bugs we’ve come across whilst working with our housing islands.

    1. Destroying 2-tall flowers - When you break a 2-tall flower on the upper half, it will always return a sunflower, this bug also affects 2-tall grass and ferns.

    2. Invisible chests - Upon re-entering your housing plot, all chests and also the bank block will turn invisible. They only return to visibility if broken and replaced, but they will rebug once you re-enter the plot.

    3. Barrier blocks - The barrier blocks outside the plots are weirdly placed depending on which location you’ve chosen.

    4. Ghost blocks - If you place or break a lot of blocks whilst holding the right or left click, there is a large risk of ghost blocks being created. Either they fake place or fake disappear. It does get fixed if you re-join the island.

    5. Permissions - In the case of the flying permission when a player joins the housing they do not gain the ability to fly despite it being enabled; this is only resolved when the host re-enables the permission for every new person who joins.

    6. Warrior Uppercut - This ability, when pressed a few times, is able to displace dirt and create ghost air blocks in its place and is only resolved upon re-entering the plot.

    7. Inventory Clearing - If a guest with edit permissions has a full inventory and tries to drop an item onto the ground, it will permanently be deleted. Due to the fact that guest editors lack permission to drop items, perhaps.


    So what could be reworked when it comes to housing?

    • The pay-wall - A big issue with the Hero rank island difference is that all non Hero+ players have to deal with having over half of an unbuilt island, and a payment barrier right in front of them. No other monetization in Wynncraft feels this poor.
      Many builds also get ruined or just end up looking really weird with the empty border around them. Now we understand that there needs to be some sort of rank perk with housing, but it could be implemented in a better way.

    We have a few different ideas on how to rework the size of the islands.

    1. Give everyone the same size island, the full size, but let hero+ build outside of the island borders, or

    2. Let the islands be small by default and if the player has hero+ their island will be full size. As in the actual built island has different sizes depending on ranks, so there is no unbuilt space, or

    3. Give all the same size island, the full size, but let hero+ buy a second island.

    • Housing invites - Something that could be improved when it comes to invites is being able to invite your current party or your entire guild into your plot without having to make it public. Some guilds use housing as a sort of guild hall and if you have a large guild its rather tedious to personally invite every single member, same with parties. So a good rework to the invites would be to introduce “/housing invite party” and “/housing invite guild” commands.

    • Public Housing - Being able to make your island public is really fun. It's amazing to have visitors and see other players' builds. The one drawback with having it public is that it requires your presence. Say your island is the guild hall, then guild members can only visit when the island owner is online. A good rework to this would be to allow one to have publicness available even when offline/out of your housing.

    Even here we have a few suggestions on how this could be achieved:

    1. Rank perks - Making the island public when offline could be behind a rank/pay-wall. Maybe even a small monthly fee.

    2. Guild hall command - Another way to do it, specifically for the guild, would be to introduce a “/housing set guild hall” - which would make the island the official guild hall for your guild, and that would make it available to all guild members at all times, this would be in a separate section than the public section in the selector. (we’ll build more on this topic later on)

    3. Separate command - Another way to do it, since maybe not everyone would want it public at all times, would be to introduce a new command that specifically sets the publicness to be at all times, sorta like “/housing always public”

    • Perma Ban Command - Currently there is no way to permanently ban someone from your island. If you use /housing ban [username], it only bans them until you close your housing (in other words, leave your housing.) When the housing is reopened, the ban list is cleared. It would be nice to be able to ban someone and not have to worry about them popping back in, or having to constantly reban them every time you enter your island.

      Furthermore, you cannot ban someone if they aren’t in your world or online. If you have your housing public and they’re on another server, there’s nothing you can do to stop them from joining. Sure you can ban them when they’re on your island, but sometimes they’re not really doing anything mean and would just like to ban them without them really knowing they’re banned, as houses you’re banned from do not show up at all on the menu.


    So expansion is some suggestions on things we would like to see added to housing.


    Here are some blocks we’d like to see added:

    1. Bookshelves - Please, interior detailing needs them. A harmless addition?

    2. Daylight Sensors (books on a pile) - Would be perfect for interiors.

    3. Redstone Repeaters - Unsure how this complicates things, redstone wise. Being able to have standing lamps or spikes would be really useful for designing, if possible.

    4. Static Lava and Water - Of course, flowing liquids could potentially cause quite a bit of issues with stability, but static liquids could be a great alternative to help push certain themes or details. The only option available currently is glass and maybe wool, and there are no connected textures for glass in the Wynncraft resource pack.

    5. Potion Merchants - Could sell potions of all levels for ease of access to all players who visit.

    6. Scroll Merchants - The merchant would be there mostly to create more liveliness, they would only sell scrolls to the housing’s chosen location.

    7. Guild Leaderboard - 1.20.3 introduced guild seasons and a season leaderboard, which would be a great addition to guild hall builds, if it was a placeable block.

    Housing mechanics:

    • Profession nodes - It would be awesome if you could buy up to like 5 of any profession node to place on your island, this way we could get ores, fish or like wheat. To counter the lack of mobs, maybe these ones could be limited to either amount but also maybe take longer to gather, since we would mostly just want them for decoration.

    • Certain floating blocks - Buttons are able to float if you delete the block they’re placed on. It would be awesome if the same could be done with plants, ladders and doors, since it would allow more ways to detail your build.

    Ranked stuff:

    • Player heads and exclusive blocks - (First and foremost, the ability to have exclusive blocks would either be purchasable in store or a rank perk, but it would not be that you pay money per block, just pay for the ability to buy them with materials.)

    • A second island - It would be cool if you could buy a second housing island. This could either be a Champion feature, or that it would be bought in the store for 10+ USD.

    Housing for Guilds:

    Some guilds use housing as a meeting place, a guild hall, so to say and here are some ideas on the topic.

    • Guild hall - Introducing a housing island that can be bought by the guild owner (separate from their own island) would create an incentive for guilds to use islands as their guild hall. But some have already built on their existing islands, so a command such as “/housing set guild hall” would have the same effect. (This command can be made by the builder, but the guild owner has to confirm it)

    What would the effect be?

    Well we have a few ideas on what the effects of having a guild hall could be.

    1. Publicness - The guild hall would be public to all guild members at all times, even though the builder isn’t online. There could also be a command to allow publicness to allied guilds “/housing ally public” or similar

    2. Guild boosts/perks/rewards - Adding some sorts of rewards to guilds for having a hall would create an incentive for a hall to exist outside of just having a place for your guild meetups.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    That is all, thank you so much for reading. Since this is a megathread on the topic, please add any further thoughts or ideas or such in the comments :)

    Have a nice day
  2. HoloTheProudWolf

    HoloTheProudWolf Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yay! Hope it does get traction though I have been finding it hard to do more stuff at the moment for housing or at least find the inspiration for it... Hope to make a come back soon!
    AlleonVera, Ichikaaa and Olinus10 like this.
  3. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I don't think there's much to say other than everything above. I cannot assume all of these changes are possible, but some small steps in a direction to help make improvements would be fantastic.

    And really, the paywall right in your face is the main thing I want changed, if nothing else. It just feels so terrible. At least not show the rest of the island until you get hero and just mention it somewhere that it can be expanded with a rank. It causes such a loss in inspiration and motivation
  4. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    i realllly love this.
    but ye i like everything here, housing is such an open door, it just needs to be improved upon! Good post +1
    Olinus10 likes this.
  5. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Other things that should be fixed:

    Breaking a block a ladder is attached to stops the ladder item from dropping.

    No mossy variants for stone stairs and slabs.
  6. HoloTheProudWolf

    HoloTheProudWolf Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey there is an actual reason for this though. The server's base minecraft version didn't introduce these blocks for them to make this a reality they would need to 1. Update the version (Which changes a lot more then we know) 2. Change the textures of pre exsisting blocks to match those, well there aren't any slab blocks whose textures aren't being used.
    Sugo likes this.
  7. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Honestly I have no idea what half the updates did, I barely know all the basic stuff in the current game...
  8. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    Guild Housing For The Win!

    I love this mega thread, it represents everything we want in housings!

    One suggestion would be to make the guild hall separate, and not belong to one person, in the sense you buy it through guild like how you upgrade banners, then this housing will remain active as long as there is a guild member online (for server performance) and can even be visited by guilds in ally list ( to make it more useful than just for guild economy for the non warring guilds )

    And a great feature would be to increase the housing plot by x amount of blocks in radius / size with every y (can even be 1) amount of members joining the guild or based on the SR ranking / weekly objectives where they might be able to gain housing points
    and inside housing they can even have custom NPCs that do functions in guild menu like territory manager or guild map as well guild leaderboards such as xp contributed or warcount

    This idea is an absolute banger and i would love to see this ingame
    Ninja_VK and Olinus10 like this.
  9. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    Awesome suggestion!! Yea the housing sorta belonging to a person was sorta for those who already have built one, it would be nice with some sorta transfer, so you dont need to rebuild stuff
  10. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    Bumpity Bump cuz this is a good suggestion
    Olinus10 likes this.
  11. hackcr1258

    hackcr1258 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Except profession nodes, everything is fine
  12. TheWitch3r

    TheWitch3r "Killing monsters" CHAMPION

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    Something that would be really nice is if they would remove the light on the island. It might be good at night, but it completly destroys the mood, it makes torches, glowstone, etc... pretty much useless. Just let the island be unlit, so that players can add their own.
  13. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Maybe make it toggleable, because it might still benefit some builds.
    TheWitch3r likes this.
  14. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    Yeah. After thinking about it a bit more, the prof nodes, even if just one, are a terrible idea lol

    But I would still love some sorta purpose added to housing still aside from the aesthetics and ease of access to bank/liquid merchant/TM in certain areas
  15. TheWitch3r

    TheWitch3r "Killing monsters" CHAMPION

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    sure, good idea. Hopefully possible
  16. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    B U M P
  17. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    Gonna bump t his yet again cuz rlly wanna see Guild Housing
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