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[suggestion] New Class For 1.20.4

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by narwhal23, Jul 13, 2021.

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  1. narwhal23

    narwhal23 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Many people on the wynncraft subreddit recommended I post this suggestion on forums so here's the reddit post I wrote

    My proposed class is the bard, Wynncraft has all the traditional MMORPG classes except the bard. Here’s my take on what it should be.

    Weapon: Lyre (or just a hand-held harp)

    The main attack fires music notes in clusters of 2 each dealing 60% of the listed damage. (The damage of any lyre is low because the upcoming spells have really high multipliers)


    1st Spell: Petrarchan Sonnet (Elemental conversion: 35% air) 2/3/4 mana per second

    Grade I:

    Drains 2 mana per second but gradually increases to a maximum of 4 mana per second to create a continuous stream of musical notes, the mana drain happens on the first tick of every second. It deals (20%, 25%, and 30% damage per tick at 2, 3, and 4 mana consumed per second respectively)

    Grade II:

    Petrachan Sonnet now generates temporary absorption hearts for 3s after every damage tick (stacks up to 2 times)

    Grade III:

    Petrachan Sonnet creates mini explosions every 15 ticks it hits an enemy


    2nd spell: Updraft (Elemental conversion: 25% air) 4 mana base

    Grade I:

    Creates a column of air that lifts you up

    Grade II:

    Increases lift height by 2

    Grade III:

    While on the updraft damage resistance is increased by 10% mobs also continuously take damage when around the vortex (55% per second)


    3rd spell: Windborne Vortex (Elemental Conversion: 50% air) **Has a cooldown of 10s [**10 mana with no reductions possible]

    Grade I:

    Creates a reticle on the ground, after 3 seconds all mobs stuck in it will be lifted and suffer 650% damage

    Grade II:

    Every enemy that was stuck in the vortex will restore 0.5% hp to you

    Grade III

    The Vortex now stuns enemies when they impact the ground again


    4th spell: Elemental Shred (Elemental Conversion: 10% of each element)

    Grade I

    Strips 30% of the enemies’ elemental defenses and deals 40% damage

    Grade II

    The reduction is increased to 50% of elemental defenses

    Grade III

    30% of the reduced elemental defenses are returned to you


    I really did think long and hard about this class, constructive feedback is appreciated very much! Dm in game (narwhal23) or comment here!
    melon, starx280, McModknower and 2 others like this.
  2. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    Not a criticism of the suggestion (I haven't read it yet lol), but a new class wouldn't be added for a smaller update in-between two major updates.
    Also, post stuff like this in the General Suggestions part of the forums.
    melon, cmosier, Sir_Doomed and 5 others like this.
  3. sslatt

    sslatt Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Awesome! But I also feel like it would be weird having 6 classes and 5 elements
  4. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    the classes and elements aren’t intended to correspond in the slightest. We had 4 classes and 5 elements for about 5 years
  5. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    Poll please

    Aside from that, I think this could be a good idea. I can't exactly tell what you meant when you said "**Has a cooldown of 10s [**10 mana with no reductions possible]". If you meant you can only cast the spell every 10 seconds, well, that's not a thing you can do with spells, and would feel pretty out of place with the way the rest of the spells in wynncraft work. If you meant that the spell stays active for 10 seconds and gets canceled if you recast the spell, or that that part of the spell being active prevents you from recasting the spell similar to how totem not being out on shaman prevents you from casting aura or haul, then that could much more easily fit with the rest of the game.

    As for the "10 mana with no reductions possible" part, I have no idea what this means. I'm guessing you mean it's unaffected by intelligence, 3rd spell cost raw, and 3rd spell cost % ids, which...

    that's not a thing you can do either.
    You could make the spell cost 12 mana as a base or something like that, but making ignore ids and intelligence would kinda break everything and make the game really inconsistant. Then again I could be completely misunderstanding what you meant to say.

    Overall, I think this is a very good idea. Like TheAckening said, adding it in 1.20.4 is definitely not going to happen since they'd have to add so many items and balance them with the new str/dex changes, but for 1.21 it could definitely be possible, and as long as you clear up how the third spell works I think this would be a pretty good addition to the game.
    I_Liek_Turtlez, melon and Ninja_VK like this.
  6. narwhal23

    narwhal23 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I meant that the 3rd spell had a winduup time of 10s and if it was cast again in that period, the windup would reset. The 10 mana with no reductions possible meant that intel and costs wouldnt affect it, this was my way of balancing it due to the absolutely massive spell multiplier.
    sorry if that wasnt clear
  7. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Hmm, as people have said earlier, having a minor update for an entire class ain't going to happen. Even then, the CT probs already has other plans for 1.20.4 already, and we won't have another class in a long time, considering Shaman came out 1.19, and we're at 1.20. However, the base idea of Bard is neat. However, I feel like it's lacking a lot of details? Btw, you should include the Stats like Damage, Defense, Range, and Spells, as seen on the Help Page for Classes. Give a description of the VIP variant. Go more into detail about the visuals of the Spells. (Also, pls add poll, you can edit posts to add a poll I think after you post them)

    For Main Attack, does it shoot two projectiles at once? If your Base Class Damage is 60%, and by cluster, I assume it's two projectiles that fire close and parallel in front of you, then that makes 60% will hit twice, and deal 120% Damage for Melee. That's pretty wack, and strong.

    Petrarchan Sonnet is pretty cool! Having it constantly attack but also drain Mana is a cool concept. However, the Upgrades is where I have issues. For Upgrade 1, how much Absorption is it, like how much % of the player's Max. HP off Absorption do they get? For Upgrade 2, in Minecraft, 20 ticks is 1 second, so explosions would actually be faster than the attack comes out. Even then, how big and damaging are said explosions?

    Updraft is cool since more vertical Movement Spells are neat, but more details are needed. How high does it send you on Grade 1? Grade 2 is only 2 more blocks of height? That's pretty boring, and each Upgrade should make the spell feel like it has a new unique feature. How big is it, to determine the AOE for Grade 3? How quick is it to reach maximum height?

    Windborne Vortex is kinda neat? It's a spell that requires careful planning with start up time, which that itself is pretty cool, but it has so many strange features or empty details. First off, cooldown, no. You don't need a cooldown for this spell, the 3 seconds wait time for the damage to appear is already enough to nerf the attack to not be too powerful, on top of costing Base 10 Mana. Damage % makes sense, since of the start up and the base Class Damage of 60%. That Elemental Conversion is bad tho. Generally, don't have a single element be more than 40%, and 2 of your other spells involve Air, this class's spells is only Air, there's too much of one element for this class, so you should probs change it to something else. The Upgrade 1's Healing is a neat idea, since it makes it useful for multiple enemies. Tho, question just arised, how big even is the AOE of this spell, how high does it send enemies? For Upgrade 2, how long does the Stun last? Since having it be more than 1 second would be pretty broken.

    Elemental Shred is interesting? Removing and reapplying Elemental Defenses is a neat idea for a assist spell, but if an enemy has no Elemental Defenses, or if your enemy's Elemental Attack and Elemental Defenses are different, it's pretty useless.

    One overarching problem also with this class suggestion, is, I can't see what sort of role this class is meant to be? Like, a Bard is normally meant to be Support I assume, but it seems like a lot of this class doesn't really have a direction on what it wants to be? The low Base Class Damage implies it have powerful Spells or abilities to make up for it, but all of it seems eh? On top of that, nothing about this class emphasizes Bard. There's nothing involving music, nothing about inspiring the party or yourself. It feels more like our lovable Tone-Deaf Bard, Venti with all of their Wind moves, than an actual Bard if anything. Some base ideas are good, like the idea of a Bard, having it being a low damaging class, and concepts of Updraft and Windborne Vortex is neat, but it really needs more details, corrections, and direction for this class to be viable and to imagine this in game.
    I_Liek_Turtlez and cmosier like this.
  8. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Bard is a very over suggested class because of the fact it's very common in fantasy, DnD, etc. I like that you have an idea on how to improve the game but a class suggestion just isn't one to write three or so lines about and call it good. There are a few things you missed: Starting Stats, Making every too op, and a tad bit of lore.

    While the lore isn't fully needed if they don't fit the story, why would we add them at all? Movement spell buffing and doing damage? Elemental shread will be even more easy mode than mage. Your first spell is a machine that gives you a shield too. And a stun, heal, and super high damage all in one spell? Yikes... CC (Crowd Control) should avoid doing massive damage, it's not meant for that. It's meant to hold the enemy in place, demanding they try some of your freshly made sweet tea. Movement spells aren't much different, minus warrior and assassin because they aren't ranged.

    My biggest issue is shread, it will just look at bosses and go, "So... do you want to die now... or in like .5 seconds?" Personally would recommend scrapping that spell and coming up with something else. Like

    String Pluck

    Grade I
    Mana: 7
    Enemies cover their ears for 3 seconds, crying as you pluck your string loudly and annoyingly

    Grade II
    Mana: 6
    Enemies ears bleed as you now try to sing, while plucking two strings. Taking 60% damage and stun for 4 seconds

    Grade III
    Mana: 5
    Enemies will do anything to escape your "music", yet they are still stunned for 5 seconds and take 60% damage

    The other classes are guides to what the game sees as acceptable, and "kinda somewhat, maybe balanced" I'd recommend trying to minic how they set up their spells.

    1st - Primary Role/gimmick
    2nd- Movement
    3rd - Damage
    4th - CC/Buff

    Don't fall into the trap of over stuffing your class as well. A little can mean a lot.

    Outside of those issues, it was a pretty good read!
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    A lot of people want a bard class and it seems more requested than Summoner, so I can see this happening

    However, I don't think they'd add an entire class in a sub-update like 1.20.4, it'd probably be in a full update.
  10. melon

    melon Well-Known Adventurer

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    Good idea, but there are some changes I'd make.

    First off, Petrarchan sonnet grade 2 could "heal" others for as much as you get healed. Otherwise, completely fine.

    Second off, less air. Period.
    Someone could add a 100% air damage boost to their build and be significantly more powerful than everyone else.
    (this is not true, but you get the idea. more versatility.)

    Third of all, updraft grade 2 could and should be changed to something along the lines of "while in the updraft, you have forward wherever you're looking until the updraft ends".
    I phrased that terribly, but you get the gist of it.

    Fourth of all, I cannot understand vortex at all.
    " 10 second cool down" is completely useless if it already costs base 10 mana, bc you can only really cast it twice in a 3-7 sec frame (depending on mana regen), plus the 3 sec you have to wait anyway, and "no reductions possible" is completely inconsistent, and while unique, it just doesn't seem that good of an idea. (if I'm interpreting everything correctly)

    Just some changes I'd make, great idea.
    (add a poll plz)
  11. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    That makes things clearer, but making a spell just ignore intelligence isn't really a thing you can do. Just make the base cost 12 or something, that way you can have the spell be incredibly expensive while still not screwing up the way intelligence works and making a bunch of items like ossuary, disso, and the TFA hive boots completely useless.

    Also PLEASE add a pole so we can vote on whether it's a good idea I wanna support this and a lot of other people do too, just add a pole so people can show what they think about the idea.
  12. KikiTheKiko

    KikiTheKiko The Non-Binary Bard HERO

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    So as the Wynncraft resident bard, my only reccomendation would be to make the class more support based. We have the shaman who's a healer/buffer. How about a bard who is pure buff. A difficult class to play given they're a little weak on their own, but with a team they're unmatched. Damage buffs, attack speed buffs, defense buffs, and perhaps even an overheal system. DPS bards aren't very common (except in dnd and ff14, though the one in ff14 is kinda only a bard in title) and are much more commonly known to be the ultimate support class.

    The shaman buffs, but mainly CCs, the bard could be pure buffs. That's just my take though.
    Ninja_VK likes this.
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