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Level 85 Boss Altar Concept - Corkus Patriots

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by epicwynkrafgemr, Jul 3, 2021.


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  1. epicwynkrafgemr

    epicwynkrafgemr Skilled Adventurer

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    Boss altar name: The Patriots' Hideout

    Recommended combat level: 85

    Ingredients required to enter: 12 Platinum Ingot

    Location: Corkus Docks, hidden behind a building.

    Lore: This base has been the main hideout of the Separatists, it has weapons unseen by the public eye.

    Dialogue: [1/4]Remza: Intruders! How did you get in here? Actually, that is of no consequence, as you will swiftly die now.

    The boss: Remza
    The main threat of the boss altar is Remza herself, the minions mostly function as distractions, she is able to exploit elemental weaknesses of players very well. Has 3 phases, each having a different weapon.

    Phase 1

    Remza does not have a main attack, primarily uses spells and will move away from the player.

    Defensive stats: Immunity to Blindness, Knockback and Slowness, 300,000 Health
    Air Defense Water Defense Fire Weakness

    Weapon: Sub Zero
    A defensive weapon that is used to slow down battles to a halt. Looks like a water relik. Does less damage than the other weapons. Uses mostly Water and Air-themed spells.
    30% Water Damage 30% Air Damage 10% Earth Damage 30% Neutral Damage

    Spells: Heavy Slowness, Push, Heavy Push, Heal, Heavy Arrow Storm, Wave, Heavy Wave

    Spell Combos:

    Wave - Wave - Heavy Wave (25% chance to choose this combo)

    Heal - Heavy Slowness - Heavy Wave - Heal (25% chance to choose this combo)

    Push - Push - Push - Heavy Push - Heal (25% chance to choose this combo)

    Heavy Arrow Storm x15 (stacked) - Heavy Slowness (25% chance to choose this combo)

    Important: The multiplier for Heavy Arrow Storm is very low for this boss, meaning that the combo will do barely any damage unless you are right next to Remza.

    This phase is the most annoying because of how defensive Remza is, however it is the easiest phase and things get harder from here. After defeating phase 1 this dialogue will trigger:

    [2/4]Remza: While the pathetic governments of this island do nothing, I slave away to protect us from the existential threat that haunts us all.

    Phase 2

    Remza does not have a main attack, primarily uses spells and will follow the player.

    Defensive stats: Immunity to Blindness and Slowness, 300,000 Health
    Fire Defense Thunder Defense Water Weakness

    Weapon: Plasma Staff
    A balanced weapon that focuses on strong counter-attacks and disorienting the player. Looks like a thunder wand. Does average damage. Uses mostly Thunder and Fire-themed spells.
    35% Fire Damage 35% Thunder damage 15% Neutral damage 15% Air Damage

    Spells: Teleport, Heavy Teleport, Flamethrower, Heavy Flamethrower, Charge, Heavy Arrow Storm, Vanish, Explosion

    Spell Combos:

    Teleport - Explosion - Heavy Teleport (20% chance)

    Heavy Teleport - Heavy Teleport - Heavy Teleport - Vanish (20% chance)

    Vanish - Charge - Heavy Flamethrower (20% chance)

    Flamethrower - Flamethrower - Flamethrower - Explosion (20% chance)

    Heavy Arrow Storm x22 (stacked) - Heavy Teleport (20% chance)

    Important: The multiplier for Heavy Arrow Storm is very low for this boss, still, 22 is quite managable unless you do something stupid, isn't it? The other combos are slightly less threatening.

    After you have survived the blindness pain that is phase 2, this dialogue will trigger:

    [3/4]Remza: What is with you?! Why can't you understand that my cause is just? That I'm only doing this for the greater good!

    Phase 3

    Remza does not have a main attack, primarily uses spells. Will charge at the player.

    Defensive stats: Immune to Blindness, 300,000 Health
    Thunder Weakness Air Weakness

    Weapon: Acid Blaster
    An offensive weapon that corrodes anything that lowers their guard, no special effects, just pure destruction. Looks like an earth bow. Does low damage, but unleashes an extreme amount of attacks. Uses Earth, Water and Fire spells.
    33% Earth Damage 33% Water Damage 33% Fire Damage 1% Neutral Damage

    Spells: Heavy Explosion, Heavy Charge, Heavy Flamethrower, Heavy Wave, Heavy Arrow Storm, Meteor

    Spell Combos:

    Heavy Charge - Heavy Explosion - Heavy Charge - Heavy Explosion x2 (10% chance)

    Meteor - Meteor - Heavy Charge - Meteor - Heavy Flamethrower (10% chance)

    Heavy Wave - Heavy Wave - Heavy Wave - 5 second delay - Heavy Wave x3 (10% chance)

    Heavy Wave - Meteor - Heavy Flamethrower - Heavy Charge - Meteor - Heavy Wave (10% chance)

    Heavy Arrow Storm x15 (stacked) - Heavy Flamethrower - Heavy Arrow Storm x22 (stacked) (30% chance)

    Heavy Arrow Storm x31 (stacked) - Heavy Charge - Heavy Wave (30% chance)

    Important: The Heavy Arrow Storm multiplier for this boss is low, but even then, you are going to need some serious defense if you want to reliably recover from those last 2 combos.

    There are a few ways to make this phase a lot easier, such as high elemental defenses, but you still need some decent damage unless you want the fight to take forever because of all the hitstunning.

    After you have made it out alive, this dialogue will trigger:

    [4/4]Remza: I'm not dead! I'll be back and you'll regret what you have done!
    *Was it wise to let her get away? It's too late for that now, but she dropped some stuff while running away.*

    The minions: Flybots

    have access to every element, hover 3 blocks above the ground and will use random spells and debuffs to distract you. Only two of each type may be alive at a time, and their respawn rate is quite low.

    Blue Flybot

    Defensive stats: 40,000 Health, Will get knocked back a lot by attacks
    Medium Earth Defense Low Thunder Defense Low Water Defense High Fire Defense Medium Air Defense

    Offensive stats: They don't attack, only follow around.

    Vanish, Weakness, Slowness, Push, Heal, Heavy Heal, Heavy Push, Self-Destruct (Heal heals the enemies, not the player)

    Spell Combos:

    Self-Destruct (20% Chance)
    Vanish - Weakness - Slowness - Heal - Heavy Heal - Push - Heavy Push - Self Destruct (80% chance)

    Red Flybot

    Defensive stats: 40,000 Health, Will get knocked back a lot by attacks

    Offensive stats:

    100% Neutral, meaning that spells will convert to their respective elements, for example Flamethrower will do Fire damage.

    Spells: Heavy Teleport, Flamethrower, Wave, Pull, Push, Self-Destruct

    Spell Combos:

    Heavy Teleport - Heavy Teleport - Heavy Teleport - Heavy Teleport - Self-Destruct (25% chance)

    Flamethrower - Flamethrower - Flamethrower - Flamethrower - Self-Destruct (25% chance)

    Wave - Wave - Wave - Wave - Self-Destruct (25% chance)

    Push - Pull - Push - Pull - Push - Pull - Self-Destruct (25% chance)

    Boss Rewards

    135000 Experience Points when Phase 3 is killed


    Officer's Coat - A Fire + Thunder chestplate with massive elemental defenses, low HP and not much else.

    Sub Zero - A Water + Air relik that gives +20 Defense and +30 Agility but has really bad base damage.


    Acid Blaster - Bow with average stats and + Tier Attack Speed and -% Spell Costs but a - Health and - Health regen penalty.


    Plasma Staff - A melee wand with decent stats, and reduces your Intelligence to 0, but has huge negative teleport cost and Fission Major ID.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
    DaCorruption likes this.
  2. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    this should go in general suggestions
  3. Chigo_

    Chigo_ wtf is a chigo QA CHAMPION

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    Moved to general suggestions :)
  4. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    You should have waited a day later to release this for July 4th ;)
    Nukewarmachine and cmosier like this.
  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    You clearly put in a lot of effort but the whole thread becomes useless once you realise that Corkus already has 2 boss altars and doesn't need more
  6. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    If you change the lore a little, this might work for the bandits in the Canyon of the Lost.
    Separatists are basically bandits, right?
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  7. mzxie

    mzxie Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    pretty cool. dialogue is a bit... i dunno, predictable? bland? but it seems like a good boss. corkus already has two boss altars but this is really cool
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