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The Current State Of Player Housing

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by HoloTheProudWolf, Jul 3, 2021.

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  1. HoloTheProudWolf

    HoloTheProudWolf Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey today I will be making this post almost entirely on the topic of housing.

    It will be featuring what I love about housing, the listing of bugs, what I think should already be features, and possible improvements/features.

    So just to build up my credibility, I have spent an absurd amount of time in my housing and the housing of others because that is what I enjoy doing. The faces of my friends and guild members and the amazing support I get makes it a truly enjoyable experience.

    Okay to start off with is the listing of several bugs I came across, most are known nonetheless they should all be listed. These bugs occur for me on all sorts of versions that I have tried.

    -Chests becoming invisible upon reentry of housing.

    -Books on enchantment tables being stolen by the item identifier.

    -In my housing location, Realm of Light, there are an abundance of barrier blocks in no real shape very very close to the main island to the point on some sides you can’t fly outwards and if you do you get stuck in a weird barrier maze.

    -I have noticed that placing blocks through holding right click increases the risk of ghost blocks to form, sometimes the fix is as easy as trying to place another block in its place then breaking it or worse having to reload your player housing.

    -Okay so I don’t know if this was intentional, but the crafting stations really stop block placements around them of course you can circumnavigate this through placing all the other blocks first, however any minor edits can prove to be quite the deconstruction.

    -Armor stands and the outwards disappearance of your armor isn't huge but using the armor as an aesthetic is something I wish was functioning properly.

    -The fly permission bug where when a player joins the world they can’t fly despite its ability being ticked. (Unless the owner redoes the perm)

    -I noticed if I do /switch to join a different world all the blocks of other players inventories get wiped (Those in building edit)

    -Now this might be on purpose for some cross version compatibility, but the inability to break blocks through blocks that aren’t even close to being a full block can get really quite obnoxious.

    -The warriors ability to glitch blocks into obnoxious jittering ghost blocks (Uppercut) and the mage teleportation ability threw corners of blocks (and glass) should, in my eyes, not exist I have no idea what the fix is, but why doesn’t the fix for all of Wynncraft work in Housing as well? Is there some other complication?

    -Okay so one more time I’m not overly sure what causes the over abundance of ghost blocks, but it really impacts the player’s ability to build effectively when most people for several hours won’t know there is a ghost block that they have been building off of and when they reload there build like half of what they just did is all gone all of a sudden.

    Okay so the next part may consist of a little more negativity, but I just mean it as criticism and concepts for player housing.

    -So the first thing I really want that should’ve been launched on release (my belief) is Water (Could be a still source block instead of flowing to uncomplicate things), Bookshelves and the daylight sensors (the books that goes on top of tables).

    -Maybe some kind of system where players can either pay monthly, given as a rank perk, or even an LE weekly/monthly cost to cut down on currency, where housing could be open 24/7 it serves no pay 2 win function and I think would be quite the nice addition. (Now I won’t pretend that in either of these scenarios it won’t benefit me and my guild hall…)

    -The ability to open the housing to guild members/friends/or a selected list of people they add to it.

    -In the future it would be nice to have the same heads that the builders have access to when building (Yes I’m sure that plugin probably isn’t on the main server but still.)

    -Why is llevigar’s housing at like the backside of it there is no real view there. (Yes I get the balloon is over there, but why not near the center of llevigar?

    -Please, please just state the costs of the materials at 4x I can’t tell you how many people's faces drop after initially seeing the cost as 1 ingot quickly goes to 4 ingots over a large build that is an absurdly large difference especially for those trying to plan their build.

    -A complicated idea but maybe have it so people can place there pets in places around there housing would encourage pet buying and maybe have a limit if that is a concern.

    -Please list the npc limit as 10 or stop players from buying at 10… We can’t give the excess away nor can we return it. (That reminds me maybe have a block return feature if it isn’t that insane)

    With all of the above said I do want to thank Wynncraft for creating the housing option like I have said I have invested a great deal of time into it, which net me being more happy and the people around me who enjoy something that would otherwise be impossible on this server. Housing on Wynncraft gives me a different more enjoyable feel than that on a survival server or that on a creative server the community and the atmosphere the server is built around makes it perfect.

    Thanks for giving this a read wish I had more positive things to say, but what I said about why I enjoy housing far outweighs the cons despite the text difference.
  2. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    As a fellow housing enthusiast, I have to agree with a lot of this stuff. Great thread, gets my thumbs up!
    The barrier blocks between housing plots are not consistent. At my corkus plot, I can fly around the full square, but at other plots there are barrier blocks randomly around the corner bits so I can't do that and I have no idea why.

    I do wish you could leave housing open while offline or just doing other things too. I suppose it could flood the visit island tab, but maybe if there was a separate tab for offline owners? I dunno.

    As for the bookshelves, I really wish we had those too, yeah. I don't think there's anything too crazy, redstone wise, that you can abuse with daylight sensors, but maybe I'm wrong. No idea why there isn't full bookshelf blocks though. And static water/lava would definitely be cool too, if it's not too harmful. Obviously flowing water/lava would be pretty bad.

    Unrelated to housing, but also related to housing (Can wynn resource pack please have connected texture support for glass? This would be really nice) as there is no other alternative to water.

    I didn't even know the 10 npc limit existed, first I'm hearing about it, so the fact it's not stated anywhere is kinda yikes. But yeah, I pretty much agree with everything above. I understand the majority of players aren't spending a ludicrous amount of time on their housing plots, or care for housing much at all, but it would be nice to have at least some of these small qol features

    And yeah when I originally bought all of my mats I priced them as I saw them, before I knew prices raised and I ended up having to spend a LOT more money on materials than I intended to. I do not understand why the prices have to raise. If you want them high, just make them high from the start. I know they were lowered from what they initially were when housing was released, but it still doesn't make sense to me for them to increase without any warning of it anywhere.
    Rothboy, Xeabia and HoloTheProudWolf like this.
  3. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Housing really needs more fixing. Please edit to add a poll, since it shows a lot of people are willing to support you, since yea, it feels like a lot of creativity and the ability to show off all your work is pretty limited, and I know I dropped Housing after looking at how much the materials increase after buying each set of blocks. :/
    HoloTheProudWolf likes this.
  4. HoloTheProudWolf

    HoloTheProudWolf Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sure when I get home I will maybe start trying to come up with some kind of Poll although I listed a lot of topics above and not really used to critiquing things. I Appreciate the commend if you don't mind spreading this around would love to see all the varying opinions.
  5. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Also, add mossy variants for stairs and slabs, this really makes building much harder.
    Ichikaaa likes this.
  6. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    This would be pretty nice, yeah
  7. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    I just want a path leading from the airship dock to the centre of the island for those of us who don't have hero
  8. Rothboy

    Rothboy Well-Known Adventurer

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    just bumping because i think there are ton of good suggestion and also to remind @HoloTheProudWolf to add a poll
  9. Phreya

    Phreya Travelled Adventurer

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    Just recently splooged on my house, and love it. also 100% bookshelves and other trap doors (im looking at you spruce and dark oak). water would be nice but understand why. But I don't see why we cant have more blocks since they already exist.

    Decorative armor stands would be sick

    some sort of fire would be grand.

    I just started, but any blocks added I would be so excited for!
  10. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    Other trapdoors are from 1.13, however Wynn can only work with blocks up to 1.12.2, no more. That's why they don't exist.
  11. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    What they really need to stop doing is locking off originally fully-accessible houses such as the Llevigar house to champion only. I bought it myself then they locked it off because they felt that champions didn’t have enough housing plots despite them having TONS of questionably pay2win features. (Also the system message telling me to find another plot isn’t even grammatically correct lmao)
    Ninja_VK and Sg_Voltage like this.
  12. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    That plot was always Champion-exclusive, it's just that it had a bug where you could buy a plot there without Champion.
    TS_potato likes this.
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