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Discussion in 'Questions' started by mcpkdot, Jun 27, 2021.

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  1. mcpkdot

    mcpkdot Skilled Adventurer

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    Is nether something different with "portal"(I mean "After portal"<<---this one)

    What is portal can I enter?

    What is the main antagonist of this game

    Is skyblock better or wynncraft better

    Is wynncraft nsfw

    Is wynncraft blood toggleable?

    What is the best modpack for wynncraft

    Is wynncraft grindy

    Whats the best shaderpacks for wynncraft?

    Whats the best class(most fun)

    How to not get ban?

    Is the scilent expanse a part of wynn or wynn is part of scilent expanse?
  2. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Nether was a pvp area that has not been in the game for a while
    You can't enter the nether portal at the moment because the pvp area has been disabled
    The main antagonist of this game is currently unkown, however bak'al is a major pion of the main antagonist
    depends on who you ask, wynncraft is better imo
    depends on who you ask, not nsfw imo
    yes it is /toggle blood
    modpacks suck, install mods seperately.
    wynncraft can be grindy but the pre-end game content is not grindy
    shaderpacks slow down your pc's performance, wynncraft already is a pretty heavy load on your pc, especially in towns, wouldn't reccomend
    depends on who you ask, I think Assassin is the most fun class
    Follow the rules
    Silent Expanse is a part of wynn taken over by Dern
    read the wiki
    AlleonVera likes this.
  3. Faded the weeb

    Faded the weeb your local weeb VIP+

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    The "nether" is mostly a thing of the past, it was a region with PVP always on. The portal is moreso related to "corruption" that's a theme in the majority of your adventure in Wynn.

    See the above^

    There really isn't a "main antagonist" that's in the game yet, but a lot of people credit the "Dern Beast" with the title, though the story's always evolving.

    Depends what you classify as nsfw, there are dark themes and dark quests, but that's about it.

    I do believe so. Nothing you can really do about skins showing blood on occasion, but there is a toggle for blood particles.

    Wynntils is very common and very good, as far as I'm aware.

    Not so much anymore. There is grinding involved, but most of the time you can get by by just doing the game's content. Exploring, doing dungeons, quests, and discoveries. On that note, don't bother with professions until you've got at least one if not several classes to endgame first.

    I don't use shaders because my laptop is already enough of a potato, so I can't comment on this.

    That depends on you and your playstyle. Mage is very consistent, albeit a rocky start due to not having a damaging spell at first, Archer is best when it comes to damage, Assassin is fantastic in the hands of experienced players, and so on.

    Just remember to heed the rules and use common sense. Don't be overly obnoxious, don't excessively beg players for favors, that kind of thing.

    Silent Expanse is just another realm within the same universe as Wynn, and Gavel.

    edit: dangit. Beat me to it.
    Ninja_VK, Dream and AlleonVera like this.
  4. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It is not a realm. It is an area overtaken by Dern as said by Dream.
    Realm is the whole Overworld or RoL or Dern.
    Wynn and Gavel are provinces.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
    dr_carlos and ditsario like this.
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