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World A Few Ideas For An Ocean Update

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Samsam101, Mar 6, 2021.


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  1. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    You don't have to engage in combat in dive spots though.

    You could replace the breathing helmet with a breathing charm or something, but as long as you have to use the breathing helmet for dive spots anyways, then I think it's fair to attach the night vision to the breathing helmet.
  2. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Yeah but don’t you think its annoying to continuously switch builds?
  3. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    It's annoying for sure, but the major point is you already have to use the breathing helmet anyways.
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  4. RogueRangermc


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    you bring up numerous good points, and I find that the ocean has so much lore that it really needs to just be updated all around, like most of it hasn't been updated since the ACTUAL update that introduced most of the ocean, I agree with most things in this post except for the fishing boats, like how would you end up making them useful? other than that, this is a good idea for making the ocean feel more alive in general, and I hope some of these get implemented in some form someday.
  5. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I feel like first you'd need to get the basic stuff done first. Ignoring all the blandess of the ocean itself it it's current state, being under water AT ALL in wynncraft is a complete nightmare. I break into a cold sweat when I reach that hall in decrepit sewers just because I might touch a tiny bit of water, and that's pretty depressing.

    First of all, one thing that's practically innevitable is that the server's gonna have to upgrade to 1.13 or higher. Yes, I know this screws up a bunch of mods and whatnot, but, first of all, the wynntils website literally says the only reason they haven't updated is because wynncraft hasn't, they're just waiting for wynncraft to update. But also, there is NO way for things like underwater combat to work if players don't even have the ability to swim.
    I'd say, two things that are absolutely essential are depth strider, and making the diving helmet a tome. Disabling an entire armor slot whenever you go underwater is just ridiculous, since it breaks pretty much any build that uses blue mask, or Aphotic, of BPC, or OSH, or an attack tier helmet, or pretty much any helmet that might be central to a player's build. And depth strider because right now your walk speed is about the same as Yahya's final form when you're underwater, which if you don't know, is pretty slow.
    Along with that, adding waterlogged slabs and stairs in pretty much any place where the players might be entering or exiting the water would be incredibly helpful. Right now if you fall into water you basically have to annoyingly hold w and space for several seconds while your character bobs up and down before finally leaving the water, which coupled with the bad walk speed underwater is mostly what causes falling into water to be so annoying in this game.
    And finally, movement spells will definitely have to be changed whenever you're underwater. Charge would have to move significantly faster, and also work vertically. Escape would have to not explode until you touched a solid surface instead of exploding mid-air (or mid-water in this case I guess). Haul would have to have a set amount of time that it would pull you for before bouncing you, in addition to pulling you significantly harder. And Assassin's vanish would have to give you dolphin's grace instead of speed so that you actually got a speed buff underwater, in addition to pulling you significantly harder. Some regular attack spells would have to be changed too. Aura would have to have a vertical 3-dimensional AOE (it would effect mobs within a say, 10x10 box/sphere, instead of having a 1 block tall AOE). Any spells with a sort of "beam" attack would work vertically, for example, the black particles from multihit would move vertically depending on which way the player was facing in addition to horizontally (if say, you were casting uppercut towards a mob that was both in front of and above you at an angle, the uppercut would travel at an angle towards the mob and, if you had good aim, would hit it). And Warrior's uppercut would also pull mobs all the way to the bottom of the ocean unless the took damage while the were falling (it wouldn't be too hard to hit them with war scream/ vertical charge, this just to prevent weirdness with mobs colliding with the water and never coming down. You could probably change this to have it pull mobs back to the Y level they were at when uppercut hit them).
    Right now fishing is easily one of the most annoying experiences you'll ever have with wynncraft. Thanks to the rods having 0 range you have to swim around in the water just to catch a few fish, and if spending hours stumbling in and out of the water and swimming into barrier blocks while also getting attacked by mobs every few seconds sounds fun I honestly don't know what's wrong with you. I feel like fishing should be a relaxing time to turn on some shaders and just enjoy the wynncraft map, and this does that much better than the cluster of BS we currently have.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Are you really trying to say ''The CT should spend a year rewriting every plugin just so that 1.13 swimming mechanics can be used and it'll probably cause a huge amount of controversy''?

    You also seem to act as if tomes are for major IDs (which they are not) and the whole point of Major IDs being tied to random items is to provide a debuff to players who choose to use them.
  7. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I get the 1.13 stuff, it'll be a mess, but if making spending time underwater enjoyable is the goal I'm not sure how to avoid it. I guess you could just let players who are on 1.13 clientside swim around, but you still couldn't waterlog blocks or anything. It's too bad all the functions got screwed up in 1.13.

    Also, there are tomes that have major ids. Making the act of being underwater force you to change your build just doesn't make sense. I'm afraid they'll just make the mistake they made with galloping spurs with having horse combat be tied to a low-level item. Horse combat is fun, but at high levels it really isn't meta at all.

    If you want to have people spend more time underwater, forcing them to carry an extra helmet around all the time, and making them have to completely have to redo the builds whenever they go underwater is not very good motivation. Want to know why nobody ever goes to seavale reef despite it basically being free money, heck, why does practically everyone just throw out their breathing helmet 2 when they finish the underice quest? Yes, partly because the ocean is bland as heck, but also because just simply being underwater in this game is an agonizing experience. Once you beat the underwater quest, you should get access to tomes, and get a 'Tome of Water Breathing I' or something like that, which would let you breathe longer when you're underwater. Underice would give you a tier 2 verision of it.
    I can guarantee you, no matter how much lore you add underwater, no one will ever even try to look for it for more than a few minutes if you don't let them breathe underwater without their builds breaking.
  8. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    That's the point though, it nerfs the item's amazing power by making it otherwise weak. Putting every major ID on tomes is a stupid idea because then they'll be overpowered as all hell.

    Example, please, I have never seen this.

    People have legitimately never complained about this, it's not like the Helmet of Legends or Climbing helmet because in most areas that use the diving helmet there are no hostile mobs and thus no issue with builds being ''ruined''

    Tomes are mid-endgame content designed to encourage people to do raids, not early game content for people who do an easy level 8 quest. Plus, by that stage most players will have no understanding of IDs and tomes will seem fairly useless to them as a feature

    Water breathing is barely even a problem to begin with, most endgame players will use builds with insane regen and will be practically invincible underwater anyway. If it's such a problem, then why don't we instead add a ''potion of water breathing'' that lasts like 2 minutes and allows you to breathe underwater the same amount of time as the Breathing Helmet I?
  9. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I wouldn't say horses are that OP in combat, but you do have a valid point, although forcing cavalry players to use a lv 40 boots with basically no ids is a bit to much in my opinion, it's a good idea if it's done well.

    But being able to not drown for a little longer is not "overpowered as hell"

    People never complain because no one ever even tries going underwater. People will complain if you make the ocean actually have content.
    Not having hostile mobs also just feels like a huge waste of potential, it wouldn't make sense from a lore standpoint either since why would there be no hostile mobs in the ocean when pretty much everyone everywhere else wants to kill you? There's quite a bit of hinting at the ocean having some sort of 'darkness' to it, like with the lore on Aphotic for example, and with the half moon island stuff being in the same area that could be a very interesting direction to take that section of the game in.
    Also, even if they don't add hostile mobs in the ocean, having to change helmets would force people who rely on helmets like Blue Mask would have to either A: reset their skill points every time the go looking for stuff in the ocean, which is just a huge pain, or B: change into a set of other armor that works with their current skill points, or just take all their armor off, whenever they go underwater. Both of those options are incredibly irritating.
    "most" endgame players have insane regen?
    I'm sorry, EWF builds are generally the only ones with great regen, and that's only a fraction of the builds people use, but assuming that people are all using EWF builds, most EWF builds still don't have enough regen to just undo drowning damage. I guess this is especially irritating to hear when my only lv 100 class is warrior, since warrior is awful when it comes to regen. This also completely ignores low-level builds which cannot regen all of their drowning damage.

    As for potions, this is a decent idea, but it'll still be kinda annoying. I guess it depends mostly on how much they'd cost and how many uses they'd have, but this could be a solution. I still prefer the tome idea but I'd be fine with it if the CT gave us this instead.
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