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Expanded Pvp Ability

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Terradore, May 31, 2021.


Want more pvp?

  1. Yes!

    11 vote(s)
  2. Na!

    2 vote(s)
  3. Some of this I like but some I dont.

    9 vote(s)
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  1. Terradore

    Terradore Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    So recently I have been streaming wynncraft and trying to find new ways for viewer interaction and keep things interesting. I found the hunted mode to be a great tool for that but there are a few minor tweaks id like as well as other things that would be amazing to have.

    So as of right now, I have been putting myself in hunted mode and then running from everyone as they try to hunt me down using my stream to track me, this is great and I have a lot of fun with it. BUT people can add me as a friend and they can then see me through walls whether I add them back or anything else, so they basically have a way to track anyone they want. I suggest possibly removing the highlight for friends when you in hunted mode unless your in a party. this would make things more fair.

    It would also be nice if it told you who killed you. I like to do giveaways every now and then and what I do is give things away to the person that kills me extra. but sometimes there are so many people after me I can't tell who got me. which makes it hard to give things out to the killer.

    I also played while having 1v1 tournaments in housing. but the problem there is if I enable PVP it is hard to keep it just the two doing the 1v1 in that part of the bracket. so we just had them do the original duels but that makes it hard to tell when the duel starts and who wins. It would be nice if the game told you the winner/loser of nearby duels or maybe just duels inside your housing world.

    and here is the big suggestion. it would be amazing if there was a dual-mode in housing that you can activate and build your own brackets extra. the combat in wynncraft is super unique and I would love to do more with it. as well, it would be cool to have a mini "battle royale" type mode in your housing (not a full thing for all of the wynn, that would be too much work but would also be cool) this mode would let you bring all your players into your housing and once its activated PVP starts and once you die you are put back on to the boat and you can't get off until there's only one person left in the map.

    another way to add more PVP would be guilds. it would be amazing if you could "challenge" another guild to a pvp match in the zone they have and if they accept all the guild members present on each side duke it out in the zone till one team is standing. this wouldn't replace the way you take land already but would be an alternative way to take them that both parties agree to. The way you can encourage people to agree and plan these battles could be something like, if you take it from someone you get to keep the upgrades and if you defend it you get a boost to your production depending on how many of the other team you fended off. You could also let allied guilds join in but limit their player a little bit.

    also please, please nerf toxo for pvp.

    Seems like pvp isn't particularly popular right now so maybe an overhaul is good thing.
    Sir_Doomed likes this.
  2. pepper1boy

    pepper1boy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Agreed, most of these are small issues, but with all of them combines it makes for a very unpleasant PVP experience. Obviously there is the much needed nerf to some builds such as poison builds, where if you get hit by ANY spell for ANY amount of damage, you die, but also with PVP, which i think isnt very popular due to these exploits and imbalances. I would personally LOVE to see the nether added back into wynn, and many others agree with me, but with the way things are going im not sure if it will be possible for it to be fair.
  3. yy8erig

    yy8erig bumpjoinICo

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    Oh hey, yes please nerf toxo I lost a gales force and a avia feather from trying to kill you but i was in morph and some random other hunted player just one tapped me
    Nukewarmachine likes this.
  4. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    so basically a way to skip any timers from across the map? making so you can take all of jungle from sky island from an allied guild without having to wait 40 minutes of timers, pay taxes to every guilds in your path AND not having to fight a tower? Yea no, guild pvp is a good idea, just don't mix territories with it.

    edit: another function, the ressource boost after a sucessfull def, would be waaaaay too op, even if you count for only 10% (which would be low af) it would give double terrs upgraded 4/3 in ressource boosts an 8k free fucking ressource boost per hour or 28k free emeralds from a max boosted city, which again you can easily use your allies to just challenge your terrs, lose it it freely and bam you got yourself free ressources boosts
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
    Crystqllized likes this.
  5. GenuineOyster0

    GenuineOyster0 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    JUST. DISABLE. AGILITY. NOBODY enjoys landing a perfect hit on you, just for you to NOT EVEN TAKE IT BECAUSE OF A NUMBER. If agil applies, WHY DOESNT DEFENSE?
  6. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    I don't think def reduces poison and hunted being very poison meta rn it looks like def never applies
  7. Terradore

    Terradore Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    well remember that I said that both the attacking and defending guilds need to concent to the pvp and perhap there can be a limit on how many times you can challenge and accept challenges. Amd the % can be as little as 1%
  8. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    yes, so you can have two allied guilds (not even entering the realm of subguilds) just feed each others ressource boost %

    over what amount of time? max amount of duels per terr? very imprecise, doesnt help

    then why the fuck would anyone agree to a duel on defense when the rewards are 2800 ems or about 1k ressources on a maxed boosted terr (assuming its city or double prod terr too), again there is literally no way to balance it out
    Crystqllized likes this.
  9. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    imo though. please fix player outlines in hunted it's a shit feature, make defense work in pvp, lower the combat timer, maybe fix a couple other things and itll be a lot more playable
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