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Game Mechanics Class Suggestion: Cursebearer

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by RatMessiah, May 15, 2021.


Does this class work?

Poll closed Jun 12, 2021.
  1. Yes

  2. Maybe, but the first spell needs changing. (please comment how)

    0 vote(s)
  3. Maybe, but the second spell needs changing. (please comment how)

    0 vote(s)
  4. Maybe, but the third spell needs changing. (please comment how)

    0 vote(s)
  5. Maybe, but the fourth spell needs changing. (please comment how)

    0 vote(s)
  6. Maybe, but the class has multiple problems. (please comment what)

  7. No

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  1. RatMessiah

    RatMessiah Divine Rodent

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    The Cursebearer/Light Emissary (VIP+)
    A class that focuses on being well-rounded, providing good offense with decent support, such as healing allies and debuffs towards enemies.
    (Here's a video to help visualize how this class and it's abilities work.)

    Damage: 4 (Same as Warrior and Archer)
    Defense: 3 (Same as Mage)
    Range: 2 (Same as Warrior and Mage)
    Spells: 4 (Same as Shaman)
    Main Attack: Melee Swing (Same as Warrior and Assassin)

    Weapon Type: Warpick

    All slowness debuffs will last between 2 and 4 seconds depending on how close you/the explosion is to the mobs. This will allow more reward for having good aim but also being fine enough without it.

    Combos are also available thanks to the movement ability being able to make mobs take extra kb (this is just pure coincidence) and also locking them in place horizontally which allows you to throw mobs away with RLR or RLL, the damage spells. Technically though, you can also use the movement ability to get some quick healing off of your foes by casting RRL when they're airborne.

    The Spells

    R-L-R (Spell 1): Discharge/Expel (VIP+)
    A ball made of purple particles and smoke that explodes into a small area of the same purple particles.
    (VIP+) Replace all particles with white particles (i.e. fireworkSpark and cloud)

    (Example in the video)

    Grade 1 (Lv. 1)
    Radius: 2
    Cost: 6 Mana
    Damage: 130%
    (30% Earth)
    Shoots out a small ball of cursed energy that'll explode after 2 seconds (slowing down nearby mobs halfway through detonation), dealing 130% damage and slow down mobs in a 2 block radius by 10%.

    Grade 2 (Lv. 16)
    Radius: 3 (+1)
    Cost: 5 Mana (-1)
    Damage: 140% (+10%)
    (30% Earth)
    Shoots out a small ball of cursed energy that'll explode right as it hits the ground, dealing 140% damage and slow down mobs in a 3 block radius by 20%.

    Grade 3 (Lv. 36)
    Radius: 4 (+1)
    Cost: 5 Mana
    Damage: 150% (+10%)
    (30% Earth)
    Shoots out a small ball of cursed energy that'll explode right as it hits the ground, dealing 150% damage and slow down mobs in a 4 block radius by 30%.

    Grade 1 has a set delay (2 seconds) and will slowdown enemies halfway through detonation (1 second), this effect does not stack with the 10% slowness after the explosion.

    R-R-R (Spell 2): Dust Devil/Typhoon (VIP+)
    A small ball made out of smoke and purple particles. Block breaking particles appear around the player, along with a spiral made out of purple particles.
    (VIP+) Replace all particles with white particles (i.e. fireworkSpark and cloud), Replace the block breaking particles with glowstone breaking particles.

    (Example in the video)

    Grade 1 (Lv. 11)
    Cost: 5 Mana

    Shoot out a small ball that'll teleport you to wherever it lands. This ball has very limited vertical height, similar to the Warrior's movement ability, Charge.

    Grade 2 (Lv. 26)
    Radius: 3
    Cost: 4 Mana
    Jump Boost 2 for 2 seconds
    Speed 2 for 7 seconds.

    Slow down all mobs within a 3 block radius around the player by 20%.
    Shoot out a small ball that'll teleport you to wherever it lands. This ball has very limited vertical height, similar to the Warrior's movement ability, Charge. Along with that, slow down all mobs within a 4 block radius by 20%.

    Grade 3 (Lv. 46)
    Radius: 4
    Cost: 4 Mana
    Jump Boost 2 for 6 seconds
    Speed 2 for 15 seconds. (+8)
    Funnel: Sweep up all mobs within a 4 block radius for 2 seconds, preventing them from moving.
    Slow down all mobs within a 4 block radius around the player by 20%.
    Shoot out a small ball that'll teleport you to wherever it lands. This ball has very limited vertical height, similar to the Warrior's movement ability, Charge. Along with that, slow down all mobs within a 4 block radius by 20% and sweep them up for 2 seconds, preventing them from moving.

    R-L-L (Spell 3): Outbreak/Upsurge (VIP+)
    Cast a black ray of smoke towards a block that you're looking at and after a set delay, a large beam of purple particles will come up from the ground and explode, throwing up black blocks and leaving behind a pool of purple and black particles.
    (VIP+) Replace the black ray of smoke with a ray of white particles (i.e. fireworkSpark, cloud, and spell), replace all purple particles with white particles (mentioned above) and replace the black blocks with glowstone blocks.
    (Example in the video)

    Grade 1 (Lv. 21)
    Radius: 4
    Cost: 8 Mana
    Damage: 250%
    (35% Earth)

    Cause a delayed explosion (explodes after 3 seconds) where ever you look, dealing heavy damage to all mobs within a 4 block radius of the explosion.

    Grade 2 (Lv. 36)
    Radius: 5
    Cost: 7 Mana (-1)
    Damage: 250%
    (45% Earth) (+10%)

    Cause a delayed explosion (explodes after 2 seconds) where ever you look, dealing heavy damage to all mobs within a 4 block radius of the explosion.

    Grade 3 (Lv. 56)
    Radius: 6
    Cost: 7 Mana
    Damage: 250%
    (45% Earth)

    (15% Air)
    Cause a delayed explosion (explodes after 1 second) where ever you look, dealing heavy damage to all mobs within a 4 block radius of the explosion.

    R-R-L (Spell 4): Macerate/Liquefy (VIP+)
    Ejects purple particles and smoke out of the player along with creating a circle made out of purple particles that will appear 4 times. All mobs inside of the circle will be hit with multiple sweepAttacks.
    (VIP+) Replace all particles with white particles (i.e. fireworkSpark, cloud, and spell).
    (Example in the video)

    Grade 1 (Lv. 31)
    Radius: 5
    Cost: 5 Mana
    10% Heal (of max health)
    Cycles 2 times

    Slow down all mobs within the radius by 15%, if there is a mob inside of the perimeter, you'll be slowed down by 10%.
    Summons a circular perimeter around you that'll slow down mobs by 15% and heal you if there are any mobs within the circle. Be careful though, if there are any mobs to heal off of, you'll also be slowed down by 10%.
    If an ally/allies are within the perimeter, they will be healed by 70% and receive the same slowness penalty as you.

    Grade 2 (Lv. 46)
    Radius: 5

    Cost: 5 Mana
    10% Heal (of max health)

    Damage: 60% (+60%)
    (15% Air) (+15%)
    Cycles 3 times (+1)
    Tremble: Slow down all mobs within the radius by 15%, if there is a mob inside of the perimeter, you'll be slowed down by 5%. (-5%)
    Summons a circular perimeter around you that'll slow down mobs by 15% and heal you if there are any mobs within the circle. Be careful though, if there are any mobs to heal off of, you'll also be slowed down by 5%.
    If an ally/allies are within the perimeter, they will be healed by 70% and receive the same slowness penalty as you.

    Grade 3 (Lv. 66)
    Radius: 5

    Cost: 4 Mana
    10% Heal (of max health)
    Damage: 60%
    (15% Air)
    Cycles 4 times
    Tremble: Slow down all mobs within the radius by 15%, if there is a mob inside of the perimeter, you'll be slowed down by 5%.
    Summons a circular perimeter around you that'll slow down mobs by 15% and heal you if there are any mobs within the circle. Be careful though, if there are any mobs to heal off of, you'll also be slowed down by 5%.
    If an ally/allies are within the perimeter, they will be healed by 70% and receive the same slowness penalty as you.

    Macerate will deal 60% total damage over the 3/4 cycles, not per hit. E.g. If I am supposed to deal 1200 damage at grade 3, I will deal 300 per hit.

    The Weapons
    The Cursebearer would wield a warpick, I took some time to make some messy models for ideas of the different elements (only made tier 3 since I've already put in enough effort into the other stuff)

    Here's the imgur link to the 5 models.

    Got any examples?
    Yes. I've made 2 bossfights using this fan-made class previously. Though, they do not have the warpick weapon model, rather, one has the Dynasty Relik skin and one has a random staff made (scrapped due to similarities to Mage).

    Remikas Bossfight (forum post)

    Siegfried Bossfight (forum post)

    You've made it to the end of this post, good job!
    I know that this class will definitely not get added, but I thought I should just make the class suggestion if I'm going to be doing more things with this thing.

    All of my creations are made using commands in 1.14.
    I used Blockbench to create the models.
    Credits to the Wynncraft for the texture pack.

    Discharge Grade 1: added information about slowing enemies down halfway
    Macerate: added information about healing allies
    Overall: added extra info about debuff duration and combo potential
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Finally, a class suggestion which isn’t grossly unbalanced
  3. GrianAdMoment

    GrianAdMoment Travelled Adventurer

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    had to make a forum account just to comment how great this post is, this is definitely one of the best made class suggestions I have seen.

    i saw in the demo at the start of the video, you can aim the movement ability downwards to get the perks of slowing/make enemies float? (seems real cool fr)
    when mobs are airborne, do they still take kb? if so, couldn't that mean you could use the movement ability (facing down) to make enemies fly into the air and then hit them with discharge (rlr) to send them away/get a free hit?

    seems like a really cool idea, also i really loved the bossfights.
    starx280 and RatMessiah like this.
  4. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    While I love the suggestion itself and I'm amazed by how much work you put into this, I just don't feel like Wynncraft needs a new class and that's why I wouldn't want this in-game... Not because it's not balanced, well-thought-out, or anything. It's amazing in every aspect, I just don't feel like a new class is needed. (Honestly, even before Shaman I thought they would never add a new class)
  5. RatMessiah

    RatMessiah Divine Rodent

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    Honestly, I completely agree with you. Though Wynncraft doesn't need a new class, it's also cool to see people spew out their little ideas of what could (but won't) be added into Wynncraft! :saltedhappy:
  6. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    Very great suggestion!

    only hiccup I see are the purple particles might be confusing in heavily purple ish areas like SE, altho thats just a probability of slightly confusing people so not a big worry
    RatMessiah likes this.
  7. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    very good work, maybe 10% of max health for a dps class is a bit too much but everything else is perfect.
    RatMessiah likes this.
  8. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Yooo, this is the greatest Class Suggestion I've ever seen in Wynncraft Forums! Seriously, the amount of effort ya put into this is nuts, you coded your own class, and demonstrated two hype boss fights using it. All of the spells are creative and simple, which are all good things to look for in a new class. :3 Tho, I had some questions/critcisms that popped up, that I would like for ya to expand on, to get a clearer sense of the Spells and your vision of them.

    Making it an Melee AOE class is pretty cool, and is a very interesting fast paced, dynamic, Support Class. Something I can see be implemented into Wynn. :)

    Spell 1/Discharge is pretty cool! The fact ya launch out a lobbing projectile that explodes into an AOE is pretty neat. But does the Boom effect in the video indicate when the damage is dealt, or when the smoke comes into contact with the enemy? Since it feels like Grade 1 is the video has a lot more delay before the explosion than Grade 2 or 3. Also, 2 Blocks Radius for Grade 1 feels kinda underwhelming, when it also seems like in the video, the projectile travels slowly for Grade 1. Tho, once it reaches Grade 2, it's pretty good, so not complaints there.

    Spell 2/Dust Devil, also a really cool Movement Spell! It combines Charge and Teleport, with good buffs for you to constantly use and it being useful in combat.

    Spell 3/Outbreak, also a pretty neat idea. Having a delayed but a powerful spell sounds pretty cool, with big AOE at later levels, that involes planning of where an enemy is. Tho, it's Grade 1 seems to be a bit underpowered. Not in the damage department, but the set up. Grade 1's 3 seconds delay is kind of a long time in combat in my opinion, as any melee mob that runs and is melee can get out of range of 4 Blocks radius burst. That, added on to when the player is moving around, it's harder for them to judge when the enemy might get caught in it. Also, Grade 3 seems a bit powerful? 1 Second delay compared to Grade 1's 3 second delay is a big difference, making this amazingly quick and big enough where you've very not likely to miss this attack. Also, the elemental conversion is a bit wonky, since it makes Fire, Water or Thunder can't be utilized when 45% Earth Conversion is pretty much, and added that alongside 15% Air is a lot. I think Mage Meteor also has up to 60% Elemental Conversion, but Mage is a whole bundle of problems, and comparing 30% Earth to 45% Earth Conversion is quite a huge difference. Actually, now that I think about it, Grade 3 kinda makes me think of a slightly weaker, bigger Meteor with a bit less Mana Cost. Keep in mind, that not it's a bad thing, but this meta has been shook by how busted Mage is.

    Spell 4/Macerate, is quite interesting. A good AOE spell that slows and heals at the cost of movement speed, a great tradeoff and very effective tool when surrounded by enemies. Does the Slow down by mobs also stack with Discharge and Dust Devil? I would be either or, since while it might be powerful, this class is meant to sort of meant to trap enemies. Really interesting balancing choice to have it heal you only when mobs are around ya, good balance to to have Mage Healing be OP. Tho, you mention that the class can Heal allies in the class description, did you forget to add that detail in, or did you mistype it by accident that it heals others?
    Also, does the damage from Grade 2 and Grade 3 activate for every cycle, or only once? Since, if an enemy is slowed down there anyways, a Grade 3 Macerate hitting 4 times totals up to 240% Damage, which is pretty strong for a Spell 4 that already heals and debuffs.

    Lastly, some plotholes. How long does Slowness last for Discharge and Dust Devil? Also, are CCI enemies affected from Slowness, since while CCI sucks, it's to prevent Shaman Aura from wrecking boss fights, so ya have to either say CCI mobs are immune to slowness, or have some sort of compromise and say CCI mobs are slowed by half or a tiny percentage. This last one is more of personal taste, and you don't have to necessary follow this, but Discharge, Outbreak, (and Grade 3 Macerate) Upgrades kinda feel strange in that they're only numerical upgrades. Most Spell Upgrades have an extra detail added to them to make them feel quite different. For Outbreak, since the time it takes for the explosion to happen and it's radius is a very noticeable difference, so it's a bit more acceptable. However, Discharge needs a tad bit more to wow a player when they get the upgrade other than different numbers that doesn't change up the spell a lot. (In fact, you can mention how Discharge's explosion is faster for Grade 2)

    While it might seem like I'm nickpicking too hard, I still feel like this a very good and quality Class Suggestion, and is actually quite balanced compared to other Class Suggestions in Forums. Only very minor things need to be changed, but there is Very little that needs to be changed for the base concepts, and has a great execution. Overall, top notch Class Suggestion, and while it might be awkward to use in Early Game due to it's Grade 1s, by the time you reach Grade 2 Spells, it will probably be a really fun class to play around with. :3
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
  9. EvanOrizam

    EvanOrizam Just your average Fruman supersoldier. VIP+

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    Great class! I would love this to be added into Wynncraft.
    Weapon looks too much like warrior tho
  10. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    You should be a gm because of this
  11. RatMessiah

    RatMessiah Divine Rodent

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    Thank you so much for this very detailed review!

    I do agree, both damage spells are quite hard to use/underwhelming at grade 1. When I was making them, I wasn't entirely sure how hard I should nerf the abilities in grade 1 to make sure that the class isn't *good* in early game like mage or something. I suppose I did over-nerf the abilities though, considering Outbreak basically speeds up by 1 second every tier (which as you can see, is a lot). Though, I do believe Discharge is fine due to the fact that by the time that you'll get grade 2 of that spell, most mobs will be moving slow enough (I also forgot to mention that grade 1 slows down mobs halfway after detonation, sorry! I'll make sure to edit this post to add that in) that you'll be able to hit them.

    Thanks for bringing up the elemental conversion on the Outbreak spell, I wasn't entirely sure if I should make it such high elem conversion considering the fact that grade 3 is absurdly fast and wide in radius. If I made it much lower percentages, it could be easily abused to the fact that it could be busted to an extremely high degree. 1 second delay for a large explosion with only, umm, 25% total elemental conversion. If I had like a fatal-equivalent for Outbreak, then I would be dealing insane damage (most likely at least) that would not be balanced at all.

    About the plotholes, all Slowness debuffs last from 2-4 seconds (depending on how close the enemy is to the blast). The debuffs were made hoping that CCI gets a minor rework so that some mobs can just have CC resistance (as you mentioned previously). But as of now, complete CCI mobs are not affected by the slowness effect (picture Ice Snake, it only works on non-slowness mobs). I agree with the fact that grades 3 of Discharge and Outbreak are both a bit underwhelming and only statistical, I believe Outbreak is fine since it now has a very noticeable ring of black blocks that get thrown up after impact (similar to Bash). On the other hand, Discharge only has a large pool of particles. I was thinking of changing the explosion particle to a large explosion but that might obstruct too much of the player's view. I will try to see what I can come up with.

    Yeah, I forgot to expand on the "healing allies thing" that Macerate has (sorry!). If an teammate is within the circle along with you, they receive the same slowness penalty as you along with 70% healing. This also applies to players with PVP on (hunted mode), but instead, they take damage and you heal up. In hunted mode, you will not be able to heal allies though. Also, the damage of Macerate is applied throughout the entire thing. So if I cast Macerate on some mobs and I should to 1200 damage to them, I will do 300 damage per cycle.

    You did not nitpick hard at all! It was very helpful to hear your opinions on every aspect of the class which is very useful to help balance it out!
    Thanks for your comment! I do agree, when I was researching pictures of warpicks, there wasn't really much so I kinda ran out of ideas halfway through and just started basing it off of spears (I mean, warpicks are basically just spears but the head is tilted sideways).
    Such dedication, impressive that you made an account just for this post (thank you very much man)!

    Yes, you can aim the movement ability down (or at any angle) and still have the tornado+slowness debuff be casted to nearby mobs. Mobs also take somewhat more kb (not specifically mentioned due to the fact that it was just a coincidence when I was making the class). This is to allow combos such as teleport into crowd of mobs, movement ability downward, cast an outbreak spell, then stack it with bash to easily split up the group of mobs (if not, kill them) as you mentioned. In other cases, if you're the one in a tight situation, you will end up needing to run away. You can cast Dust Devil facing down to catch your pursuers in the air, then send out a quick Discharge aimed at the center of the entire group which will prolong their slowness debuff to 6 or so seconds (depends on how close the explosion is) and then you can spam Dust Devil to run away.
    Klepto, starx280 and Xeabia like this.
  12. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    This is a great class suggestion! I don't see many other people put in the amount of effort and talent that you have.

    The class overall seems pretty fun, and I'd be interested in creating the class myself in-game. However, I think an issue with it is that it looks like this class can nearly do everything well. It has great movement, decent healing and damage, strong range, good Slows and CC, etc. Perhaps it can be considerably a jack-of-all-trades type of class. I personally think classes with a more direct focus on what they do and having limitations on what they can't do (ex. Warriors and Archers can't heal themselves) would help give the class more direction and definition.

    Overall though this is a pretty neat class suggestion, definitely one of the best ones so far. Great job on it, and I hope to see more content like this from you in the future!
    Klepto, daproguy, starx280 and 2 others like this.
  13. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    This is high quality work, well done.

    It looks pretty good but two things I'd love to point out are the fact that this class is pretty much self sustainable in any situation. Good damage, good mobility, good support, and cc. Usually classes trade some aspects for others, e.g mage trades damage for healing, and so on with the other classes.

    And the second thing isn't that important. I personally really love those models but they're a tad bit complicated, but they still look damn good, especially that pickaxe-looking one.

    Either way,
    Amazing high quality stuff, and if you wanted to you really have high chances of becoming a gm
    Klepto and RatMessiah like this.
  14. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    High quality and really well-thought out! I like it, but it prolly won't be added simply due to the work needed to make Mythics and all the Items for the Class.
    Klepto, Coffee KQ and RatMessiah like this.
  15. Slpc

    Slpc Probably yeeting anime girls across the country

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    figures, was about to make a "haunter" class suggestion LOL. Good job! def would like
    Klepto and RatMessiah like this.
  16. chyp5

    chyp5 untrained unprofessional idiot VIP+

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    I’m usually not a fan of new class suggestions but this is... really cool. I love how it puts a whole new playstyle concept of arena control out there, and even better you have the extra of delayed attacks that makes it even fresher. I also love how you already basically made the class, showing that it is possible in game and not just in concept, and you made amazing fully fledged particle arrangements just to top it off! One thing I would like to see more of is the delayed attack gimmic, also the melee attack is a little underwhelming and doesn’t match the style of the class. I think grimores would be a great choice for this class, but then again its still great as it is and completely up to you.

    Salted, if you need a new GM, you should look here...
    Klepto, starx280 and RatMessiah like this.
  17. NagisaStreams

    NagisaStreams Sertified idiot CHAMPION

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    bad class, can't kill level ones in video smh

    jokes aside looks pretty cool :)
  18. daproguy

    daproguy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Gonna be honest seems like a really good thought out suggustion, but I do have 1 or do things that I find a bit weird about it.
    Firstly where does the name come from, and I feel like cursbearing using a warpick does not really feel right. Also as said by someone above, it really feels quite powerful in all aspects, and even though the range is only 2, the first spells range is quite good, same with the third spell. Furthermore the healing is quite strong, espacally for a high dps class. I feel like the range is too op, along with very good damage with a range that is pretty good. I feel like it is a very good class idea with my only real objection being a weird feel with the weapon and a it two powerfuly rounded. Overall very good class idea that I wish you the best of luck with.
    Klepto and RatMessiah like this.
  19. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    One of the better class suggestions I've seen ever, it's fairly balanced, thought out, the video was good too! I think it'd work pretty well in Wynncraft and I'd actually love to try it out, we just need more class slots now
    Klepto, starx280 and RatMessiah like this.
  20. Potatus

    Potatus Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    this may not be perfect, but by golly is this a good class suggestion, shame that i don’t really see the class being added but hopefully it will, also instead of just warpicks maybe they should also use maces, and one last thing how would this fit into wynncraft lore.
    Klepto likes this.
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