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World General Buffs To The Warrior Item Pool

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by strikeflame5356, Apr 25, 2021.


Are these good ideas? If so which ones

  1. Quinque

    5 vote(s)
  2. Tidebinder

    9 vote(s)
  3. The Forsaken

    5 vote(s)
  4. Braker

    5 vote(s)
  5. None of them

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I don't think it's news to anyone that warrior in it's current state... Really sucks. As a warrior main myself, it's incredibly frustrating how much the class fails to compete with other classes.

    At least in my opinion, one of the biggest problems with the warrior is the item pool for spears. @RenZenthio talked a bit about this in his warrior EO rant, but I thought I'd make a thread detailing specifically what's wrong with the various items and how to fix them.

    Also somebody please teach me how to add a spoiler I don't know how

    Give Quinque powder slots
    Quinque is an interesting weapon, it's clearly meant for non-earth builds but gives a massive earth damage buff, meaning it could be a good idea for some builds to powder Quinque with earth powders rather than something else, and possibly even make their build focus on earth damage despite it being a non-earth build. The problem is, Quinque has only one powder slot, which completely locks it out of being able to take advantage of powder spells, which, for an item that's meant to be the main high dps weapon on it's class is pretty problematic.

    In addition to this, Quinque is clearly trying to push you into spellsteal, which warrior is generally not very good at. Most other classes have some easy way of activating mana steal, archer has range, assassin has vanish and spin attack, and shaman has aura. The only other class apart from warrior that doesn't have an easy way of activating mana steal is mage, and pretty much every mage item has ridiculous mana regen. For those reasons, chain lightning is pretty much a requirement for a warrior spellsteal build, since chain lightning basically walks up to a mob and activates mana steal for you, and Quinque right now has no access to chain lightning.

    So here's my pitch for how to give Quinque another powder slot while still keeping it's interesting gimmick

    1) Remove the earth damage that's already on the weapon

    Right now Quinque already has 5-27 earth damage, just get rid of that, that way if you get a good earth dmg% roll on your Quinque you can choose to abuse quake and perhaps rage by powdering it with earth powders without the earth damage being too overpowered, otherwise you can just use it as the warrior equivilant of Cluster.

    2) Give it negative strength
    Yes, I know this locks it out of ETW, ETA cancelstack and ETA brainwash, but let's be honest, no one needs Quinque for that. As far as I'm aware I don't think there's such a thing as "Fast ETW", if you're using cancelstack just use Skien's Madness, and if you're using ETA brainwash just use Harwrol.

    Giving Quinque negative strength would further solidify it's gimmick of being a mostly TWA/TWF item that has the option of abusing earth damage.

    The finished item would look something like this:
    Quinque (no lore).png
    (Look at me with my inspect skills)

    Make Tidebinder actually decent
    Tidebinder in it's current state...
    Is terrible.

    I don't think I've ever seen a single person using Tidebinder in all my time playing Wynncraft, and I've never seen a build on the Class Builds page on the forums that uses Tidebinder.

    So what's wrong with this item? Well, for one thing, the base damage is awful. 385 average damage with slow attack speed means that unless you've got ten Yangs on your build your damage will be terrible. No amount of mana regen can fix that.

    If we look at an item like Cryoseism, it not only has a higher base damage, but it has a water damage buff. Yes, in the case of Cryoseism this comes at the cost of your spell 1st and 4th spell costs, but that's not even really a big deal on shaman since Aura is your only heavy damage spell, and you usually cycle it with haul.

    Look at Karma, a lv 39 spear that on first glance, has a terrible base damage just like Tidebinder, but that's combated by it's +108% spell damage

    So here's how I would fix Tidebinder, give it a water damage buff to combat the low base, but combat it with a fire damage debuff so that when choosing whether to powder it with fire or water powders, you'd have to remember that fire powders wouldn't add nearly as much damage.

    Sorry if this is getting annoying, but what can I say I like using inspect.

    Also the negative earth def that I added is just a flavor stat, I didn't put too much of it on since Tidebinder is supposed to be the elemental defense item, but the lore says that the spear can't touch solid ground so I thought it'd make sense for it to not be able to defend against earth damage.

    Give The Forsaken higher mana steal
    It might be surprising that this is even on the list, since The Forsaken is probably one of the more decent weapons in the spear item pool, but it has one glaring problem, it has net 0 mana sustain.

    This is pretty easy to fix, just buff the mana steal. 4 mana steal would be fine, if it was given 5 mana steal it might be a little overpowered.

    Because this is such a small change I'm not going to show what it would look like.

    Give Braker mana regen
    Braker is clearly trying to be warrior's equivalent of Orange Lily, it has negative health and walk speed and has one of the highest base damages of any spear. Unlike Orange Lily however, it has no mana regen buff, and along with that, it has a massive spell damage debuff that you have to combat with your build, so at the very least it should get a bit of mana regen to make up for that.

    I'd say 1-3/4s would be enough, and you could probably add -1 mana steal just to balance things out slightly, negative mana steal seems like it'd still be in-keeping with Braker's theme anyways. 1-4/4s mana regen would probably be a bit overpowered, although then you could probably combat it with -2 average mana steal.


    That's all I have for now, I might make a follow-up thread because this doesn't cover all the problems with the warrior item pool by any stretch. But I'm pretty exhausted right now from writing all this so I'm gonna end it here.
  2. Toaster

    Toaster He/Him CHAMPION

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    I agree that non-mythic spell warrior items need a bit of a buff, but maybe not in these ways. There are also ways to deal with some of warrior's problems like insane knockback.
    Also Quinque is a really good cancelstack weapon, why change it? If anything change cstack a bit as a playstyle since being in melee range makes it significantly more difficult to dodge attacks
  3. GenuineOyster0

    GenuineOyster0 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    nah just buff melee damage
    on everything ingame
  4. Toaster

    Toaster He/Him CHAMPION

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    fair enough, melee already is a playstyle that gets way less dps than spell builds in most cases :/
    also going back to this, looking at the spell weapons for warrior just makes me sad
    strikeflame5356 likes this.
  5. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    They can easily just add another cancelstack spear. Quinque as a spell spear is awful in it's current state, so I think they should focus it into either cancelstack or spells, not both, and in my opinion making it a spell item would be much more interesting.
  6. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    I absolutely agree with the need to buff warrior weapons. Outside of a select few non mythic spears are just really bad. However I believe there are two reasons for this. Firstly damage baselines fuck over spears which are largely defensive, and secondly is just that warrior is a weak class carried by extremely powerful mythics.
  7. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Although I think your ideas are cool, you should add a no option for people who think your suggestion is uncool.
  8. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    Oh shoot sorry, lemme do that.
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