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Competetive 1v1

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Th0mas1, Apr 30, 2021.


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  1. Th0mas1

    Th0mas1 Gamer CHAMPION

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    Competetive 1v1

    Its as simple as it sounds.

    Wynncraft is NOT a competetive game.

    But that doesnt mean that there arent competetive people amoung us in the playerbase.
    Idealy I would want a proper team orientaited 4v4, 5v5 or 6v6 type mode, but that would require a larger amount of competetive players to keep afloat than I believe there is currently.

    How to enter the 1v1:

    Start with a quest min combat lvl 101 (cause thats when you reach max skillpoints applied by the player), once the quest is cleared your charactor can enter the Competetive 1v1 queue.
    My suggestion for the quest would be a series of fighting other "champions" - just minibosses that look like inhabitants of the wynn world, in a type of sporting events. I think it would be really cool if it was randomized what bosses you go up against. And if even after youve done the tournament you could do it again, so we have another solo challange like: Qira, LI, EO or Panic Zealot.

    The actual matchmaking system:


    Seven maps made with various layouts - Eg not all just a flat round peice of land. That way different classes with different type of movement can shine on maps better suited for their build.
    But do you play all seven in a 1v1? thats a bit much. No, I'd suggest 3 of the 7 maps be played in each 1v1, Id use the system that has often been used in csgo BO3 (Best of 3), from a map-pool of 7.

    Player A: Bans a map - this map will not be played
    Player B: Bans a map - this map will not be played
    Player B: Picks a map - This is the first map to be played
    Player A: Picks a map - This is the second map to be played
    Player A: Bans a map - this map will not be played
    Player B: Bans a map - this map will not be played
    The remaining map will be the "decider" map if the players win one map each before this, this will be played, if, the same player wins both the previous maps, then this decider map will not be played.

    imo it would be good if each map was also a BO3, however 2 tanky builds going up against each other might not like this idea. I still think it would be the better option, as you get to adapt a bit more to your opponent's playstyle.


    To make sure you dont enter a match and get curveq stomped by some guy with 1000hours and a pimped out mythic build, it would be ideal if you were put up against people of similar skill to you.

    I think there should at the start simply be a simple ELO system, its one of the most simple systems for ranking players, a Glicko or Glicko2 -like system could also be implemented, but I think ELO is better as its easier to understand for most players.

    Say 2 players go up against each other, Player A: has 1500 ELO points, Player B: has 1700 ELO points.
    Player B is statisically more likely to win, as they is currently ranked as the better player of the two. Therefore if Player B wins against Player A, it is to be expected, and only a small amount of ELO points will be transfered from Player A to Player B (lets say 15points). However if Player A wins that is unexpected, as they are ranked as the worse of the two players, and a larger sum off ELO points will be transfered from Player B to Player A (lets say 20points).

    Lastly for ranking you could add a parameter of how much you won/lost against your opponent, eg. if it ended after two maps both being 2-0 to your opponents, you clearly got slapped, and you would then loose more ELO points. Where as if all three maps were played out and each map ended with either 2-1 to you or 2-1 to your opponent, then it was a much closer match, and the winner will take less ELO points, than if it was a complete stomp.

    Crafted Items:

    Ok big problem, Poitions and crafted items... how do we deal with those?
    Id say to make sure that people dont stock up on a full inventory of crafted pots, food and scrolls before each match. We first limit it to only the Hotbar + Armor and Accesories.
    Secondly to not absolutely ruin the consumables market, I think the consumables you take in to the duel, should return to your inventory as they were before you entered, when the duel is done.
    If all BO3's are played out to their limit, crafted items might be a bit too bad for this mode, therefore i think after each Map you should get a certain amount of scrap worth to repair you item (this will not affect the items after the game, and you wont be able to keep the scrap).

    Leader Boards:

    A lot of competetive people are competetive just cause they want bragging rights, therefore there should be somewhere to be able to see your standing.

    Secondly groups of people also like bragging rights, aka Guilds. So I think it would make sense to have a leader board for both individual players, and guilds.
    For the Guild Leaderboard I think there should be 2 categories, sheer amount of Elo points.
    And amount of ELO Points divided by amount of players, however I think this should only count the players that have played this 1v1 mode in the last 30days or so, so that inactive members dont ruin a Guilds stats.

    And thats about it, thx for reading, hope I made it understandable. And sorry for spelling mistakes, everything looks like its spelled wrong for me cause it assumes im writing in danish.

    If you have any comments or suggestions to better this, then please do write them.
  2. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Need some changes but its an overall good idea. Maybe for the crafted items theres a better solution than what you suggested.
    Th0mas1 likes this.
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