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Game Mechanics Class Idea: The Druid

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Potatomancer, Apr 19, 2021.


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  1. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    The druid is a master at controlling the enemy. It's powerful plant sentries are able to surround groups and deal massive damage, and can be used in almost every situation. However, the druid itself is mediocre at best, so you must rely on your sentries as much as possible. Position your summons in the correct places to defeat the enemy.
    VIP alt: Necromancer
    It isn't, because of one key difference. Instead of having an entire army behind you, the summons are either stationary or don't go far from it's starting position. This requires the player to strategically place their summons in the best possible places, instead of mindlessly summoning 1000 soldiers to beat up the eye. This should be possible, as seen with shaman totem.
    Attack: 4 Defense: 2 Range: 2 Spells: 5
    All summons also despawn after 30 seconds if not attacked by a mob. Attacks increase the respawn timer by 1 second.
    The weapon for druid is called a seed pouch. The player summons a 3x3 circle of particles that damage mobs in it. What's special about this basic attack is that when used near a sentry, it would be healed by 1%. That same sentry can't be healed again for 5 seconds.
    Summon Treent or Ancient Peon: Summons a Treent warrior (or ancient soldier) that spawns with 10% of your max health rounded down, and will attack mobs in a 5x5 area. Will return to it's starting position if it get's out of it's range. Shifting instead summons a stationary Treent archer (or ancient archer) at your position which shoots mobs in a 15x15 area. Shoots every second. There can only be 5 Treents summoned at the same time.
    Mana cost: 6
    20% earth damage, 1.5x spell multiplier
    Upgrade 1:
    -1 mana cost
    +10% water damage
    +rapid fire: archers shoot arrows 3x as fast, but do half damage.
    +reckless roots: warriors now attack mobs in a 8x8 area and are 2x faster.
    Upgrade 2:
    -1 mana cost
    +10% water damage
    +Photosynthesis: treents now naturally regen 1% of their health every 5 seconds.
    Vine throw or phalanx charge: summons a vine (or just a runic hex) that throws you a warrior charge forward.
    mana cost: 3
    Upgrade 1:
    +10% earth damage
    +5% air damage
    +strong impact: landing makes a shockwave around you, pushing away mobs and damaging them.
    spell multiplier: 0.5x
    Upgrade 2:
    +5% earth damage (done by vines/soldiers)
    +Wall of Vines: Upon landing summons a line of vines (or armored soldiers) infront of you, which spawn with 50% of your max health rounded up. Can do damage but very little.
    Flame'o'lantern or Greek Fire Mage: Summons a jack'o'lantern or undead pyromancer that shoots a powerful flame 5 blocks forward. Can't take much hits, as it spawns with 5% of your max health rounded down. 2 can be summoned at the same time.
    mana cost: 10
    50% fire damage, 20% thunder damage, spell multiplier 5x
    Upgrade 1:
    +10% earth damage
    -1 mana cost
    +cursed flame: hit mobs are applied slowness and weakness for 5 seconds, and take 10% more damage. cannot stack
    Upgrade 2:
    +10% fire damage (caused by toxic burn)
    -1 mana cost
    +Toxic Burn: hit mobs take damage over time for 10 seconds.
    Spore Mushroom or Forsaken Mage: summons a mushroom or undead mage that summons a 6x6 area around it. All sentries in it would buff their damage and max health by 5%. Spawns with 15% of your max health. Only 1 can be summoned at a time. If your in it, you gain strength 1 and resistance 1.
    mana cost: 10
    Upgrade 1:
    +10% air damage
    +toxic spores: damages mobs in the area every 1 second.
    Spell multiplier: 0.3x
    Upgrade 2:
    +panic gas: upon reaching 10% of it's health, doubles the stats (excluding health) of every affected sentry in it's area.
    Critism appreciated.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2021
    starx280 likes this.
  2. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Don't forget the lore
    Also, maybe you can add a timer to the summons, because if they can only be destroyed by killing them, that's kind of op.
  3. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    stats should equal 13

    having a spell that lets you deal quick damage and be spammed would be nice.
  4. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    The top part is the lore. Also:
    Will change the stats. Also, the first upgrade of summon treent kinda does that for you.
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  5. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    nice suggestion it would be cool to have a summoning class in Wynncraft.
    starx280 and Potatomancer like this.

    3XTWISTEDTITAN The Traveler

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    i could get behind this. i like the hellenic theme of the necromancer.
    starx280 likes this.
  7. Slpc

    Slpc Probably yeeting anime girls across the country

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    IMO should be defense:2, spells: 5 attack:4, and range:2 but thats just me
    Potatomancer likes this.
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