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World Jungle Lore Rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by General Skien, Apr 17, 2021.


Should this be implemented?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but with changes (please say in comments)

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  1. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    DISCLAIMER: We are not members of the CT. This is a project made by lore enthusiasts in an attempt to fix and hopefully make the Jungle lore better, as the region is clearly dated in numerous ways. Furthermore, if this project does get adapted to the game, it obviously doesn't have to be a perfect replica.

    The Jungle Lore Project

    (Brought to you by the WynnTheory discord server)

    Hey people, last time we did something like this, it was posted by Trapinch, but we decided to switch things up a bit. I’m sure every one’s noticed how the jungle is the only place left in the Wynn province without discoveries, and with 1.20, it is essentially the only zone to lack that feature. The thing is, the jungle lore is much more complicated than other regions of the world, since it has several plot lines which all are of great importance, and essentially fight for one's attention in the region. The most notable of these are: The Jungle Tribes, Wynn Excavation, The Sodeta Guild, the Olm, the Fountain of Youth, Skien’s Fall, Bob’s Arrival, and of course Slykaar and his story. It's because of the sheer amount of content that is packed into the Jungle (an area smaller than any other region in the Wynn province for discoveries), that it was quite difficult to make this. However, below you’ll find the finished product of a possible future for the Jungle’s lore.

    One last thing to note: Unlike the Bob rewrite, we had to put a lot more effort into completely remaking quests. This is because the majority of the quests in the jungle are extremely outdated, most notably the old Troubled Tribesmen. Because of this, we changed Lost Soles into a completely different quest which no longer relies on the Abysso Galoshes, so be aware that is a change. When (if?) we make an ocean rewrite we’ll patch that up, but it was thought best to ignore that for now, since the focus of this is the Jungle, not fixing the ocean’s lore.

    Anyways here is the spoiler spam:


    • 2000BP - Olm first arrive in Dernel Jungle
    • 1200BP - Olm go insane from crystals
    • 500BP - Tribes have idol war
    • 293BP - Troms founded by King Edric I
    • 220AP - Tromsian scout sees evidence of Fountain of Youth.
    • 382AP - Marius Twain seals CoW near Troms
    • 603AP - Dwendle and Rickeo face Bak’al on The Great Bridge and die
    • 670AP - Slykaar kicked out of Iboju, hired by Troms
    • 756AP - Slykaar finds an olmic book
    • 789AP - Dernel Jungle Mansion is built
    • 873AP - Slykaar plans to sabotage General Skien
    • 881AP - Skien gets wounded by a corrupted and loses a battle
    • 888AP - Bob and mercenaries save Troms from a horde
    • 905AP - Villagers arrive in jungle and build ToL
    • 912AP - Sodeta guild is using villager magic
    • 944AP - Bob and Tarod get more credit for heroics than Sodetas
    • 953AP - Sodetas move to Gavel
    • 977AP - Ariodo experiments on civilians and his superiors do not like it


    Battle of 100 Years

    Level Min: 50
    XP: 55 000
    After Theorick’s downfall, some Twains still remained to protect the province. However, not even they would last long, as Bak’al would eventually come for them.

    Under the Great Bridge, in the north section of the lower area, there will be two skeletons (made of bones) on the ground around [-390,19,-767]. One of them (Rickeo’s skeleton) will have a necklace next to it, releasing fire particles, while the other one, Dwendle’s skeleton, will have a ring next to it releasing air particles. You will then have to pick up these two items by right clicking them. The two items will be as follows:

    Ancient Fire Necklace
    Untradable Item
    Item sprite:
    Fire-type necklace
    Lore: This necklace is oozing with flaming magic… It must be hundreds of years old.

    Ancient Wind Ring
    Untradable Item
    Item sprite: Air-type ring
    Lore: Cold winds permeate your skin as you hold this ring… It must be hundreds of years old.

    After taking these items, you will have to go to [-357 47 -789] where there will be a closed arched door made of iron bars and two small holes on the walls, one for each side, near the closed door (as seen on the image). In these holes there’ll be fire particles (for the left hole) and smoke particles (for the right hole), as well as some green particles below them. Right clicking the particles with their respective items will open the door. After the door, there’ll be a small, dark crypt, made mostly of stone materials as well, with nothing inside. Entering the crypt will trigger a nausea effect as well as a blindness effect, as the door will close behind you.

    (Building for the tunnel and its door. The crypt would be behind the door.)

    Then, the following dialogue will trigger:

    [1/3] Ghostly Voice:
    The heroes that guarded these lands, they had fallen to the might of the Corruption.
    [2/3] Ghostly Voice: Although they were good people, their fate was far removed from that.
    [3/3] Ghostly Voice: Witness it, and be weary of the tragic tale it tells...
    You begin to experience a strange vision of the past...

    [- 603 AP -]

    (Out: The camera pans to Rickeo and Dwendle, who walk side by side towards the center of the Great Bridge from the Troms entrance, stopping at the circular area at the center, around [-381,68,-696], the camera following all the while, somewhat close to the two. On the other side of the circular area, there are about 60 undead soldiers in a triangular formation, which the camera briefly pans to. The army is made out of skeletons and zombies, all wearing leather helmets)

    • Dwendle: I don’t have a good feeling about this, Ricke… This army is bigger than any other we've seen.
    • Rickeo: Don’t worry Dwendle, it will just take a bit longer than usual. We’ll stop them here, on this bridge. Compared to us, they’re nothing but insects.
    • Rickeo: Here they come, brace yourself!
    (Out: The army of undead marches forward, all at the same time, towards the Twains. Rickeo and Dwendle look at each other, and nod. They take a few steps back, luring the undead at the very center of the circular area. Dwendle then quickly runs around the army, encircling it. As he runs around, a circle of air particles surrounds the army. Then, the air particles extend vertically, around 10 blocks up, blocking the undead army in a “cage” of air. Rickeo starts walking around the circumference of the air cage, shooting a volley of fire charges at the undead. Then, the camera suddenly teleports to Bak’al, who’s standing outside of the Great Bridge at the Nesaak entrance, staring into the Bridge)
    • Bak’al: Foolish peons. What could be stalling them? The bridge was supposed to be undefended; nothing should be stopping them.
    • Bak’al: It is of no importance. I shall deal with this myself, and then nothing will stand between us and Troms.
    (Out: The camera then teleports back to Rickeo, who’s still launching a volley of fire charges at the undead army, at that point most of the undead except 5-10 are dead. Dwendle is standing at his original position, at [-381,68,-696]. The camera then pans slightly to the right, showing Bak’al walking towards the center of the Bridge. Rickeo suddenly stops and Dwendle’s air cage spell dissipates. The remaining undead quickly run behind Bak’al. Both Rickeo and Dwendle are now looking at Bak’al)
    • Bak’al: You appear to easily be outmatched. I can’t sense even a drop of power from you two.
    (Out: Dwendle walks forward to Rickeo’s side. Bak’al and the two Twains are now standing at a distance of around 20 blocks. The camera moves and pans towards the center of the Bridge)
    • Dwendle: R-Ricke…? T-That’s… Bak’al…
    • Rickeo: Are you sure, Dwendle? Bak’al? Ah, so we finally meet the Corruption’s golden boy.
    • Rickeo: I’ve heard tales of the mess you’ve been causing all around the province. I can’t believe I’ll have the honor to put an end to your ridiculous charade!
    • Bak’al: ...Ricke? Dwendle?
    • Bak’al: Ah, you must be those mythic “Twains” this pathetic province holds in such high regard.
    • Bak’al: Look at you. Don’t make me laugh. And so these two weaklings are supposed to be the protectors of this land.
    • Rickeo: Weaklings? I’ll make you swallow those words!
    (Out: The camera pans to Rickeo, who charges towards Bak’al, quickly firing a fireball at him. Bak’al simply punches the fireball, dissipating it into thin air. Then, Bak’al suddenly summons a corruption spike from below Rickeo, impaling him. A lot of blood particles are released from Rickeo’s body (depicted by an armor stand). Then, the corruption spike disappears from top to bottom in a split second. Before Dwendle could even intervene, Bak’al punches Rickeo’s body as it’s falling down to the floor, launching it northwest-ward. The camera quickly moves along with Rickeo’s body as it’s moving at terminal velocity, eventually falling in the hole at [-390,19,-767] where you find the two skeletal bodies. The camera teleports back to Bak’al and Dwendle, both looking northwest-ward where Rickeo was launched. Then, they go back to staring at each other)
    • Bak’al: It seems I was not wrong in my assumption.
    • Bak’al: Is this truly the best this province can offer? I don’t see a bright future ahead for you.
    • Dwendle: R-Rickeo? You… I’LL KILL YOU!
    • Bak’al: I invite you to try. Maybe I’ll be so kind as to let you reunite with your friend in the afterlife.
    • Dwendle: S-Stop… How dare you… HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT RICKEO LIKE THAT!
    (Out: Dwendle summons a small “platform” made of air particles below him, leaping around 10 blocks into the air. Bak’al looks up at him and fires a fireball at him. However, as he’s still in the air, Dwendle deflects the fireball and shoots it back at him with a gust of wind, striking Bak’al with an explosion sound. Bak’al jumps a few blocks back and sends two of the remaining undead soldiers after Dwendle. Dwendle summons two small tornadoes below the soldiers’ feet and knocks them up into the air, dying in mid-air. Then, Dwendle quickly sprints forward at Bak’al and punches him, sending him a few blocks back. Bak’al then summons a ray of fire (similar to the one he used against Bob in Wynn Plains Monument) and quickly fires it against Dwendle. However, Dwendle dodges the attack and leaps forward towards Bak’al, preparing to use a hurricane against him. Bak’al dodges and punches Dwendle as he is leaping towards him, fire particles radiating from his fist. Suddenly, there’s a huge blast of fire particles where Bak’al’s punch meets Dwendle’s body, and Dwendle is knocked back northwest-ward, similar to Rickeo. He then falls next to Rickeo in that same hole. Dwendle is laying down, close to death, looking up at Bak’al. He extends his arm up in Bak’al’s direction)
    • Dwendle: Ungh… N-No… I c-can’t die here… If I do… Wynn is…
    • Dwendle: I can’t let… this province fall… I c-can’t let him g-get away...
    • Dwendle: Theo… Mael… Ricke… I’m… s-so cold… So… cold...
    (Out: Dwendle’s arm and head lower down to the ground, signaling that he’s dead. Blood particles are emanating from his body. The camera slowly pans back to Bak’al, who’s staring down at Dwendle from up above the Bridge)
    • Bak’al: Unbelievable. My peons struggled against this?
    • Bak’al: It matters not. The Bridge is cleared. Now, Troms will-
    (Out: Suddenly, the camera pans back, and the same sound effect that plays when the Eye spawns his ray of magma cubes starts playing continuously, at an interval of two seconds between each play. Then, several vertical rays of sharpness particles that extend all the way to the roof spawn where the Bridge Shrines are supposed to spawn in the actual bridge. The camera slowly pans back to Bak’al and his corrupted army (there’s only around 7 undead remaining at this point). Bak’al looks around, immobile)

    • Bak’al: Fascinating. It appears the Twains have a pathetic last trick up their sleeve.
    • ???: Significant magical damage detected. Deploying defenses.
    (Note: The ??? NPC doesn’t have a physical form, the way this NPC is talking is similar to how Antikythera talked to you during the Fallen Factory dungeon, despite never being there.)
    • Bak’al: Is this it? Do you truly liken me to an animal, trying to scare me away with these sounds and ominous voi-
    (Out: The Bridge Shrines spawn across the Bridge where the sharpness particles were, the particles disappearing)
    • Bak’al: Your measly magical defenses cannot compare to the power of my army. This last ditch show of power does not impress.
    (Out: The Shrines start rapidly firing at Bak’al and what remains of his army, killing all of the remaining undead and slightly hurting Bak’al)
    • Bak’al: This… This isn’t their doing. They must’ve been here...
    • Bak’al: Those pests... I did not come prepared for this. I must retreat.
    • Bak’al: Let this be known… The last of their heroes are dead. I will return, and when I will… Nobody will be there to protect them.
    (Out: Bak’al quickly disappears in a puff of smoke. Then, you are teleported into a black box, similar to when you get the dialogue at the end of an ultimate discovery)

    Post Dialogue:

    After the battle, the people of Troms panicked - their undefeatable protectors defeated.
    Having lost their magicality, they instead focused on new frontiers - becoming notorious for their military might.
    However, a desire for another, more magical protector would linger for decades to come...

    (Out: You are then teleported outside the crypt, and you will get the discovery)

    By: TrapinchO & Matteo_Games

    Skien’s Command

    Level Min: 55
    XP: 65 000
    Before the arrival of Bob, and the rise of the Sodeta Guild, General Skien led the army of Troms in countless victories. To the people of Troms, he was a great hero, but for Slykaar, he was a competitor.

    Grab the rusty spyglass at (-612, -873) and take it up to the top of the tower at (-651,-925) to initiate the cutscene.

    Rusty Spyglass
    Untradable Item
    Item sprite:
    Player Head: Spyglass
    Lore: Looks like it’s been floating around these waters for a while, wonder whose it was?

    [- 873 AP -]


    (OUT: A group of corrupted are approaching Troms)
    • ???: Aim...
    • ???: FIRE!
    (OUT: A cannonball is shot at the corrupteds, creating a large explosion)
    • Skien: Good work, troops! That seems to be the last of this horde.
    • Skien: At this rate, we should have the fringes cleared out by tomorrow.
    (OUT: The camera pans away, focusing on the top of the tower, where Slykaar is watching the scene. Slykaar lowers the spyglass he was using to view the scene)
    • Slykaar: That idiot, continues to play the hero. Can’t these soldiers stay out of my spotlight? I was here before any of them were even born!
    • Slykaar: Perhaps an example should be made. They see him now as brave, but perhaps with the right push…
    • Slykaar: Hmph. No more for now, let the general have his fun. It won’t last much longer.
    (OUT: The camera pans out from focusing on Slykaar as he reaches the final line of dialogue, and turns to black ending the cutscene)

    By: Blastbasher

    Sodeta Sellout

    Lv. Min: 60
    XP: 75 000
    For years the Sodeta guild were known for their heroic deeds across Wynn, and from this fame they were offered a position by the Gavel Government. By accepting, the Sodeta guild would abandon its home in Wynn for the riches and titles Gavel could provide.

    Inside the newly updated Sodeta Mansion, there is some parkour in the library area which leads up to a smaller library area. Within here, you can find numerous pages strewn across the floor. Interacting with them gives 2 lines of dialogue each. When all are interacted with the discovery will be acquired, and the final lines will play regardless of which piece you picked up last.

    Entry Dialogue:

    This section of the library was clearly hidden, but most of the books are ripped to pieces...

    Page Dialogue:
    • Tisaun Sodeta: I’ve called this meeting of the guild for this man here, he represents the Gavelian government. You may begin sir.
    • Gavelian Messenger: Thank you. Gavel has heard many tales of your guild’s work, and we are quite impressed. I was sent here to analyze the truthfulness of those stories that reached us across the seas, and from what I’ve witnessed of your group, clearly those stories were selling you short.
    • Guild Chief Loof: Glad someone remembers us for once. The people here give all the credit to that Bob guy!
    • Tisaun Sodeta: Bob does the same work we do, and we have no need for petty squabbles. So you’re impressed by our work? Why send someone all the way out to the deep jungle to tell us?
    • Gavelian Messenger: Well, right to the point then? My superiors wish to help your guild expand to even greater heights. With our funding, the Sodeta Guild could become an international force, protecting far more than just Wynn.
    • Gavelian Messenger: A great hall, once used by the royalty of Gavel, has sat empty for years, but should you accept it shall be your new home. The hall sits right next to Cinfras, the trading capital of Gavel, so your funds will be easily accessible, but more importantly, you will be right next to our airbase, where ships would be ready day and night to help you reach those in need!
    • Tisaun Sodeta: Quite an unusual offer… You would give our group money, a new home, and the means to work on a greater scale… for what? What price must we pay for this generous offer?
    • Gavelian Messenger: The price is quite fair I assure you, sir. We only ask two things, one is that from time to time, your group helps our nation's government with our own minor problems. I guess you could see yourselves as… contractors, but really I’m sure it wouldn’t be a big deal.
    • Gavelian Messenger: The other thing - and this one is very small - we’d like it if you… well, looked away from certain programs of ours, mainly our archaeological dig sites. These groups are hoping to expand their endeavors to Wynn in a few years time, and wouldn’t like to be hassled on their arrival, you understand of course.
    • Tisaun Sodeta: That’s what I thought, you aren’t here to help us, only your own petty interests. Contractors? More like hired killers, for who knows what atrocities you’ll bring about in years to come! And what is this about ‘looking away?’ Do you really expect us to just forget about our duties and become your servants?
    • Guild Chief Craig: Tisaun, you should listen to what this man’s saying: money! We’d have the support we need to get things done! No more running through the jungle to come to these meetings, instead we‘d be doing it in comfort!
    • Gavelian Messenger: Yes, of course, and I might add that in Gavel, you’d be the stars of the show, no big name heroes like Bob to compete with. In fact, I imagine with our help, it would be you, the Sodeta Guild who would be the talk of the world.
    • Guild Chief Loof: Tisaun, this man has a point. We can’t just be stuck out here in the jungle forever! My vote’s for going!
    • Tisaun Sodeta: I can’t believe you're listening to this! Don’t you see what we’ll become?

    Last Lines:

    This paper seems to have something else with it.
    This must be the vote for what the guild should have done:
    Stay Move

    By: Blastbasher

    Lost Inventions

    Lv. Min: 70
    XP: 225 000
    Legends among the Dernel tribes say an ancient civilisation once flourished in the Jungle. The natives, who venerated these ancients like gods, later adopted their strange contraptions for unknown purposes.

    Go inside the temple at [-552, -378]. The wall with the banners in the basement at [-531, 42, -371] would be made of dark cracked bricks and similar, with particles coming from it.

    This wall feels considerably weaker than the rest. If only you could find a tool to break it… (when the wall is right-clicked)

    [Stone Hammer]: [-551, 57, -381] (top of the temple, accessible through vine and leaf block parkour)

    Coming back to the wall and left-clicking it with the hammer breaks the wall and reveals the room where the secret discovery triggers.

    By: Krepel

    The Ancient’s Gate

    Lv. Min: 50
    XP: 100 000
    Slykaar’s creations were powerful, but it was with the help of ancient books that he would truly become a force to be reckoned with.

    On the mountainside near Iboju, there are the charred remains of a house. Although almost nothing is left in current times, when you get close to the house the discovery triggers.

    As you approach the house, a vision of the past appears before you…

    [- 756 AP -]

    • Slykaar: Blasted city, those idiots need to stop burning their dead. Without the corruption’s potency, how am I supposed to work?
    • Slykaar: Ah! Here we are, perfect specimens!
    (OUT: In front of Slykaar are a group of undead, on top of a pile of rubble. Slykaar casts a spell, killing them, then approaches to collect the remains. When he gets close, the rubble collapses, and Slykaar falls through.)
    • Slykaar: Dammit!
    (OUT: The camera moves to the ruins below, where Slykaar lands. There are several books on the floor, one of which is bigger than the others)
    • Slykaar: Ugh.. Well this is quite the find.
    • Slykaar: It's quite comical. The elders cast aside their power, only for those Frumans to take over.
    • Slykaar: Wait… this isn’t their work. These must have been from the ones before… I haven’t spoken such lost tongues in ages.
    (OUT: Slykaar opens the largest book, and begins reading aloud.)
    (OUT: The dialogue that is underlined is in Wynnic.)
    • Slykaar: I call you ancient wisdoms… uhm… Open the gate to the marsh’s edge…
    • Slykaar: Hopefully that was right, I could use more practice with this… Ah, wait, it seems to have done something...
    (OUT: a part of the wall begins to glow, with runes appearing in a puff of smoke around the sides of an opening in the wall. Then the wall behind the spot disappears as a mysterious portal opens, and a green goopy substance begins to ooze out from the edges. The inside of the portal is otherwise blurred by particles so the player cannot see inside. Slykaar however is able to see, and approaches the portal)
    • Slykaar: Incredible! What powers lie beyond this strange gate… I must gather samples… this could change my work forever!

    By: Blastbasher

    Sanctuary of Knowledge

    Lv. Min: 65
    XP: 250 000
    For generations, members of Temple of the Legends gathered all the information on the world they could find, and archived it within the temple. This sanctuary is the result of their hard work.

    On the emerald block in the middle of the Temple at [-693,72,-1053] there is a stone button. Clicking the button will break the button, cause a ping sound effect and create an invisible parkour of barriers, starting at one block north from [-693,76,-1075]. The barrier parkour blocks will project onto the black ground at the bottom of the Temple in the form of prismarine lanterns. The parkour will lead to the statue holding the question mark at the north of the temple. The two cobblestone stairs at [-697,82,-1083] and [-689,82,-1083] will be replaced with cobblestone slabs to allow climbing the statue. Climb the statue and reach its head. On both of its cheeks there will be a stone button (Note that these stone buttons will only spawn if you clicked the initial button on the emerald block). Clicking it will create another parkour (and destroy the button on the other cheek), this time it’s visible and it’s made of stone blocks, which will lead to the statue’s face. Clicking the button on it’s cheek will break the blocks that make up its face and will lead into a room that’s about 50 blocks long by 30 blocks wide by 7 blocks tall (if this conflicts with the Little Wood, it can instead be moved to an area which you have to portal into), made mostly of wood. After 1 minute, the stone button on the emerald block will respawn, the cheek buttons (if present) will despawn, the prismarine invisible parkour will despawn, and after 30 seconds of pressing one of the cheek buttons the stone parkour will despawn as well, and the statue’s face will regenerate.


    The room will be illuminated and it will be divided into 3 one-block-wide aisles of bookshelves which stretch out to the end of the room. Some of the bookshelf blocks will be replaced with book/letter NPCs (the names of these NPCs will be in bold below) that you can read. You can exit this room through a coal block portal at the end which will take you back into the Temple of Legends.

    [- 382 AP -]

    The paper is almost crumbly to the touch and the ink smudged, but you can still make most of it out…
    Entry 1
    “Finally… We managed to contain that monster in a cave. It took almost half of our men… Troms has never seen such a powerful foe…”
    “The King is being urgent, and I can’t blame him. He’s been desperately sending messengers all over the province to find someone who can seal it away forever.”
    “If we can’t seal that beast… God, I don’t want to imagine what it would do to us… Even keeping it in that cave is a titanic effort. I hope we find someone eventually…”

    Entry 2
    “Apparently, they found a good candidate. A noble man living in a mansion near Nesaak… They call him Lord Twain, but his real name is Marius. I’ve heard of him before. Strange man, he is.”
    “What’s even stranger, though, is the abilities he has. Apparently, the man has power over great magic, though I’ve only heard rumors of what it’s capable of doing. Let’s hope it can work against it…”

    Entry 3
    “Lord Twain arrived here yesterday. I was busy on guard duty, all I saw was the King handing a small box full of emeralds to him. Why would a nobleman like him need those emeralds, anyway?”
    “Whatever. They put me off duty today because that’s when Twain is supposed to cast his magic. I’m not complaining, they say it’s for safety reasons. If anything goes wrong, with how short Troms is on personnel, we’re not very expendable.”

    Entry 4
    “This is… extraordinary!”
    “I was preparing dinner, and then suddenly I felt great… power… emanating from that cave. Then I looked out of the window and there was a flash of light coming from there!”
    “My wife didn’t want me to go out there, she said it was dangerous, but the curiosity took me over!”
    “I ran to the cave, there was plenty of commotion there. Twain himself was nowhere to be found, he probably went back to his mansion after the deed was done.”
    “There were strange purple rays protecting the entrance of the cave, and there were three circular floating stone tablets with strange, glowing symbols etched into them. The commander told us to keep the citizens away from the entrance because it might be dangerous for them.”
    “Whatever that was… The threat must’ve been finally neutralized! Troms doesn’t have to live in fear anymore! Oh, I am so happy! When my wife heard the news, she broke into tears of joy. The government was about to start conscripting peasants into the army to keep that beast at bay!”

    Entry 5
    “The King hosted a huge banquet today to celebrate what happened. Being a soldier, I was invited, and I even brought my wife and daughter over! They loved it!”
    “Without that powerful threat, Troms will surely be able to prosper forever…”
    The diary ends there.

    King’s Letter
    The letter is old, but you can still read its contents.

    Dear Melinda,
    As a showcase of support for your quickly growing group, I decided to grant you unlimited access to all of the content of the library of Troms to give a solid base to your Sanctuary of Knowledge.
    His Majesty, Arnold XII.

    At the back of the shelf is a hidden small piece of paper. You take it out and read it.

    “The King was not as charitable as it seemed from the first look.
    As time passed the government gained more and more influence over what information is kept here.
    They do not allow anything that would harm the city’s image, it is just... ignored.
    However, some of us are not corrupt... yet.”
    Flynn, Librarian of the Sanctuary of Knowledge, 990 AP”

    The Histories of Troms
    This book seems quite new...

    “To truly appreciate Troms’ might, we have to learn of its roots. After all, isn’t our mission in life to learn from the mistakes and the successes of the past?”
    “Troms’ history is quite rich, richer than many of the villages scattered across the province.”
    “Our great city was founded by our even greater Founder, King Edric I, in 293 BP, his purpose in life being to bless humanity with a powerful fortress that will last throughout the ages.”
    The rest is a bunch of boring propaganda... Surely there is something better to read.

    The Legends of Troms
    This book looks different from the other ones around it...

    (OUT: It will be located close to the “Histories of Troms” book)

    “For hundreds of years, the great city of Troms was protected by heroes of all different types.”
    “Wizards, generals, mercenaries, shamans, and more would endeavor to defend the city from the corrupted hordes over the years.”
    “When the villagers arrived in the jungle in 905, to gain the respect and trust of the people, they offered to construct a temple honoring these many heroes.”
    “It would soon grow to become a place revered across the province, and now, Legend Keepers travel all across Wynn to protect the province and learn more about its history.”

    A Great Bridge Hypothesis
    “For many centuries, a question has puzzled the minds of many scholars: “Who built the Great Bridge?””
    “It goes without saying that the first Frumans who crossed into the jungle used this bridge to reach it.”
    “However, they couldn't have possibly been the ones that built it. Records that survived until the modern era that date back to the period of Troms’ founding, detail that the Bridge already existed before the Frumans crossed it.”
    “They mention that a strange force made the Bridge uncrossable, most likely the shrines that protect the Bridge today, but for some reason they just disappeared, and that is how they reached the jungle. Why they are here despite them “disappearing” back then, I don’t know.”
    “Anyways, could it have been the tribesmen, which already inhabited the region before our ancestors? I don’t think so. Even today, they are very far behind in technology compared to us humans. It’s simply impossible that they built something so mighty."
    “Sadly, there is no recorded date for when the Bridge was constructed, and we can’t investigate the bridge itself due to the shrines that protect it.”
    “So, I raise a hypothesis. Those who built the bridge are not--”
    There’s a large ink stain that makes the next page missing.

    Report on Greenskin Societies

    Although the creatures known as "greenskins" show intelligence and societietal development, their behavior lacks is very simplistic.
    Their camps are small and scattered around the plains, presumably because they cannot properly communicate, as they do not have their own language and try to imitate common speak instead.
    The structure of their societies is based on brute strength and fear rather than intelligence.
    Their actions are driven by primal instincts such as anger and hunger instead of higher-level needs shown by humans and other species.
    The rest of the report if filled with boring statistics

    By: TrapinchO & Matteo_Games & Ditsario

    Staggering Scientist

    Lv. Min: 50
    XP: 100 000
    Although Ariodo was brilliant, his former employers grew suspicious of his sanity, after a failed side project of his nearly brought their actions into the open.

    Head behind the waterfall that is below Ariodo’s old lab, to start the cutscene.

    [- 977 AP -]

    (OUT: It shows a table in Ariodo’s old lab, where the scientist is talking to someone off camera)
    • Ariodo: I have done nothing wrong, can’t you see? I work only for you-
    • ???: This side project of yours has made a mess of our real work here! We had no issue when you worked only with animals, but people? You should know better than to bring civilians here, people talk, and if word had gotten out about what you were doing here, it would expose us all!
    • Ariodo: What? People came in, but none left-
    • ???: What you did to them does not matter! Keeping you on is a security risk, one that we cannot afford! It was a mistake for you to look through their notes, their madness has grown upon you.
    • Ariodo: Nonsense! I-
    • ???: It doesn’t matter! You’re lucky I’m letting you live, but know this. If you breathe one word of what we’ve been doing here to those idiots in Troms, we’ll find you… maybe you’ll get to be on the receiving end of one of those experiments of yours…
    By Blastbasher


    Troms’ Last Stand

    Lv. Min: 70
    XP: 500 000
    In 881 AP, the city of Troms was on the brink of destruction. When its army was thrown into disarray, it was Tisaun Sodeta who stopped the corrupted hordes.

    When all the discoveries are completed, walking below the center statue in Troms (located near -788, -961) will open a hole in the ground where the Troms emblem is. After going down some stairs, you will reach the ultimate discovery. Once the SD starts, a circle of spears surround the player, marking where they are able to move until the cutscene starts. The player is also blinded during this.

    [- 881 AP -]

    (OUT: The scene starts in the jungle near the Great Bridge, with Slykaar looking down at a group of corrupteds)
    • Slykaar: Foolish general. He thinks he’s the city’s savior, a knight in shining armor for the commoners.
    • Slykaar: Troms needs someone they can worship. And surely, a commoner with not even a pinch of magic wouldn’t do… It’s time for him to meet his demise. I’ll make sure his following lasts no longer.
    • Slykaar: This horde seems powerful enough to do the job… But, it needs something… more.
    (OUT: A scout approaches from the other side. They do not see Slykaar, but they do see the corrupteds)
    • Scout: Another horde! How’d they get here so fast?!
    (OUT: As the scout turns to flee Slykaar teleports into their way)
    • Scout: The shaman? Come on, get out of the way, we need to warn the others about these monsters!
    • Slykaar: Oh, don’t worry, you’ll be going back to the others soon enough.
    (OUT: Slykaar pushes the Scout into the horde and the corrupteds kill them. Soon after they are raised as an undead, though the skin is very similar)
    • Slykaar: Good, now let's get you back home, shall we?
    (OUT: The camera goes to the edge of the jungle around Troms, where there are a few tents and walls set up. The scout is shown walking through the camp, past other soldiers. About half way through their walk, a soldier begins to yell)
    • Soldier: There’s a horde incoming! Why didn’t the scouts inform us?!
    • Soldier: Get the general, we need a battle strategy!
    (OUT: At about the time that last line is said the corrupted Scout reaches a large tent and goes inside, the tent Skien is in)
    • Skien: You, scout! Where were you earlier when the rest reported in?! I hear there’s a huge horde out-
    • Skien: AHHHH!!
    (OUT: Noises come from the inside of the tent as soldiers approach)
    • Soldier: Skien! He’s been wounded by that beast!
    • Soldier: No wonder the scouts never reported in, what are we supposed to do?!
    • Soldier: Get the men together, the horde is already here, we’ll need to protect this spot for as long as we can!
    (OUT: The camera goes to the inside of an older Troms, looking down at the wall from a tower. Noises are played to simulate the fighting outside, while barely visible, Slykaar is watching from the tower. Eventually the camera pans to several soldiers who are fleeing inside the city)
    • Soldier: Retreat!
    (OUT: Following the soldiers is a huge number of corrupteds, and as they walk through the city fires start, and people flee. Eventually they reach the center of Troms, where a group of soldiers have set up weak defenses made of wood. The two groups meet behind the defenses, which are small walls with small gaps between them made for archers.)

    (NOTE: Soldier 1 is one of the soldiers from the first group, the one that fled from the tent area where Skien was wounded. Alongside him there are a few soldiers, also from the first group, simply labeled “Soldier” as they are not important. Soldier 2, Soldier 3 and the Archer are standing behind the wall defenses, close together. The Archer is facing one of the openings between the walls, firing his bow at the corrupteds.)
    • Soldier 1: There’s soldiers here? Well, that’s a relief! What’s the status over here?! Are the civilians evacuated?
    • Soldier 2: Ah! Reinforcements! Yes, most of them have been evacuated inside the castle. Some… weren’t so lucky, though.
    (OUT: Soldier 2 and Soldier 1 look at Soldier 3, who’s staring at one of the defensive walls, very close to it.)
    • Soldier 3: M-My wife… My kids… I… I c-can’t go on…
    • Soldier 1: ...Ah… Well, do you have a plan? The hordes are closing in, we don’t have time to weep for our fallen!
    • Soldier 2: Do WE have a plan?! Of course not! We had to scrape by just to build these walls! Where’s the General?!
    • Soldier 1: Ah… uh… Skien was…
    • Soldier 2: ...No… Don’t tell me…
    • Soldier 1: W-We can’t say for certain that he’s dead. As far as we know, he might only be injured...
    (OUT: The camera pans to the fountain behind the wood defenses, the one you teleport into after beating CoW. An NPC called ??? wearing the same armor as the soldiers walks to the wooden defenses from that fountain, wielding a spear.).
    • ???: Enough blabbering! Do you all think that conversing can stop a horde of mindless zombies?! No! So take up your arms, now! We have no other choice!
    • Soldier 2: Tisaun, you’re crazy! We couldn’t stop them at the gates, what do you think the last of us here can do to them?
    (OUT: The ??? NPC name-changes to Tisaun.)
    • Tisaun: I’m the crazy one here?! Can’t you idiots see that if we don’t fight here, all hope will be lost forever?! We may be few in number, but we can change the course of fate! Imagine if we don’t!
    • Tisaun: Troms is the most fortified city in all of Wynn. Without our reinforcements, even Ragni may fall! What happens then?! I’ll let you imagine it! Think of what will happen to your loved ones! This man here has already experienced it!
    • Tisaun: It’s clear we can’t get any reinforcements in right now, all the entrances are blocked. Would you really run away now, only buying more time to your fleeting lives?! Or would you rather save Wynn, at the low price of our lives, by choosing to overcome your fears and fight?! I know I would!
    • Soldier 2:
    • Archer: He’s right, you know. I can’t do much on the field, but I’ll provide cover from here with my bow. I already knocked four of them down while you were arguing.
    • Soldier 1: ...I agree. If we decide to flee, the corrupteds will just find us and kill us. We have to do this… We have to make sure that nobody sacrificed in vain...
      Soldier 1: We must honor our fallen. Do it for them. Do it for the civilians hiding in that castle. What’s the point otherwise?
    • Soldier 2: I… I can’t… You… You’re all fools. Idiotic fools… There’s no way any of you have actually fought a horde before. Those… Those monsters are too strong. Too violent… They aren’t human. Not anymore.
    • Tisaun: Fine! If you’re too much of a coward, then you can stand by and watch! Why don’t you put down that weapon while you’re at it, you’re not worthy to wield one if you can’t make a sacrifice!
    • Tisaun: As for the rest of us…
    • Tisaun: CHARGE!!!

    (OUT: All the soldiers except Soldier 2 and the Archer, around 15 of them, leave their hiding spot behind the wooden walls and run, charging the corrupted horde, led by Tisaun. Tisaun jumps into the middle of the horde, wielding his spear, attacking the front and killing several corrupteds in one blow. The soldiers following him protect Tisaun, attacking the corrupteds on the flanks and clearing the way. The archer that’s still behind the wall defenses fires at some of the corrupted soldiers. For about 5 seconds, the camera quickly pans to the stairway in front of the castle at [-846,85,-879], which shows some human civilians, including child NPCs, watching as Tisaun and his soldiers make their way through the horde. The camera then pans back. Tisaun makes his way down the stairs, having to dodge attacks and strike at enemies as they approach, the other soldiers taking care of some other corrupteds standing around the flanks. The archer comes out from his wood wall defense and joins the other soldiers, rapidly firing arrows at the corrupteds. Finally, they slowly push the corrupted forces back out of the walls. The camera looks down at the scene from Slykaar’s tower near the end)
    • Slykaar: NO! Those cursed soldiers! You idiots were supposed to die!
    • Slykaar: Can’t they just accept defeat for once? Why must these fools keep on fighting?! What pushes them?!
    • Slykaar: Hmph. No matter, the work is done. Troms is burning, and its General lies in shambles at its doorstep. He will bother me no longer…
    (OUT: The scene turns to darkness, like how ultimates usually end)

    While Troms was saved on that day, Slykaar was correct.
    The people of Troms, frenzied by the attack, wanted blood. Skien would no longer be their heroic general, and soon would be lost to history.
    For Tisaun, however, this was a new beginning. With the popularity he received from his work defending Troms, Tisaun and his fellow soldiers would found the great Sodeta Guild, which would defend the province for years…

    (OUT: As the last lines are said, and music fades out, the camera returns to the attacked Troms outskirts, where a young Bob can be seen coming over a hill)
    • ???: Troms, at last…
    • ???: But it’s… burning… What has happened here?
    (OUT: After this, you are instantly teleported back outside the statue. The secret discovery ends and you get the discovery.)

    By: Blastbasher & Matteo_Games
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2021
  2. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    Legacy of the Guild (Replaces Lost Soles):
    Level: 66

    Stage 1:
    • Ferndor: Hello, surprised to see another from the guild come out here- Oh, I’m sorry.
    • Ferndor: I suppose I expected too much for one of them to get off their lazy butts and do some real work.
    • Ferndor: If you’re up to the task, I could use your help. You see, although the Sodeta guild is now run in the Guild Hall in Gavel, this ruined manor was its original home.
    • Ferndor: We in Gavel don’t really know much about this place, but we’d like to get a complete record of what went on back in the day. Maybe if we tell those new recruits the history of the guild, they’ll stop slacking!
    • Ferndor: Anyways, let's take a look inside, I’ve got the key.
    (Out: Ferndor walks towards a locked door, and it swings open with an unlocking sound, he then walks through a short hall into a central room with a large table in the middle, and books covering the walls and a large mirror behind the table)
    • Ferndor: Well, this is quite the place! It's been years since anyone came in here, and even in its age, you can see just how powerful the guild once was!
    • Ferndor: I’m going to start looking through these books, maybe you can head in a bit deeper?

    Stage 2:

    There is another hallway, leading further into the house, down its length there are two staircases, one of which is broken. At the end of the hall there is a locked door. Head up the working stairs, to find a room full of books stacked all across the floor. By climbing across the stacked books you can get to an outcropping with a readable book on a shelf.

    789 AP
    Construction is nearly finished on the great hall. This mansion will be the home of our family for generations, I’m sure!
    My son’s been very interested in secret passages, I told him we’d add a few, though the house is already costing us a fortune to build.
    Yesterday they started building the one in the main hall, something about the mirror? I don’t know quite what it means, but I’m sure they’ll show us later.

    Head back to the main hall, and go to the mirror. In the mirror (which is essentially the main hall but flipped to create the mirror effect) you can see a button on the wall that isn’t there on the normal side. If you go to where the button is and click then the next stage starts. (To click the button just go to where the button is and click the general area around it until you trigger the dialogue). The mirror can fit because the hallway is facing the mountain, so the flipped hallway can be placed inside the mountain in an area normally inaccessible.
    • Ferndor: Look at that! You must have done something. Take a look there!
    (Out: As he talks a section of the bookshelves lowers, revealing a passage)
    • Ferndor: You best take a peek down there, I bet they’ve got something hidden in there.
    Stage 3:
    The passage leads up to the region above the broken staircase. There is a ladder that you can push down, so that you can access the hall below. In this room, there are several bedrooms. Within them the following notes can be found.

    953 AP
    We’ve begun to pack up our things, the move to Gavel… It’s quite exciting! I’ve been told they have a whole hall built just for us too. Finally we’re getting some well deserved credit for our work.
    I wish Tisaun could see how good this is, he’s off moping somewhere I hear. Well, let him. Once we reach Gavel, he’ll change his mind. Wow, I can’t wait!

    944 AP
    Just got back from Nesaak, he beat us to the punch again! Him and his boy, how do they do it? It's like they’re always there ahead of us, can’t we do something?
    We stopped some corruption near the bridge, but do they thank us? No, of course not. Why bother if everyone just wants superheroes?

    953 AP
    Tisaun’s complaining seems to have had an effect. Several of the lower ranking members say they’re staying here, but I can’t see why. Even if they stay, they won’t be allowed in the manor, so what?
    Their leader, phah! He’s only a recruit, how could they trust him? What’s his name? Arty? Allen? Doesn’t matter, those dummies will be crawling back to us in a few weeks.

    One of the rooms has a locked door, but it can be accessed via a hole in the top of the room next to it. Inside it has one letter.

    912 AP
    This is my first day here, and I can’t believe how incredible this is. Throughout the history of the province, we’ve been on the losing end of a war against the Corruption, but now things are really changing! Bob, the Twains, they had magic because they were special, but now anyone can be special. For a few emeralds, I can buy a magic wand, and I can be the hero! The Sodeta guild was good before the Villagers arrived, but just think of what we can do now!

    Additionally in this room, one of the windows is broken, and you can go along the outside to another window that is broken. Inside the new room is a staircase, If you go up, you’ll reach a large bedroom, with a book open on the bed:

    It's Tisaun’s Diary… You’d think people would have remembered to take their stuff when they left.
    953 AP:
    Those fools, can’t they see? Nothing about Gavel’s offer is without cost! If we go protect their lands, who will protect ours? Robert is a great man, but he is only one person, he can’t be everywhere at once.
    I’m too old for this, to see my work crumble so… I guess I’ll have to go along with it, but that doesn’t mean I’ll bend completely.
    Artima, he’s inexperienced, but he and his group have stood their ground, saw through this madness. The others think the mansion will be closed up for good, but I can’t let my family’s legacy be that of abandonment.
    I’ve given him the key to the basement door outside. From there, they should be able to use most of the house. If you find this, Artima, I want to thank you.
    The others were easily swayed by the promise of gold, yet you stood strong. I hope your insight leads you true…

    Stage 4:
    If you take the stairs down, there is the opposite side of the door that was locked in the long hallway. You can open the door from this side, and will want to head outside to the basement door, which is open. As you head down the basement stairs you hear voices.
    • ???: They’ll be down here soon, we need to stop them!
    • ???: If we go up there and kill them, then what? All we’d be doing is telling them we’re here!
    • ???: Artima, if we do nothing, they’ll find us! They've been after us for a while, if they knew this was our base, they’d burn it to the ground!
    • Artima: Hah! Let them try, those petty excavators may know how to burrow through the ground, but we’ve evaded their spies for a long time, if it's finally time to fight… well then we fight.
    • Artima: They’ve found us! Ready- wait! You’re a human…
    • Artima: Are you from the guild? Is that what this is about? Finally come to collect your things, huh? Took you all long enough…
    • Artima: No… I’ve seen you in Troms, you're like us. We’ve been trying to carry the torch of the guild here for years, but this place isn’t what it used to be. When the rest of the guild left, WynnExcavation… I’m sure you’ve heard of them. They began to take control of Troms.
    • Artima: It was slow at first, but when they learned that some of us had stayed behind… well, it didn’t go well.
    • Artima: They’ve been trying to kill us off for years, and while we don’t really know what they’re here for, we’ve been doing our best to stall their progress.
    • Artima: I have no idea who that man you came here with is, but you can’t let him get down here! If we’re exposed, it’ll be the death of us all.
    • Artima: There are some books down here, most of them have rotted from age, but if you tell him that there’s nothing else down here, he just might leave us alone.

    Stage 5:
    Head back up to Ferndor, with the books.
    • Ferndor: You’re back! These books are truly fascinating! What the guild once was… they were really heroes, nothing like what they’ve become.
    • Ferndor: These are from the basement? They’ve barely survived, but I guess that’s fine. I was told to check the whole house, but I don’t really think there’s much else to see.
    • Ferndor: You know, when I came through Troms, they were quite interested in hearing what I’d find, but I doubt these old books will interest them much…
    • Ferndor: Anyways, I think we’re about done here. I’ll be packing up as many books as I can, and then be off. Thanks for the help here!

    Quest Rewards:

    • 1152 Emeralds
    • 352000 XP

    After Quest NPC Dialogue:

    • Ferndor: Ah, you’re back. I know I said I’d be leaving, but these books are truly fascinating!
    • Artima: Back again, are you? Maybe we could use your help at some point, but right now things are a bit too hectic, what with Wynn Excavation after us.
    By: Blastbasher

    Sodeta’s Scramble:
    Level: 74
    Requires Completion of Wynn Excavation Site D & Legacy of the Guild

    Stage 1:
    • Artima: Ah! You’re back, perfect timing!
    • Artima: Those blasted excavators have vanished! Someone must have cleared them out, which is good for us. With them out of the way, we can finally start helping people again.
    • Artima: There’s a rumor going around the tribes that the son of the king of Troms was kidnapped! If we can get him back safely, that could prove to people that we’re more than just mercenaries.
    • Artima: The group responsible seems to have taken up residence in a cave across the jungle. While I’d love to take them on myself, I’m far too old to be doing that, so would you mind coming with us to get this job done?

    Stage 2:
    Head to -724, -245. The Cannibal area has been replaced by a cave entrance with some ruins around the outside and a wood wall covering most of the cave entrance. With Artima are three other members.
    • Artima: Okay, this is the spot, I’ll hang back a bit and let you take the front. Just get the kid and go.
    When you head inside, there are three gates that will block your progress. Kill 5 enemies to open the first gate, seven for the second, and ten for the last. Several Sodeta Guildsmen defending mobs will spawn with you, though not Artima.

    Upon Seeing Gate 1:
    • Artima: Naturally they’ve got some defenses put up,we need to take out a few of these grunts so they’ll fall back!
    Gate 1 Cleared:
    • Artima: They’re retreating, keep going!
    Gate 2 Cleared:
    • Artima: They’re falling back again! This cave can’t be much bigger.
    Gate 3 Cleared:
    • Artima: This is it, I think I see the kid up ahead.
    Stage 3:
    The next room is a large circular area, in the center is the king’s son, next to a human with a bandit-looking model.
    • Kidnapper Leader: I paid these men good money, and this is what they do for me? Who are you idiots?
    • Artima: We’re the Sodeta Guild! Hand over the kid or things will get ugly!
    • Kidnapper Leader: Phah! Old man, you think I’d give up all that money from the ransom because some has-beens finally decided to show their face here! I hope you’re ready to-
    A noise comes from the cave path.
    • ???: Ew, this place is disgusting! Look at all the blood!
    • ???: Wait, I think I see them up ahead!
    Two better dressed individuals enter the room
    • Kidnapper Leader: Another one? Are these guys with you?
    • ???: Stop right there, kidnappers! The Sodeta Guild is here to take back the child you stole!
    • Kidnapper Leader: A little late, aren’t you?
    • ???: What?
    • Kidnapper Leader: These guys here are the Sodeta Guild… So you're both here together?
    • ???: These aren’t from our ranks, just look at their clothes, terribly old fashioned. You bandits, trying to sully our name!
    • Kidnapper Leader: So are we going to fight, or do you two want to take this outside?
    An explosion can be heard near the entrance of the cavern.
    • Kidnapper Leader: Idiots! All that fighting attracted the cannibals! Quick! Seal that damn gate! There won’t be anything to argue about if they get in here!
    There is a sound as the door closes and the screen fades to black for a moment.

    Stage 4:
    Once this is done, the door is sealed, and you can talk to people around the room. Talking to Artima advances the quest.

    If talking to the Kidnapper Leader:
    • Kidnapper Leader: I don’t know what’s going on with you people, but you need to get over it now. These cannibals don’t care who you are, they’re ready to eat us all!
    • Kidnapper Leader: We can go back to fighting each other once we’re out of this mess.
    If talking to Sodeta Recruiter Jobb:
    • Sodeta Recruiter Jobb: You filthy bandits! How dare you try and pose as us! Go form your own guild, we were here first!
    If talking to Sodeta Recruiter Ren:
    • Sodeta Recruiter Ren: This place is disgusting, I can’t see how Tisaun could possibly have lived here. The stinking mud, rotting flesh… and CANNIBALS! What kind of sick person eats people?
    If clicking on the door:

    You can hear the cannibals trying to break through… best to keep it shut for now.

    If talking to the King’s Son:
    • King’s Son: You guys sure are stupid. When my dad finds out how you Sodetas got me eaten by cannibals, he’ll make sure you idiots can’t step foot in this jungle!
    If talking to Artima:
    • Artima: Okay, obviously no one here likes each other much, but unless you like being made into stew, how about we forget about that for a second.
    • Sodeta Recruiter Jobb: I will not work with bandits!
    • Kidnapper Leader: Can it! Let the old man talk.
    • Artima: There’s only one point of entry into this part of the cave, so while we can’t get out, we know exactly how they’ll approach.
    • Artima: I see that you’ve got some explosives over there, if we set them up by the entrance I bet we’ll be able to wipe out at least the first bunch of them.
    • Artima: Next, we’ll want to build some defenses. I’m sure there’s something you can use in those tents back there…
    • Artima: Once their numbers are lowered enough, we should be able to make a push past the cannibals and out of the cave, sound good to everyone?
    • Sodeta Recruiter Ren: We didn’t come here to get our hands dirty! How dare you make us stoop to your level!
    • Kidnapper Leader: What did you think you’d have to do to get the kid back? Ask nicely? Let's get to work!

    Stage 5:

    The Player must go to each of the three tasks to help the associated group. A timer of 3 minutes is put up, at the end of which the cannibals will break through.

    • Kidnapper Leader: Okay, listen here, these things are dangerous. One wrong move, and we’ll have bigger worries than those cannibals out there.
    • Kidnapper Leader: We have all the explosives ready, but I’ll let you decide where to put them.
    • Kidnapper Leader: We’ve got… six crates left, try to space them out so they can hit a lot of ‘em. If you put a lot together, it’ll do more damage, but then you won’t be able to get as many.
    You can put the explosives along 8 spots in front of the door. A single spot can have up to three explosives in it.

    • Sodeta Recruiter Jobb: You, mercenary! I can’t do this, these crates are too heavy. Take them and put them out wherever.
    • Sodeta Recruiter Jobb: If those cannibals decide to throw spears, these crates might stop them, but don’t place too many, we need room to fight too! Ugh, only four crates.
    • Sodeta Recruiter Ren: Stop blabbing! Just let them put the crates around!
    Behind the row where the explosives are, you can place crates in one of eight spots. These can be used as cover before the fight section.

    • Artima: These kidnappers have quite the supply of different weapons… Oh, you’re here? You know, it’s been quite some time since I did anything this dangerous. I suppose age hasn’t exactly been kind...
    • Artima: Well, I suppose we’ve little choice, so here’s what we need done. Pass out these weapons to the others. I don’t think it’ll matter much what you give them, but maybe stick to useful ones?
    In and around the tent are weapon caches, depending on what you give each person they will use that weapon during the fight. If they aren’t given a weapon they won’t be able to fight with you. The choices are a spear, which makes them melee with high damage, wands which give them no damage but can heal you every once in a while, and bows which make them shoot from afar. When given items, each person has Dialogue:

    • (Spear) Artima: A spear? To be honest, I’m not really sure I’d be up for front-line fighting… Well, worth a shot, I guess.
      (Wand) Artima: Ah, a wand. I hate to admit it, but I have a feeling I’ll be much more helpful supporting the rest of you than I would be fighting myself.
    • (Bow) Artima: I haven’t used a bow in quite a while! Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to remember how it's done.
    Kidnapper Leader
    • (Spear) Kidnapper Leader: I see you’ve been picking through my weapon cache, spears are a solid choice.
    • (Wand) Kidnapper Leader: Haven’t used one of these before… Can’t be too hard, can it?
    • (Bow) Kidnapper Leader: You know, normally I’d be fine with a bow, but it always feels like the people with the longest range die first. Well, archery it is then.
    Sodeta Recruiter Jobb:
    • (Spear) Sodeta Recruiter Jobb: Ew, a spear? Don’t you have something less brutal? Well, if you say I must, then… desperate times call for desperate measures.
    • (Wand) Sodeta Recruiter Jobb: How dare you insult me like this? I am a noble member of the Sodeta Guild, why must I stoop to be your healer?
    • (Bow) Sodeta Recruiter Jobb: Ah, at least you bandits have some taste. A bow like this is adequate to serve my needs.
    Sodeta Recruiter Ren
    • (Spear) Sodeta Recruiter Ren: A spear? My, that tip is sharp, you could kill someone with that! Oh, right.
    • (Wand) Sodeta Recruiter Ren: Why must we use these petty tools?! Maybe you should give me your weapon, then you can heal me!
    • (Bow) Sodeta Recruiter Ren: I guess I can’t complain much about this. I’ll go grab some arrows.
    King's Son
    • (Spear) King’s Son: Wow, for me? My dad said I’m too young for spears! I’ll do my best to help!
    • (Wand) King’s Son: My dad says being a mage is easy, because you just heal yourself in the corner while everyone else does the fighting! Can’t you give me something else?
    • (Bow) King’s Son: I’m the best at archery! This kidnapping stuff is starting to be fun!

    Stage 6:
    When the timer runs out the next phase starts. If you have talked to all the npcs attached to a job and click on the door twice you can skip ahead if you need to.
    • Artima: The door’s going down! Get ready!
    The door is blown open, and a large number of cannibals begin to make their way through. They come in three types, 6 spear throwers, 2 heavies, and 8 runners. They line themselves up along the possible positions for explosives.
    • Kidnapper Leader: Lets see if those bombs did anything!
    The bombs detonate, killing targets that are above them. Heavies take three bombs to be killed, spear throwers take two and runners take one.

    Stage 7:
    Once this is done the combat section starts. The crates you placed can act as walls against projectiles in this phase. You must kill all the remaining cannibals, plus an additional 1 heavy, 6 runners and 4 spear throwers who arrive after 30 seconds, and an additional 2 heavies, 8 runners and 6 spear throwers who arrive after another 30 seconds with a miniboss called the Cannibal Chief. The people you gave weapons to will fight, but if they are killed they will not return during the fight.

    Stage 8:
    • Kidnapper Leader: Okay! I think that’s the last of them! Even took down that big one!
    • Sodeta Recruiter Ren: Now can we get back to what’s important here!? WE are the Sodeta Guildsman, who are here to stop you from holding this child!
    • Kidnapper Leader: I don’t really care who you are, but I think I’ll be going. This venture isn’t entirely terrible I suppose.
    • Kidnapper Leader: All the men you killed were mercenaries, so now that I don’t have anyone left to pay for this bungled job I’m not losing too much.
    The leader turns to Artima
    • Kidnapper Leader: Old timer! You and your group were here first, so it's only fair you get the kid. No need to fight me, we’ve been through enough already.
    • Artima: Good! We’ll get the kid back to Troms, lets try not to do this again.
    • Sodeta Recruiter Jobb: What about us?! Those liars! They aren’t guildsmen!
    • Artima: <playername>, I’ll take the kid back. I doubt you’re up for fun in the courts, so I’ll let you off here.
    • Artima: I truly must thank you for your help. If I see you again I’ll make sure to give you a better reward than a simple thanks!

    Quest Rewards:
    • 660000 XP
    After Quest NPC Dialogue:
    The next time you go to the bank in Troms, a cutscene will play out.
    • Artima: Oh! How unexpected!
    • Artima: I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear that everything went over great with the king. He’s actually been quite helpful, gave us some money for our troubles, it should help us rebuild Delnar Manor.
    • Artima: Now that we’re out in the open, those lazy guildsmen in Gavel are scrambling to prove themselves. Maybe they’ll finally do something of worth, huh?
    • Artima: Anyways, I couldn’t give you this before, but here’s some emeralds for all your help. And take these boots, you’ve earned them!
    • Artima: If you're ever back in the area, maybe come say hello, it's been a long time since I met someone as kind as yourself.
    Artima gives you 2304 Emeralds and the Sodeta Boots.

    By: Blastbasher

    Lost in the Jungle
    Level: 62

    Stage 1:
    • Gracen: Excuse me, traveller... I am dreadfully sorry to ask this of you, but I need your help.
      Gracen: You see, my son, Aryn... very recently, he underwent a traditional coming-of-age ceremony from our tribe.
    • Gracen: He was tasked to enter the dangerous Dernel Jungle, just south of here, and brave the wilderness for three days. He returned a true man, successful.
    • Gracen: However, he also brought with him a strange purple crystal. Our shaman saw it as a bad omen, but I was so caught up in the celebrations, I brushed it off.
    • Gracen: Over the weeks after his return, Aryn continued to carry rock, often losing focus on his work, and more strangely, he began to talk to himself.
    • Gracen: Just last sunrise, he vanished entirely. We sent out a search for him, but even our hardiest warriors could not venture deep into the jungle.
    • Gracen: We returned empty-handed, having lost our newest tribesman. The village is in terrible spirits, and I feel as though I am responsible.
    • Gracen: You Wynn warriors, however... great stories are told of your exploits. Surely, you will be able to brave the jungle, yes?
    • Gracen: I beg of you, please, find my son. I do not know quite where he is, but undoubtedly he has been taken quite a ways in…
    • Gracen: Hm... I just now am seeing a strange trail on the ground... it matches the color of the gemstone! It may take you to him, please, follow it!

    Stage 2:
    • Aryn: You here? Where are the tribesmen? The crystal, so shiny! Here, let me show you!
    • Aryn: Not here for crystal? You… here for me..? I won’t leave it!
    • Aryn: I won’t! Crystal mine! MINE!!
    Fight Aryn the same as before.

    Stage 3:
    It looks like Aryn is knocked out, you’ll need to carry him back to the village…

    When you click on Aryn, you gain slowness 3 and cannot use movement spells. As you walk leave, you can only follow the path back to Iboju, otherwise it will say:

    You shouldn’t be straying from the path, he could wake up any minute!

    As you walk additional monsters will spawn, and Aryn will occasionally mumble the following:
    • Aryn: The crystal… mine…
    • Aryn: The ruins, quiet, crystals…
    • Aryn: Head… hurt… crystal?
    Stage 4:
    When you reach Gracen, talk to them to end the slowness and spell restriction.
    • Gracen: Oh my... what has happened to my boy?
    • Gracen: The shaman has never been wrong, how foolish of me to ignore their warnings...
    • Gracen: But that is beside the point. You have done my family, no, the tribe a great service. .
    • Gracen: I have no idea what this crystal he found might be, but I hope that no one else ever comes across such a cursed item.
    • Gracen: I’ll try to care for Aryn… hopefully his condition is only temporary...
    • Gracen: But also, I want to thank you for all you’ve done for us. You don’t know how much this means to us all.
    • Gracen: I am aware that you soldiers often have an eye for the… unusual. I keep an old relic in my house, such items were forbidden long ago, but I’ve never been a stickler for the rules… well, until now.
    • Gracen: You're welcome to take it if you want, I have no idea what it's for, but it would probably be better out of my hands.

    Quest Rewards:
    • 225000 XP
    • Access to Gracen’s house.

    After Quest NPC Dialogue:
    After the Quest, an npc of Aryn will appear next to Gracen.
    • Gracen: How are you solder! I hope that my gift has proven useful to you.
    • Aryn: Ugh, my head… Oh it's you, thank you for the help… I… I still miss it, but it's becoming more manageable at least...
    By: Blastbasher

    The village elder of Iboju’s sister settlement is very ill. A young boy named Monte asks the player to seek the fabled Fountain of Youth to get healing water. (basically same main story as before)

    Stage 1: See what’s happening in Iboju village’s sister settlement at [-550, 62, -747]
    (Monte walks around in a circle, thinking of something)
    • Monte: What can I do, what can I do…
    • Monte: I cannot leave the tribe during a critical situation like this...
    (Monte notices the player and turns towards them)
    • Monte: Oh! This may just be the thing I was looking for!
    • Monte: Sorry, I mean… Greetings, traveller, and welcome to our little village.
      Monte: You look heavily armed, so there’s something I’d like to ask of you. Recently, our village elder has caught a terrible disease, and may die soon.
    • Monte: Our fables speak of a mythical fountain deep within the Dernel jungle with astounding healing properties.
    • Monte: It’s real! I know it is. Troms has sent countless expeditions in hopes of finding it.
    • Monte: I would go look for it myself, but I cannot leave this village at a grave time like this. I am the next in line to become our Elder, see, but I am not ready yet.
    • Monte: Our tribe will reward you greatly if you help us. A good place to start your searches would probably be Troms. Try to seek information about where the Fountain is located, you can probably find some in the Troms Archives.

    Stage 2: Seek information regarding the Fountain of Youth in the Troms Royal Archives at [-867, 80, -981]
    (The wall at these coordinates is changed to be a doorway into the Troms Royal Archives.)

    You enter a moderately sized lobby area, and have to talk to a receptionist NPC named “Archivist”.
    If The Passage not done:
    • Archivist: Hello, and welcome to the Troms Royal… Wait, who are you?
      Archivist: Only trusted individuals are allowed into the archives. Sorry, but we cannot let you access.
    If The Passage done:
    • Archivist: Hello, and welcome to the Troms Royal Archives, soldier. You must be that Ragni guard that Ildan told everyone about.
      Archivist: You can find the full history of Troms, the royal family and more here. What would you like to access?
    • Archivist: Th-the Fountain of Youth? All texts and information about the expeditions is classified top-secret! You cannot get those files without a special permit.
    The following content doesn’t change depending on if you did The Passage or not
    • It seems like you need to find another way to read the files.
    A couple seconds after the conversation ends, someone from inside the archives calls the Archivist at the reception to take a look at something
    • ???: Hey, Lach (this is the Archivist’s name)! Come over here and take a look at this!
    • Archivist: What is it?
    The archivist turns around and walks into the archives, leaving the reception unattended to
    • This is your chance! Sneak into the Royal Archives and find the information you need.

    Stage 3: Sneak through the Troms Royal Archives and find the files about the Fountain of Youth
    The archives (and the reception area) are mainly built out of a bright oak wood, with some plants growing in pots here and there. The area is lit by multiple chandeliers.

    The following section is a stealth mission.


    You start from the bottom middle. You must reach the top middle area and get to the room with the Fountain of Youth files.

    The boxes cannot be passed through. They are bookshelves (the two squares are pillars).

    If you interact with the door to the secret files area, it only says “This must be where the files about the Fountain are located. The door is locked, though.”

    If you get close to the red and blue NPC (area marked with pink lines), you can hear an ongoing conversation:
    • Archivist: ...alright. Should we go and check the secret files area next?
    • Archivist: Wait, I don’t have my key! Where is it? I must’ve dropped it somewhere here nearby.
    The key is marked with the brown dot. You can pick it up and use it to unlock the door to the secret files area.

    Information about stealth mission NPCs:
    • The gray NPC turns every 4-5 seconds or so, facing either towards the back wall or the front wall. The NPC basically blocks walking through the area it’s looking towards, should be pretty simple.
    • The red and blue NPCs (the receptionist archivist + whoever called them) stand still. They just sort of make that one area unaccessible.
    • The light blue NPC walks in a circle around that one bookshelf, catching players in front of it. Its gaze cannot reach the entrance to the area, so you are safe there.
    • The green NPC is always facing towards a bookshelf, unless it is walking to another one. The NPC walks between the two bookshelves every 6 seconds, and always turns to face a bookshelf.
    • The yellow NPC just looks towards the right wall.
    • Getting caught sends you to the beginning along with some dialogue and a short blindness effect.
    • The secret files room has a darker theme than the rest of the Archive, and is only lighted by a couple candles and torches on the walls. It’s also located slightly, about 1-2 blocks below the rest of the archive (you take some stairs down when entering the secret files room).
    When interacting with the book NPC:
    • The book is labelled: “Operation Fountain of Youth - TOP SECRET”
    • This is the correct one! You start reading through the pages…
    • “220 AP
    • A scout reported today of a sighting he saw in the nearby tribe village. A seemingly near-dead tribesman was healed to perfect health in a matter of seconds after drinking water from a mysterious flask.
    • The tribesmen called the water to be from a “Fountain of Youth”. By order of King Teribes II, Troms’ main efforts and funding will be spent towards locating and finding this fountain.
    • The potential that this liquid possesses is astounding, and it could turn the tides of the Corruption war entirely. The expedition to find the Fountain will be…”
    • There’s some basic information about the first expedition, but nothing important. The following pages list dozens of other expeditions throughout the years sent to find the Fountain, all failed.
    • The text on the last pages seems very fresh… You start reading it.
    • “1000 AP
    • Operation Fountain of Youth has been restarted after a break of nearly 150 years. With recent information about the fountain acquired from a man found wandering in Dernel jungle, there is new hope of this spring of mythical water being found. A new expedition group will be formed with haste.”
    • Next to the text, there is a white paper neatly folded inside the book. It contains a map of Dernel jungle, with a red X at [-790, -365], labelled “Around where the wandering man said the fountain was”.
    • You found the information you were looking for. Now it’s time to leave the archives.
    You can exit the archives through a ladder going up into a coal block portal. It will teleport you to climbing out of a random hidden hole at -920, 94, -997 near combat dummies in the Troms barracks.

    Stage 4: Locate the Fountain of Youth in Dernel Jungle. Exploring the area at the red X at [-790, 24, -365] may be a good idea.
    The old area where the big lake with the Fountain entrance in the middle has been removed. It has been replaced by a dark and thick section of the jungle (grass is Swamp biome?). You can only enter it after completing the quest until this point (it can be accessed at any time afterwards, it’s not a separate quest zone, just an area on the main map). There are still fairly clear paths around it. If you try to enter the area before the quest, the game says:
    • “This area of the jungle looks very dark and hostile. You should rather take the path around it”.
    At the location of the red X (which is located slightly inside the thick jungle area), you can find a skeleton bearing a machete. You must pick up the machete to progress in the quest.
    Once you pick it up, you see a root growing very quickly, creeping towards you (made with armor stand models, it’s fairly thin). The game says:
    • “That root is growing unnaturally… Maybe you should chop it down with the machete and see what happens?”
    When you chop down the root in half by left-clicking it with the machete, the root stays cut for a while, and then starts slowly growing again. The game says:
    • “The plants near the Fountain of Youth seem to grow at amazing speeds. Maybe you should try to cut down some tree branches, and see which ones grow back quicker. The faster the branches grow back, the closer the Fountain must be.”
    Around the dark and thick area, there are multiple, thin branches made with armor stand models with critical hit particles around them. They can be cut down with the machete. As said above, the faster a branch grows, the closer the Fountain is. The fountain entrance area is around -800, -385 (there is no visible entrance, just a rock wall in the side of a hill. When you cut down one of the two branches right next to the Fountain’s entrance, they grow back practically instantly, and the game says:
    • “That branch grew back practically instantly. The Fountain of Youth should be… right here!”
    There is a cutscene where the camera is mid-air showcasing the area where the fountain entrance is, and then turning towards the rock wall in the side of the hill in a -20 degree angle.
    On the rock wall, there is a floating text saying: “Use a spell to break” (this text only appears if you break one of the two branches and activate the cutscene). When you use a spell, the wall breaks, revealing a coal block portal. Once you go through it, you enter a long overgrown tunnel.

    Stage 5: Find the Fountain of Youth in the cave at [-800, 22, -385]
    You must progress through the overgrown tunnel. It’s about 6 blocks wide and tall, has a lot of vegetation, roots and vines on the walls, and occasionally a small stream of water going through the floor. It leads straight forward with some very slight turns, and goes very slightly downwards. There are a couple mobs in the area, though they aren’t meant to be a challenge, just basic enemies.

    At last, the tunnel opens up to the true Fountain of Youth. It is a large, somewhat circular, open area with most of the middle section’s roof being open to the sky. The “hole” above the fountain is still surrounded by hills and extremely thick jungle vegetation, so it’s no wonder that the fountain was never found that way. The fountain itself is mostly full of water with white swirl particles coming out of it. The platform you stand on when first entering the Fountain of Youth is about 5-6 blocks above surface. There are large lilypads in the water, just like there are now in the ingame Fountain of Youth lake in Dernel. Near the middle of the water, there is a small isle, about 2-3 blocks above water level with a large flower on it. The walls of the Fountain have green and blue terracotta on them, and many massive roots and vines growing on them. Some of the water can be seen magically rising in the air.

    When you enter the area, there is a cutscene of the camera flying around, showing the Fountain of Youth, with the text “Fountain of Youth” displayed in lime green color on the screen as a title message. You are teleported back to the starting platform.

    After this, someone from the middle isle with the flower shouts at you:
    • ???: Ah! Thank God, I thought I was going insane. I’ve been trapped here for weeks!
    • ???: Who are you? Did Troms send you? Whatever, it doesn’t matter. I’m the last survivor of our expedition. My name is Ilein.
    • Ilein: I’ll explain more once we get this sorted out. Can you figure out a way to get me out of here? The walls are too slippery to climb, I have tried.

    Stage 6: Find a way to make a path for Ilein and collect some water from the Fountain.
    On your platform, there is a tree growing, with its roots being in the wall next to the water. You can pick up a red [Jungle Tree Fruit] from the tree. After picking it up, a floating text will appear at the edge of the platform saying: “Right-click to throw fruit in water”. Once you throw the fruit and it comes in contact with the water, it instantly grows into a large horizontal root thing, making a path between you and the middle isle.
    • Ilein: Great work! Can you come here first? I have to collect some of this water now, and I have things to explain.
    You must now walk to the isle. The dialogue continues with Ilein collecting water from the fountain on the isle.
    • Ilein: So, after hundreds of years, this place has finally been found… Maybe the Corruption war could finally reach its end?
    • Ilein: As I said, I’m the last survivor of my expedition. The rest got lost and killed by the Jungle’s wildlife or cannibals. I’m lucky to have survived.
    • Ilein: I finally reached the Fountain, but as you saw, I got stuck here. I stayed completely healthy, though. Drinking and being right next to this healing water made me practically immortal to a natural death.
    • Ilein: See how the water is rising up all around the area and spreading through the ground? There are many scholars who have always wondered how the Jungle’s tropical climate could exist right next to the colder plains.
    • Ilein: I believe that this fountain alone is what caused the Jungle to grow. Even if the effect is weaker outside of this lake and its surroundings, the waters have spread to every corner of the Jungle from underground.
    • Ilein: Anyways, I’m done now. Let’s go, and thank you.
    As you are about to leave, the area starts to shake. There are block breaking particles all around, and large boulders start falling from the ceiling.
    • Ilein: That large root you planted… Its growth is too much! It’s tearing through the stone and causing this place to collapse!

    Stage 7: Escape the Fountain of Youth
    Multiple large boulders falling from the ceiling hit the root, tearing it to pieces and sinking it underwater.
    • Ilein: We need to run!
    You must parkour between the boulders and try to reach the Fountain’s entrance. Movement spells are disabled in this section. There is also a timer in this section, and in the background more rubble constantly falls. Once you get to the end of the boulder parkour, there is seemingly no way up. Then, a lilypad drifts in front of you, and the water starts to splash around it.
    • Ilein: Quick! Jump on that lilypad! It’s our way out!
    Once you jump on it, the water below bursts into a magical geyser thing going up, raising the lilypad with it. Once lifted up, you must jump on to the entrance platform.
    The rest of the section is just running the long tunnel back upwards as the timer ticks and the cave collapses.
    The entire section (parkour + run) has a timer of 45? seconds. If you fall in water, you are teleported to the beginning. If the timer goes to zero, you fail and the section restarts.
    You exit the tunnel through a coal block portal along with Ilein and end up back in Dernel jungle. The tunnel collapses behind you, leaving the Fountain inaccessible.
    • Ilein: Phew… That was… close…
    • Ilein: But I failed! Now no one can reach the fountain anymore! Argh… At least I got a couple bottles.
    • Ilein: Or maybe that’s for the better… I’ve heard stories of a similar fountain in Gavel causing major trouble. This water’s power could be easily abused.
    • Ilein: Anyways, I must thank you once again. You can have this as a reward, whoever you are.
    [+1 Bottle of Healing Water] (quest item)
    • Ilein: I’ll return to Troms now. Goodbye, adventurer!
    Ilein walks off.

    Stage 8: Bring the [Bottle of Healing Water] back to Monte at [-550, 62, -747]
    • Monte: Oh, just in time! Things are already getting bad here.
    [-1 Bottle of Healing Water]
    Monte runs inside a house, and quickly comes back.
    • Monte: Truly, thank you. You have mine and this tribe’s eternal gratitude. We cannot offer as much as you deserve, but it is better than nothing.
    • 500 000 XP
    • 1024 emeralds
    • Teribes’ Legacy (bracelet, counterpart to Lazarus’ Brace)
    By: Emolga3
  3. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Combat Level Min: 68
    Quest Req.: [Creeper Infiltration, Ice Nations]
    Stage 1: Talk to Glarem in front of the Temple of Legends near Troms
    If you're below level 68:

    [1/3] Glarem: Greetings, soldier, and welcome to the prestigious Temple of the Legends!
    [2/3] Glarem: As you’ve probably heard, this is where all the greatest heroes of our time go to train and honor those who came before them.
    [3/3] Glarem: I have a task for you, although I'm not sure you're ready for it yet. Talk to me again once you're level 68.


    [1/5] Glarem: Greetings, soldier, and welcome to the prestigious Temple of the Legends!
    [2/5] Glarem: As you’ve probably heard, this is where all the greatest heroes of our time go to train and honor those who came before them.
    [3/5] Glarem: Although anyone can enter the temple, you must prove yourself as a soldier if you wish to become a full member and join our esteemed Legend ranks.
    [4/5] Glarem: And, I think I know just the challenge for you. I’ve been putting together a team for a dangerous task recently, but they still need one more member.
    [5/5] Glarem: If you wish to join them and attempt to prove yourself, go into the preparation room in the Temple, it’s just to the right of the entrance.
    Stage 2 - Meet up with the rest of Glarem's team in the Temple

    If Recover the Past, Clearing the Camps, and Fate of the Fallen are completed:

    [1/5] Reynauld: Oh, hello again, <playername>. Didn’t expect to see you here.
    [2/5] Kelight: You’ve got to be kidding me. This is our final member?! Glarem’s going to get us all killed!
    [3/5] Telvu: It’s ok, Kelight, they’re tougher than they look. I’ve fought with them before too.
    [4/5] Kymer: Me too, actually. Right, so now that we’re all here, we should get to getting past the seal, right?
    [5/5] Telvu: Yeah. Come on, <playername>, we’ll show you what we’re dealing with, it’s just outside the Temple.

    If the quests are not completed (each line changes separately):

    [1/5] Reynauld: Oh, hello, soldier. Are you here for Glarem’s mission, too?
    [2/5] Kelight: You’ve got to be kidding me. This is our final member?! Glarem’s going to get us all killed!

    [3/5] Telvu: Calm down, Kelight, I’m sure they’re not that bad at fighting, or Glarem wouldn’t have picked them at all.
    [4/5] Kymer: What’s your name, anyways, soldier? Well, <playername>, I suppose we should get to getting past the seal now.
    [5/5] Telvu: Yeah. Come on, <playername>, we’ll show you what we’re dealing with, it’s just outside the Temple.
    Stage 3 - Follow the rest of the team to the cave outside the Temple

    (OUT: Glarem will walk over to the CoW cave for this bit only.)

    [1/13] Glarem: Ah, I see you’ve all met. Come to get a closer look at the barrier?
    [2/13] Glarem: Well, before you do, let me explain it a bit for <playername> here. Hundreds of years ago, Troms was attacked by a horrendous beast known as the Corrupter of Worlds.
    [3/13] Glarem: The army was devastated by it, but they managed to trap it in this cave, and got someone to seal it in. It’s remained sealed for hundreds of years now.
    [4/13] Glarem: Or at least, we think it has. The thing is, the seal doesn’t just work in one direction - it keeps the Corrupter of Worlds and all of its corruption magic inside the cave, but it also keeps us non-corrupteds out.
    [5/13] Glarem: No one’s been in the cave for hundreds of years. We assume the beast is contained, but really, we have no way of knowing without sending someone in to check.
    [6/13] Glarem: That’s where you five come in! We need you to break the seal on this side, get in there, scout it out, and weaken the beast as much as you can.
    [7/13] Glarem: We don’t really know how the seal works, though. You’ll need some powerful magic if you’re going to get past it.
    [8/13] Kelight: I still don’t see what the big deal is. How could some random sorcerer from hundreds of years ago have created a seal powerful enough to keep all of us out today? Surely the five of us can break through it.
    [9/13] Glarem: Kelight, I explained this before. People have tried using brute force before, and it’s had absolutely no effect on the seal.
    [10/13] Glarem: Telvu here has some experience with breaking magic seals, and he’s been researching into ways we could get past this one. He can explain what you all need to do.
    [11/13] Telvu: Alright, everyone, I’ve mapped out a bunch of locations where we can get items to try to break the seal.
    [12/13] Telvu: Since we don’t really know how the seal was made, we’re just going to throw everything we can at it and hope it’s enough. Theoretically, it should be.
    [13/13] Telvu: Just check your maps for where to go. If you need, you can come back here and Glarem can try to help point you in the right direction.

    (OUT: Everyone but Glarem will walk away in different directions and disappear once the dialogue finishes. Your “map” is just a list of things to get and where, similar to in Recipe for Disaster where it’s just a list of coordinates with item names.
    If you do talk to Glarem, he’ll give the following dialogue:)
    [1/9] Glarem: Ah, need help with your map, <playername>? Well, I’ll try to help as best I can.
    [2/9] Glarem: It looks like the first thing for you to get is a Concentrated Creeper Powder. I’ve heard rumors about a creeper cave in the pigmen’s ravines, it seems you should check there.
    [3/9] Glarem: The second item is a Purified Ancient Dagger, it looks like you’re supposed to go to Ancient Nemract to get it. If I remember correctly, those coordinates will lead you to this pit that was dug out hundreds of years ago.
    [4/9] Glarem: The third is an Ancient Charm from the desert. Judging from the coordinates, you should probably check around some ruins for it.
    [5/9] Glarem: The fourth item is a Crystal of True Ice, it looks like Telvu’s pointed you towards a spot at the edge of the ice canyon to get it. I’ve heard True Ice tends to only form in the presence of extremely powerful ice magic.
    [6/9] Glarem: The fifth item you need to get is a Coral of Nelfors. I’m not entirely sure where you should get that, but judging from the coordinates you could ask around at the docks on Mage Island.
    [7/9] Glarem: Finally, you need to get a Maro’s Eye Jewel. I’ve heard about that, apparently it’s hidden in some sort of cave, but I’m not really sure. Be careful on the peaks though, they’re not exactly safe.
    [8/9] Glarem: Oh, and, you can get the items in any order you want, Telvu probably just listed them in some random order.
    [9/9] Glarem: Good luck with all of those. Some might be a bit tricky to get, but I’m sure you can handle it.
    Stage 4 - Use your map to find the six items for Telvu

    (OUT: Like Glarem says, you can get the items in any order, and the quest book will update accordingly, just like in Mixed Feelings and The Lost.
    The “first” item you need to get is a concentrated creeper powder. For lack of a better way to do this, you still have to do Creeper Infiltration first to get in and talk to Garull. He’ll have the following dialogue:)

    [1/8] Garull: GWUH! Oh god, don’t scare me like that! Who… Who even are you?
    [2/8] Garull: Oh, you… you were sent by the Temple of Legends? Finally, they’ve decided to bother with studying creepers… What took them so long?
    [3/8] Garull: Ah, you need concentrated creeper powder? For some sort of spell? Well, I’d be happy to help!
    [4/8] Garull: I know someone who can concentrate the powder, a scientist in the Nivla Woods named Ragon.
    [5/8] Garull: Here, I’ll write down the location of his current camp in that book of yours. He tends to move around a lot though, so he might not actually be there anymore.
    [6/8] Garull: Of course, you’ll need some normal powders for him to concentrate. You can take some of mine, there’s plenty in here for me to restock on anyways.
    [7/8] [+10 Creeper Powder]
    [8/8] Garull: Good luck with your spell, soldier! Feel free to come back any time!

    (OUT: Ragon’s other camp will be around -400, 68, -1300. If you’ve done Elemental Exercise, he’ll appear there, if not, there will be a “Machine Operation Manual” NPC instead.)

    [1/8] Ragon: Ah, hello again, soldier! Come to see my new experiments?
    [2/8] Ragon: Oh, you need a concentrated powder? Well, of course, I’d be glad to help after what you did for us before!
    [3/8] Ragon: I assume you have the normal powders? Good, good, I’ll just put them into this machine I have for this sort of thing, it shouldn’t take long.
    [4/8] [-10 Creeper Powder]
    [5/8] Ragon: So, I suppose I’ll explain what we’re doing here while we wait. We’ve been studying the strange magic in Time Valley here for a little while now.
    [6/8] Ragon: Or, at least, we’ve been trying to. We’re not actually allowed all the way into the valley, and the little we can tell from the borders hasn’t been making much sense.
    [7/8] Ragon: But, then again, magic rarely does… Aha, it looks like your powder is done. Good luck with it, soldier.
    [8/8] [+1 Concentrated Creeper Powder]

    (OUT: Getting the concentrated powder will update your quest book.)

    [1/5] Operation Manual - Condensing Machine
    [2/5] To operate the condensing machine, first add fuel to it. It will need 5 of any wood item per condensing.
    [3/5] To obtain the 5 wood, you can get an axe from a nearby merchant and chop it directly from Nivla. Then, place the wood in the machine for fuel.
    [4/5] Once you have done so, wait until it is ready. The lights on the side will turn green to indicate that it is.
    [5/5] Then, place the materials you wish to condense into the machine. Wait for the machine to finish, then take your condensed item out.

    (OUT: Follow the instructions to get the condensed powder. Like it says, 5 of any tier wood for fuel, then put in the powder. It will then update your quest book once you click the machine again to take the condensed powder out.)
    Stage 5 - Use your map to find the five remaining items for Telvu

    (OUT: The “second” item that you need to get is a purified ancient dagger. Regardless of whether or not you’ve done The Dark Descent, Graken will appear in front of the pit, and have one of the following sets of dialogue.
    Once the first set of dialogue finishes, you can enter a new hole just to the south of the main pit.)

    If The Dark Descent and Pit of the Dead are completed:

    [1/7] General Graken: Aha, chap, nice to see you again! I see you’ve stumbled upon this here pit as well.
    [2/7] General Graken: Oh, you’ve actually gone into it? Appeased the spirits or something? Well, marvelous job with that, even from up here it seems to have calmed down when you came over.
    [3/7] General Graken: Although, I don’t suppose you came all the way back to Ancient Nemract just to have a chat, eh, old chap? What’re you after here, anyways?
    [4/7] General Graken: Oh, an ancient dagger? Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place for that, ha!
    [5/7] General Graken: Though, I suppose if you’ll be performing some sort of magic with it, you’ll want one in better shape than what all those bloody zombies are using.
    [6/7] General Graken: I’ve heard there are some more well-preserved soldiers in a side section of the pit here, the entrance is just to the south of the main thing.
    [7/7] General Graken: If you’ve really calmed the spirits, it should be safe for you to go in and get your dagger from there. Good luck, chum!

    If The Dark Descent is completed but Pit of the Dead is not:

    [1/7] General Graken: Aha, chap, nice to see you again! I see you’ve stumbled upon this here pit as well.
    [2/7] General Graken: Right nasty piece of work here, though. I’ve heard stories about this place, apparently it’s where people tossed their dead when Ancient Nemract was first invaded by the corrupt.
    [3/7] General Graken: Although, I don’t suppose you came all the way back to Ancient Nemract just to have a chat, eh, old chap? What’re you after here, anyways?
    [4/7] General Graken: Oh, an ancient dagger? Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place for that, ha!
    [5/7] General Graken: Though, I suppose if you’ll be performing some sort of magic with it, you’ll want one in better shape than what all those bloody zombies are using.
    [6/7] General Graken: I’ve heard there are some more well-preserved soldiers in a side section of the pit here, the entrance is just to the south of the main thing.
    [7/7] General Graken: Can’t vouch for it being safe down there, though. The people in the pit may be dead, but their spirits aren’t! Good luck with them, chum!

    If Pit of the Dead is completed but The Dark Descent is not:

    [1/8] General Graken: Aha, greetings, chap! Nice to see parts of the Ragni regiment pop by in Ancient Nemract every now and then.
    [2/8] General Graken: I see you’ve stumbled upon this here pit as well. Interesting story about this place.
    [3/8] General Graken: Oh, you’ve actually gone into it? Appeased the spirits or something? Well, marvelous job with that, even from up here it seems to have calmed down when you came over.
    [4/8] General Graken: Although, I don’t suppose you came all the way over to Ancient Nemract just to have a chat, eh? What’re you after here, anyways?
    [5/8] General Graken: Oh, an ancient dagger? Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place for that, ha!
    [6/8] General Graken: Though, I suppose if you’ll be performing some sort of magic with it, you’ll want one in better shape than what all those bloody zombies are using.
    [7/8] General Graken: I’ve heard there are some more well-preserved soldiers in a side section of the pit here, the entrance is just to the south of the main thing.
    [8/8] General Graken: If you’ve really calmed the spirits, it should be safe for you to go in and get a dagger from there. Good luck, chum!

    If neither The Dark Descent nor Pit of the Dead is completed:

    [1/8] General Graken: Aha, greetings, chap! Nice to see parts of the Ragni regiment pop by in Ancient Nemract every now and then.
    [2/8] General Graken: I see you’ve stumbled upon this here pit as well. Right nasty piece of work, I’ve heard all sorts of stories about it.
    [3/8] General Graken: Apparently, it’s where people tossed their dead when Ancient Nemract was first invaded by the corrupt. It’s still teeming with the poor blighters’ spirits.
    [4/8] General Graken: Although, I don’t suppose you came all the way over to Ancient Nemract just to have a chat, eh? What’re you after here, anyways?
    [5/8] General Graken: Oh, an ancient dagger? Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place for that, ha!
    [6/8] General Graken: Though, I suppose if you’ll be performing some sort of magic with it, you’ll want one in better shape than what all those bloody zombies are using.
    [7/8] General Graken: I’ve heard there are some more well-preserved soldiers in a side section of the pit here, the entrance is just to the south of the main thing.
    [8/8] General Graken: Can’t vouch for it being safe down there, though. The people in the pit may be dead, but their spirits aren’t! Good luck with them, chum!

    (OUT: If you’ve done Pit of the Dead, the small pit will just have a dead skeleton that you can take the dagger from. If not, there will be a boss fight against a 20k hp, ranged, arrow storm "Vengeful Skeleton". Once you get the dagger, you can leave in the back of the boss room, and trigger Graken’s second set of dialogue.
    The Ancient Dagger will have the description: “You can feel the corrupted magic of the spirits that have been absorbed into this dagger…”)

    If The Dark Descent and Pit of the Dead are completed:

    [1/4] General Graken: Ah, quick job with that, I see! Although, I don’t suppose that’ll be much use to you. You said you wanted a purified dagger, eh, chum?
    [2/4] General Graken: Well, I do know someone who can help with that. Name’s Jorkin, he’s a funny fellow, always going on these adventures in the Roots of Corruption!
    [3/4] General Graken: You should be able to find him somewhere on the south side of the Roots, shan’t be too hard to spot him with that blue mage outfit of his.
    [4/4] General Graken: I don’t know exactly how he does it, but he uses some dust or something from the Roots to purify tainted weapons and such. Should be more than enough for that dagger of yours. See you around, chap!

    If The Dark Descent is completed but Pit of the Dead is not:

    [1/5] General Graken: Ah, quick job with that, I see! Hope those dastardly spirits didn’t put you through too much down there!
    [2/5] General Graken: Anyways, I suppose you’ll now be wanting to purify that dagger of yours, eh, chum?
    [3/5] General Graken: Well, I do know someone who can help with that. Name’s Jorkin, he’s a funny fellow, always going on these adventures in the Roots of Corruption!
    [4/5] General Graken: You should be able to find him somewhere on the south side of the Roots, shan’t be too hard to spot him with that blue mage outfit of his.
    [5/5] General Graken: I don’t know exactly how he does it, but he uses some dust or something in the Roots to purify tainted weapons and such. Should be more than enough for that dagger of yours. See you around, chap!

    If Pit of the Dead is completed but The Dark Descent is not:

    [1/4] General Graken: Ah, quick job with that, I see! Although, I don’t suppose that’ll be much use to you. You said you wanted a purified dagger, eh, chum?
    [2/4] General Graken: Well, I do know someone who can help with that. Name’s Jorkin, he’s a funny fellow, always going on these adventures in the Roots of Corruption!
    [3/4] General Graken: You should be able to find him somewhere around the Roots, although I’m not entirely sure where. He does have a very distinctive blue mage outfit, though, if that helps.
    [4/4] General Graken: I don’t know exactly how he does it, but he uses some dust or something in the Roots to purify tainted weapons and such. Should be more than enough for that dagger of yours. See you around, chap!

    If neither The Dark Descent nor Pit of the Dead is completed:

    [1/5] General Graken: Ah, quick job with that, I see! Hope those dastardly spirits didn’t put you through too much down there!
    [2/5] General Graken: Anyways, I suppose you’ll now be wanting to purify that dagger of yours, eh, chum?
    [3/5] General Graken: Well, I do know someone who can help with that. Name’s Jorkin, he’s a funny fellow, always going on these adventures in the Roots of Corruption!
    [4/5] General Graken: You should be able to find him somewhere around the Roots, although I’m not entirely sure where. He does have a very distinctive blue mage outfit, though, if that helps.
    [5/5] General Graken: I don’t know exactly how he does it, but he uses some dust or something in the Roots to purify tainted weapons and such. Should be more than enough for that dagger of yours. See you around, chap!

    (OUT: During this quest stage and only during this quest stage, the Adventuring Mage will have altered dialogue.)

    If Studying the Corrupt is completed:

    [1/8] Adventuring Mage: *Mumbling* … Hey, what are you- Oh, it’s you again.
    [2/8] Adventuring Mage: Did something go wrong with finding Garoth’s camp? I didn’t think I’d see you here again.
    [3/8] Adventuring Mage: Oh, Graken sent you? Well, sure, I’ll help with that. All we’ll need is some light dust from this cavern on the other side of the Roots.
    (OUT: The mage’s NPC name will change to Jorkin now.)
    [4/8] Jorkin: Follow me, I’ll show you where the cavern is.
    [5/8] Jorkin: So what do you need this dagger for anyways? You’ve got better weapons than that, don’t you?
    [6/8] Jorkin: Oh, an assignment for the Temple of Legends? Ha! I’ve heard of those guys. Bit weird, but they do their work well enough, I suppose.
    [7/8] Jorkin: Do be careful, though. They may be honorable, but they have a tendency to overestimate their new recruits sometimes.
    [8/8] Jorkin: Ah, here it is. If you want, talk to me again, and I’ll come in and help get the light dust. If not, I’ll wait out here, just don’t take too long.

    If Studying the Corrupt is not completed:

    [1/7] Adventuring Mage: Hey, what are you doing here? These are restricted grounds!
    [2/7] Adventuring Mage: An assignment for the Temple of Legends? Well, I suppose that’s fair enough… So what do you want here anyways?
    [3/7] Adventuring Mage: Oh, Graken sent you? Well, sure, I’ll help with that. All we’ll need is some light dust from this cavern on the other side of the Roots.
    (OUT: The mage’s NPC name will change to Jorkin now.)
    [4/7] Jorkin: Just follow me, I’ll show you where the cavern is.
    [5/7] Jorkin: I can’t stay too long, though, so when you get the light dust just come back to where you found me.
    [6/7] Jorkin: So, how is it working for the almighty Temple of Legends? From what I’ve heard, they’re a bit weird, but they do their work well enough, I suppose.
    [7/7] Jorkin: Still, I can’t imagine I’d ever want to work for them… Ah, looks like we’re here. The dust is in a room at the end of the cavern.

    (OUT: If you’ve done the quest and right-click Jorkin again, he’ll follow you in as a defensive mob. The cavern is mostly the same, except the mobs are a bit more dangerous and there’s a small miniboss fight with a 10k hp ranged light phantom instead of just getting it. The parkour can stay, assuming it’s possible to get Jorkin to jump across it while following you. Once you exit, he’ll reappear at the entrance, or stay where he was if you haven’t done the quest.)

    If Studying the Corrupt is completed and you had Jorkin wait outside:

    [1/5] Jorkin: Ah, you’ve got the dust, good.
    [2/5] Jorkin: Just need to bind it to your dagger there, and that should purify it.
    [3/5] [-1 Light Dust] [-1 Ancient Dagger]
    [4/5] [+1 Purified Ancient Dagger]
    [5/5] Jorkin: Well, I suppose that’ll be all. Good luck with whatever it is those Temple people want with you!

    If Studying the Corrupt is completed and you had Jorkin come with you:

    [1/5] Jorkin: … Well, that cavern is a bit more dangerous than I remembered. At least we got the dust and both made it out fine, though.
    [2/5] Jorkin: I’ll just need to bind it to your dagger there, and that should purify it.
    [3/5] [-1 Light Dust] [-1 Ancient Dagger]
    [4/5] [+1 Purified Ancient Dagger]
    [5/5] Jorkin: Well, I suppose that’ll be all. Good luck with whatever it is those Temple people want with you!

    If Studying the Corrupt is not completed:

    [1/5] Jorkin: Ah, good, you’ve got the dust.
    [2/5] Jorkin: Just need to bind it to your dagger there, and that should purify it.
    [3/5] [-1 Light Dust] [-1 Ancient Dagger]
    [4/5] [+1 Purified Ancient Dagger]
    [5/5] Jorkin: Well, I suppose that’ll be all. Now, get out of the Roots, will you? Even for Temple of Legends recruits, they’re hardly safe.

    (OUT: Your quest book will update once Jorkin’s dialogue finishes. The purified dagger will have the description: “You can feel the sheer power of the spirits that have been absorbed into this dagger, even with their corruption magic having been purified.”)
    Stage 6 - Use your map to find the four remaining items for Telvu

    (OUT: The “third” item you need to get is an ancient charm from the desert. You will be directed to a small ruin somewhere around 1300, 77, -1950. If you’ve done Wrath of the Mummy, Achper will be at the ruin. If not, you will have to go through the ruin to find a knife NPC on the floor.)

    If Wrath of the Mummy is completed:

    [1/5] Achper: Oh, hello again, <playername>. Didn’t expect to see you all the way out here again.
    [2/5] Achper: Well, I suppose you’ll want to know what these ruins are, if you’ve come all this way to see them.
    [3/5] Achper: There used to be another mummy in them. Not nearly as powerful as that one you fought, but it used some sort of charm to attack people.
    [4/5] Achper: Sadly, though, those bandits that were ransacking the other tomb got to this one as well. They managed to kill the mummy, and took the charm back to wherever it is they live.
    [5/5] Achper: If it’s the charm you want, you could try checking the bandit house at the edge of the mesa, I think that’s where this group runs their operations.

    If Wrath of the Mummy is not completed:

    [1/3] You pick up a knife on the floor…
    [2/3] It's not covered in sand like everything else in the room... It must have been left here recently.
    [3/3] It looks like something a bandit would use… Maybe you should check at their hideout for more clues about the charm…

    (OUT: Going to the bandit house from Kingdom of Sand and talking to the vault guard will trigger the next part of this stage.)

    If Kingdom of Sand is completed:

    [1/4] Vault Guard: You again? Figured you’d have left these parts fer good… Well, don’t worry, yer still allowed in here, after what ya brought us.
    (OUT: Tarek will walk up just like in Kingdom of Sand.)
    [2/4] Tarek: Well, I don’t believe it, you actually came back here. Y’know, everyone heard about what you pulled with that scepter, especially all the Creden Tibus fellers.
    [3/4] Tarek: With that new mummy charm thing of theirs, I wouldn’t take ‘em too lightly either. But, if you really do wanna try fightin’ them, their main meeting area is just back here.
    [4/4] Tarek: Don’t say I didn’t warn ya though, heh…

    (OUT: When you enter the meeting room, a black door will be opened to the left that wasn’t there in Kingdom of Sand. Entering it will transport you to a boss arena similar to the one in A Sandy Scandal.)

    [1/3] Powerful Bandit: Didn’t think you’d be dumb enough to show your face in these parts again.
    [2/3] Powerful Bandit: Just because you managed to defeat a small handful of us doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want here. The Creden Tibus will not allow it.
    [3/3] Powerful Bandit: Now, against the power of this charm, you’ll really die. No way someone like you could defend against a charm like this!

    (OUT: The bandit will have 45000 hp, charge, multihit, and explosion. Killing it will give you the Ancient Charm item, and will update your quest book and allow you to leave the boss room.)

    If Kingdom of Sand is not completed:

    [1/3] Vault Guard: What are ya doing here, guard? We can't just let ye in ta the hideout... Unless yer got the password?
    [2/3] Vault Guard: No? Didn't think so... Now get lost, ya've wasted enough of my time.
    [3/3] It doesn’t look like the guard is going to let you in… maybe there’s some way to sneak past him?

    (OUT: To the left of stairs where you normally go down there will be a 2x1 passage, that’s only open during this quest stage, that you can enter. It’ll lead to a very short maze, and you can enter the boss room at the end of it.)

    [1/3] Powerful Bandit: Oh, look what we have here. Another guard who’s decided they have the right to interfere in our affairs.
    [2/3] Powerful Bandit: Well, you’ll soon see the truth. You think you’re strong, able to take on anything you want, but you’re wrong.
    [3/3] Powerful Bandit: We’re stronger now, your kind can’t just roll through here and forget! Lets get ‘em boys!

    (OUT: The bandit will have 60000 hp, charge, multihit, meteor, and explosion, and "Ordinary Bandit" minions with 7000 hp and charge. Killing it will give you the Ancient Charm item, and will update your quest book and allow you to leave the boss room.)
    Stage 7 - Use your map to find the three remaining items for Telvu

    (OUT: The “fourth” item that you need to get is a crystal of true ice. You’ll be directed to the cave where Frost Bite starts, but during this quest and only during this quest, Eppo will have different dialogue even if you haven’t started Frost Bite yet.)

    If Frost Bite is completed:

    [1/4] Eppo: Oh, hello again, <playername>! I just came back to clear all of this stuff out, we might want it for something later.
    [2/4] Eppo: So, what brings you back to the ice canyon? I can’t imagine you just came down here for fun.
    [3/4] Eppo: A crystal of true ice, eh? Well, you’re in luck, we found a patch of true ice where you got Theorick’s key.
    [4/4] Eppo: Rhudya’s been packing up all the stuff like that. He’s just a bit further down into the cave.

    [1/7] Rhudya: Oh, you again? What’ve you come all the way back down here for?
    [2/7] Rhudya: You want some of the true ice? Why? Is it useful for something?
    [3/7] Rhudya: Something for the Temple of Legends? Well, I don’t suppose there’s any reason not to trust them… Here, you can take however much you want.
    [4/7] [+1 Chunk of True Ice]
    [5/7] Rhudya: Hm, not really much of a crystal, is it? I don’t really know how these things work, but I figure if you cut it down to a crystal shape that’d be good enough.
    [6/7] Rhudya: Here, you can use one of our ice cutters. They’re a bit broken down from when we were trying to get the key earlier, but they should work well enough for that little chunk.
    [7/7] Rhudya: Just set the machine to cut the crystal into the shape you want, and you should be good to go.

    (OUT: Using the machine will take you to a room similar to the crafting table in Dwarves and Doguns Part III, after showing you the general shape the crystal should be in. You will have 11 “marker” ice items to place down in the following arrangement:

    If you cut the crystal incorrectly:

    [1/4] [+1 Small Chunk of True Ice]
    [2/4] Rhudya: You know, that doesn’t look like much of a crystal either…
    [3/4] Rhudya: Here, you can take another full chunk, but try not to mess it up this time, eh?
    [4/4] [+1 Chunk of True Ice]

    If you cut the crystal correctly:

    [1/2] [+1 Crystal of True Ice]
    [2/2] Rhudya: Hey, nice job, you did it! Good luck with whatever the Temple wants you to use that thing for!

    (OUT: Your quest book will update after the dialogue.)

    If Frost Bite is not completed:

    [1/5] Eppo: Woah, woah, woah! What are you doing here, guard? This is an active mining zone!
    [2/5] Eppo: Looking for True Ice crystals? Well, I’d say you’ve come to the right place, but we haven’t actually been able to break the ice yet…
    [3/5] Eppo: I think I did see some somewhere else in the cave, though. If you could get a strong enough pickaxe, you might be able to get those ones out, but don’t take my word for it.
    [4/5] Eppo: A mining shop in Lusuco has a lot of stuff like that. Already tried some of their pickaxes on this ice right here, but they all broke!
    [5/5] Eppo: Hopefully, the ice closer to the entrance will be easier for you to get at. Good luck, guard!

    (OUT: You can buy the pickaxe for 8 emerald blocks from the shop in Lusuco that's used for the Lusuco's Library discovery, which would be renamed to “Mining Merchant”. You can then mine from a true ice node on the side near the cave’s entrance (level 1 mining req) to get a Chunk of True Ice, and talk to Eppo again.)

    [1/6] Eppo: Oh, you again? What do you want now?
    [2/6] Eppo: Hm, I see. Yeah, that really doesn’t look like it’d work as a crystal, it’s more of a random chunk.
    [3/6] Eppo: You’ll probably need to cut it down a bit. From what I’ve heard about ice crystals, that should be good enough for whatever you need it for.
    [4/6] Eppo: Here, I suppose you could try using one of these ice cutter machines we have lying around here.
    [5/6] Eppo: They’re too damaged for us to keep using them, but for something as small as that chunk, I think it’d be enough.
    [6/6] Eppo: Well, good luck with that! If you do ever feel like coming back, we could probably use the help with this…

    (OUT: Using the machine will take you to a room similar to the crafting table in Dwarves and Doguns Part III, after showing you the general shape the crystal should be in. You will have 11 “marker” ice items to place down in the following arrangement:

    If you cut the crystal incorrectly:

    [1/2] [+1 Small Chunk of True Ice]
    [2/2] It doesn’t look like you cut the true ice correctly. Maybe you could mine out another chunk and try again.

    If you cut the crystal correctly:

    [1/1] [+1 Crystal of True Ice]

    (OUT: Your quest book will update once you get the crystal.)
    Stage 8 - Use your map to find the two remaining items for Telvu

    (OUT: The “fifth” item you need to find is a Coral of Nelfors. However, you will be directed to the location of the Boat Captain on the docks from The Order of the Grook at first. Again, during this quest stage and only during this quest stage, the captain will have different dialogue if you haven’t done the quest yet.)

    If The Order of the Grook is completed:

    [1/5] Boat Captain: Hey! What are you- Wait… It’s you again, isn’t it?
    [2/5] Boat Captain: Yeah, the “student” with all the armor and weapons, I remember you. So why have you come back here?
    [3/5] Boat Captain: Oh, a Coral of Nelfors, you say? Well, that type of thing isn’t really my specialty, but I know someone who can help.
    [4/5] Boat Captain: His name’s Rayshyroth, he lives up there on the floating island, you can even see it from here.
    [5/5] Boat Captain: It’s a bit annoying to climb up to, though. Here, I’ll teleport you up, wouldn’t want you to die falling down or something after coming all this way.

    If The Order of the Grook is not completed:

    [1/5] Boat Captain: Hey! What are you doing here over here? This dock’s broken.
    [2/5] Boat Captain: Oh, an assignment for the Temple of Legends, you say? We haven’t seen one of you people here in a while.
    [3/5] Boat Captain: Well, if you need a Coral of Nelfors, that’s not really my specialty, but I do know someone who can help.
    [4/5] Boat Captain: His name’s Rayshyroth, he lives up on a floating island, you can probably see it from here.
    [5/5] Boat Captain: It’s a bit annoying to climb up to, but if you’re working for the Temple of Legends, I’m sure you can handle it.

    (OUT: The parkour to Rayshyroth will be the same as it is currently, but as said above, the captain will just teleport you up if you’ve already done Order of the Grook.)

    If Beneath the Depths is completed:

    [1/7] Rayshyroth: Hm? Who are you? What are you doing up here?
    [2/7] Rayshyroth: Wait a minute, I think I recognize you. Yeah, you’re that soldier who Dalben let into Sarnfic.
    [3/7] Rayshyroth: Well, soldier, what’ve you come all the way up here for?
    [4/7] Rayshyroth: Oh, a Coral of Nelfors? Gah… well, I suppose that captain’s at least mostly right in sending you to me.
    [5/7] Rayshyroth: You can get the coral in Seavale Reef near Selchar, try checking the areas down in between the large corals for it.
    [6/7] Rayshyroth: Oh, and you might want to take one of those weird breathing helmet things, if you can find one, since you’ll probably be down there for a little while.
    [7/7] Rayshyroth: Once you’ve got it, come back to Mage Island, I’ll explain the rest of what you need to do near Dalben’s house.

    If Beneath the Depths is not completed:

    [1/7] Rayshyroth: Hm? Who are you? What are you doing here?
    [2/7] Rayshyroth: Oh, did that captain send you up here? Always sending people to me… Who does he think I am, another one of their schoolteachers?
    [3/7] Rayshyroth: Anyways, what is it that you want from me, guard?
    [4/7] Rayshyroth: Oh, a Coral of Nelfors? Gah… well, I suppose that captain’s at least mostly right in sending you to me.
    [5/7] Rayshyroth: You can get the coral in Seavale Reef near Selchar, try just swimming around until you find it, I guess.
    [6/7] Rayshyroth: Oh, and you might want to take one of those weird breathing helmet things, if you can find one, since you’ll probably be down there for a little while.
    [7/7] Rayshyroth: Once you’ve got it, come back to Mage Island, I’ll explain the rest of what you need to do near the center of the island.

    (OUT: The coral will spawn more frequently inside the large corals, although it will still spawn elsewhere in the reefs. Once you have the coral, when you return to Mage Island, Rayshyroth will walk up near Dalben, and the two will have a short cutscene, although Dalben’s normal dialogue will still trigger if you talk to him directly.)

    If Beneath the Depths is completed:

    [1/9] Rayshyroth: Ah, soldier, you’re back. Quicker than I would’ve expected, actually.
    [2/9] Rayshyroth: Now, you see, that Coral isn’t going to be much use to you straight from the ocean. Luckily for you, Dalben here is a specialist in restoring and refining items like that.
    [3/9] Dalben: Yes, I should be able to refine that Coral fairly quickly. And don’t worry, soldier, you won’t have to pay anything this time.
    [4/9] [-1 Coral of Nelfors]
    [5/9] Dalben: (obfuscated text)
    [6/9] Dalben: (more obfuscated text)
    [7/9] Dalben: There we go, that should do it.
    [8/9] [+1 Refined Coral of Nelfors]
    [9/9] Dalben: Good luck on your quest, soldier. I hope whatever the Temple has planned for you isn’t too dangerous…

    (OUT: Your quest book will update as soon as Dalben’s dialogue finishes.)

    If Beneath the Depths is not completed:

    [1/4] Rayshyroth: Ah, soldier, you’re back. And with the Coral, good.
    [2/4] Rayshyroth: Now, you see, that Coral isn’t going to be much use to you straight from the ocean. Luckily for you, Dalben here is a specialist in restoring and refining items like that.
    [3/4] Dalben: Yes, I should be able to refine that Coral fairly easily. Although…
    [4/4] Dalben: I think I will need some sky vapor for it. Could you get me, say, [8 Sky Vapor], soldier? It’s just down in that cave below Rayshyroth’s house.

    (OUT: The sky vapor mobs will be the same as normal.)

    [1/9] Rayshyroth: Oh, there you are. I was starting to think you might’ve gotten lost somehow.
    [2/9] Dalben: Alright, that should be enough for the Coral. It isn’t a particularly complicated process, really.
    [3/9] [-1 Coral of Nelfors]
    [4/9] Dalben: (obfuscated text)
    [5/9] Dalben: (more obfuscated text)
    [6/9] Dalben: (even more obfuscated text)
    [7/9] Dalben: There we go, that should do it.
    [8/9] [+1 Refined Coral of Nelfors]
    [9/9] Dalben: Good luck on your quest, soldier. I hope whatever the Temple has planned for you isn’t too dangerous…

    (OUT: Your quest book will update as soon as Dalben’s dialogue finishes.)
    Stage 9 - Use your map to find the one remaining item for Telvu

    (OUT: The “sixth” item you need to find is the Maro’s Eye Jewel. You will be directed to the bottom of Maro Peaks - as with the creeper mask, for lack of a better way to do this, you will still have to wear the climbing helmet. Once you arrive at the entrance, Reynauld will appear, with one of the following sets of dialogue.)

    If Recover the Past is completed:

    [1/5] Reynauld: Oh, hello again, <playername>. I see Telvu decided to assign us both to getting this one.
    [2/5] Reynauld: How many items do you still have to get, anyways? <number of items>? Huh, same for me.
    [3/5] Reynauld: Anyways, I suppose we should get to finding this thing. The map just said to go where we are now, so I’m not really sure where it is.
    [4/5] Reynauld: Maybe you should lead, actually. I’ll defend you from anything that attacks you. Not a very welcoming place, is it?
    [5/5] Reynauld: Well, see what you can find. Maybe one of the locals could help us, if there are any…

    If Recover the Past is not completed:

    [1/5] Reynauld: Oh, hello again, <playername>. I see Telvu decided to assign us both to getting this one.
    [2/5] Reynauld: How many items do you still have to get, anyways? <number of items>? Huh, same for me.
    [3/5] Reynauld: Anyways, I suppose we should get to finding this thing. The map just said to go where we are now, so I’m not really sure where it is.
    [4/5] Reynauld: Maybe you should lead, actually, you seem like you’d be better at finding something like this. You know, this isn’t a very welcoming place, is it?
    [5/5] Reynauld: Well, see what you can find. Maybe one of the locals could help us, if there are any…

    (OUT: The entrance to the Maro’s Eye Jewel cave is in the same location as before. However, if you first go to Czytash’s house, he will have one of the following dialogues, based on whether or not you’ve done Zhight Island. As with Dalben, his normal dialogue will stay the same, but when Reynauld walks up they will both have cutscene dialogue.)

    If Zhight Island is completed:

    [1/8] Reynauld: Oh, so there are people living here. Maybe this guy can help us find the Jewel.
    [2/8] Czytash: Hm? Who are- Oh, it’s you again.
    [3/8] Czytash: What do ya want this time? I already gave you all o’ Zhight’s supplies.
    [4/8] Reynauld: Actually, we’re trying to find the Maro’s Eye Jewel. Have you heard of it?
    [5/8] Czytash: The Jewel? Oh, I’ve heard of it, all right. It’s in a cave at <coordinates>.
    [6/8] Czytash: But be careful, there’s a reason no one else here has gone and nabbed it yet. It’s guarded by these strange powerful stone constructs.
    [7/8] Czytash: I don’t really know what they are, but they’re definitely dangerous. You two had best be careful if you’re gonna get the Jewel from them.
    [8/8] Reynauld: Well… Thanks for the advice. <playername>, I suppose we should go to that cave now.

    If Zhight Island is not completed:

    [1/7] Reynauld: Oh, so there are people living here. Maybe this guy can help us find the Jewel.
    [2/7] Czytash: Hm? Who are you two? What do ya want?
    [3/7] Reynauld: We’re trying to find the Maro’s Eye Jewel. Have you heard of it?
    [4/7] Czytash: The Jewel? Oh, I’ve heard of it, all right. It’s in a cave off somewhere west of here.
    [5/7] Czytash: But be careful, there’s a reason no one has gone and nabbed it yet. It’s guarded by these strange powerful stone constructs.
    [6/7] Czytash: I don’t really know what they are, but they’re definitely dangerous. You two had best be careful if you’re gonna get the Jewel from them.
    [7/7] Reynauld: Well… Thanks for the advice, I guess. <playername>, I suppose we should go to find that cave now.

    (OUT: Alternatively, if you already know where the cave is, you can go straight to it. Once you get there, Reynauld will have one of the following dialogues, then he will enter either as a ranged guard mob if you’ve done Recover the Past, or as an NPC if you haven’t.)

    If Recover the Past is completed and you talked to Czytash:

    [1/4] Reynauld: Well, looks like this is it. Seems like that old man was right, this place definitely looks dangerous.
    [2/4] Reynauld: Good thing Telvu assigned us both to get this one, actually. I don’t think I’d have been able to do this by myself.
    [3/4] Reynauld: Heh… Just like last time…
    [4/4] Reynauld: Anyways, I suppose we should go in now. I’ll try to guard you just like before, but do see if you can get through quickly, we don’t want to risk spending too much time here.

    If Recover the Past is completed and you did not talk to Czytash:

    [1/4] Reynauld: Well, looks like this is it. Those stone things don’t look very friendly, do they?
    [2/4] Reynauld: Maybe it is a good thing Telvu assigned us both to get this one, actually. I don’t think I’d have been able to do this by myself.
    [3/4] Reynauld: Heh… Just like last time…
    [4/4] Reynauld: Anyways, I suppose we should go in now. I’ll try to guard you just like before, but do see if you can get through quickly, we don’t want to risk spending too much time here.

    If Recover the Past is not completed and you talked to Czytash:

    [1/4] Reynauld: Well, looks like this is it. Seems like that old man was right, this place definitely looks dangerous.
    [2/4] Reynauld: Good thing Telvu assigned us both to get this one, actually. I don’t think I’d have been able to do this by myself.
    [3/4] Reynauld: You know, for the latest member of our team, you do seem to be turning out pretty well. Seems like Glarem was right in choosing you.
    [4/4] Reynauld: Anyways, I suppose we should go in now. See if you can get through quickly, we don’t want to risk spending too much time here.

    If Recover the Past is not completed and you did not talk to Czytash:

    [1/4] Reynauld: Well, looks like this is it. Those stone things don’t look very friendly, do they?
    [2/4] Reynauld: Maybe it is a good thing Telvu assigned us both to get this one, actually. I don’t think I’d have been able to do this by myself.
    [3/4] Reynauld: You know, for the latest member of our team, you do seem to be turning out pretty well. Seems like Glarem was right in choosing you.
    [4/4] Reynauld: Anyways, I suppose we should go in now. See if you can get through quickly, we don’t want to risk spending too much time here.

    (OUT: The cave will mostly be the same as before, except instead of whatever mobs are currently there, there will be stone constructs similar to the ones in/around TCC. Most of the stone constructs will have 5-10k hp and no spells, but there will be a miniboss at the end with 80k hp and multihit. Once you kill the miniboss, you will be able to enter the room with the Jewel. Only one will spawn per time you go through the cave, but you can go through the cave multiple times on one class if you want.
    If you haven't done Recover the Past, Reynauld will simply follow you through the cave as an NPC. If you have done Recover the Past, as you progress through the cave, Reynauld will fire arrows at mobs as he walks, and will stop at certain points and cast arrow storm at the nearest mob(s), with enough damage to kill one or two if he hits most of the arrows. He will also do this every 15 seconds at the boss fight. Either way, it will not actually matter if he reaches the end of the cave with you, so long as you get the jewel and exit yourself.
    Once you get the Jewel, you can exit the cave, and Reynauld will have a final set of dialogue as he walks down to the Seaskipper.)

    [1/8] Reynauld: Well, that was… certainly something. Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to take that thing by myself.
    [2/8] Reynauld: Got the Jewel, right? Good… You know, I am a bit worried about this whole Corrupter of Worlds thing.
    [3/8] Reynauld: Glarem seems to think we’ll be able to handle it, but… if the stories about that thing are true, I’m not so sure.
    [4/8] Reynauld: Apparently, that beast was once a mining captain, a thousand years ago. It was his team that first uncovered the Nether Portal, and he was the first to ever enter it.
    [5/8] Reynauld: According to the stories, he personally slaughtered and corrupted every one of his original team, and then everyone else in the entire area.
    [6/8] Reynauld: He rampaged across the province for hundreds of years after that, killing everyone in his path, until he was finally sealed in that cave near Troms.
    [7/8] Reynauld: Even then, after being trapped for hundreds and hundreds of years, he’s still powerful. How- How can we possibly be strong enough to defeat such a creature?!
    [8/8] Reynauld: … Maybe I’m wrong. The people hundreds of years ago didn’t have magic, and we do. I hope that’s enough…

    (OUT: Your quest book will update once Reynauld’s dialogue finishes.)
    Stage 10 - Bring all six items back to Telvu at the Corrupter of Worlds cave

    (OUT: Once you get close, everyone but Reynauld will appear near the cave. Reynauld will appear a bit away, walking towards it at the same time you do.)

    [1/16] Kelight: Oh, there you two are. What took you guys so long? I’ve been waiting here for ages!
    [2/16] Kelight: See? I told you we shouldn’t have used recruits for this, but no, we had to, and now look! If these two can’t get a few simple items from around the province, how are they going to stand against the Corrupter of Worlds?!
    [3/16] Glarem: Kelight, calm down. Just because they took a bit longer doesn’t mean they won’t be able to stand against the beast.
    [4/16] Telvu: So, Reynauld, <playername>, I take it you do have all the items?
    [5/16] Reynauld: Yeah, we have them. Thanks for pairing us with the Jewel, by the way, that would’ve been… difficult to get alone.
    [6/16] Telvu: Ah, yes, I figured it’d take multiple people to get past whatever those things defending it are.
    [7/16] Telvu: Now, if everyone has their items, I suppose it’s time to break the barrier. If all goes well, we’ll be able to get in whenever we want, but the Corrupter will still be trapped inside.
    [8/16] [-1 Concentrated Creeper Powder] [-1 Purified Ancient Dagger] [-1 Ancient Charm] [-1 Crystal of True Ice] [-1 Refined Coral of Nelfors] [-1 Maro’s Eye Jewel]
    [9/16] Telvu: Stand back, everyone. We can’t be completely sure this will work properly.
    [10/16] Telvu: (obfuscated text)
    (OUT: The items you gathered, as well as a few others, will begin floating near the cave. A series of particle barriers will appear.)
    [11/16] Telvu: (more obfuscated text)
    (OUT: All of the items will morph into three rune-shaped items.)
    [12/16] Telvu: (final obfuscated text)
    (OUT: As Telvu activates the rune-shaped items, they will shine brightly, then disappear along with a third of the particle barrier.)
    [13/16] Telvu: Alright, that seems to have worked exactly as it should have. We’ll be able to enter, but the barrier will still be active from the inside.
    [14/16] Glarem: Oh, but before you enter. I had some specialized Legend helmets made and enchanted for all of you.
    [15/16] [+1 Purified Helmet of the Legends]
    [16/16] Glarem: You don’t have to use them if you don’t want to, but they’ll probably be useful for this fight.

    (OUT: The helmet will still be unidentified when you first get it. If you do leave to ID it or prepare, the following dialogue will trigger.)

    [1/1] Kymer: Alright, take some time to prepare if you want. Once you’re ready, talk to one of us, and we’ll go on in.
    Stage 11 - Enter the Corrupter of Worlds cave

    [1/1] Kymer: Ok, is everyone ready? Well, let’s go in then, but do be careful.

    (OUT: The cave will be like normal, except Telvu, Kelight, Kymer, and Reynauld will follow you through as defensive mobs, and all mobs, including CoW, will have increased health to compensate. If possible, Telvu will mimic mage attack and spells, Reynauld will mimic archer attack and spells, Kymer will mimic warrior attack and spells, and Kelight will mimic assassin attack and spells. If not, Telvu and Reynauld will be ranged, and Kymer and Kelight will be melee. Around the entrance of the cave, they will have short sets of dialogue, but once you get far enough in they will all stop talking.)

    When you first enter the main cave:

    [1/2] Reynauld: Wow, it’s… it’s so… I don’t even know how to describe this place.
    [2/2] Kelight: Keep yourself together, eh, recruit? One of you panicking is the last thing I need right now.

    When you are stopped at the barrier into the forked room (the Corrupter's appearances will be a lot less obvious):

    [1/3] Reynauld: Wait, what was that? I could’ve sworn I saw something move over there!
    [2/3] Kelight: Oh, come on! There’s nothing that could hurt us up here!
    [3/3] Kymer: No, Kelight, I think I saw it too. Don’t really know what it could’ve been, though.

    When you reach the drop into the gray pool:

    [1/2] Kymer: What now, do we just jump down?
    [2/2] Telvu: Yeah. The army must’ve used this cliff when they first trapped the beast in here.

    When you reach the Corrupter's area and it drops you in:

    [1/2] Reynauld: I- I can see it! What’s it doing?! It’s not attacking!
    [2/2] Kymer: It looks like it’s… preparing… GET DOWN, NOW!

    (OUT: Rather than just collapsing the floor, the Corrupter will cast a series of explosions, breaking the floor and knocking the player and the other four into the boss room.)
    Stage 12 - Defeat the Corrupter of Worlds

    Corrupter of Worlds (level 100)

    190 000 HP

    Weak: Fire, Air

    Defense: Earth, Thunder, Water

    Melee AI


    Heavy Pull

    Spell combos:

    Multihit (0) -> Multihit (0) -> Multihit (0) -> Multihit (0) -> Multihit [3/7 chance]
    Pull (0) -> Pull (2) -> Multihit (0) -> Multihit (0) -> Multihit [3/7 chance]
    Heavy Pull (2) -> Pull (0) -> Pull (0) -> Pull (1) -> Multihit (0) -> Multihit (0) -> Multihit [1/7 chance]

    The Corruptor’s speed has been very slightly buffed.

    The Corruptor has an attack where he “melds” into the corrupted ground material and then quickly, about a second later, appears at another position. This is what it is based on:


    The outlined area is the arena. The black dot is the player. The red cone is towards the direction the player is looking in. Every 5 seconds, the Corrupter of Worlds will meld into the ground, and appear in the orange zone (mainly behind the player). If the Corruptor is in the yellow zone, he melds every 20 seconds. If he is in the red zone, he cannot meld. All of these follow the same timer that ticks in the background, so switching zones won’t reset it.

    Visualized Timer:


    MELD FROM:..white.............white.............white........white or yellow

    Throughout the battle, minions called “The Corrupted” (endermite skin) drop through the roof every now and then.

    The Corrupted (level 70)

    7 500 HP

    Weak: Fire, Air

    Defense: Earth, Thunder, Water

    Charge AI



    The minions move quite quickly. They occasionally cast Slowness.

    Reynauld, Kymer and Telvu accompany the player in the battle. They are “cutscene” NPCs and do not take damage.

    They appear at certain HP intervals to launch an attack on the boss.

    150 000 HP

    Reynauld attacks. He shoots three Bomb Arrows in the room at different spots so that they cover most of the arena. Each deals 4750 damage on impact. The Corrupter can get hit by a maxium of two of them.

    110 000 HP

    Kymer Attacks. He fires a very fast Uppercut-like attack that travels on the ground. It will always hit the Corrupter, dealing 8000 damage and slowing him down by 50% for three seconds. This also disables the meld attack for the next three seconds.

    70 000 HP

    Reynauld attacks. Same as above.

    30 000 HP

    Kymer attacks. Same as above.

    10 000 HP

    Telvu comes in and completely freezes the Corrupter. You can now just beat up the boss and win. Once you beat the boss, you will get the drop as normal, and you can exit the room. Once you do, you will come back in the same spot as normal, with all four of the others as NPCs again.

    [1/5] Reynauld: I don’t believe it… We actually did it! Ha!
    [2/5] Kelight: Pfft, I do. That wasn’t even hard.
    [3/5] Kymer: You sure about that, Kelight? You looked like you were having a bit of a rough time near the end of the fight there.
    [4/5] Kelight: Nonsense! If it hadn’t been for me, I doubt any of you would have survived that!
    [5/5] Telvu: All right, all right, you can all boast later. But for now, let’s go over and let Glarem know we’re okay, hm?
    Stage 13 - Return to Glarem and tell him what happened

    [1/9] Glarem: Aha! You all made it! I knew you could do it!
    [2/9] Kelight: Hmph. No thanks to these recruits here. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll go and get to working with actually competent people now.
    (OUT: Kelight will walk away from the rest of the group.)
    [3/9] Glarem: Well, if you really have to leave… Anyways, I hope the rest of you realize the importance of what you’ve just done.
    [4/9] Glarem: That beast may have been trapped down there, but actually defeating it… You five have just done something that centuries of soldiers couldn’t manage.
    [5/9] Glarem: I’ll see to it that you’re all properly rewarded for this. But for now, you’re all officially being made Legends.
    [6/9] Reynauld: Wait, what, now?
    [7/9] Glarem: Why not? You four have already proved yourself far beyond what most new Legends do.
    [8/9] Glarem: If any of you need anything else from the Temple, feel free to come in and ask! I’d be happy to help any of you.
    [9/9] Glarem: Well, I suppose that’ll be all for now. Good luck on your adventures, all of you! Except, <playername>, wait here, I have something extra to say to you.
    Stage 14 - Talk to Glarem

    [1/6] Glarem: Well, that certainly must have been quite something, eh? Doubt you’ve fought anything like that beast in your travels so far.
    [2/6] Glarem: Don’t mind Kelight too much, by the way. He’s arrogant, but he does his job well.
    [3/6] Glarem: But, I see something… different in you. And I’ve helped train hundreds of soldiers and Legends.
    [4/6] Glarem: The others are strong, all in their own ways, but you, I don’t think you’ll ever back down. That may be just what this province needs if it is to finally rid itself of the Corruption.
    [5/6] Glarem: I mean, just look what you’ve already done! Keep at it, and I believe you will be able to do even more.
    [6/6] Glarem: Good luck though, <playername>. If you continue down your path, you’ll definitely need it.
    • 600,000 experience points
    • Access to Temple of the Legends private areas (OUT: Includes bob’s weapons merchant, boss altar, grind spot, and secret discovery.)
    • Purified Helmet of the Legends
    By: Ditsario & Emolga3


    The Passage (Edits):
    Stage 1:
    • Troms Recruit: Hey, soldier, wait!
    • Troms Recruit: This passage is a very secure area, we can’t just let anyone use it.
    • Troms Recruit: You’ll have to talk to our recruiter, Ildan, if you want permission. He’s somewhere around the barracks just west of here.
    Stage 2:
    • Ildan: Oh, you want permission to use the passage, soldier?
    • Ildan: Well, as that recruit no doubt told you, we only let trusted individuals use it.
    • Ildan: It’d simply be too risky to let anyone in the province have such direct access to the army area over here.
    • Ildan: However, you look trustworthy enough. If you can complete a task for me, I’ll tell the guards to let you through whenever you want.
    • Ildan: I’m sure you’ve noticed, but there’s a tribal village not too far south of here.
    • Ildan: A little while ago, a few exiled natives managed to steal a few of our weapons and tried to use them to take over the village.
    • Ildan: The other tribe members managed to trap them underground near a lake, but they haven’t been able to properly defeat them.
    • Ildan: Seeing as it’s our weapons the exiles are using, the tribe wants us to deal with it for them.
    • Ildan: I wasn’t sure who we could spare, but you look up to the task!
    • Ildan: The entrance to the tunnels the exiles are trapped in is some sort of shrine, I’ve heard.
    • Ildan: Go in there, and kill their leader, Antic, I think his name is. I hear he wears some special type of beads, see if you can bring me one of those as proof of his death.
    • Ildan: I’d ask for the weapons they stole, too, but according to the rest of the tribe, the exiles performed some strange magic on them. I’m not sure if we’d still be able to use them properly. If you manage to retrieve any, you can keep them.
    • Ildan: I’ve marked the location of the shrine in your book. Good luck.
    Stage 3
    (OUT: The boss fight is exactly the same, except instead of zombies they’re just normal exiled tribesmen. Their names could be “Antic”, “Sealed Iboju Exile”, and “Sealed Iboju Exile Mystic." The entry items and number required are the same.)
    • Ildan: Impressive! You actually defeated them!
    • Ildan: I must admit, I wasn’t sure you’d be up to the task, but it looks like you did the job splendidly!
    • Ildan: Oh, but before you go, I do have a few things to say. First, about those beads you have.
    • Ildan: The tribesmen accept beads like these as a currency, so if you have enough, you can buy one of their powerful masks.
    • Ildan: Secondly, about the shrine. It’s just a rumor, but I’ve heard there are a bunch of similar altars scattered around the world.
    • Ildan: If it’s true, you should look for more of them. The fights will be tough, but you’ve already proven yourself as a capable soldier!
    • Ildan: Anyways, I’ve talked enough. I’ll go over and tell the guards to give you access to the passage now. Good luck with your future adventures, friend.
    By: Ditsario

    Jungle Fever (Edits)
    (Note: Worid is moved to Troms (same position as where the Salesman currently is). He does not look like a tribesman anymore, but a normal Troms citizen)

    Stage 1: Talk to Worid in Troms
    • Worid: Oh, I am so happy to see you! *cough*, I caught a very bad fever, and I really need help! *cough*
    • Worid: The only cure against this fever is to drink Liquid Emeralds! Yes, exactly! *cough*
    • Worid: Do you think you could ask the Banker in this city if he could give me, oh I don't know, 64 Liquified Emeralds?
    • Worid: If he has the audacity to *cough* say no... you will have to use brute force...
    • Worid: Break into *cough* to the emerald storage, but don't take anything... come back to me immediately after, if you make it out alive, heheh...
    • Worid: Oh, uh... I mean *cough* *cough*
    Stage 2: Talk to Troms’ banker about the cure for Worid
    The Troms banker is just an NPC in a newly added Troms Bank downstairs (the stairs that go up to the second floor are just extended downwards). There is a new NPC that acts like the Detlas Banker, having the same dialogue.

    Stage 3: Report back to Worid
    • Worid: Oh no! How will I ever cure my sickness without Liquified Emeralds?... *cough*
    • Worid: We’ll have to change strategy, we won't ask for permission. It's to help me after all.
    • Worid: There is another quite large emerald stash in Wynn… You will need to enter Almuj’s “Emerald Labyrinth”.
    • Worid: It’s a well-guarded vault, and very hard to break into. Getting into the bank itself requires special permissions, too!
    • Worid: Good luck with that. Haha… I mean, *cough*.
    (Out: You are teleported to the Almuj gate)

    Stage 4: Infiltrate Almuj’s Emerald Labyrinth and find the Almuj Banker in the emerald room

    The emerald labyrinth has been reworked. The layout stays the same, but it has been reworked into a typical stealth mission where you have to avoid golems. Most of the golems move around in set patterns.

    Wynn Excavation Site D (Edits):
    (Note: These changes are not a complete overhaul of the entire Wynn Excavation Questline. They make a few positive changes, but otherwise are simply there to better align the quest with the updated jungle)

    Stage 8:
    • Traitor Amadel: Welcome, friend. I knew you would figure it all out.
    • Traitor Amadel: You must be surprised to see me. The excavation crew at site C tried very hard to kill me. It was a stroke of luck I found these people here, who helped me through.
    • Traitor Amadel: As I left, I managed to swipe a piece of their maps, and I know now what it is for.
    • Traitor Amadel: If you made it this far, you know Wynn Excavation is not what they seem. They want to harness an ancient power, one which has been buried for millenia.
    • Traitor Amadel: They control our governments, authorities and seem to be 3 steps ahead of any of us that oppose them.
    • Traitor Amadel: We here are all people who’ve either left or been hunted by the company… most don’t make it this far.
    • Traitor Amadel: There are several groups like ourselves who wish to bring down the company, and I believe now is the time to act.
    • Traitor Amadel: We know they’ve reached the other crystal colors, but they’ve yet to locate the green crystal. If we could find it first, then it would be a major setback for them, perhaps enough to move their search out of Wynn!
    • Traitor Amadel: Here, I've combined the map fragments behind me. It looks like it's deep in the jungle, I wonder where…

    Other NPCs:
    • Traitor Buice: There’s another group like us out near the old Sodeta Mansion. They seemed fine with us, but they stopped working with us recently.
    Stage 22:
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: Well, well. Looks like you've finally made it.
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: You might be a little shocked to see me here…
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: Everything was planned, you see…
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: Your finding that old fool in the desert, you surviving that fall.
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: Your finding that notebook, and eventually meeting me.
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: Everything that you have done has been planned by the mastermind behind this organisation, me.
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: You don't get it, do you? We needed you. The crystals across the world are beyond any magic you could imagine.
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: Of course… you won’t be around to witness their power, for you play a special role here.
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: We needed you, don’t you see? You’ve become quite the hero, not just here, but across all the known world! Since your arrival at site A, we’ve been pushing your image, bit by bit. Eventually people began to know your face, your name rising to that of heroes.
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: You’re a real hero now <playername>, and we need that, because when we bring your head to the people of wynn, they will know that there is no hope in opposing us. Their spirits were killed before the battle began.
    • Wynn Excavation Leader Amadel: Come, it's time I showed you the power of the ancients!
    Stage 28:
    • Amadel's Assistant: Amadel was a god...He was going to save the world…
    Stage 29:
    • Ragni's King: You... hmm... Ahh yes! I remember you. You're one of the recruits I accepted long ago..
    • Ragni's King: I'm no mage, but what you have there may just be the most destructive force in the entire world.
    • Ragni's King: I remember being told something by my adoptive father, and he was a king of Ragni himself!
    • Ragni's King: He told me that the Wynn province will never find solace. I never truly understood why, until now.
    • Ragni's King: You see, many forces are at work on our lands that we cannot physically see, but the outcome of the influences cannot be ignored.
    • Ragni's King: Creatures that you can find in Wynn may not exist in Gavel. In Gavel, there are many magical beings. Creatures influenced by forces other than the Corruption. Not all of them are friendly, mind.
    • Ragni's King: But rarely do you see the undead in such numbers. You know, there is a fundamental law of our land, when two forces collide, there is war.
    • Ragni's King: This could be people, species, or anything, really. And I think the same thing can be said for the energy that resonates in those crystals you have there.
    • Ragni's King: I think those crystals represent a force far beyond what we can grasp, and if that power can turn one man into what you fought back there, I shudder to think what else it could do.
    • Ragni's King: These are things that the mages of the ocean have studied in secret for decades. We may never know, and rather, I think we never should know.
    • Ragni's King: If Amadel taught us anything, it's that we can never be trusted with power. Here, put that crystal into the lava. Let it burn and never be used.
    The king places the crystals in the lava, and watches it sink.
    • Ragni's King: Though it contains some of the most concentrated magical power ever, it is still limited to its container. Let it burn.
    • Ragni's King: I do not know the severity of the Excavation’s integration into the powers of Gavel, but I bet we haven't seen the last of them.
    • Ragni's King: You have done this province an unspeakable service. I believe that even Bob is smiling down on you, today. I'm sure that if he were here with us, he would crown you worthy.
    • Ragni's King: As a token of our city's eternal gratitude, I wish for you to take this. It has no value to anyone except you.
    • Ragni's King: You might want to hold onto it, a merchant in Cinfras has arrived and you will be able to trade it for the item that I wish I could bestow upon you now.
    • Ragni's King: You truly are one of the greatest warriors to ever step foot in these lands. I hereby knight you as Wynn's true protector for your deeds today. I hope we meet again, young master.
    By: Blastbasher

    Corrupted Betrayal (only the below parts are changed):
    (Note: These are edits of the Bob Lore Edits in addition to just the current quest)

    Stage 3:
    In the early 600s AP, Troms was one of the few places in Wynn to have seen little of the corrupted forces. Due to its remote location, while most of Wynn had crumbled, Troms was able to thrive.
    But all good things must come to an end, and when the cities two magical protectors fell to corruption, the King of Troms began to fear for their families' safety. So when in 670 AP, a member of the usually isolated jungle tribes offered their magic to aid him, the King quickly accepted.
    Although the King saw only the powerful magicks that the shaman brought, the poor of Troms would lose their lives to fuel the shaman’s experimentation.
    Over time others would come to oppose Slykaar’s position, but none would last in their position, for the shaman knew his position depended on the royalty’s fears.
    Then... Bob appeared. The hero’s work to rebuild and defend the city would lead to Slykaar falling out of favor forever.
    Slykaar, bitter and humiliated, sunk underground to restart his shamanistic experiments for an army.

    Slykaar Journal (part of stage 4):
    It's an old, dusty journal. It seems to be left open to a page. You begin to read it out of curiosity...

    ...I took care of the general, but I fear I may already face a new competitor...some guy named Robert came into town, and started helping the peasantry...
    ...Something about him… he’s different from the others… I don’t think I will be able to discredit him so easily...
    ...I must open a portal… I have read the fallen civilization’s books on the subject…
    ...the place they feared… to gain true power I must find it...
    ...I will carve a hidden room...behind a visible wall...to find true power...my revenge...

    Stage 5
    • Slykaar: I experimented with shamanism for many years underground to create the perfect mix of monster.
    • Slykaar: Most ended in horrific slimes. Aggressive and powerful, but alas, just slimes.
    • Slykaar: Then I reached this place. A dark land. A dark power beyond your comprehension.
    • Slykaar: You mediocre wielders of magic have no idea what this world holds.
    • Slykaar: You all strive to be that hero of heroes, Tisaun, Skien, Bob, but here's the truth. They all fell. Soon you will join them.
    • Slykaar: No one in the Wynn province is willing to make the sacrifices I am to gain power.
    • Slykaar: If you want power, you have to give some. Sacrifice a few to save many.
    • Slykaar: They were willing to give me a few peasants in 670, that idiot King was fearful even in the safety of his high castle.
    • Slykaar: He was happy to ignore the deaths of the poor and forgot to ease his family's worries. But then you're kind. You petty heroes. You had to keep getting in the way didn’t you?
    • Slykaar: I maintained my position for hundreds of years, but when that fool Bob arrived, my loss of position became impossible to delay. I had been their protector, one who was willing to do what was truly needed for the city’s survival. So what if a few hundred nobodies died for it?
    • Slykaar: Looks like you're the next big hero aren’t you? Frankly you seem to be the weakest yet.
    • Slykaar: Take the scroll. Break the barrier and let your little army men walk into my lair.
    • Slykaar: I am ready; it makes little difference. Soon, Troms will be in ruins. And I shall have my revenge, and you will join the rest of your sort in death.
    • Slykaar: So, go have fun in Troms while you can. It's not like you have much of a life to live, anyways.
    You should probably head back to the Mage to show her what you found...

    By: Ditsario & Blastbasher
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2021
  4. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Troubled Tribesmen
    Lv. Min: 73

    Stage 1: Talk to Ka L’argwit at [-545,52,-313]

    Before starting the quest:
    • Ka L’argwit:
    • Ka L'argwit: Hmm? An outsider? What is one of your kind doing here? You're not even level 73!

    • Ka L’argwit: Agh… This is bad, really bad…
    • Ka L’argwit: If someone is truly trying to go back there… I’ll need the other tribes’ assistance… But… Maybe it’s just noi-
    • Shaman Inrekei: KA! We need to talk! In my hut, now!
    • Ka L’argwit: Wh-? What’s this about, sir?
    • Shaman Inrekei: Don’t waste time! I need to speak to you in private. Sorry Krattson, you’ll have to sit this one out. It’s just between the two of us.
    • Krattson: Of course, sir. I would never want to eavesdrop...
    (OUT: Inrekei will come out of his hut, which is the one at [-533,55,-301], which has two entrances. He will walk towards Ka from the smaller entrance at those coordinates. After that, they will both walk into the hut from the same entrance.)

    Stage 2: Talk to Krattson outside Inrekei’s hut

    (OUT: Krattson is in front of the small entrance that Inrekei walked out of, at [-528,52,-299].)

    Before starting the quest:

    • Krattson: Oh, hello there. Can’t say I expected a fellow Fruman all the way out here.

    • Krattson: Oh, hello there. I saw you coming into this village a few minutes ago, who are you?
    • Krattson: A Ragni guard? What’s one doing all the way out here in this backwater tribe?
    • Krattson: Me? I came here a year ago. I wanted to study the tribes and their customs, but I ended up settling here permanently because I like it here.
    • Krattson: The people ‘round here are nice, too. They basically treat me as one of their own despite me being from Troms.
    • Krattson: Anyways, you might be wondering what they’re talking about in there. Honestly? I don’t know either!
    • Krattson: All I know is that Ka, the man you saw entering the shaman’s hut, has been mumbling to himself lately, and he overall seemed quite worried about something.
    • Krattson: He doesn’t tell me what’s going through his mind, and I’ve been really curious, but still, it’d be rude to listen in to their private conversations.
    • Krattson: I can’t stop you from eavesdropping, of course, but I won’t help you if you try. If you get caught, it’s not my problem.
    After completing the stage:
    • Krattson: If you get caught eavesdropping, it’s not my problem.

    Stage 3
    : Climb up the hut’s roof and eavesdrop on Ka and Inrekei’s conversation

    If you try entering the hut from any of the two doors:
    • Shaman Inrekei: Get out, outsider! We’re having a private conversation here.

    (OUT: You can climb the leaf blocks left of Krattson to reach the roof of the hut. At [-540,62,-301] there’s a small 2x2 hole from which you can eavesdrop the conversation. If you fall through the hole you’ll get kicked out to the front of the hut with the same dialogue as if you tried entering the hut from one of the doors.)

    You can hear everything from up here…
    • Shaman Inrekei: Ka! What is the meaning of this?! Why didn’t you tell me any of this?!
    • Ka L’argwit: Sir… I can explain…
    • Shaman Inrekei: It was a scout from our neighboring tribe that informed me of this predicament! Do you know what would happen if we just let anyone waltz into the temples that we are tasked to protect?!
    • Shaman Inrekei: The other tribes are already looking down on us for failing to do such a simple task. If you just told me earlier, since you apparently knew about this whole thing, we could’ve even caught the culprit!
    • Ka L’argwit: But… Sir… I thought I could’ve done it on my own… I thought I could prove myself… I even had a tra-
    • Shaman Inrekei: DON’T INTERRUPT ME! Do you understand WHAT would happen if the technology we’re hiding just fell into somebody’s hands like that?!
    • Shaman Inrekei: We’re hiding it for a REASON, you IDIOT! Technology that would cause unthinkable damage, if it fell into the wrong hands!
    • Ka L’argwit: B-
    • Shaman Inrekei: ENOUGH. No matter how much you try, you can’t justify yourself.
    • Shaman Inrekei: Sigh…
    • Shaman Inrekei: Look… just… leave. I’ll find a way to deal with this.
    • Ka L’argwit: Y-Yes… sir.

    Stage 4: Talk to Ka L’argwit again outside the hut

    (OUT: Ka L’argwit will walk out of Inrekei’s hut from the other entrance, the one leading into the Millet farm, and will return to his starter NPC position.)
    • Ka L’argwit: Huh? Oh, it’s you. Who even are you? What’s a Fruman doing all the way out here?
    • Ka L’argwit: You want to… help me? With what? I have no clue what you’re talking about.
    • Ka L’argwit: What th- How do you know about that?! Did you eavesdrop!?
    • Ka L’argwit: Why?! This is none of your business, fruman! You don’t understand what’s going on around here!
    • Ka L’argwit: Fool… I don’t need any more problems on my plate! Leave me alone!
    • Ka L’argwit: Sigh… I don’t know how Krattson let you spy on us. He was standing right in front of Inrekei’s tent…
    • Ka L’argwit: Whatever. I don’t care. I’m leaving. And don’t you DARE follow me!
    (OUT: After his dialogue ends, Ka will start walking away from the village, and will disappear around [-565,41,-362]. On his way, he will drop a piece of paper on the ground that you can pick up by right clicking it.)

    He dropped something… You should pick it up.

    Stage 5: Pick up and read the [Note]

    You pick up the note and read its contents…

    “Temple location: [-628,24,-420]
    I’ll try to find the culprit again tomorrow.”

    Stage 6: Head to the temple at [-628,24,-420]

    Is that… Ka?!
    You should hide, you can’t let him see you!

    (OUT: When you reach the temple, you will see Ka L’argwit staring at the temple from outside. You can’t get caught by him, if you get too close to him or you’re too out in the open you will be seen and teleported back to [-604,26,-419], without progressing the stage. Getting within a 10 block radius of him is an instant teleport back.)

    (OUT: You can hide and progress the stage at the following locations: [-617,24,-435]; [-628,25,-443]; [-611,26,-413])

    If you get spotted:
    • Ka L’argwit: You again?! Get out, or I’ll make you!

    • Ka L’argwit: Ugh… My head…
    • Ka L’argwit: First, Inrekei finds out about this… Then, some nosy stranger spies on me...
    • Ka L’argwit: I can’t take it any longer… Please… Please, just tell me that they left clues… I need to find them…
    • Ka L’argwit: I NEED to find whoever is DOING THIS!
    • Ka L’argwit:
    • Ka L’argwit:
    • Ka L’argwit: I… need a break… Surely I can catch them in the act if I monitor this area closely…
    There seems to be something hidden in this temple… You should investigate.

    Stage 7: Investigate the temple

    Someone must be trying to break into this temple… You need to find as many clues as possible.

    (OUT: The entrances at [-645,32,-401] and [-646,28,-413] will be blocked off. The “Suspicious Spot” mob above the temple will still be there. The area below the temple will be expanded by about 40 blocks starting from [-646,26,-419], still retaining the natural style of the area. At the end of the now extended area will be a puzzle, which will be elaborated later, and below it will be a wooden trapdoor with a stone brick frame around it.)

    (OUT: Both the inside and outside of the temple will have clues, a total of 9, in the form of NPC items that are on the ground. If you try to interact with these clue NPCs before having started the quest, nothing will happen.)

    [1/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Candle Wax”, on the ground it will take the sprite of a quartz item. It will be at [-634,33,-415].)

    [2/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Stray Page”, on the ground it will take the sprite of a paper item. It will be at [-637,33,-426].)

    [3/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Pickaxe”, on the ground it will take the sprite of a stone pickaxe. It will be at [-647,34,-421].)

    [4/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Shovel”, on the ground it will take the sprite of a stone shovel. It will be at [-637,38,-417].)

    [5/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Piece of Cloth”, on the ground it will take the sprite of a stick. It will be at [-636,29,-424].)

    [6/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Wet Glasses”, on the ground it will take the sprite of a black helmet. It will be at [-642,23,-418].)

    (OUT: In order to reach the other 3 clues, you will need to access the area below the wooden trapdoor that’s blocked by a puzzle. This area will be referred to as the “basement” of the temple.)

    The puzzle is a memory puzzle with runes. When you press a button on an emerald block with “Start” written above it, five runes will appear in front of the player at an equal distance of 1 block between each other. A column of “happyVillager” particles will appear that goes through each rune. The runes will be Nii, Uth, Az, Ek and Tol. The runes will always be in a random order no matter which stage of the puzzle you’re on (so on the starting stage the order could be NAETU, Nii Az Ek Tol Uth, and on the second stage the order could be UTNAE, from left to right). After about 3 seconds, the runes will disappear and in front of them there will be stone pressure plates on gold blocks instead. Going on one of the pressure plates will display a rune on its respective particle column, so if you go on the first pressure plate from the left a rune will appear on the first column from the left. You have to cycle through runes until you get the correct rune according to the ones you had to memorize. The cycle for the plates is Nii -> Uth -> Az -> Ek -> Tol. Once the runes you display are the same as the ones you had to memorize, press the “Confirm” button which replaces the “Start” button and you can proceed to the second stage, and a redstone lamp above the puzzle will light up. If you get the runes wrong, you will have to go back to the starting stage. If you complete all three stages successfully, the puzzle will end and the basement trapdoor will open. The trapdoor has a coal block portal that will lead you into an area outside the map that contains the basement.

    NOTE: If you haven’t started the quest yet, you’re not able to do this puzzle as it will simply push you away from the area saying “It doesn’t seem like a good idea to explore this far yet…

    Concept demonstration of the puzzle: https://imgur.com/a/t2lmEe6

    (OUT: The basement consists of a large area, about 100 blocks long, mostly made out of grass and leaves on the wall and ceiling, while the ground is made out of stone bricks and its variants. The area has a massive coal block pit at the bottom which takes you back to the beginning, and a parkour section with multiple “floating islands”, similar to Mount Wynn but more scattered. These floating islands will contain two of the clues, preferably around the middle of the coal block pit. At the end of the area there will be a circular stone platform attached to the back wall of the cave that contains the final clue, as well as a coal block portal.

    What… are these things? What is being hidden here?

    (OUT: The end of the area also has nine idols attached to the wall, positioned in an almost full circle, standing on pedestals, their heads leaning down towards the ground, inactive. They will look similar to the Bladestorm Idol but on a smaller scale. The idols are positioned along the sides of the coal block portal at the end, with one of them standing directly in front of the portal.)

    [7/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Moldy Apple”, on the ground it will take the sprite of an apple. It will be on one of the islands above the coal block chasm, preferably one of the middle islands.)

    [8/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Dizzying Shard”, on the ground it will take the sprite of a purple stained glass block. It will be on one of the islands above the coal block chasm, preferably an island close to the end of the chasm.)

    [9/9 Clues Found] (OUT: The clue is called “Odd Rune”, on the ground it will take the sprite of an Ek Rune. It will be at the end of the basement area, close to the idols.)

    (OUT: All of these clues can be found in any order. You don’t have to find the basement ones as last, nor do you have to find the outer temple ones as first.)

    (OUT: Once you walk into the portal at the end of the basement, the following dialogue will trigger.)

    • Ka L’argwit: Aha! I heard something! You won’t get away this time!

    Stage 8: Escape the temple

    This is an “Escape!” section similar to other quests. You will be teleported to an alternative area outside of the map that completely mirrors the temple, except without the mobs. You will be then teleported in the lily pad pond at the bottom of the temple. When you go into the outside part of the temple, the walls of the temple will be covered with barriers so the player doesn’t simply jump off the temple to escape. Instead, the player will have to travel south along the temple’s first floor, go on the leaves (which will also be surrounded by barriers) and go to the tower southeast of the temple, then go down the hole at the top of the tower and use the gold pressure plate to exit the area, which will take you out of the escape section and back into the normal map. You are allowed 30 seconds to complete the escape section. There will also be red carpets on the entire path along so players don’t get lost, but they won’t be there in the normal map.

    If you don’t complete the section in time:

    • Ka L’argwit: WHAT?! You again?! I told you to STAY AWAY! Do you have a deathwish?!
    You Failed…
    Try again

    If you fail the section, you will be teleported back to the lily pad pond and the escape section will start again.

    You got away safely…

    There has to be someone who understands these clues… Maybe you can ask around in the village?

    Stage 9: Find someone in the village who knows about the clues

    (OUT: When this stage triggers, you will be given an item called “List of Clues”)

    Item Description
    Name: List of Clues
    Untradable Item
    Item Sprite
    : Paper
    Item Lore: “-Candle Wax
    -Stray Page
    -Piece of Cloth
    -Wet Glasses
    -Moldy Apple
    -Dizzying Shard
    -Odd Rune”

    NPC Location: [-539,44,-329]
    Before starting the quest:
    • Tribesman: Welcome to our village, outsider. Make yourself at home, we are quite open to Frumans.
    In Stage 9:
    • Tribesman: What is this?
    • Tribesman: A… pickaxe? Glasses? Sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. None of these ring a bell.
    • Tribesman: Maybe you should try asking our elder. He lives in the tent just east of that big tree.
    In every stage after Stage 9:
    • Tribesman: How’s your search going?
    After finishing the quest:
    • Tribesman: I see you and the shaman’s apprentice were able to stop those outlaws. If they let the idols roam free, it’d be a big problem.
    • Tribesman: I hope we never have to deal with pesky criminals again… We should really hire some actual guards to protect the temples.

    NPC Location: [-492,57,-304]
    Before starting the quest:
    • Elder: Zzzz…
    In Stage 9:
    • Elder: Who are you? It’s not often that we see an outsider around here.
    • Elder: What are these? A pickaxe, a piece of cloth… What are you trying to tell me?
    • Elder: What?! Someone broke into one of our temples?! How dreadful! Does the shaman know of this?
    • Elder: He does? Ah, that’s good to hear. Surely he can sort this all out.
    • Elder: Anyways, sorry but I can’t help you. I don’t know much about these culprits at all!
    In every stage after Stage 9:
    • Elder: Zzzz…
    After finishing the quest:
    • Elder: Zzzz...

    NPC Location: [-526,52,-299]
    Before starting the quest:
    • Tribesman: Greetings, outsider. You have some very shiny armor. You’re not a tourist at all, are you?
    • Tribesman: Not many soldiers come down here. Even the Troms guards know better than to deal with the bats and rogue idols that roam this jungle.
    In Stage 9:
    • Tribesman: Hello, outsider. Can I help you with something?
    • Tribesman: What the?! A criminal!? And… our temples of all things?!
    • Tribesman: I don’t think this is any mere coincidence… These pickaxes suggest something bigger going on.
    • Tribesman: Only a fool would try to unearth those ancient mechanisms… Surely no one from our tribes would do this, but perhaps it was an outsider....
    • Tribesman: I suggest you talk to Krattson. The suspect you’re looking for must be Fruman…
    In every stage after Stage 9:
    • Tribesman: Have you found the culprit yet? You should hurry, otherwise… who knows what those outlaws may do…
    After finishing the quest:
    • Tribesman: I heard you destroyed the idols… I’m sure everyone in this tribe is grateful to you. Even Entamis, our sacred tree here, is.
    • Tribesman: The idols roaming this jungle… They’re one thing, but those that we keep locked away in our temples are another thing. Those are extremely powerful machines, made specifically for killing.
    • Tribesman: We were cowards… We didn’t want to touch them in fear of reactivating them. So we just left them down there… Psh. Truly a shame…

    NPC Location: [-528,52,-299] (same as usual)

    • Krattson: Ah, <playername>, it’s you again! How’s it going?
    • Krattson: You want me to see something? Sure, what is it?
    [-1 List of Clues]
    • Krattson: Uh… Did you… find these inside the temple?
    • Krattson: That’s… That’s against tribal law, you know? I saw Ka leaving in the direction of the temple earlier, did he see you?
    • Krattson: No? Ah, that’s good, you don’t know how he is when he gets really mad. I don’t think he’d let you leave alive.
    • Krattson: Anyway, keep it between you and me, but it’s a good thing you snuck in there. You found something that Ka didn’t. Not that I doubt his abilities, no no!
    If you’ve completed WynnExcavation Site D:
    • Krattson: Hmm… They can’t be behind it… otherwise they wouldn’t have left a single trace…
    • Krattson: If the culprit isn’t who I think it is, then you might still be in luck. It might be an individual acting alone, or a small group of bandits.
    If you haven’t completed WynnExcavation Site D:
    • Krattson: Hmm… None of these items ring a bell to me.
    • Krattson: I personally can’t help you, but you might still be in luck.

    • Krattson: I know somebody who may be able to help you. He knows things about temple raiders and bandits that I don’t.
    • Krattson: His name is Seka, he lives in Troms. I marked his location on your quest book. Good luck!
    After completing the stage:
    • Krattson: Have you met Seka yet? I’m sure he can help you.
    After completing the quest:
    • Krattson: These tribesmen sure have a deep culture… They’re centered around worshipping that big tree there. Says it brings ‘em good luck.
    • Krattson: Nothing like what we have in the rest of Wynn.

    Stage 10: Meet Seka in Troms at [-791,100,-1010]

    Before doing the quest:
    • Seka: Who the hell are you? How’d you get into my house? Leave before I draw my sword!
    In Stage 9:
    • Seka: Who the hell are you? How’d you get into my house? Don’t make me draw my sw-
    • Seka: Oh, Krattson sent you? Well, why didn’t you say that earlier? I was about to chop you up into little pieces!
    • Seka: So, what do you want? If he sent you, it must be for something pretty important.
    • Seka: I see… So, someone busting in and out of an ancient temple. Well, that’s the first time I heard of something like that!
    • Seka: Luckily, though, I know from one of my consultants that an outlaw group of archeologists and excavators moved into Dernel recently to do… “research”.
    • Seka: She didn’t tell me what they’re actually planning, but it might be what you’re looking for.
    • Seka: They apparently set up camp in that huge cave near the Delnar Manor. A pretty sneaky location, if you ask me…
    After completing the stage:
    • Seka: Have you found the camp?
    After completing the quest:
    • Seka: Seems like the death of that Adalhart guy made it big in the news. I’m glad the information I gave you was useful.

    Stage 11: Enter the excavator’s camp at [-955,39,-625]

    These must be the people who broke into the temple… You need to find the leader of this operation.

    If you’re on Stage 11 and you’re approaching the cave, you will be teleported to an alternative area outside the map that is identical to the cave the camp is in, as well as the surrounding environment. However, if you get too far from the cave, you will be blocked by barrier blocks. The main difference between the normal cave area and the alternative cave area is that the alternative cave area will have Adalhart as an NPC, while the main cave area, which you can access normally if you finished the quest or haven’t started it yet, will not have him. Furthermore, if you enter Adalhart’s tent in the alternative cave area you will be teleported into a cell to progress the quest. If you enter his tent in the main cave area nothing will happen and you can explore the tent normally. These are the only differences between the main cave area and the alternative cave area. In both the main area and the alternative area, the two rocks that you can gather Cobalt from will be removed to make space. In both areas there will also be 4 tents scattered around the cave.

    Stage 12: Talk to Adalhart

    (OUT: Adalhart would be located at [-965,37,-624] in the main area, but since he isn’t there, he will be wherever those coordinates are mirrored in the alternative area. If you're confused by the term "alternative area", refer to the "Information on the camp" spoiler above.)
    • Adalhart: ...Hmm? Ah! A Ragni soldier came to visit our humble camp.
    • Adalhart: Welcome, welcome! We are more than happy to accomodate members of the military, after all they do to protect our province.
    • Adalhart: What brings you here, sir?
    • Adalhart: Suspected of criminal activity?! What are you talking about? We’re a licensed archeologist group who works alongside the indigenous people here to uncover the rich history this jungle has!
    • Adalhart: I don’t know where you get your information from, sir, but it must be wrong.
    • Adalhart: Anyways, my words may not satiate your suspicion alone, so feel free to look around our camp! I’m sure you’ll find that everything is in line here.
    After completing the stage:
    • Adalhart: Everything’s in line here, isn’t it?

    Stage 13: Investigate the excavator’s camp

    (OUT: The Archeologist is located at [-979,37,-637] in the main area, and he’s located wherever those coordinates are mirrored in the alternative area, AKA where that location would be in the alternative area.)
    • Archeologist: Good day, mate! What brings ye here? Ye curious about our work?
    • Archeologist: Well mate, I would be curious too! This here jungle’s got some deep history!
    • Archeologist: We keep findin’ information we didn’t know every single day.
    • Archeologist: Sadly, we don’t know everything about this place. But that’s only because those slimy tribesmen don’t let us go into those temples!
    After completing the quest:
    • Archeologist: Ye again? Whatcha up to?
    • Archeologist: Me? I’m just packing my bags. Surprised nobody came to arrest us for being Adalhart’s goons.
    • Archeologist: I’m gonna be workin’ for an actual archeologist company now, no more criminal dealings. I don’t wanna risk me skin!

    (OUT: The Excavator is located at [-971,36,-628] in the main area, and he’s located wherever those coordinates are mirrored in the alternative area.)
    • Excavator: Darn it… Where’s my pickaxe? I could’ve sworn I had it on me…
    After completing the quest:
    • Excavator: I’m moving somewhere else… This camp’s going to be cleared up anytime soon. But I still haven’t found my pickaxe!

    NPC: “Archeologist’s Log”
    (OUT: This NPC is in the Archeologist’s tent and it takes the form of a book on a wood plank block. It’s located at [-938,38,-640] in the main area and is located wherever those coordinates are mirrored in the alternative area.)

    This log is quite recent… You skim through the pages and find an interesting passage.
    “...still, all the evidence points to an ancient civilization that arrived in this jungle to inhabit it along the native people. This was around 3000 years ago.”
    “They were advanced… too advanced for a civilization that lived that long ago, assuming it was a human civilization.”
    “From the information we gathered in their temples… we know they had some kind of magic, but we still don’t know what it is.”
    “And yet, at one point, they just… disappeared. Who knows what happened to them? Thankfully, most of their records have survived.”
    “But… there is one thing that contradicts all of our findings. In one of the temples, we found a strange depiction carved in stone and painted over… It was a black portal surrounded by a red wasteland...“
    “It’s not as if… they could’ve see-”
    At this point, the ink on the page becomes smudged… You can’t read any further.

    (OUT: The Historian is located at [-986,39,-649] in the main area, and is located wherever those coordinates are mirrored in the alternative area.)
    • Historian: Did you know that apparently there was a great civil war between the tribesmen?
    • Historian: We were able to date it at about 1500 years ago. Problem is…
    • Historian: The sources are pretty flimsy. We have yet to find decisive evidence that this war actually happened. But hey, that’s why we’re here!
    After completing the quest:
    • Historian: What the hell happened?! I saw you getting knocked out cold and then you got carried somewhere! I was so invested in my studies that they left me behind here!
    • Historian: Then they came back, injured and everything, and told me that we’re leaving. Adalhart apparently died!
    • Historian: Frankly, I don’t know where I’m going to go. I still want to continue my studies. I’ll see where life takes me!

    (OUT: This dialogue triggers when you enter Adalhart’s tent, which is located at [-987,37,-664] in the main area and located wherever those coordinates are mirrored in the alternative area. However, this dialogue will only trigger if you’re on this stage, so in the alternative area.)

    This must be Adalhart’s tent… It’s bigger than the others. You should investigate.
    • Adalhart: Get him, boys!
    You’re knocked out cold…

    (OUT: At this point, you’re teleported to a coal block room for 1 second, then teleported into a stone brick prison cell with only a bed and a toilet inside it.)

    There’s a strange, hooded man in front of the cell… You should talk to him.

    Stage 14: Talk to the hooded man
    • ???:
    • ???: Well, well, well… Seems like following you worked.
    • ???: I’ll ask you again. Why are you in my way?
    • ???: This is my mission, not yours. Have you never been taught to mind your own business?
    • ???: What could you possibly hope to accomplish… by stealing my pride?!
    • ???: Sigh… I suppose I’m being too harsh. I have to thank you.
    • ???: Thank you… for leading me here. Now I can finally do what I was supposed to do from the beginning.
    • ???: Goodbye.
    He’s gone… It doesn’t seem like you can escape this cell. You should take a nap.

    Stage 15: Go to bed

    (OUT: Interacting with the bed will let you progress. You will be teleported to another coal block room for one second and then back into the cell.)

    That was a long nap…

    (OUT: Adalhart will be in front of the cell, and the cell’s door will be open. You have to exit the cell to progress his dialogue.)
    • Adalhart: You. Come with me.
    (OUT: You will have to follow Adalhart as he’s walking through a stone brick corridor that leads to a coal block portal.)

    If you don’t follow Adalhart:
    • Adalhart: I told you to come with me, so pick up the pace.

    • Adalhart: You know, I really was about to let you go. But you had to snoop around and look in my tent, and I couldn’t let a soldier like you do that.
    • Adalhart: Anyways… We’re going back to the temple, and you will come. We have a tunnel built right there, so feel free to go through.
    • Adalhart: And please, hesitate from doing anything stupid. It’ll just raise the odds of your death.

    Stage 16: Go to the temple through the tunnel

    (OUT: Walking into the coal block portal will take you to the basement of the temple, where the idols and the “Odd Rune” clue are. You’ll be entering the temple’s basement from the same coal block portal that was at the end of the area, the one which you could walk through to trigger Ka L’argwit’s dialogue in Stage 7. The only NPCs present in this area will be Adalhart, the Archeologist and the Excavator.)

    This is the temple’s basement…
    • Adalhart: There you are. Took you long enough. Was the tunnel too long of a trek for you?
    • Adalhart: Look at this.

    • Adalhart: See these constructs on the wall? They’re idols, and they’re alive. Well, they can become alive if prompted to.
    • Adalhart: Our research has led us down here. Our mission is to bring these idols back to life. Why? It’s quite simple.
    • Adalhart: Soldiers like you can only do so much against the Corruption. You’re expendable, weak. But these idols… They’ll last forever.
    • Adalhart: I’m quite sure that one of these idols alone is able to take down an entire corrupted horde. Even the golems of Gavel can’t match their strength!
    • Adalhart: Maybe these war machines could even stop the corrupted threat all together! Those foolish tribesmen don’t realize the potential these things have…
    • Adalhart: They always think of themselves, and themselves only, and selfishly store these machines away. So what if we broke into this temple? They deserve it!
    • Adalhart: All I want is for this province to stop suffering. No more innocent casualties. My mother was killed by one of those monstrous corrupteds… I understand the pain.
    • Adalhart: Phah, but you wouldn’t care about that! You’re just here to stop another evil villain!
    • Adalhart: That’s what all you soldiers think, isn’t it? Everyone who opposes you is a villain who must be exterminated. You’re just as emotionless as these idols here. I guess you do have something in common after all!
    • Adalhart: Don’t you people see? We need the strength of the idols! I can’t let you stop me, you do not have the province’s best interests in mind!
    • Adalhart: If you still insist on stopping me, so be it! These rusty idols are millennia old, so they could use a bit of training.
    • Adalhart: Once they’re done with you, I’ll bring them to Troms, Ragni, Detlas, even Gavel! The world will be a better place with-
    (OUT: At this point, the same hooded man that you talked to in the cell walks into the temple’s basement through that same coal block portal that you and Adalhart used.)
    • Adalhart: What the?! Who are y-
    (OUT: The hooded man holds a dagger and attacks Adalhart.)
    • Adalhart: AAAAGH!
    What… What is going on?! Are you… safe?!

    (OUT: The hooded man takes off his hood, revealing himself to be Ka L’argwit.)
    • Ka L’argwit: N-No! I… w-won’t let you! You… You don’t know w-what you’re doing!
    • Excavator: WHAT?! B-Boss?!
    • Archeologist: What… Who the hell are ye?! What’s a tribesman doing here?!
    • Excavator: I don’t know! Quickly, activate the idols! We… We need to kill them both!!
    • Ka L’argwit: NO! DON’T YOU DARE!
    (OUT: The Excavator hits one of the idols with his fist. Then, a small cutscene plays of that idol shooting a yellow ray at another idol, causing that one to awaken as well.)

    The idols whir to life…
    • Ka L’argwit: You… YOU IDIOTS! RUN!
    • Excavator: I’m… I’m out of he- AAARGH!
    • Ka L’argwit: Oh… Oh n- AAH!
    (OUT: The idols attack Ka L’argwit, the Excavator and the Archeologist, and they fall to the ground injured, with blood particles coming out of them, though they aren’t dead.)

    You need to stop them, quickly! Destroy them before they kill everyone!

    Stage 17: Destroy the idols

    Idol Layout:


    Boss Fight Info: Every 15-20 seconds, each idol will awaken one currently dormant one. This means that if two idols are awake, two new ones will awaken at a time. The battle ends when no idol is active anymore, so you technically only have to defeat the two first ones if you are fast enough. There are two idol variants to slightly spice up the battle.

    Idol Stats:

    Ancient Idol

    Level 73

    HP: 60 000

    Charge AI

    Elemental Stats:

    Weak: Air
    Damage: Earth
    Defense: Earth, Thunder

    Charge, Arrow Storm

    Spell combos:
    Arrow Storm [⅖ chance]
    Charge (1) -> Arrow Storm [⅖ chance]
    Charge (0) -> Charge (0) -> Charge (0) -> Charge [⅕ chance]

    Ancient Idol

    Level 73

    HP: 70 000

    Melee AI

    Elemental Stats:

    Weak: Water
    Damage: Fire
    Defense: Fire, Thunder

    Heavy Charge, Multihit, Flamethrower

    Spell combos:
    Heavy Charge [⅔ chance]
    Flamethrower (1) -> Multihit (1) -> Multihit (3) -> Flamethrower (1) -> Multihit (1) -> Multihit [⅓ chance]

    (OUT: Once you beat the idols, the following dialogue will trigger)

    The idols’ mechanisms break, and they fall dormant, this time, forever…

    (OUT: Then, Ka stands up and looks at the player.)

    • Ka L’argwit: Ungh… M-My head…
    • Ka L’argwit: You… You saved me… B-But why…?
    • Ka L’argwit: I… After I left you to die…
    • Ka L’argwit: Ngh… Maybe I judged you incorrectly… It’s hard to say this, but… I’m sorry. You were just trying to help me…
    • Ka L’argwit: I… killed somebody… I killed a good man… He was just trying to help everyone… But I killed him…
    • Ka L’argwit:
    • Ka L’argwit: I even have… one of his belongings… I… I can’t have this. He… He was a victim. Here, you can take this…
    [+1 Adalhart’s Pendant]
    • Ka L’argwit: Will Inrekei really accept this? That I ended someone’s life? There could’ve been another solution… I’m not fit to succeed him as the next shaman…
    • Ka L’argwit: I should just… go back to him. And find out. You… can come, if you want.
    After completing the stage:
    • Ka L’argwit: I’m sorry… I’m sorry…

    Stage 18: Go back to Shaman Inrekei’s hut at [-533,55,-301]

    (OUT: Once you approach the hut, you will see Shaman Inrekei and Ka L’argwit talking to eachother just outside the entrance.)
    • Shaman Inrekei: Ka?! Where in God’s name were you?!
    • Ka L’argwit: S-Sir… I… I took care of the problem. B-Bu-
    • Shaman Inrekei: You what? Really?! I thought you ran off somewhere!
    • Ka L’argwit: W-Well, yes, but… I, uhm… I had to k-kill… I killed somebody… P-Please, sir, forgive me… He was about to reawaken the idols stored under the temple…
    • Ka L’argwit: A-And also… It was <playername> here who actually destroyed the idols… I was lying injured, like a fool…
    • Shaman Inrekei: You… You killed someone?! What?!
    • Ka L’argwit: I’m sorry, sir! I really am! I… I didn’t want to do it! I’m not fit to be your successor! Just pick somebody else! There has to be someone who’s better than me!
    • Shaman Inrekei: ...Sigh. I guess it was necessary. It was either him or this whole jungle. At least you regret it.
    • Shaman Inrekei: Anyways, don’t say that, Ka. I picked you to be my successor for a reason, and I still fully believe that you’re fit for the job. I’m glad that you took care of the problem.
    • Shaman Inrekei: As for you, <playername>... I don’t know who you are, but thank you for helping Ka here.
    • Shaman Inrekei: As a token of my gratitude, I’ll give you access to our markets in the south side of the village. There may be things a soldier like you would be interested in. Maybe you’ll find a use for that shiny pendant of yours too.
    After completing the quest:
    • Ka L’argwit: ...Thank you, for all the help.

    • Shaman Inrekei: You’ve proven yourself as a formidable warrior, outsider. I’m honored to be in your presence.
    (OUT: Inrekei will be inside his hut.)

    • Adalhart’s Pendant
    • 1000000 Experience Points
    • Access to the Dernel Tribe Shop

    Adalhart’s Pendant

    Item Sprite: Fire Necklace
    Untradable Item
    Can be sold at a “Tribal Artifact Merchant” (new NPC in the tribe shop) for 4 LE.

    By: Matteo_Games


    Matryoshka Library:
    (NOTE: This is not a secret discovery)

    When you kill the Matryoshka Idol, you get teleported into an area outside the map that is completely identical to the boss arena (but the boss doesn’t spawn, obviously). Here, after around two seconds, the walls of the arena will lower, revealing a circle of bookshelves. Among some of these bookshelves there will be book NPCs that you can interact with. You can exit the boss arena/library from a small tunnel opposite to the entrance which will lead you into the building with a shovel next to the Great Bridge (the one you already teleport into when beating Matryoshka normally).

    Codex of Tamo’te, Part I

    This book is extremely old and strange... It must’ve been down here for millennia… However, the pages are somehow still intact…
    “Tamo’te: that is the name we give to ourselves. In our language, it means “human”. I write this codex in hope that someone may one day find it and discover our past.”
    “Our people have a long history. Before the Gods’ Descent, which we shall detail later, our people had believed in deities represented by nature and its forces. We were created by Tapi’ahni, which in our language means “One God”. Tapi’ahni had created our world and made it a lush jungle, and then moulded our bodies from its mud.”
    “Then, Tapi’ahni sent its child as an envoy to us. He was human like us, and by Tapi’ahni’s will he would unite our divided peoples into a single nation.”
    “For centuries, we had lived in relative peace, the Chief’s children ruling over us as we praised the forces of nature as our gods. However, our worships must’ve been wrong, as Tapi’ahni sent its true people down to our world to show us the right path in our prayer.”
    “They had arrived to share their intellectual and technological wealth with us, and brought upon us a golden age. Surely, this was a show of Tapi’ahni’s kindness. We call this event, the “Gods’ Descent”.”

    Codex of Tamo’te, Part II

    “Our people did not interact with Tapi’ahni’s people very much. The only interaction we truly had was when our Chief at the time approached one of their temples to give them a tribute. However, as the tale tells, they were frightened when they saw us and told us to leave them be.” “Frankly, I don't know why they reacted this way. All I know is that our people left them alone ever since.”
    “The arrival of these godlike men had changed our religion and way of life. We stopped believing in the naturalistic gods, the last cults that praised nature were slowly snuffed out in favor of these people.”
    “Instead, from a distance we praised them and their supreme power; even though we never interacted, their influence on the jungle was easily seen.”
    “Palaces of marble, beautiful stone houses… Of course, we never stepped close to their domain. However… something happened roughly eight centuries after their arrival. All traces of life in their cities had disappeared.”

    Codex of Tamo’te, Part III

    “Some of them were still wandering the jungle, insane ramblings made loud to hear by our people. Worrying that Tapi’ahni’s people had been contaminated, we tried to talk with them and find out what was wrong.”
    “However, they were barely responsive. When they were, all they did was ramble about a darkness within them. It was strange, but we had eventually interpreted it as Tapi’ahni having forsaken its people and left them to perish in its shadow. Why? I do not know.”
    “They might have tried to reach for its throne. They might have felt dissent towards it, for whatever reasons. The possibilities are endless.”
    “Alas, my personal hypotheses probably matter little to whoever may be reading this in the future. So, I will describe what happened next. Despite the elders strongly countering this decision, our Chief decided to investigate the ruins of these people.”
    “And what we found, changed the course of our history… forever.”

    Codex of Tamo’te, Part IV

    “We found contraptions fueled by a magic unknown to us. We found strange stone tablets with glowing inscriptions within them, that radiated incredible energy. Rumors say there’s even more that was hidden, however the Chiefs decided to store it away in fear of their power.”
    “The elders had once again begged to not make use of this technology as we didn’t know what it would do. However, their advice fell on deaf ears. The Chief soon discovered ways to put this technology to good use.”
    “We mixed our shamanistic magic with their strange magic, creating animated idols that did the dirty work for us. They would excavate and farm for us, while we lived lavishly.”
    “This incredible technology had brought us into a golden age, where life was easy for everyone and our people lived in incredible wealth.”
    “However, as the elders warned, our use of this technology would come back to bite us, and nearly put an end to our civilization.”

    Codex of Tamo’te, Part V

    “For uncountable centuries, our people lived in this golden age free of any hardships. But one simple mistake destroyed that.”
    “For many years, a rebel group wanted to obtain power and topple the Chiefs’ government. They wanted the forbidden magic that the Chiefs protected, to push the tools of Tapi’ahni’s forsaken people well beyond what we had imagined.”
    “As such, they captured some of the government’s shamans and forced them to create idols that weren’t for mining or farming, but for a more macabre purpose: war. The shamans had engineered idol soldiers.”
    “However, these idols, made for violence, unsurprisingly went haywire and started rampaging through the entire jungle, eventually making it to the capital city. There, they murdered and set houses ablaze. It took the combined magic of the Chief and his loyal shamans to quell them.”
    “Alas, the people were not happy. They strongly criticized the Chief for not answering quicker, thus leading to the death of many loved ones. They no longer trusted the idols, either, and destroyed many of them.”
    “Some of them escaped this fate and were left to wander the jungle with no purpose. But regardless, our people were not happy with the rebels, either, as they weaponized a technology meant to be used for good and caused this whole calamity in the first place. The tension between the three groups reached a boiling point and eventually led to a war.”
    “The war claimed many lives and raged on for 7 years. In the end, the people won, and both the rebels and the Chief’s government were destroyed. Our united nation fragmented into several different groups who lived by themselves.”
    “Although our people were now divided, we all mutually agreed to bury the god-sent people’s technology where we had found it, in their temples and ruins. We swore never to use their magic ever again.”
    “It’s been 20 years since the war ended, and frankly, I do not know what fate has in store for our people. But now, I talk to you, the reader.”
    “I hope you make anything you wish with the history I’ve taught you in this codex. All I want is that you please treasure it, as if you don’t, you are destined to repeat the mistakes we’ve made.”
    The codex ends there.

    Scout Report

    This report seems more ancient than anything else here…
    “Writ…n… on the order of… Chief…”
    “...strange b…-ge… appeared alm…-st… overnight…”
    “W… searc…-d it… nobody… th…-re…”
    “Str…-ge… archit…-re… unk…-wn to us…”
    “W… tamp…-red wit… it… and pec…-liar shr…-s appeared…”
    “They… at…-cked us… I w…-s… only s…-vivor…”
    “The shr…-s… are still there…”
    The report ends there, however there’s a note stuck to the bottom of the report that seems far more recent.
    “As of today, the Bridge’s shrines have disappeared. Perhaps they are sensitive to magic? Since we’ve gotten rid of our idols, it would explain why they’re suddenly gone.”

    Cannibal Origins

    “Stories from before the Gods' Descent have been almost entirely lost, however, among the cannibal tribes of the far jungle, one has persisted.”
    “They believe that, as our veins carry blood, so too did caves carry the mystical life blood of the jungle. This ‘life blood’ is claimed to have come from their own god, but such ancient beliefs have long since been proven false by the true gods' arrival, and the powers they gave.”
    “Regardless, the tribe has long claimed that this life blood must not be tampered with, for its ability to rejuvenate the land can do far more than bring back dead plants. They say that those who drink the jungle’s blood will be cursed, reviving even those torn to pieces in battle as mindless undead.”
    “This they claim justifies their disgusting cannibalistic practices, for the consumption of the bodies of the dead is the only true way to prevent their revival by the jungle’s blood… of course in recent times the practice has been moving well beyond the eating of the dead.”

    By: Matteo_Games & Blastbasher

    Citizens/other npcs:

    Troms Citizen 1 (Before ToL):
    • Troms Citizen: Have you visited the prestigious Temple of Legends yet, adventurer?
    • Troms Citizen: I’ve heard all of the greatest heroes from around the province go to the temple to train to become as powerful as people like Bob and Tisaun.
    • Troms Citizen: It’s very hard to become a member, though. There are many trials that you must go through in order to enter.
    Troms Citizen 1 (After ToL):
    • Troms Citizen: You’re a member of the Temple of Legends? You must truly be a powerful hero!
    Troms Citizen 2 (Before Sodeta Scramble):
    • Troms Citizen: Have you heard of the Dernel Jungle? The whole area is covered in ruins, some so old that they’ve been built on top of each other!
    • Troms Citizen: Almost no one lives out there anymore though, well, aside from a few tribes. Even the Sodeta Guild left decades back.
    Troms Citizen 2 (After Sodeta Scramble):
    • Troms Citizen: Have you heard of the Dernel Jungle? The whole area is covered in ruins, some so old that they’ve been built on top of each other!
    • Troms Citizen: Almost no one lives out there anymore, although, from what I’ve heard, a part of the Sodeta guild might actually be moving back after all that business with the king’s son being kidnapped.
    Troms Citizen 3:
    • Troms Citizen: Even after hundreds of years of the corruption wars, there are still native tribal villages elsewhere in the jungle.
    • Troms Citizen: I’ve heard rumors that the largest of these villages is home to a library or temple of some kind, that was uncovered by erosion a few years ago.
    • Troms Citizen: Supposedly, though, there’s some sort of powerful construct guarding the temple, so no one has been able to properly study it.
    Troms Citizen 4:
    • Troms Citizen: Have you heard tales about the great General Skien? Many years ago, he led the Tromsian Army into battle.
    • Troms Citizen: But what is most famous about him is not stories of victory, but rather, the story of his defeat.
    • Troms Citizen: After many years of protecting Troms, his army was eventually surprised and overrun by a massive horde, which nearly destroyed the city.
    • Troms Citizen: After that he became universally hated by the city, even his training Bob couldn’t stop it. When people heard that someone was needed to protect the ocean from Pirates, they happily shipped off Skien to a remote island base.
    • Troms Citizen: Of course this was all years ago, and once Skien was sent off we heard little more from him. I wonder what happened to him?
    Iboju Citizen 1:
    • Jungle Native: Our tribe normally doesn’t interact with the people in Troms very much, but centuries ago, one of our shamans moved to the city.
    • Jungle Native: The elders tell of how he was forced out of this tribe for making use of the old magics, but perhaps banishment wasn’t enough.
    • Jungle Native: Luckily, the people of Troms threw him out too, but I fear the shaman may have become too powerful in his stay there…
    Iboju Citizen 2:
    • Jungle Native: This path leads into the Dernel Jungle. I use it often to gather rare herbs and medicines, but my job has been getting harder recently.
    • Jungle Native: Groups of cannibals have been roaming the jungle. There have always been a few down there, but never as many as there are now.
    • Jungle Native: Unless we somehow deal with all of them, I’m not sure how much longer I can keep gathering.
    Detlas Area Guide Citizen:
    • [2/3] Detlas Citizen: The only way to get to Troms without being trusted by the army there is through the Great Bridge, which lies beyond the frozen plains.

    By: Ditsario

    ...And that's all of it!

    If you have questions or concerns about certain areas of this, direct them to the writers of that section, so that they'll have better answers :)
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2021
  5. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    F O U R
    10char also first also nice
    dr_carlos, Uniimog and ditsario like this.
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Thanks everyone who participated, it was quite a bit project and I must say I am glad with how it worked out.

    Battle of 100 years best SD
  7. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    holy hell this thread ended up being long...

    well, hope everyone likes it!
    Potatomancer, Solvay, Sprite and 5 others like this.
  8. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    How is Slykaar alive for 400 years? Surely his magic can’t maintain him for that long
    Greedus likes this.
  9. RandomJukebox

    RandomJukebox gamer with extra cheese VIP

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    yall really just wrote an entire novel for this suggestion. words cannot express how insane that is... not even 36,025 of them
  10. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    10 Sodeta Guild Members/10

    Needs to be in a Wynn Rework for a major update.
    ditsario likes this.
  11. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    it can, shamanism is the magic of taking life force from others. With all those sacrifices, Slykaar could live that long
    mfw timeline has incorrect information on fountain of youth lore :pensive:

    anyways yeah this was a really fun project, although it seems that the CoW visualized timer is still fucked (i'd also like to get credited for that fight btw), but yeah, overall this looks great and i enjoyed making it aswell
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2021
  12. Ingo

    Ingo Class Building Enthusiast HERO

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    Very nice rework
    ditsario likes this.
  13. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Wow, this is just the Bob lore rework thread but I agree with nearly everything this time

    the only thing i really disagree with is the way rickeo and dwendle die, i will firmly believe that they defeated the corrupter of worlds and founded the temple of the legends until proof otherwise comes out

    One thing I'd really love to see from the Wynntheory suggestion thread series is a rework for Skien's lore since I think it sucks in its current state (Like, really? is THAT how Skien fell? His men became corrupted by a force that isn't even visibly present on his island?)

    Anyway, good job on this thread, and good luck making more of similar quality!
    ditsario likes this.
  14. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    Looks really nice! Man, if only I could read all these spoilers...!
    ditsario likes this.
  15. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    as i remember it, we didn't want to have ToL founded until after the villagers/Bob were already doing stuff because it'd be kind of weird if it's just... there during the 800s and does absolutely nothing to help Troms despite being one of the most powerful institutions in the province

    i dont remember exactly why we had marius seal CoW and rickeo and dwendle die later, although I think it was because 1) we wanted to re-add graveyard of 100 years and 2) we didn't want any of the twains besides Marius to have rune magic
  16. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Hey, so I'm just going to point out how Skien's lore is actually 99% fine. Skien's death is actually an extremely meaningful event in his story, as before he falls, he finally understands that him killing the 'traitors' he thought were against him, was just the killing of soldiers wanting to see their home again.

    As for your claim that there is no corruption on the island, this is also incorrect. The reason the island becomes corrupted is because of the ghost of the traitor who attacked him back in Troms. Because its spirit follows him, so too does its corruption which is how it reaches the island. The reason the soldiers still shoot at ships and follow their jobs on the island is almost certainly due to how long they'd been doing that job for, having it basically ingrained in their minds the same way one builds a muscle memory.

    The reason I believe a lot of people either don't like or don't understand Skien's lore is due to a fundamental difference in presentation. Where most characters have their lore essentially thrown at you when you do their secret discovery or quest, Skien doesn't have either of those things (yet). Additionally, Skien's island is without contest the most obscure location in the game, due to the absurd lengths you have to go to in order to first get there, and then actually do all the stuff on the island (ei: tickets only at Selchar, tickets only take you to a nearby island, you need to swim yourself, no quest / discovery to lure in players, confusing layout of fort, well scattered sign dialogues, etc.). All the info to understand Skien's story is there, the issue is the difficulty in finding it, and from there putting the pieces together. Personally I like this kind of lore, though even I must admit for a character that has connections to so many big parts of the story, it feels like it should at least be a bit easier to reach his lore.
    Emogla3, MlecznyHuxel99 and TrapinchO like this.
  17. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Tbh I would prefer the old way they died, in the old Twains section.

    But I wanted TGB SD and well, we didm't have a better idea, sadly

    This is one of the options. In the next day we will hold a poll.
  18. quadblast24

    quadblast24 The Chronologer VIP

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    There's two Troms Citizen 3's.
    General Skien and ditsario like this.
  19. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    wait, where is the suspicious citizen? what happened to it? where is the monke????
  20. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    [Insert obvious meme image here]
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