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Fourth Spell Upgrades

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Paladin, Mar 30, 2021.


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  1. Paladin

    Paladin Travelled Adventurer

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    So, another of my suggestion, which I hope is better than the rest of mine.

    Fourth spells are kind of boring (mostly with mage), I have experienced only Ice Snakes, but I bet all the classes spells deserve upgrade.
    After getting 3rd upgrade of spell (for example 3rd upgrade for Uproot or Ice Snakes) at lvl. 90+ you could go to any Raid (you must've done that raid at least 3 times) - there would be new merchant called Spell Merchant. He could sell you Spell Upgrader, and it will cost 5LE and 3 soul points.
    So, the first class - Warrior could get spell upgrade and it would upgrade War Scream to Scream of Justice.
    It would :
    • Cost: 8 Mana
    • 50% Damage (per hit)
    • ✹ 75% Fire
    • ❋ 25% Air
    • + 20% Defence bonus for 4 minutes
    • + Strength: adding 10% damage for 4 minutes
    • + Rightousness: giving player 5% speed and jump boost
    Second class, an Archer. Archer would get upgrade to spell Arrow shield to Elven Shot
    It would :
    • Cost: 10 Mana
    • 100% Damage
    • ❉ 30% Water
    • ❋ 30% Air (on falling arrow)
    • + Arrow Rain: throw a bunch of arrows in the sky, damaging everything around you by 250%
    • + Bow of Majesty: giving speed boost and would increase arrow speed in Arrow Rain effect
    Another class, now for assassin's Smoke Bomb. Smoke Bomb would get upgrade called Master of Accuracy
    It would :
    • Cost: 8 Mana
    • 60% Damage per second for 5 seconds
    • ✤ 25% Earth
    • ❋ 25% Air
    • + 60% Slowness
    • + Wall of Smoke: throw 3 smoke bomb at the same time, creating a large wall of smoke
    • + Feel of Betray: player will get 3%speed boost and vanish effect for 5 seconds, also he would get effect from Spin Attack for 10 seconds
    More of my idea, now upgrade for mage. As mage I can say, I have nearly never used Ice Snakes. It's really weak and desperatly needs upgrade. It would be called Ice Basilisk
    It would :
    • Cost: 4 Mana
    • 70% Damage
    • ❉ 50% Water
    • ✤ 25% Earth
    • ✹ 50% Fire
    • + Slow down enemies 30%
    • + Mind Control: you can control the snake by moving your head left or right
    • + Ice of Twain: you will get 3% speed boost and also "yeet" mobs up
    And last but not least, a shaman. I think shaman has really good 4th spell, but it needs to get upgrade too. Upgrade would be called Help of Druid
    It would :
    • Cost: 6 Mana
    • 75% Damage
    • ✤ 30% Earth
    • + Overseer: holding shift while casting Uproot will push mobs instead of pulling them and reset your totem timer
    • + Flower of the Forest: it would pull and knockback enemies and would give you 5% speed boost and 3% jump boost, also damaging mobs in area of 9x9 blocks near totem
    And that's all I have for you guys for today. I hope this interests someone, because I think 4th spells could get a bit more "spicy"

    Best regards
  2. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    that's not very convincing...
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    From my experience arrow rain is almost useless

    free extra vanish? too op

    Please rename "Ice of Twain"

    3% speed boost is almost useless
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Ice snake isn't a damage spell, it's a crowd control spell. You chain between it and meteor to slow enemies down while dealing heavy damage with the meteors. If you've been spamming ice snake, you've been playing mage wrong.
  5. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    you can also use it to apply poison from a long distance away lmfao
  6. Paladin

    Paladin Travelled Adventurer

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    I haven't used Ice Snake because I've been thinking it's useless, but now, I could try it as you said.
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