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Subclass System/skill Tree (simplified)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Techysavage, Mar 21, 2021.

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  1. Techysavage

    Techysavage Ashura HERO

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    Originally this idea was mainly created for the feel of mage, but having this system only for mage users is unfair/bias so i thought of a way I'd like to share to create these elemental bound class abilities.

    A little info about the idea, I would really like Wynn craft to implement a elemental bound class system, meaning our characters abilities change depending on the elements we are most connected with. A little example would be having a mage with high lightning and water, that mage would be able to do abilities like: summoning a storm that causes lightning bolts strike, and hail to damage mobs or maybe high wind and water to make ice like abilities such as blizzards, hail storms etc. This could be a whole broad system but I believe it's 1000% worth it. There would be more uniqueness to players, more things to try and do. I personally have always been fond of the idea where we can form our abilities instead of having a static one.

    How? How would we implement it. At first skill points come to mind but instead we add a new system. The skill tree! Skill trees are dynamic and will allow us to truly shape our characters. To simplify it down, our skill tree would shape the classes last two abilities e.g. if I were a mage, my meteor and ice snake would be what I created from the skill tree. But we can still use our skill points to put it in, simply the amount of skill points we have.

    There are the five elements as we know of:
    > Earth
    > Water
    > Fire
    > Wind
    > Lightning

    Maybe even the implementation of light and dark users....? it's just another idea thrown at it. Light users would be people who helped villagers, did good quests and Dark users could be people who do dark quests, kill innocent villagers etc. But this could be for later.

    The main idea is to have our last two abilities shaped by our elemental prowess. This could bring a whole lot more to Wynn craft and really make this one of the best MMORPG ever to be seen on not just Minecraft, but in general. Feel free to contact me if you guys are interested in the idea and want to have some elemental ability designs/ideas/blueprints.

    Thank you for your time and hopefully this gets in the works!!!
  2. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    1. add a poll
    2. neat idea but this has been suggested many many times before. so see if you can add more details to this. maybe make a skill tree? also it sounds like your skill tree would give you new spells? if so give examples
    otherwise neat idea
  3. Techysavage

    Techysavage Ashura HERO

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    Will do. Give me a few days to work up something and maybe even add some graphics ;)
    Bixlo likes this.
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