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Game Design How Did Plague Get Past Its Testing Phase

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by starx280, Feb 23, 2021.

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  1. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    I tried plague out today annd...

    It was not what I’d call good.

    With a decent poison build its damage output is comparable to a lvl 30’s at lvl 100.

    I tested it out with the eye using a 30k/3sec poison build. It really struggled, and even failed multiple times to kill measly 50k hp deathknell wretches.
    (I still won tho :D)

    After the fight, I ripped off the plague piece and tested the build out on high hp SE mobs, and watched the poison shred them in seconds.

    During the battle, however, I picked on a potential flaw with the major id:

    upon hitting a mob with other mobs around it, the initial mob that you hit gets the full poison effect, and 70% of that goes to the Neighboring mobs. HOWEVER, those neighbouring mobs pass 70% of their original 70% fraction of their poison back to the initial mob, COMPLETELY OVERRIDING THE INITIAL MOBS POISON.

    This also hurts poison given that it takes time to do damage, and now there’s additional time to be added for the switch for a LOWER POISON.

    Apparantly this goes back and forth until you end up with the poison of lemon legs found on the emerald trail. (I saw a wretch taking 3 ticks of 400 poison a little bit after I DIRECTLY HIT IT.)

    All in all, I’m hoping this is a bug or glitch or whatever, and I hope it’ll be patched by our dev homeboys soon :D

    Thanks for Reading!
  2. •WhiteWolf•

    •WhiteWolf• Traumatised. HERO

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    this is the same issue as multiplayer poison rn. The latest "hit" is what applies poison instead of either combining as they should for multiplayer or taking the strongest tick for plague
    ccccccccccccccc and starx280 like this.
  3. ccccccccccccccc

    ccccccccccccccc horse failure

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    i really hope wynn CT will ever acknowledge all the poison issues
    starx280 likes this.
  4. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    fun fact this was supposed to be fixed with 1.20, was not, and there was a big report in early hb and it never was fixed. I'd hope they know about it, but then again lmao. They also still have plague on the pestilence raid buff, even though it's literally a downgrade

    Edit: they do know about it, it's on the known issues sheet. However the post was literally on SEPTEMBER 5th that reported it bugged. I'd bet it won't be getting fixed anytime soon if it's that low priority
  5. iExpo

    iExpo Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I think this info is slightly incorrect. What you're describing seems to be pre 1.20. They did fix that in 1.20! Woo hoo! They also changed it so plague should spread 100% of its poison dmg in the changelog, yay go plague. This, however, isn't quite so accurate in-game. Currently, it deals 33% of your poison to the surrounding mobs. Upgrade?

    I could be misinterpreting what is meant by the changelog but it is extremely vague, they just pretty much removed the 70% part. But even if it is intentional for it to spread to 33% effectiveness, you can't override that 33% with your 100%, which just brings back the pre-1.20 plague. Either way, it saddens me to see a Major ID with such potential lost due to carelessness.
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