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Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Paladin, Mar 3, 2021.

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  1. Paladin

    Paladin Travelled Adventurer

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    Factions would be really cool in Wynncraft.
    Factions would be in every major city bank - you could trade with special - faction merchants - who would then give you some reputation (of course only in faction in which you are) you could join like in guild, and even after you have maximum points of reputation - after 3 rank ups, you could pledge.

    Ranks would be earned from trading with faction merchant. There would be many factions with bonuses after each rank up. Ranks would be - (CITY) Traveler, (CITY) Prince, (CITY) Warlord and then you could pledge.
    After pledge you can recruit troops from troop merchant in every bank. Ragni would give you xp boost, (useful for low levels), Troms better loot chance (even if you don't have good loot quality armor), Nemract 50% off for boat passes, Detlas would give you speed boost. Many more cities would have factions, those were just examples.

    Troops you could recruit would be maximum 3. To faction merchants you could sell materials and they would give you reputation and coins - special, new coins for which you will buy faction boosts and troops. Boost would be for 20mins and would cost 2000 each.

    After trade with faction merchant you will get around 100 reputation (you need 1000 for first rank up) and 50 coins.

    Troops would be ranked to coins for how good are they. For example Warlord troop would cost 10 000, but it's worth it. The soldiers or scouts for 100. Then Mages and shamans would be for 1000. There would be much more troops and some special.

    You could activate every troop in compass and new thing - factions option. The special troops would be very op and worth it. Note that if you have VIP and VIP+, you could have 6 troops. Then Hero and Champion rank 9. The troops could be with you even when you have pets - totally you could have around 12 companions if you would have Hero or Champion rank.

    You could have only 3/9 troops at once, but you could change it whenever you like. For example, when you start you will buy 3 basic troops, then buy better, uncall the old ones and bring the new.

    Factions merchant would be a new alternate way to get materials - because grinding is annoying in later game (as I heard). Also, the reputation could be earned if you will kill enemies of your faction. For example Troms, you could get some points from killing slimes and Iboju exiles.

    There would also be secret faction - Corrupted Faction - which could get you really op troops. Corrupted troops do not want to be with classic, protector and would not be availiable to put into same team with normal ones.

    After you break pledge with someone, everyone from that city, which you betrayed, will be hostile to you for 20 minutes. and would be stronger. So choose wisely between factions.

    I really love this idea and would want it in game, though I know how hard it would be.

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
  2. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    The bonuses are too high in some areas and too low in others ("Troms double xp", "Nemract 50% off for boat passes"). The troop system sounds a bit odd, just like companions but only last 20 minutes. And how do the coins work, what can they do other than get troops you probably won't need?

    Regardless, thank you for sharing and it was very interesting to read!

    P.S Before others say it: Add a poll
    dr_carlos and Paladin like this.
  3. Paladin

    Paladin Travelled Adventurer

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    I think that some bonuses were low, just because I quite don't know what would fit in some areas. I'm sure that CT will have better idea with the bonuses. The troops would be an alternate to pets, for those who don't want to pay money. Maybe troops could be forever, but would cost much more coins. Soins would be also usable for something like bombs, but bit worse, would last slightly lower time. Also, the special troops, to be more specific would cost then much more as well, but would be more op. You could have troops and pets, and if you're VIP, VIP+, Hero or Champion, you could have up to 9 troops, which is more than standard 3 troops. You could have only 3/9 troops at once, but you could change it whenever you like. For example, when you start you will buy 3 basic troops, then buy better, uncall the old ones and bring the new. Coins could be not only exchanged for materials (craftiong materials) but would be 2nd way to get those pesky materials. Grinding materials is really annoying, as I heard, so it would be new, interesting way to get them. There would also be secret faction - Corrupted Faction - which could get you really op troops. Corrupted troops do not want to be with classic, protector and would not be availiable to put into same team with normal ones. After you break pledge with someone, everyone from that city, which you betrayed, will be hostile to you for 20 minutes. and would be stronger. So choose wisely between factions. And also, I don't know what is poll, sorry.
  4. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Please format the text
  5. M3G4W3R7Y

    M3G4W3R7Y winner of third annual atlas games wooooooo HERO

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    The Factions...
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It is interesting, though it I cannot graps the core idea
    dr_carlos likes this.
  7. Paladin

    Paladin Travelled Adventurer

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    It's basically to have more game mechanics and I quite like it
  8. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    man i really wish guilds were in wynncraft

    yeah i know this is different but it would probably be really confusing alongside guilds
    dr_carlos likes this.
  9. Paladin

    Paladin Travelled Adventurer

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    Maybe it would be confusing alongside guilds, I didn't thought around that
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