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World [50+ Supporters, 96.3% Approval] 1.20 General Improvement Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Novalescent, Jan 23, 2021.


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  1. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I'm pretty sure that if you've been watching the forums or your personal Wynncraft Discords, you've seen many people give 1.20 and the execution of it harsh reviews and negativity about it. It's understandable that is the case.

    I myself have criticized 1.20 here. It's definitely not my kindest feedback post, but I had to say what I had to in order to get my point across about 1.20 and the state of the game.
    That said, I don't want to keep criticizing the game until 1.21 eventually drops. It's not right for me or anyone else to continuously complain about the game without providing input on what needs to be improved.
    So, I'm going to do my best to give my best thoughts on what could be improved about 1.20. I'll be doing my best to suggest ideas and fixes that are within the realm of possibility for both the CT and the Developers.

    Keep in mind that this was written up fairly quickly and isn't as polished as many of my other suggestions. This is because I feel like it is urgent that ideas of changes for 1.20 need to be initiated before real change can take place.

    Fix all the Bugs!

    (Thanks @Neptune)

    A very simple, but important one. I highly recommend that the Wynncraft team does their best to first fix the majority of the bugs plaguing 1.20 right now. This ranges to small building errors, to huge gamebreaking glitches, such as the recent TCC softlock and hardlock which will prevent the player from being able to play their character.
    This should be done first before any other major actions are taken. I'm sure that it is agreeable to stabilize your game/server to the best of your abilities before adding new content and features, and Wynncraft 1.20 is no exception, especially now. Hopefully once the majority of bugs are squished, we can start to improve the state of 1.20 from there now that it is more playable.

    Improving Housing


    Housing, yay!

    I'm glad that Housing was implemented, however I believe that, like Guilds were before, they were implemented at a very basic level, and thus have plenty of ways to expand on them to become unique and enjoyable. I'll be listing a few ideas onto how to improve the state of Housing potentially.

    • Make the entirety of the Housing Island available to all players easier. If you don't know, HEROs and CHAMPIONs are the only players that are allowed to use the entirety of the island. The dimensions of the plot that players that do not have this rank can be found here. (Compiled by @OmegaCKL)

      I don't see much of a reason why something like this should be locked behind a rank. Now understandably, it would be to incentivize the player to purchase a rank, which is understandable given how much it costs to host Wynncraft (most likely). However, I believe that it would be a better compromise if you only needed VIP+ or even just VIP to have the Island unlocked. I don't see why anyone would pay $85 USD (Currently $59.49 due to the ongoing sale) just to upgrade their plot island to the full scale. It would be more worthwhile and reasonable to lock this behind a lower cost rank.

      Personally for me, the most optimal solution would be to allow players to use Emeralds to buy out the rest of the island. This would introduce a new cost and make it much easier and affordable for players to have the rest of the island. People just want to build their house, or maybe even a mansion, on their House plot. I don't think many of them want to pay a hefty sum of money in order to do so.
    • Introduce interactive blocks. So we have all of these cool vanilla blocks. Now how about we take it one step further?

      Interactive Blocks could be a cool extra feature that would help spice up player's builds. These blocks would have cool interactions depending on what you did.
      For example, players could buy or even create jump pad blocks that, when stepped on, would send them flying at a certain velocity and to a certain angle. It could create for cool parkour courses or cool entry ways to a house.

      Another interesting block idea would be a Jukebox, which would play Wynncraft music. This would be accessible by all players (Not just ranked players, please), and would allow them to play all of Wynncraft's music in their plot. It would create a nice ambient atmosphere to the plot that the player desires.
      The idea for Jukeboxes was originally suggested by @Corcustos however, and you can find his original thread here. I'm just placing it here in hopes it gets more exposure, as I think it's a neat idea.

      Blocks like these could add a lot more building and environmental options for players, allowing them to enhance their structures and create unique environments and fun builds.
    • Add Social activities. Right now, when you invite a player to your House there isn't much to do besides walk around. It's pretty boring overall and I would have hoped that there would be more to do whenever you enter a player's house.

      Thus, introducing social activities that the House owner can initiate would be a neat touch. These could include toggling on PvP (No Soul Point loss ofc and you respawn on the plot), enabling fun buffs, spawning in random mobs for players to fight, or maybe even built-in minigames such as Laser Tag.

      The video linked below was from my previous Guild Suggestion, which is an example of what these Social activities would be like. Ideally, they would be highly customizable and players can tune the parameters of each activity so they get exactly what they would like, or even create a pseudo minigame out of the options provided.

    Housing has a lot of promise on Wynncraft. I think it's current state is a good proof of concept, and now it is time to expand on this concept even further. Hopefully we'll be able to see Housing improved so that way it will enhance the social experience of Wynncraft even more, maybe to the point where really fun events can be hosted on people's Housing plots!

    Improving Raids


    Raids have launched at a good base, but could definitely undergo some additional improvements. Most of it is about individual raids however, and not the Raid System itself.

    Keep in mind that at the time of writing this Suggestion post, Orphion's Nexus of Light has not been released yet, and thus will not be included here. I will most likely review that Raid separately.

    Let's start with Nest of the Grootslangs. Luckily, I don't have many complaints about this one as I personally like this raid the most out of the 2 current ones, the other one being The Canyon Colossus Raid.
    I'll list out my suggestions for this one:
    1. Change the Player Req. to 3-4. The main issue with NotG right now is that in order to do it on a higher level character (ex. level 105), you have to get 3 other lower levels players to join you. Usually you serve as the hard carry of the raid, but that's beside the point.
      This is an issue because not only is the first raid that the players get to try out (usually) is locked behind this restriction, but also because one of the Weaponry Mastery Slots are locked behind completing this Raid. It is also not very easy to find 2-3 other lower levels to join you to do this raid willingly as well, so you're stuck in this awkward position where it's difficult to unlock this singular slot because of this restriction.

      The best way to do this right now for mains is to have 2 level 100s (Usually they're level 104-106, but we'll go with 104 for now), which already equates to 208 levels, and we have 152 levels to spare. We can't bring another level 104 because that will leave us at 48 levels, and unable to find a 4th lower level player because they are too low level to do this raid. So, the best you can squeeze out of this level composition is 2 Level 100s, and 2 Level 54s+
      Changing the player req. to 3-4 will allow 3 level 105+ players to run the raid together, while still allowing level a group of lower levels to still run it as a 4-man party. This would make it much easier to clear this raid in order to unlock this requirement, and also allow players to grab some quick low level starter Tomes in order to have some slots filled. The low level tomes aren't that powerful, so it is still advised to run TCC in the future for better tomes.

    2. Lower the Fire/Lava Beam Particle Attack in the Bossfight. If you know me and my work, this is pretty ironic coming from me, but I believe that this attack utilizes way too many particles to the point where it lags my computer intensely (I have a pretty great setup as well).
      Lowering the amount of particles or even changing up the type of particles that are used would be great. Some particle types, such as Lava pop particles, cause different amounts of lag depending on how many are used at a time. So either reducing the amount of particles or changing them to something less laggy would be beneficial for worse computers than mine.
      On a side note, I don't really know what this attack does, and all I can assume is that if you're standing on the boss you will most likely die, so I just stand away. Perhaps make a more unique attack than this? It seems a bit weird that this boss has it in the first place unless it's some sort of earthquake.
    See, that wasn't so bad was it? Overall, I like Nest of the Grootslangs. For its serving purpose of introducing players to Raids, it does a good job and isn't too hard if you know what you're doing and have good builds. I wouldn't say I'd run it repeatedly though. Not because it's a lower level Raid, but also because it does get boring after awhile and loses its charm.


    Now, onto The Canyon Colossus Raid. I have a lot more to say about this one, as it's the current Endgame raid in Wynncraft.

    My first impressions of TCC was that it's overtuned in terms of difficulty in various parts of the Raid. It makes it hard to play the raid if you're not using a tank/fire build of some kind, which most people don't run. The boss itself is alright, although it isn't very fun to play as a melee class as attempting to approach the boss could cause death if you're not watching closely.
    So, here are my general suggestions for this Raid:
    1. Nerf the Mob Damage, HP, or both in both Pressure Plate rooms. This mainly applies to the Pressure Plate Room in Part 2 of the Raid. The one in Part 1 is a bit more negligible as it's doable as long as you have 2 tank builds willing to stand on them while the others defend, and you can also work together to activate the top pressure plate first before going to the bottom one. I would preferably like the mob health nerfed a tad in this room though.

      Moving onto the Pressure Plate Room in Part 2, I believe the mobs are either overtuned or spawn too fast. During Hero BETA, they were at a relatively balanced HP level and spawn rate, and it was more like you were defending the pressure plate against waves of spawns, which felt nice. However, I feel like the spawn rates have been increased, and the damage and HP of the mobs have definitely increased. It makes it very hard to defend the room if you are playing a build that is not built for tanking. And since you're having to spread 3 of your players into each room, you can't really work together that much. The mobs also have so much HP that it is very difficult to kill the mobs fast enough as a DPS/Glass Cannon build before they start to attack you.
      I believe that this room could be much more playable if the spawn rates were reduced so that way it feels like you're defending against waves, or lower the damage and HP of the mobs so that way they are more killable. This would make it more doable for builds across the board, and would have players rely less on having tank builds for this bossfight.

    2. Change or remove the "Colossus Core" Entity that stays on the player for Phase 2 of the Bossfight. This entity is very annoying if you are playing a class that utilizes physical projectiles, such as Assassin or Archer. The entity will block your shots and make it so you can't effectively attack the boss from afar. It will also push you around, making it impossible to stand still.
      I don't see much of a reason to have this entity here in the first place, as it is not present in Phase 3 either. I understand that it is used to telegraph who has the core, but I believe that can be done in other ways.

      Some quick, possible solutions that could be done in order to resolve this issue
      - Increase the y-coordinate of the entity. That way, is it not in the player's way of projectiles and they can fire them off easier without this entity being in the way.
      - Change the entity into a different indicator, such as a particle effect. This is most likely the most effective solution. Using a small, yet notable particle to mark who is using the Core will resolve both the entity collision issue and the need for telegraphing.
      - Remove the entity and telegraphing entirely. Like I said, I don't believe that this is necessarily needed, as the fight doesn't last so long that players need to remember who has the core and who doesn't. However, that may just be me due to how quick the boss fight goes for my group nowadays.

    3. Have the Colossus Core hop to a different player whenever the holder dies. Onto the actual "Colossus Core" mechanic, I don't believe that the way it works is fair right now.

      The Core is needed for the puzzle at the end of the fight. The players who have the core have to enter the Colossus's head, and complete the puzzle. The issue with this is that if the players who had the core die, the fight is over and there is no way to recover. And this core is only held by 2 players, so they need to always remain alive. This is difficult in itself due to how damaging Phase 3 can be.
      I believe a possible solution to this is make it so that the Colossus Core will choose a new player whenever its holder dies. That way, it is still possible to complete the bossfight even if the 2 original holders die.

      This could potentially make the bossfight easier however, so a possible solution to fixing this would be to give the player some kind of debuff, such as -Defense Points. That way, it is still advised to play it safe with the core, as the players with the core is more likely to die. You only have so many players to spare, so it is best to still keep the two original holders alive. This "hopping" mechanic is just so that way the fight is still doable even if the two original holders die.

    4. Make the puzzle at the end more challenging. This may be a bit controversial, but personally after you do the puzzle at the end once, it's basically a cakewalk. I believe that this puzzle should be more pressuring, because the time limit with it right now doesn't make much of a difference.

      One solution to this is to make it so you have to repeat the puzzle a certain number of times before you beat the raid. It would give the timer more reason for existing and pressure the player a bit more to complete all the puzzles as fast as possible. Perhaps doing this puzzle 3 or 5 times will do, maybe even more.
      Players do this puzzle rather quickly, so I wouldn't mind there being some changes to the puzzle to make it somewhat more pressuring, but not too much as I assume that if you fail this puzzle you fail the raid. It wouldn't be too enjoyable to make this final puzzle so hard that you just fail it if you don't get it perfect.

      Another solution is perhaps adding some mobs into this room. This would give more sense into why you need 2 players in this room, 1 to defend the puzzle-doer, and another to defend them while they're doing it.
    Last but not least, a global suggestion to the entirety of Raid content as a whole:
    • Make Bossfights even MORE epic. Yes, this is a pretty weird request given that the current bossfights are cool, however I truly think that they could be better.

      Right now, bossfights utilize the normal spell attacks, as well as some special scripted attacks that do cool things. However, I feel as if a Raid boss should never use any of these normal spell attacks, and should utilize more special attacks.
      For example, the Grootslang boss in NotG could have a Burrow attack, where it goes underground and reappears under a player, dealing immense damage. It could also have an acid spit cone attack which deals ticking poison damage to players standing in front of it. Canyon Colossus could have a better Eye Beam attack which is aimed at and follows a random player slowly, and they have to move it out of the group or else it will hit them or their party.

      This may just be my standard however due to my own work. I know that there are limitations to Wynncraft's Spell Scripting and if it's not possible to implement attacks like these, I understand. However, I hope to see that these kinds of limitations are unlimited for future Raids.
    Raids are on the starting line, ready to race to the finish. They have the necessary systems backing them in order to become something grander, and that's what I hope to see from them in the future.

    Improving Tomes


    (Thanks @Neptune)

    Tomes have been harped on ever since players got their hands on them. They have a lot of room for expandability and change, possibly even reworks. I originally was going to try and suggest balance changes, but I believe that I need to suggest more extreme ideas in order to make Tomes truly feel as special as they should be.
    • Give Tomes more uniqueness. This is gonna essentially be a big change for Tomes. Right now, Tomes exist as 13 extra Accessory slots for you to fill out, and there are various types you can get that can boost your Mob Damage Resistance, Damage, Gathering XP, Slaying XP, etc.
      The issue with this however is that Tomes feel boring. They don't bring anything new to the table besides "Here's more numbers to make you stronger. Keep it up!"

      In my opinion, Tomes should provide much more gameplay altering bonuses that can affect or bolster your playstyle. A good way to do this is through Major IDs! Tomes are a perfect item to use Major IDs on, or putting more unique Identifications on it that you don't find on many items (Ex. Sprint and Sprint Regen). They don't even have to be extremely unique or powerful, like Rhythm of the Season's Rally.
      For example, the Sorcerer's Armor Tome above could grant the following Major ID:

      + Mana Armoring: Casting Spells will grant you 3% Damage Reduction for 2 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times, and can be refreshed.

      Not the best example obviously, but something like this could be a neat little way to change up how a player plays, or be better attuned to how other players play. I can see this Major ID being used for spellspam builds, and would allow them to fight a bit harder on the front lines without worrying about taking so much damage.

      I believe in order for this to work, Tomes should have less slots, and there should be a limit to how many of each type of Tome you can equip. This would mean that Tomes would need to be grinded less, and would make balancing out these kind of game-altering effects easier.

    • Swap the Identification stats on Fabled and Mythic Tomes. Right now, there is no reason to get Mythic tomes besides a slightly better main stat for it. The Mythic Tomes utilize Elemental Defense bonuses, while the Fabled Tomes utilize different bonuses such as + Health or + Spell Damage%.
      I believe for the average player, they will be more apt to go for these Fabled, Spell Damage tomes rather than Mythic Tomes. This is because the difference between the Fabled Tome and Mythic Tome main stat is negligible. Moreover, these Spell Damage tomes and such can be stacked since there are multiple slots. It is possible to get +32% Spell Damage (Or more, I don't know the max number) from Fabled Armor Tomes due to the 4 Armor Tome slots.

      So in order to fix this, the simplest solution would be to swap the Identifications for these rarities. That way, the Mythic Tomes will have these special bonuses, while the Fabled Tomes have Elemental Defenses. It would also establish Mythic Tomes better as the "Best in Slot" tome, and make it much more desirable to get.
    Tomes have a long way to go. Admittedly, they aren't as eye opening as many players, including myself, thought they were going to be. However, I believe with time and genuine effort, Tomes can become something amazing for players and a great way to alter or enhance a player's playstyle.

    Improving Guilds (Again)


    Whew... Alright, time for the big one.

    There has been plenty of controversy and anger surrounding the 1.20 Guild Rework. It isn't without reason though. The Guild Rework caused many events to happen. It upended years of work for many Guilds, it has caused guilds the requirement to re-establish not only their territories but their members due to the level and member cap squish, and it has changed the entire landscape of Guilds, Guild Wars, and the Guild Community as a whole.
    One could argue that all of these events have occurred for the worse. Practically every guild person I have talked to, from new Recruits to longtime Leaders, has had something negative to say about this Rework. Most of the time it's multiple things.

    I want to emphasize something: Regardless of the outcome of everything else and this suggestion post, this Guild Rework needs to be changed very soon. Many longtime players have invested years into Guilds, and many of them have stuck around purely because Guilds and the communities they have built. The Guild Rework has been driving more Guilds away from the scene, some of them even quitting the Warring scene due to how buggy and unfun they are. If this is not changed soon in anyway that is for the better, I believe that Wynncraft's population will suffer.

    That said, let's move forward. I'm going to do my best to give the best suggestions I possibly can based on my limited knowledge of this Rework and the workings of Guilds as a whole. These are solely my ideas and haven't been influenced by any other body, so please feel free to speak up if I get something wrong about Guilds.
    • Grant more Member Slots. I have a question: Was there a reason to limit Guild slots further? If there was, I believe it could have been handled another way because I don't think this was the right move.

      I don't believe it was pleasant for many Guild Leaders to wake up in the morning only to find out that they would have to kick Guild Members in order for them to start actually doing anything. I'm also sure that they didn't enjoy waking up to find that their XP had been squished, but that's another topic.
      To put it bluntly, I don't think that this change was needed. If this change was to make it so Smaller Guilds have a fighting chance, this doesn't make much of a difference in that area. Each Guild that Wars usually has a main Warring team (I'm not sure on average how many there are in these kinds of teams). It is unlikely that a Member Slot squish will eliminate some, if any, of those Warring team members because they are too important for Wars. And while this Member Slot squish can be used to eliminate "dead weight" (This was said by Salted I believe), then I believe you have mistaken this "dead weight" as invaluable to Guilds. If Guilds truly wanted to cut this out, they would do it themselves when they deem they need to do so. Most Guilds have rules and protocols for this sort of deal, and I don't see a point in the Admin Team interfering in that.

      I think the most elegant and agreeable solution by many players would be to revert or even increase the amount of Guild Member Slots for all guilds, including Smaller Guilds. This would not only restore recruitment order to Guilds, it would also help bolster the smaller Guilds and allow them to recruit more players for their cause without the need of creating Sub-Guilds and the like.
      Guilds are supposed to be Empires, and I believe this was stated in the changelog. However, it is quite hard to create an Empire when the amount of people who will help you build that Empire is being reduced.

    • Make Wars more enjoyable. I think that many Warrers can agree with me that the new Guild Wars, while are fun to play in some regards, aren't exactly in the best of position in terms of enjoyment.

      Unfortunately, I haven't done many Guild Wars myself, so my information and experience is limited to what I ask of my friends in Guilds. That said, feel free to take my ideas for Guild Wars with a grain of salt if you don't trust my opinions and thoughts on them.

      Players have complained that most of these Guild Wars require high sustain builds due to the fact that the Guild Towers fire bolts of unavoidable damage that will 1-shot most Glass Cannon builds. The most glaring issue here is that, if the Defenders are smart, Guild Towers can invalidate basically half of all player's playstyles of playing aggressive, and forcing them to create a build that revolves around high HP, high defense, and sub-optimal damage for a chance at surviving the entire Guild War. Some "Low" defense towers even hit for 10-15k damage, which is quite absurd.

      So, it's time to start getting fancy!

      A possible idea for fixing this situation is to create a system of Guild Tower Threat, and Guild War Roles. Here's an example:
      Say we have 5 players entering the War. Players 1 and 2 are designated the "Tower Engagers." These players generate bonus threat/aggro on the tower, which will in turn make the tower more likely to target those players. Players 3, 4 are designated the "Tower Destroyers," which don't have any bonus aggro, but deal and take slightly more damage to the tower, as well as taking more damage from minions. Player 5 is the "Tower Zoner," who takes and deals less damage to the Tower overall, but his objective is to keep the battlefield clear of minions and to keep other players alive using any sustain/healing methods available to them.
      This sort of Role system could give more depth into strategizing for Towers, and would also allow the CT and Developers to create features and bonuses that revolve around these sort of roles. It would make Guild Towers much more interesting and manageable instead of being randomly targeted for a 1-shot burst of damage every few seconds.

      The second point about Guild Wars is that while they are more repeatable than Raids are, they are very much shorter and also take longer to initiate the longer the Guild War goes on. I believe this may be too restricting and dulling for players, and would be best if the restrictions for repetitive Warring is toned down so that Wars can occur more frequently.
      Even in their current state, players thoroughly enjoy the new Guild Wars and want to do them more, but they are hindered by this timegate. I believe that toning this down would allow Guild Wars to be enjoyed more for what they are now.

    • Create/Buff Perks and activities that benefit THE GUILD. There is a difference between creating perks that buff the player and perks that buff the Guild. In this case, I will be focusing on those that buff the Guild, such as Hourly Guild XP.

      Due to the Guild Rework, many tasks that would normally progress a Guild now have to be done more manually by the players, primarily leveling their Guild. Territories have lost a large portion of the XP that they can grant a guild, and it's taking a heavy toll on Guilds due to the fact that leveling a Guild requires much more dedication, time, and XP Bomb and Totem parties, especially due to popular grind spots such as Bulb Cave being removed.
      Furthermore, Territories seem to benefit the Player moreso than the Guild. Before the Guild Rework, it was the complete opposite where Guilds gave nearly 0 benefits to Players. I believe that Territories have room to benefit both the Player and the Guild equally.

      Most likely the primary change that can be made for Territories is to make the Guild XP Upgrade more worthwhile. I believe in its current state, it's not very worthwhile to purchase and upkeep this upgrade with such minimal XP values. Territories not only used to serve as a great source of Guild XP, but they need to. It is incredibly difficult and mind-numbing to grind for hours and days on end to level up your Guild, especially with how Guild Slots are more sparse now in between levels. The Rework arguably made it way too time consuming for both large guilds and smaller, newer Guilds to rise up. If Territories could give a decent amount of Guild XP similar to how they did in the past, I believe this would help resolve this issue.

      Second, I believe it would be interesting and beneficial if activities and perks were introduced that encouraged the community aspect of Guilds. This ties into the Housing suggestions in the first section, but with the addition of Housing and its general system, it could now be possible to create a system for Guild Halls and Guild Housing. Obviously, there would need to be some synchronization details worked out, such as what would happen in Player A built on one server and Player B built on another server. I believe that can be worked out by the Developers though fairly quickly.
      This would help bolster the community aspect of Guilds and encourage new and longtime Guild Members to remain in their Guild due to the community and friends that has been built up. Like I said earlier, many Guild Members have stuck around due to their Guild's community and the friends they've made. I believe it would be awesome if this community aspect of Guilds was encouraged more in Wynncraft directly.
    I've been doing my best these past few months to advocate and help raise the reputation of Guilds and the Guild Community. I truly do want them to succeed in Wynncraft and have been doing my best to help ensure that. The Guild Rework changed many aspects of Guilds either for the better or for the worse. However, it does send a signal that the Admin Team is looking closer into Guilds, which means room for negotiations and additions are now within the realm of possibility.
    With this being the case, I hope that it happens. I hope that the Guild Rework is, eventually, fully realized and made to be what Guilds want and need in order for them to survive and flourish.


    Admittedly, 1.20 had a rough launch with even rougher feedback. There are many features that need to be fixed or taken a look at again, and I hope that the Admins will do just that. I think it's agreeable by many that this update had (and still has I believe) the chance to change Wynncraft as a whole for the better. I do not want to see that opportunity go to waste immediately on the first weeks of launch.
    Regardless of what I've said, I still have some hope that this update can succeed. I don't want to see it fail and many others don't either. Hopefully these suggestions will spark some inspiration for the Admins to implement, and we will see something occur for these primary features in the future that will make them better than they are now.

    Credits to @Neptune (Letting me use examples sent by him), @Goden (Guild Information), and @TurtlePlaysGamez (Guild Information) for helping me create this Suggestion post. This would not be possible without their assistance, and I am grateful for it!

    Thanks for reading, and as always, feedback is appreciated!
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
    IceBear, gigi2oo2, Druser and 42 others like this.
  2. Corcustos

    Corcustos It's what it's. CHAMPION

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    Good stuff. Just a heads up there is a third raid, haven't done it myself though. Big fan of the social activities thing in housing in particular. I think housing was implemented somewhat okay but there are definitely some atmospheric changes that need to be done to make it feel complete. I need my void music in my void-based home damnit. Whole reason I chose that location was for the music. Too bad the void song is also for some reason absent in the current jukebox...

    The Realm of Light
    Complete the final quest in the Realm of Light questline.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
    thepicferret and Novalescent like this.
  3. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Mhm, I know! I didn't include that here though, but I'll edit the post so that way I acknowledge its existence
  4. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    But the compass jukebox would still be VIP+ and higher only, correct?

    Problem: some people might turn (some) partciles off because it gets too messy/laggy
  5. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Ya, totally. I wanna feel special. :)))

    Hm, true, but I've never had a lot of issue with particles in this fight. That might be just me though.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  7. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Nice thread, I especially liked the parts on housing and tomes
  8. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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  9. crawfish

    crawfish crawfish :) HERO

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    i can't like this post enough
  10. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    Hey mods there’s a post for u come read plz
  11. LiteralSatan

    LiteralSatan The Disco Charity accepts all contributions CHAMPION

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  12. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Bumpers to front
  13. WillyBeany

    WillyBeany Well-Known Adventurer

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  14. DreamsStealer

    DreamsStealer Gimme hug

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    I am a man of simplicity: I see nova posted a suggestion, I read it, I like it, I support it
  15. Sean__

    Sean__ Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In my opinion I think 1.20 was an amazing improvement and steps in the right direction with the addition of raids and the improvement of guilds.

    One thing i see people complaining about is the guild perks but many dont seem to be thinking about the cool options they could bring in. Imagine a certain guild has a lockdown on territories during dxp weekend and has extra slots open for those who want to grind and could offer their services to protect them.

    now one thing that i can agree on is housing, i really think housing needs to be more exciting. If you look at games like runescape they have a construction skill where players must spend resources to actually level up and unlock more powerful things in their house. Some of the unlocks range from fun things like combat rings and game rooms to amazingly useful objects like portals to cities or objects to boots your stats. I really think adding skills like this could defiantly improve the overall enjoyability of the game.
    NotFunny likes this.
  16. MaleDuck

    MaleDuck Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I mainly focused on the guild section of this post, and well I do think that there has been far too much complaining from people within the guild space. I also agree that this update is not perfect and I think that adding some of the suggestions in this post into the game would definitely make players happier and would make the in-game experience more enjoyable
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