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World "the Infinite Cornfield" - A New Daily Activity.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Glitched Pixels, Jan 5, 2021.


Do you support this or a feature similiar to this being implemented into Wynncraft?

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  2. No

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  1. Glitched Pixels

    Glitched Pixels Silent Constructor VIP+ GM CHAMPION

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    I always wanted my first real thread to be about something big. I hope I filled my suggestion with enough detail, so you can shape your opinion and tell me what you think! I've had this idea for a while now and I feel the need to tell you in advance, that this idea is not entirely original. It came from two fantastic games very much unlike Wynncraft: Yokai Watch 2 (The Infinite Tunnel) & Yokai Watch 3 (Hazy Lane).
    Without any further ado, let's get into it!

    Well before I get into it, here is the prepared introduction cutscene!

    Here's a rundown of all the new features I came up with:
    • New Level 85 Quest: "The Endless Fields..."
      • Started by the old woman after entering the The Infinite Cornfield for the very first time.
      • Ends after defeating "The Fogcrawler" hiding at 15.000 blocks into the field.
        • Akin to "The Qira Hive", this quest is not supposed to be finished until level 100.
        • Accordingly and to avoid complications, the mobs in The Infinite Cornfield do not scale in their combat level with the players entering.
      • Specific Rewards: Access to the field beyond 15.000 blocks.
    • New Area in The Canyon Of The Lost: "The Infinite Cornfield"
      • Enter The Infinite Cornfield once every real day.
      • Travel as far as you can, because eventually the fog will get you...
        • Reach 'the end' of the field for the day and it will become longer tomorrow!
          (This Bonus does not reset if you skip days)
          • Startlength: ~3.000 blocks | +3.000-4.000 blocks per succesful run;
          • The added length decreases the more successful runs you already have, so while you can technically go infinitely far, you are somewhat softcapped.
        • This bonus is reset if you die in The Infinite Cornfield.
        • This bonus is NOT reset if you are thrown out of the field through looking back.
      • Find clientsided lootchests around the path through The Infinite Cornfield (~5 per Segment)
        • These chests would not fill up with world age but rather with distance and also with the lootbonus provided by your distance in the field.
      • Gain natural bonuses akin to Hunted Mode the further you get into The Infinite Cornfield
        • Lootbonus & Lootquality - Scaling linearly with distance into The Infinite Cornfield
          (Maxing out at 350% and 125% after 50.000 blocks travelled)
      • Enter 'dark burrows' periodically in the fields.
        • Fight progressively harder and harder mobs or even new bosses like "The Fogcrawler"
          • There is no limit to how strong the mobs and bosses get.
        • Find yourself in new parts of The Infinite Cornfield with different atmospheres!
          • Withered plants, Other Weather, Special NPCs with interesting dialouge,
            easter eggs, and whatever else the Content Team could imagine!
      • You cannot look back, or else... (Addendum: There would be an "Are you sure message" as to prevent any accidents)
    Main Ideas
    Here is a bit of reasoning behind some of the main ideas of this suggestion.

    The quest
    Like many things, I just thought it would best to introduce a concept like this with a small quest. Level 85 felt like it would give enough time for the player to build up a few successful run, so by the time they would reach endgame levels and be interested in mythics, they'd already be able to reach quite far into The Infinite Cornfield.

    Daily Limit and Distance Limit
    The daily limit was thought out to be a balancing factor here, in that you cannot do multiple runs a day like you can by simply lootrunning. I see that I proposed rather strong natural bonuses and as such, I feel like it it is definitely necessary to limit it to once a day. Similairly with the distance limit, but this was more of an idea to encourage the player to do The Infinite Cornfield more for better rewards. Overall this was supposed to create an something the player looks forward to do whenever they don't know what else to do for the day.

    Clientsided Chests
    This is in my opinion rather necessary, as you would very likely find nearly empty chests thousands of blocks into your run if it wasn't implemented (See Implemenation). By using a clientsided version of lootchests the loot could also be more personalized to the run by increasing the lootchest level and the amount of items inside the further you go into The Infinite Cornfield

    Lootbonus & Lootquality
    One more aspect I wanted to incorporate in this suggestion was a way to do efficient lootrunning without needing good lootquality and lootbonus armor, which can be expensive to buy when you don't have the patience for professions. Considering the difficulty scaling the further you go into The Infinite Cornfield, I think it should be fine to give these bonuses, as you would definitely find it annoying to swap between armors in between fighting bosses before

    I only want to go into some of the implementation of The Infinite Cornfield, to be exact: I am not going to talk about anything regarding lootbonus, lootquality, lootchests or bosses because they are strongly related to wynn's plugins and I would not consider myself anywhere near knowledgeable enough to give advice on implementation there.

    For the 'Infinite' part of The Infinite Cornfield, this should be rather simple to do:
    • Have Premade around 500 to 1000 block long segments of the cornfield somewhere outside of the wynn map that start and end in a 'dark burrow'
    • Have Premade rooms for mobs and bosses to be fought in after entering a 'dark burrow'
    From here it should be relative simple: After the player enters the first 'dark burrow' teleport them to a boss room or any other path of the field. There is one crucial thing here: To enable teamplay to work fundamentally in The Infinite Cornfield (unlike the problem with Sandswept Tomb or its Corrupted counterpart) where the player ends up after entering the whole should be the same for all players that are going through the field together. So perhaps scramble the current time (rounded to every 10 minutes) AND progression into The Infinite Cornfield to a random number and depending on that number teleport the players entering the 'dark burrow' to somewhere fitting like an appropriately strong boss depending on progression or just another pathway.
    Through this players playing at the same time would most likely (unless very unlucky in timing) land at the same spot because they would also have the same distance travelled. This would allow for teamplay against some of the harder bosses to be much easier with friends!

    Due to the customizeable nature of this, if only to bridge some time between updates, special segments hinting at the next area or lore, new bosses or new dialouge with npcs could be added to the pathway, because you'd just need to include them in the random pool for what area to visit next, so this feature would allow adding quick small things just to keep the time between updates just that little more exciting!

    "Finally! The section where I criticize my own suggestion before anyone else can!"

    I don't think this is a perfect suggestion, by far not. Neither do I believe it should be implemented just as described. I just hope to give inspiration to what could be possiblities for new late-game activities.

    It should be acknowledged that I am no member of CT and the numbers here are based on the opinions of a handful of people, so please take these numbers with a grain of salt.

    The main focus wasn't to provide a balanced mechanic, it was to suggest an interesting new daily activity that wouldn't be too demanding to make, while still providing a rich atmosphere and good rewards. I hope you can see those basic ideas reflected in my suggested and I hope to hear your opinions!

    Thank you for your time,

    - @Glitched Pixels

    Extra Credits:
    - @7Red_Dragon7 (Helping with the recording + Keeping me sane while building a massive field of corn)
    - @Vendenar (First Impression on the numbers presented)
    Thanks to these amazing people for helping me improve my suggested!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  2. Moderabo

    Moderabo Your Melon lord! CHAMPION

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    Seems very interesting. I would love to have an effective way of getting items other than loot-running. But do you mean you get teleported out if you look back? Because that could get annoying as you might accidentally turn your head. Either way, +1.
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    This sounds like a pretty interesting idea for a quest and daily challenge, I know for a fact I would do this every day. I also like how it's a horror quest similar to grave mistake. The fact that you made an emulation of it is really nice as well. +1
    Glitched Pixels likes this.
  4. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    Hey, this seems really cool! I’m not sure how well it would fit into Wynn, and I might like to see some nerfs to the LB and LQ, but overall a really nice idea!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
    Castti likes this.
  5. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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  6. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    add a poll
  7. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Add a poll for more +1s you corn nerd
  8. Glitched Pixels

    Glitched Pixels Silent Constructor VIP+ GM CHAMPION

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    Added Poll on Demand.
  9. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    infinite cornfield for 1.21 when :D
  10. LiteralSatan

    LiteralSatan The Disco Charity accepts all contributions CHAMPION

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    I like this idea a lot! Wondering if there would be time in-between combat (to allow for build-switching of course), but other than that sounds very fun. Basically adds a Wynncraft endless mode with things players really want. My question is would the chests be un-leveled, or would they get higher as you went on?
  11. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    I think that the idea is that LB and LQ don't matter, but rather how far you get in the field determines how good the loot is. In this case walk speed and movement spells may be the problem
  12. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode.
  13. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Who said 'no' (in the poll) and what is their address?
    Seriously though, I think this is an amazing idea, and as someone who has messed around with the Wynncraft resource pack before, your video is quite impressive.
    Definitely one of the most detailed suggestions I've seen since the good ol' days of Novalescent.
  14. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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  15. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Corn is Corn. Corn on a cob, Corn in a bog, Corn that is creamed, Corn that is lean. Make the corn.
    dr_carlos likes this.
  16. tinycyan

    tinycyan Travelled Adventurer

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    is like that one infinite tunnel thing in yokai watch i like it +1
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