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World Increase Party Bonus Xp To 100%

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Theeef, Nov 16, 2020.


Should this be added? (Regarding 100% XP Bonus)

  1. Yes (+1 Supporter)

  2. Yes, but with some changes (+1 Supporter)

  3. No

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  1. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    DISCLAIMER: This thread is more to draw attention to the fact that for some of the community (obviously including myself), we feel as if we're missing out when we level with friends because it's less efficient. I am aware that there are better fixes for the issue I'm describing than increasing party XP. The existence of totems still does not make this problem okay.

    Recently I asked here how party XP works, and the only real credible source is the wiki, which says when someone in your party kills a mob within 20 blocks of you, you get an additional 20% XP from that mob, and the original killer still gets 100% of the normal XP.

    While this bonus XP is nice, as a whole it still discourages people from grinding with their friends since it's less efficient. It's almost always going to be more efficient to grind by yourself in one spot as you will be able to kill more mobs and therefore get more XP. There are very few to no places where mob spawn rates are high enough to warrant a party and still get enough XP, and even then you aren't really benefitting.

    I think to encourage grinding with friends there should be grind spots with very very high spawn rates (even the current grind spots with grind mobs aren't close enough to need this. Sure, it helps to grind with others in these spots but only really with totems).

    Another great solution would be to increase the bonus XP from 20% to 100%. This way there is no loss when someone is fighting alongside you and you can actually benefit from the extra player (and it would just be more enjoyable and sustainable) without losing efficiency. In order to help remedy allowing AFK leveling (one person kills with another nearby) you could make it so you only get XP if you got at least 1 hit on the mob, or perhaps you must attack SOMETHING every few seconds or risk not getting the bonus XP.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
    ZockerCam likes this.
  2. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    this is essentially just what mob totems do without increased mob spawns

    i do think it could be interesting to make party xp more effective but even as it is i don't think it's that problematic? i don't think the inefficiency of grinding w/ friends is that bad all things considered, you might lose out on a few mob kills but the loss seems generally minimal
  3. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Yes it would be like mob totems. I dislike that you need to use a payed feature to play with friends.

    Also I disagree that the loss is minimal. If you’re decent at kiting and killing efficiently then the loss is fairly significant. Significant enough that I specifically avoid leveling new classes with friends and grinding with friends as opposed to leveling on my own as it would be much faster.
    ZockerCam likes this.
  4. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I disagree, I think having it at 100% would encourage not fighting instead of encouraging grinding, and idling may become a larger issue then as well.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  5. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Should have clicked yes but with some changes since 100% is way, way too much. I agree 20% is too low but 100% would make grinding on your own pointless since you would get way less xp. I think a much better compromise would be doubling it to 40%, maybe 50% on the high end, but 100% is just way too high.
    7Red_Dragon7 likes this.
  6. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    I agree. Salted always said that he wants to make players come together and fight, do quests or discover the world with friends. Grinding should be no exception.
    What all the people who disagree didnt get is, that if we have 100% shared xp in a party it is the same XP gain as if you would grind alone. It doesnt give some players more xp, but it makes the grinding a lot more fun and a bit easier too.

    It is true. At the moment its just not a good idea to grind with friends. If you do that you theoretically get 40% less XP (so the player gets 60%) as if you would grind alone (if we pretend that the 2nd player gets 50% of the mob kills)
    And thats not everything. If we add a 3rd player to the party it gets even worse. If all of the 3 players have the same amount of mob kills every player gets only 46% of the XP he would get if he/she would grind alone. If we add a 4th friend the player only gets 40% of the XP he would normally get.

    PROBLEM SOLVED: And for all people who say this would encurage doing nothing.. it could be made so that if more than 5 or more people are in a party this XP gain gets less and less
    problem solved... read above
    you didnt do your maths. If you think about how the XP thing works you can see that those 100% are a great suggestion
    the loss is theoretically 40% with 2 players, 46% with 3 players and 60% with 4 players
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2020
    Theeef likes this.
  7. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I think you're looking at the xp numbers without taking into account how much easier and safer it is to grind in a group. Grinding in a group shouldn't give anywhere near the same amount of xp as grinding alone since by virtue of being in a group you're taking a lot less risk and have a lot more ability to kill mobs a lot faster. Even with a single partner, you have the potential to do way, way more then 100% more damage since 4/5 classes have a really strong group utility. That's why I'm against having it at 100%, because at 100% it makes grinding with a partner way, way more efficient then grinding alone without any downside.

    I also don't see why people want to grind in a group anyways, there's plenty of group activities already (LI, Eye, Forgery dungeons and the most obvious of them all, guilds) and raids are coming soon. If you want to play with friends, do one of those things

    The issue here clearly isn't the xp spread anyways, it's the issue that was actually presented about not having any areas with high enough spawn rates for parties to make sense. Increasing the xp gain is like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound.
  8. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    Thats interesting and somewhat reasonable.
    But a few things dont make sense to me.

    1) Are there any Grinding Spots with mobs that strong that you cannot solo them easily? (exept Glowbulb cave maybe?). I dont think so. Why should the security aspect go into this debate then. Everyone can solo those spots and yes it would be easier but since you dont die anyways it doesnt make much of a difference in my opinion. 4

    2) Yes you can kill mobs faster if you grind in a group. But that is exacly what would make group grinding interesting. I always like when people play the game together and I respect your opinion that you dont see the need for more group activities, but if someone likes to solo grind thats still possible.

    Thats basically the same thing. You encurage people to have grind parties and I like that. But the difference between the two ideas is that in your suggestion you NEED a party to solo and in the suggestion this thread is about you CAN have a party.

    But what you said got me thinking. Some of your ideas and opinions are actually reasonable.
    Thats why I had this new idea:
    All new endgame grinding spots spawn more mobs (or stronger mobs) if more people are near the grinding spot. On top of that the XP share is bigger (like 40-60%% or so).
    What do you think about that??
    It was interesting to talk with you about it ^-^
    Thanks :D
    Theeef likes this.
  9. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I wouldn't have any issues if they added something like that, but I really think that's starting to sound a lot like raids. Going back a little to what I said before, I think the reality is that Wynn at its core really isn't build for cooperative play. Every mechanism in the game pushes the player to optimize individual DPS so the idea of a tank or support don't really exist in the same way they do in other games since even if you spec into being a tank, the build is essentially useless in a party if you can't output a high amount of damage.

    If the devs really wanted to fix this issue, they would need to nerf the players potential to be strong, especially at higher levels which would include basically ruining mythics since their power is way out of line with anything else in the game, they would need to implement some sort of agro system so a tank class player can actually work and finally they would need some sort of shielding system so tanks can actually block damage from support. Since none of that is ever happening, I don't think multiplayer content can work.
  10. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Its a good idea in theory, but as explained above, 100% is far too high, especially considering that a party of players can easily defeat any grind mob, meaning that players would effectively gain way more xp than on their own because the party can kill faster. In addition, I can see players abusing this to afk in their friend's party and gain tons of xp without doing anything. Maybe 50%-60% would be good.
  11. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Promoting this shit, even if the numbers aren't great or there's a better solution I just wanna be able to level with friends without feeling like I'm missing out. Wynncraft is currently a single player game with multiple players, not an MMORPG.
  12. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Maybe not having 100% but 75% would be more balanced.
  13. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    Another solution I think you guys are missing unless I missed it(didn't read all replies)
    Would be to increase the radius in which party members gain bonus xp from the 20 blocks to something much higher maybe 50?
    And then have large grind spots added, such locations, could be complex cave systems, where tunnels intersect every now and then so you and your friends could spread out though out them, gain xp and if you would need help from your friend fighting mobs you could have epic moments where you meet at tunnel inter sections just in time to save each other.
    So the party xp and mob density would remain the same but the overall xp gained from parties would increase
  14. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    If party xp and mob density are the same then you’re still grinding less efficiently when you are with others. I’m not trying to make parties better than solo, I’m trying to make them as efficient as going solo because right now if you are grinding in a party then you are grinding slower.
  15. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Just noticed your replies here and thought you explained shit really well. Mind if I include some of your comments in the main thread tomorrow with credit?
  16. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    please use it if you want ^^
    I love being mentioned :D
    Have a nice day!
    Theeef likes this.
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