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World Unsoloable Endgame Bosses

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by CrunchyCol, Oct 28, 2020.


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  2. I like some of it, but not all (tell me please?)

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  3. I don't really like any of it, but it could do with these changes (tell me?)

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  4. Naw

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  1. Ascendant_

    Ascendant_ Well-Known Adventurer

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    Strobelight, take it or leave it
  2. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I first want to say you clearly put thought into this, which is more than I can say for most suggestions. The ideas here are really good, but I think adding in any content which can't be soloed is something which can't be done for the sake of doing it. People are constantly complaining about Bob's tomb requiring three people, and they've been complaining for something like 7 years now because it gates important content behind other players being in the same spot as you. I think having the Eye require multiple people would lead to the same response since it's required for the final discovery, the final quest and eventually the portal to Dern (when that gets added in 5-10 years lol).

    People still complain about quests like ???, but it isn't nearly as often since the quest doesn't really reward you for the effort (it does for some, but most players don't care about grinding dungeons in massive parties once they hit 105, they either quit or do profs or something). Basically, for most people, there isn't a real reason to do ???, and even if they just want to complete, there isn't any real urgency. By gating something like the eye, you're stopping somebodies progression until they find a party, which might never happen. (see LI and EO now)

    I'm not against having a boss, or bosses which require multiple people, but I think having the boss be part of the "story" or having it drop a really good item for everybody is just a problematic idea.
    Druser and CrunchyCol like this.
  3. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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    Yeah when reading the comments on this thread I kinda came to that realization. I think locking content behind unsoloable bosses just doesn't fit into how Wynn is built right now. If Wynn has some QoL changes that make playing with other people easier and more fun then the conversation might take a turn, but as of right now it's just not ideal. I also commented earlier about an idea with separate instances with different difficulties depending on how many people are fighting the boss at a time:
    If that concept was also applied to a dungeon then that might spice up the endgame even more. Essentially the more people you have, the farther you can go into the dungeon, and the more bosses you can fight. It'd go (level 1 dungeon)->(level 1 boss)->(level 2 dungeon)->(level 2 boss)->(level 3 dungeon)... etc. Once you die you'd have to start over at the level 1 dungeon, or something that makes those higher levels extremely difficult to get to with a group. Obviously that would be an insane amount of work, and there would have to be some endpoint, but you would only be able to enter the higher levels of the dungeon if you had a certain amount of people. The biggest problem with that (imo) would be coming up with reward tiers for each level, which I don't really have many ideas for. I think if this specific "unending (which is unrealistic)" dungeon suggestion did come to fruition, then perhaps there shouldn't be any unique rewards for the higher levels, but just extra non-equipment items, like runes or powders or something. Anyway, I'm just tossing stuff out there in the hope that something sticks in a CT member's brain lol.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  4. KikiTheKiko

    KikiTheKiko Local Wizard HERO

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    My only two cents with this, don't make it a quest, simple as that. Then you won't have solo players feeling like they have to do it or else they have an uncompleted questbook. This would help at least mitigate the number of complaints people have about having something non-soloable.
  5. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    accurate(not me btw, also this without any wynncon specific items)
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