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World Nerf For The Geyser Pit Boss Altar

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by alproy, Sep 27, 2020.


Do you agree with my Ideas?

  1. Yes

  2. No (explain or... just say another possible nerf)

  3. No because I find it easy

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  1. alproy

    alproy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    In 1.19, The Wynn team decided to buff the geyser pit boss, as it was too easy for many, though i support their decision and I liked the new boss, he is just too hard for even lvl 100 build. here are the reasons why is he too hard:

    *High damage: even to warrior with high defense, the boss punch like the orange wybel, even though this altar is 10 levels below it.

    *Minion swarm: all of the boss minions can explode and even if they dont, getting hit by them is the equivelent of getting hit by the boss, thus you feel like avoiding 6 wybels in their phase IV at the same time.

    *Phase II of the boss being even more tedious then the wybel phase II and IV: I tried multiple times to fight this boss. once you kill his first form, he will go berserker and start to act like the orange wybel, HOWEVER, he is even more deadly as he have push and pull in his spell arsenal in that phase. not only that but in most of my attempts, he took a whole 5-8 minutes to finaly decide to blow up to the final phase, making it even worse then the wybel.

    Possible nerfs:

    *Killable minions:
    all of the boss minions have a whoping 5mil hp, and 5mil hp regen, so in other words, you can't kill them, and they are fast and deadly. my idea is just to slow them down and drasticly lower their hp (and damage) to allow the player to kill them instead of getting swarmed.

    *Phase II having much shorter time: there is no much to explain it, just make it go through like 1 or 2 spell cycels instead of 100 so you can go to phase III within this decade.
    •WhiteWolf• likes this.
  2. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    I would like to acknowledge that the reason that being swarmed by the minions is even possible is because of the bug of mobs frequently bugging out of bounds. The Geyser Pit minions are supposed to stay under the ground in the tunnels below you, which would make it where the player needs to either 1. simply be prepared to dodge with a movement spell if a minion comes towards you or 2. fight in a small area where there are no tunnels below you. The main mech has push and pull as a way to counter the latter. This would actually be a pretty cool fight if it worked as intended due to needing this type of arena awareness.

    Of course, this doesn't happen. The minions in Geyser Pit decide that these boundaries do not exist and decide that they need to ruin your day instead, which is why they are on the field rather than in the ground. It makes the boss altar arguably the most bs boss since Wybel, because it is almost entirely up to RNG of whether or not one of them decides to kamikaze you back to Corkus. Hell, I've had people do it with me at 100 and they've died out of nowhere because the explodobots decided their time had come.

    I can say pretty much the same for any boss with a suicide phase. Personally, I think suicide phases are fine in concept and practice when utilized correctly, but the larger issue is their timer is buggy. Using Geyser Pit as an example, I believe it is supposed to be around the same time as Wybel's fourth phase, and sometimes it is. Other times, the game doesn't work and leaves me in there for 9 minutes and 47 seconds. How you go about making suicide strike timers to begin with is beyond me, but you have to make them consistent if you're going to use them, and currently they aren't. If you can't make them consistent, then I wouldn't mind them being removed entirely.

    In short, Geyser Pit doesn't need a nerf, but it does need its bugs to be fixed. They probably already have fixed them on their end and are waiting for a map push to occur, though.
  3. alproy

    alproy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1) Im glad for your response

    2) I like to say that their gotdamn blast radios is big enough to still hit you, and movment spell barely helps unless you have speed VII cuse thats the speed those blasted mechs move at

    3) I am fully aware that all of this is made out of bugs

    4) I swear only this boss act like this, every time i ran LI out of my 60 runs (yes i almost got medalion) the cybel died rather quickly then when you describing, same with the regular wybel. and you can't really compare this boss to anything else as the 3 only bosses in wynn that use this tactic are cybel, wybel, and the geyser pit boss (that guy from ariea of recluse doesn't count)
  4. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    The former wouldn't be an issue if these bugs didn't exist. If they were underground, their AI wouldn't be able to zoom straight over to you in a heart beat because of what I had described earlier, i.e standing in small areas where there are no tunnels under you. If the boss manages to push/pull you towards a blast zone, you just need to react quick enough to get out of that blast zone in time before they get a chance to explode.
    Due to the layout of the tunnel system as well, usually just moving to the opposite side of where one bot may be is enough. Wynn's pathfinding AI in regards to normal mobs won't be able to properly figure out how to go from point A to point B in a maze like structure like that.
    Me and many others have had it where Cybel/Wybel randomly decide to just leave you in there for 5 or more minutes. I also have run LI for medallion, and close enough to get two medallions if I am to include my brother's account, and it has happened at the very least 1/4 of the time I fight them. And yes, I count Urdar because he is a part of the boss and is centered around the idea of this suicide mechanic.
    Saya likes this.
  5. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    I just finished the boss as a lvl 90 assassin, and from what I can tell, it requires a lot of use from your movement spell. As in, use of the spell ALL THE TIME. The minions should be avoided or dodged using it, as well as the boss when he starts to chain charges. By right, you should circle the arena, to avoid being swarmed, and watch for minions under the ground.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2020
  6. •WhiteWolf•

    •WhiteWolf• Traumatised. HERO

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    This fight was frantic for me on mage, even though I had great sustain from koh and all the ms/int from morph. The main problem I’ve had doing the altar was how long the invulnerable phase lasts. I thought it had bugged the first time and almost left the room. I feel like the 2nd phase should only be short, and on a timer so that vanish/blindness/range don’t disrupt it (something similar for wybel too maybe?)
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