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List Of Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Pinkie, Sep 20, 2020.


What the most important things of those to add/rework?

Poll closed Sep 20, 2021.
  1. PVP: New currency for killing people

    5 vote(s)
  2. New Quality: Untradable and hard obtainable items with good attributes

    6 vote(s)
  3. Co-op Dungeons: Impossible dungeons that requires party with good knowledge

    14 vote(s)
  4. Professions: Reworking the crafted items so they can be better than legendaries on maximum level

    2 vote(s)
  5. All of these

    1 vote(s)
  6. None of them, useless trash, I will continue playing game as it is.

    5 vote(s)
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  1. Pinkie

    Pinkie Travelled Adventurer

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    So, I am playing Wynncraft for a good amount of time and got to the 80th level. I do enjoy story they made, and I am afraid, that that's the main reason I stayed. Except great lore and high quality quests - there is nothing to do, except grinding levels til max, but what if we already at endgame, without nothing left?

    Today, I want to cover the Endgame and some mechanic problems, that I've called "boredom". When you already at your max, and you saw all quests and bosses - you have pretty much nothing to do, except:

    • Creating new character

    • Hunting mythics

    • Hunting and being hunted

    • Trying to get best loadout

    • Grinding professions

    "But, Pinkie, I see at least 5 things to do!" - oh boy, you'll be wrong... Let me explain:

    1. Creating new character, just to try out other abilities can be a really good choice for those, who bored, but for real - you can lvl up til maximum for 2-3 hours of grinding, and you'll return to the "boredom" again eventually.

    2. This thing is obviously useless, since you can get pretty much any mythic by lootruns and some time, so that's not the real reason to stay - it's not fun at all, and you'll eventually return back to the "boredom".

    3. Well, player killing seems like a really nice reason to stay for a bit, since you can encounter some buffed players and see who's pp is bigger, but being hunted also means "being in danger 24/7", especially when you're the only hunted on the world and everybody there to get you. Also, pvp in wynncraft wasn't developed well, to be entertaining, since there is 4 spells, 2 of 4 you won't use or use rarely.

    4. Bruh. If you already got to the maximum, you hundred percent having a good loadout to grind dungeons easily. You still can try to make some fun loadout, but it eventually become boring.

    5. BIG B R U H. I see NO reason for professions to exist. There is alot of items from dungeons, that's are better than any crafted for sure. Yes, you can possibly craft a piece of armor, that will be good with specific loadout, but you will never use it for something else. And don't try to defend profs, because you wasted your time (and maybe money) to get one or few professions til maximum - accept the fact that you spent your life on useless thing that can't bring you fun.
    Also, some people were complaining about uselessness of crafted items. Yes, you can sell them to blacksmith and get profit, or trying to make piece of armor with specific attributes that will work with other items and boost it up, but still its just minor things and drop loot will always be better, than crafted things.

    So, what do we have? 5 pretty strange ways of spending your spare time without quests and new level, in awaiting for a new update, that will come out someday, someday, someday...


    New Quality: I suggest to add new quality of items, that will be better than legendaries and fabled, also they will have set bonuses, but will be always untradable, because untradable items need to be better than regular ones, just because they always been earned by hard work, such as dungeon completion, and boss beating. I suggest to make this quality obtainable by hard grinding quests or impossible dungeons, that requires at least 3-4 people with straight hands to complete it and get their well-deserved loot, or high levels of professions to collect some untradable weed.
    For the people who will try to criticize this suggestion: New Quality will add more reasons to stay for the people, because hard dungeons and hard quests are always entertaining to do and will bring fun if you're doing them together with someone, because of how impossible dungeon becomes without proper party. (next suggestion btw). Also, lack of untradable items makes lootruns exists, because mythics are valuable in wynncraft community. Yes, if we'll make them untradable, then lootruns won't be as useful, as before, buy this will faq up the game economy. So I suggest to add new quality.

    Coop Dungeons: In Wynncraft there is no cooperation between players - all dungeons and quests, except maybe ??? and Bob's Tomb can be done with one player, and that's cool, because wynncraft is single player mmorpg, where mmo stays for auction and ability to talk with each other, rarely even meeting and fighting alongside (I've met my first player, that was doing the same quest, as me at, around, 35th level, and didn't even cared about him pretty much). But, why don't make some dungeons hard af, that requires specific knowledge of it and a good buffed party to complete it? This will make every walkthrough highly rewarded, satisfying and enjoyable! And don't forget about new items quality!
    For those who will complain: In Wynncraft you can play with someone but you don't forced to. Most parts of the game was made to be solo, rather than multiplayer, even if you will go into dungeon or quest with someone - you won't get anything additional. I think, that adding impossible dungeons to cooperate people with eachother is essential to make multiplayer more important.

    PVP: The pvp system needs a rework. Idk about damage reduction for players when they get hit by another, but I hope damage is at least halfed. Adding a pvp gear that requires some sort of new currency that can be only obtainable by killing people, will make hunted mod rewarding, because pvp equipment will increase their pvp damage, for example.

    Professions: Professions should be obviously reworked and I bet there is alot of people, who thinks the same way. In my opinion, you need to add more slots, at least til 9, just to make them better than rares, or completely rework this system, to grant people crafted items better than legendaries on maximum level.
    If you attentive enough, you will see that I wasn't talking about prices of crafted items. Yes, you can sell them to blacksmith to get money, or do silly sets under mythics, but you'll never use them for regular gameplay. Wynncraft needs a rework of crafted items, because you spend alot of time grinding profs and getting nothing, except money in return.

    Shaman Haul: Seriously, this thing is soo broken.

    Alright, tell me your opinion about these suggestions, and add yours in the comments below!
    100klemonreimu likes this.
  2. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Nerf pvp poison (maybe half or 1/3 damage, needs testing), add pvp exclusive gears, don't make ID'ed gears drop on death
    Hunted gives incentives for profers who want to level up faster but at least, in my opinion I don't think it is worth risking your items to do that

    I kinda disagree on this, some crafted items gives quite a lot of mana or damage with decent durability. For example, this gives 5/4 mana steal and a shit lot of fire damage and spell damage in exchange of walk speed. Yes it kinda sucks but it is more than good for spell builds which does fire damage. Also it uses Ashen Hide (which is less than luxroots) for durability so it gives more than 300 dura.
    Profession has its problems, but I don't think it is crafting. Instead, it is a mindless, unfun grind because the ONLY way to level up is fetching items to gathering posts or go gather things yourself. So it looks basically like old wynncraft, where there are only 3 quests for level 90s. They have to do something to make this not-so-boring. Current state of profs is that people wait for dxp weekend (or maybe not) and profession bombs, which is not good.
    For combat xp you even have dungeons and quests, but there is nothing for profs! They should make quests that have something to do with professions (Cook assistant is a fetch quest, but it is great because it includes combat and profs). If they want to make profs an actual content they must do this.

    Nova stated that there isn't much multiplayer content, which a lot of people agreed. Adding such thing would make wynn looks more like an actual MMORPG. However it is quite hard to make lol
    Dr Zed likes this.
  3. Pinkie

    Pinkie Travelled Adventurer

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    I like how you agreed and disagreed with some places, which I REALLY appreciate, and instead of yelling how profs or coop good in wynn (which is obviously not) you told some damn good facts. I agree with you about profs needs to become more part of quests. In Aion, for example, there is a long quest, that requires 3 professions til maximum to complete it and get op pve untradable set which is obviously worth it. Why don't add something same to wynncraft?

    (P.S: Aion it's an korean mmorpg btw)
  4. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I really don't see a point in adding a new rarity, I was already suprised when they added Fabled. I honestly don't see another one coming in the next few years. It just feels useless. Enough is enough.

    coop dungeons yes I have wanted this for so long

    Yeah we need a PvP rework, that's pretty clear and I support that, but I don't like the currency system. PvP should be more of a "balanced for everyone", not "if you kill many people you turn op".

    Crafted items can already be OP, you can literally replicate mythics. I don't see a point in buffing them.
    Melkor, TrapinchO and StormKing3 like this.
  5. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Not sure about that one

    There's actually quite a lot of things to do that are difficult by yourself and you need others, like legendary island, the hive and Eldritch Outlook is no easy task by yourself

    Oh Lord don't

    *a lot

    And good gravy you got really shouty at the end lol, thanks for sharing though. I did get your idea of removing/reworking professions I've felt like that too, I don't think hunted mode should even have any serious rewards to it, needs a revamp for me.

    P.S. You're not even max level yet, which doesn't stop you from making a suggestion but you make frequent references to how boring the server is at max level - something you have not quite done yet
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    New quality: No. Just make them untradable fableds and there you go
    Coop dungeons: Pretty much suggested by Novalescent already
    PVP: please bring back the nether (and the currency idea is pretty epic)
    Professions: Doesn't need to be reworked at all because you can already create mythic-tier items as long as you have the skill to do it. I want a way to add Major IDS to them though. Also, professions DO have a reason to exist. Salted has stated that the intention is for people who LIKE grinding to do them and sell them on the market so that it helps the whole community.
    Shaman haul: First of all, why is this on the list. Second of all, no it is not overpowered because flight requires skill and a good mana build, plus you have to aim your totem as well as cast 2 spells at once.

    Once again, some good suggestions.
  7. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    But still you CAN do it by yourself. And technically LI has nothing to do with multiplayer because the bosses are still the same health and having the same abilities. EO is okay because wretches are wayyyyyy more frequent in solo than in groups, but you can still solo it without much skill (depends on build).
    Also I want to mention a dungeon called "Sand-swept tomb", which, in my opinion, is VERY multiplayer-unfriendly because players are SPLIT UP.
    some of the things he mentioned is right, like grinding profs are boring as fuck and PvP being too unbalanced.
    In general, an RPG which lacks frequent regular updates would get boring. What he talked about crafting is wrong, but still profs is STILL so boring.
  8. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I should probably also mention that I have always thought of ways to make profession grinding fun and all of them would just make it take longer
  9. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    I agree with most of the things you've said, endgame content is very lacking, but some of the solutions are pretty lukewarm
    Yeah just ignoring the fact that adding an entirely new tier and balancing them out for baselines, I don't see how this would really 'fix' wynn. I see this as just moving the goalpost, now you're going to have fun with the new superhard dungeon of doom but once you get your item, what then? You don't really have anything to use it on, and we just end up at the same problem as before. Plus I really don't think gear should be locked behind co-op, and if it is, you would need to consider a whole boatload of problems. EO was supposed to be a raid dungeon, but now we have people soloing it without hp pots. Hell we even have people nohitting it. Don't forget about how it's almost impossible to find someone to open bob's tomb let alone try doing a dungeon 10 or whatever number of times. I also don't really see how this really is a problem in the first place. Qira hive's items are basically what you just said, and adding these wouldn't really change that much.

    I would love an impossible dungeon that's super hard to do, a new challenge imo is needed in Wynn, EO is just a bit stale now, sure ETW is still very fun to try, but it kind of lost that charm. However, trying to add a dungeon to give really good gear (see my point above) just isn't a good idea. First, you would need to factor in how hard the dungeon can be. It would still need to be possible with morph users, and people using sp pots, so the dungeon can't get too difficult. Maybe scaling difficulty depending on party size would work, but that's already happening with corrupted dungeons next update... Actually, a lot of the dungeon changes are in the next update anyways, keys can now fit 4 people at once, new reward box for corrupted dungeons that can give you mythics, dungeons scaling with parties so they don't become too easy with them. Don't forget how EO was supposed to be the hard dungeon, but you can argue that EO is still a challenge, it's just that good players are being well, good.

    Yeah PvP really needs a rework, a new currency would actually be pretty nice, but then again trying to make all those items again but pvp compatible would be hell, tbh I don't really see why PvP was in Wynn in the first place as a mode. Duels are fine but as a mode with 50% xpb? Kinda ehhhhhhh. But yeah i mostly agree with this.

    Another thing where I completely agree on the problem but disagree on the solution. 9 slots to crafteds wouldn't 'fix' them, they would just be busted. The main reason people don't use crafteds is the dura. Crafteds should be better than legendaries (tbh legendaries don't even mean anything anymore just look at vaccum or couriers cape), they just shouldn't be straight busted. And for the most part, crafteds are better than rares, and most items at low level, it's just that dura is such an annoying downside that people decide not to use them, even though you can get very op shit with them. Plus I don't see how that would 'fix' endgame content, that's just the same problems with buildmaking apparently to you.

    Uhhhh, not really? Unless there's some mega super op dupe glitch with it or some dumb shit I don't really see how it's broken lol.

    But yeah most of these problems I agree on a lot, Wynn endgame is lacking hard, but there are some things imo that could help fix them, guild rework maybe, more money making methods, and some new challenge (Though I kinda doubt that there would be a challenge that would be really hard). Maybe you just haven't found what you like in endgame, but I don't really blame ya cause what really is there.

    btw maybe make poll a bit non biased

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    Saya, Pinkie and Bart (MC) like this.
  10. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    A lot of these are extremely innocent suggestions that just don't work. Like "just fix the servers" level of innocent.
    Wynn's subreddit is an extremely positive and "noob" community, so that's why everyone was hyped about it there, but General Suggestions is hell.

    There is no best build. Many specific archetypes have been heavily optimized, but there's a lot of variety.

    There's way more things to do at endgame. I wouldn't say they are fun, but you just didn't list that much.

    Hey, class builds exist. Basically every slapped together new player's loadout is awful. Sure, we're basically at the upper limit of optimization, but then there's meme builds. Class builds is probably the healthiest hole to fall into.

    Adding a new tier is an awful idea.
    The only way it'll be a decent idea is if they replace fableds (or make fableds untradable instead of adding a new tier!!). Even fabled was a weird addition to the rarities, adding another is not a good idea. Replacing fableds/making fableds valuable untradables is a cool and respectable idea (that might deserve its own thread!).

    Amazing idea that's been suggested countless times. What basically everyone forgets to include is the "how". (Minecraft mob design and limitations exist, along with many other factors,,)

    Yep another idea that barely anyone says the "how" for. Dividing damage by 10 or multiplying health by 10 are the easiest "fixes", but there's still other issues.

    I don't see wynn pvp ever becoming balanced enough for pvp currency unless you're completely restricted to a small pool of exclusive gear for it. And wynn isn't that type of game.

    This shows a complete lack of knowledge. Optimized recipes are really broken (8mr and 10mr helmet, anyone? Large Lapis? Weakening Catalyst?) and 9 slots (without additional changes) will just make them even more gamebreaking.
    I do agree professions are an awful system but yikes, this isn't it.

    Nah, it's fine.

    Overall: Yep, they're definitely some newbie suggestions. Better than average, so looking forward to seeing you on discord and learning to improve them!
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
  11. Pinkie

    Pinkie Travelled Adventurer

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    Thanks, I guess?

    I'm not a newbie to the mmorpg genre, and not to cblocks ethier. I was making minecraft maps with coop included, so that everyone can get loot after, for example - boss has been defeated. It's easy enough to do in cblocks, but, in other hand - I have no clue about plugins.
    See, I'm not even sure that alot of these ideas possible in realities of minecraft server, but surely it is on map, such as coop dungeons (still 1.19 will bring us dungeon update where 1 key can hold up to 4 players or smth soo).
    For wynncraft pvp, I think they should rework alot of stuff, that been mentioned in this thread, such as defence stat being useless, or poison is too op. Maybe 50% decreased damage for players is a good idea, maybe not - we need tests to see if it will work, and you can't tell it without seeing it.

    Now about profs and new quality: yeah, fabled was weird idea, I can see it now, but wasn't sure about it. There is I think 10 or smth (I didn't count) tradable fabled items, and half of them not even useful, such as boots that allow you to shoot on horse. I agree, that instead of adding new quality, better to move all fabled items to the legendaries and make fabled untradable (or not even moving stuff). Also, the way to obtain them must be reworked: better to give them from certain dungeons with chance and high level requirements or smth, or make a quests as I suggested on new quality. About profs: eh, well, I saw many loadouts from now on, but they're all not even worth it, except those for preend and endgame, where broken mana regen and spell damage can kill anything that moves. I was thinking today, what would I do on devs place, and got to the point, that if I'm going to add more slots, then I will need to nerf some ingredients, and delete other specific ones. There is nothing we can really do to crafting, due to close relationship with economy,but at least we can make it more entertaining, such as adding quests where profs are big part of them (and you cant buy materials for them).
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Well, other people said it.

    If you make dungeons super hard to make them for 3-5 players, 1 super good player would still be able to do it and 5 bad players won't. Locking it behind super high damage/hp/regen isn't really that good idea

    Yes, PvP exclusive gear would be great, as well as some area specifically for PvP

    As other people said, it is not about the endgame rewards, but about the grind. (and to my knowledge it isn't rewarding until endgame)
  13. Pinkie

    Pinkie Travelled Adventurer

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    Oi, btw, I am new to wynncraft, yes, played for not that long to suggest major changes, but all of these are from my experience and from what I've seen and heard. Also, alot of them BASED on other mmorpgs, those are entertaining and still rule the world, such as WoW. I'm not going to say, that most of these suggestions are useful or important and alot of them should be rewritten, by using some other weird stuff and things. Still, there is alot of small stuff that requires some changes, and I won't tell them, at least now - seems like people here don't really enjoy changes...
    (not talking about everyone, but still...)

    Don't judge by hours and level - It's the same as judging by clothes.
  14. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Not really.
    There is a difference between newbie with max lv.30 and veteran who completed several classes.
    Yes, it shouldn't be "you are new, shut up".
    No, it shouldn't be "you are just stupid".

    Newbies often do not know all game mechanics or know them well enough.

    I am not saying newbies can't do good suggestions.
    Aya, Melkor, Pinkie and 2 others like this.
  15. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    That's not the issue, the issue is making them an actual challenge.

    You definitely can, with enough knowledge about game mechanics and how they affect the game. That's why a 90% damage reduction for pvp is a popular idea (despite needing more work like adjusting poison)

    There's many good suggestions made by both new and long-time players. Just because your suggestions have issues doesn't mean we hate change.
    You do realize many thought-out suggestions and changes have already been implemented into the game, right?

    Calling them newbie suggestions is because of how flawed/innocent they are, not because of your playtime/level.
    Not gonna lie though, they do apply a bit here- you're talking about an endgame that you haven't even experienced.

    Don't act like everyone's the bad guy. Your suggestions seriously need work.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
  16. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Saying that crafted items are bad because they're only useful in a few builds is silly: that's true of virtually every item in the game. That's literally why there are so many different items.

    That aside, I'd recommend getting to endgame before making assumptions about it. I agree that professions are terrible, and that right now there isn't a lot of co-op (and for good reason), but there's still a fair bit to do at endgame, and replayability is a lot better than you think.
  17. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    crafteds are op lol
  18. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    And that's why you play the game instead of rushing to the end-game
    The issue isn't the spells
    The issue is that poison can kill people you didn't intend to even kill and that high damage agility builds are great thanks to being able to one-shot and impossible to hit
    Which can all be solved by making agility not a gamble and making defense actually do its job against poison
    I'm not a fan of hunted mode because I'm not a fan of dropping my items in the first place (I have traumas with the old Soul point system alright) but I don't think it is a bad mode, it is just the dropping items what terrifies most
    That's why they are changing this in the next update, so the forgery is now actually hard
    Also if you haven't done Eldritch Outlook yet, buckle up, you are gonna suffer unless you bring a whole gang in
    The main issue is that gathering professions have to be leveled up in the first place (which are an absolute pain to do) and the fact most of the ingredients in the game are either useless due to how bad they are (some level 10 ingredients are worse than level 1 ingredients, specially the walk speed ones) or because they give stats noone cares about (yeah, apparently soul point regen is a thing, and so is reflection)
    What professions need is less grinding for the sake of grinding, more ingredients and ingredient balancing
    And along with the lack of an in-game party searching system, here is the main issue
    Also hard =/= good, Misadventures of the sea is a pretty easy quest in my opinion and it has to be one of the best quests in the game right now, definitely the biggest highlight in the first 30 levels of the game
    We may just make mythics untradable if that's the case honestly, I see no point to a new rarity
    It would be cool if mythics were like ultimate rewards in the forgery or something now that I think about it, I would definitely be better than praying to god 5 times a day and doing the same exact lootrun and the same exact objectives every single day for a full week (which might turn into a month if you aren't blessed by god, 4 years if you are me and your first mythic happens to be the worst pure in the entire game ever seen, let's go 0% ms and sd roll)
    I mean I don't disagree that the game lacks coop content but once again, this won't do well without an actual party searching system in the actual game, Discord and the forums are far from good enough at this
    I think this suggestion might interest you

    Bart (MC) likes this.
  19. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Just gonna say that I recently came up with a build using fatal that reaches 33k meteor damage on AVERAGE, and still has over 16k health. mana regen isn't a problem because of bonder. Purely because of condensed darkness.

    In reality though, the best thing that should be done is to increase the amount of durability items have by a small bit, maybe 50 (Actually, durability is ok in late game recipes. It's really early game that it sucks). Or add more dura increasing ingredients.
  20. 100klemonreimu

    100klemonreimu Poison Warrior Supermacy

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    Maybe professions should give extra stats like hypixel skyblock and probably make it more effectively and easily upgraded. They also deserve more uniqueness as the current professions are just either lefi/right click and wait, or by crafting useless materials into useless things. (just like now I still play very well at 40~ level without profession things, and I bet in the late game professions will be even more useless)
    fishcute likes this.
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