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Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Danity-, Sep 12, 2020.


Should there be an optional staking feature when dueling

  1. Yes i like robbing kids of emeralds

    14 vote(s)
  2. No im a bad pvper

    18 vote(s)
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  1. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    I guess the principle is good, but the poll is what everyone is hating on rn
    Andyroo_88 and Zuxian like this.
  2. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    It is not biased tho, everyone gets shit in the poll
    Those who vote yes are called disgusting and morally messed up people
    Those who vote no are called bad at the game

    It is kinda fair when you think about it
    Samsam101, ThedumbOX and Castti like this.
  3. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    I am not sure why vote no is called "bad at the game"
    Just because some people disagree with him because reasons does not mean that they are "bad", but it means they are "unlucky" and "bad at PVP, which isn't even a content".

    And not all people who want this are "morally messed up" or "like to rob kids of emeralds" either.

    Polls like these only shows how immature the OP is.

    P.S. I soloed the eye with 2 random builds I slaped on with my warrior and assassin, feel free to call me bad
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2020
    Samsam101, Andyroo_88 and Emogla3 like this.
  4. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    but... why does it need to be either? What's the point?
  5. Zuxian

    Zuxian Professional Duelist. VIP+

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    the definition of scamming i have already told you in this thread.

    I make clear rules before the fight and only fight if they agreed to the rules.

    yet some losers tend not to pay up wen they lose.
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Then repeat it.

    And fight only trustworthy people.

    How EXACTLY would it work?
    I challenge someone for a duel and then...?
  7. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Whether you find it funny or not however that's a different matter
    Danity- and Zuxian like this.
  8. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Then this deserves to stay in vip plaza more than in general suggestions. It is a really nasty and unfunny joke (if you find it funny then whatever). This is almost equivalent to something like this:
    Maybe a bit exaggerated but that is just a demonstration of a BAD poll, it just assumes and overgeneralizes what people in both sides are thinking. And if you are thinking THIS way,
    Then he basically admitted he is disgusting and morally messed up people HIMSELF.
    Samsam101 and TrapinchO like this.
  9. Zuxian

    Zuxian Professional Duelist. VIP+

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    it's just a joke and if you don't like it then please refrain yourself to call people names.
    besides he didn't make this thread for the funny poll but for his suggestion which i find very nice.
    Andyroo_88 and Yraw like this.
  10. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    dude it's just a poll you're being wayyyy more toxic than the guy suggesting, at least he knew when to stop arguing. Just cause he made an unfunny joke doesn't mean oMg hE'S a DisgUstIng aNd EvIl pErSon
    Andyroo_88, RenZenthio and Zuxian like this.
  11. cirogg

    cirogg Detlas AFK Gang HERO

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    As a person that used to sweat smash ultimate and has over 1000 hours on it, which has by far the largest roster and most game mechanics, I think this analogy is absolutely garbage. For one, Smash Ultimate mechanics have it so even the best characters in the game have bad matchups with certain characters, and its also constantly being patched and doesn't have a class like warrior just sitting in the corner. Smash as a game also requires a hell of a lot more skill, than just spamming totem and haul if you were playing toxo shaman or some poison character. (i mean to be fair 2d fighters are usually harder but h can't really expect much from an mmorpg pvp wise)

    You also mentioned the fact that you sometimes beat toxo shamans with weathered. Of course will win occasionally, agility is literally lucked based lmao.

    The stuff above combined with the poor poll choices just leaves a bad aftertaste in your mouth after reading this. While I'm not against safe betting, this thread was definitely poorly executed.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  12. Zuxian

    Zuxian Professional Duelist. VIP+

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    If you had paid more attention to what i wrote instead being deluded by your ignorance you would've seen i said i beat weathered assassins and toxo shamans.

    so that we clarified let's move on to the fact you talked about my analogy which i find funny cause i dont play super smash but i do play street fighter a lot and mortal kombat.
    and before you get angry i know they are not the same but every game has one character that is the favorite and one the least. There is no need to say i'm wrong cause i spend most of my childhood time playing MMORPG/PVP games so i definitely know what i'm talking about if it comes to game knowledge or mechanics.

    and saying wynncraft doesn't patch warrior is also not true since they are working on balancing stuff out more. Aside of that there is always some class that do better than others and there will always be skill gap in those situation.

    it's poorly executed cause no one is giving suggestions. they only hating and being toxic like you. what did you benefit from hating on another comment explaining another hater?.
  13. cirogg

    cirogg Detlas AFK Gang HERO

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    I think you're confusing criticism with hate. Never did I say that the concept was a bad one, I just said that the current state of the thread was poorly executed. If you have personally played 2d fighters like street fighter and mortal kombat I really don't see how you don't recognize how luck based Wynncraft pvp really is. Also if you play street fighter and mortal kombat, why not use those as an analogy since you probably have a wider knowledge on those games?

    The fact that I can't give suggestions on this is because of the state of the suggestion. What am I supposed to suggest that hasn't been already added? Player's armor GUI, and more have already been said in the thread. Quite frankly, safe bet duels are just a hard concept to expand on and really suggest, so I was criticizing what else there was to criticize, which was your defense of the concept itself.

    I used the language "constantly being patched" when I described Smash ultimate. It has a dedicated paid team that works on patches and balancing. Wynncraft does have QA and the CT are working to fix things, but it is on a volunteer basis and quite frankly it isn't as large scale as a huge video game series with 5 games. I'm not saying that warrior will never be patched, but I am saying that it is being left in the corner.

    Also, going back to your post I quoted earlier, you said that it provides more ways more people to enjoy PvP in the endgame. You also brought up hunted but hunted itself is a whole other headache which I really don't want to dive into. I understand that people find endgame entertainment in different ways, whether it be guilds, profs, lootrunning, class-building, bosses, or pvp, but this suggestion as a whole doesn't impact any major groups and as far as I'm aware PvP central (as in hunters, not proffers, and duel enthusiasts) are not a large part of the community. Safe betting is a suggestion that could be added in the future, but it's really not anything that should be up high on the agenda.

    As for misreading your post, that is my bad, but it really doesn't change my point at all, on how luck-based Wynncraft pvp is. It's funny that we're arguing about that in a thread about safe-betting.

    Anyway if you do want to safe-bet just go to world 1 and ask a known member of the community to act as a middle man, its really not hard and if anything it increases spectators and excitement for duelers.

    (also wasn't even hating on your thread literally wouldn't mind seeing safe-betting in the future, just the fact that the thread basically turned into an argument about the current-state of Wynn PvP kind of ruined it for me)
    Dr Zed, Andyroo_88 and Yraw like this.
  14. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    Yeah it’s very annoying because tbh I’m up for this idea, the fact that people brigaded it to talk about how immature the OP is for literally telling a joke is pretty shitty. Yeah PvP is broken as shit rn too but right now that doesn’t matter because the suggestion isn’t saying pvp is luck based, it’s just some guy saying “Hey I wanna bet on duels, can I get that”. If you’re going to call out the poll, call it out, but at least listen to what he’s saying. People legit just see PvP in the title and are like “oH bOy tImE tO teLl hOw pVp bAd hAhA”. Yeah pvp is shit right now I completely agree but there’s no point in arguing here.
    Andyroo_88, Zuxian and RenZenthio like this.
  15. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    I'm up for this as long as there's an option to not duel for money
    (Also, the idea of someone wearing AOR, or simply slapping on a Warp and tping to Llevigar from Detlas is worrying for me too. I think the dueling system itself needs an upgrade if this were implemented)
    Andyroo_88 and TrapinchO like this.
  16. Zuxian

    Zuxian Professional Duelist. VIP+

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    addressing everyone on the fact that pvp is unstable now, i will say i agree. some classes just are just unfair compared to the others.
    This however doesn't mean safe-betting is something irrelevant cause you could do a lot with it in the end game if being coded.

    I also said hunted is sort of PVP and they tried to make it PVP, but failed miserably. Why?, simply cause the hunters are shaman toxo and defending farmers.
    and even if people try to hunt they will be look up-down on. (multiple people hate me for hunting profs).

    As for having a commonly know figure on WC1 be as a witness wont help against betting. wynncraft discord is filled with friend politics and untrustworthy people encouraging scams even though i have hard evidence of them scamming. skid poopoo even encouraged to scam people. ( 1 example )
  17. Rothboy

    Rothboy Well-Known Adventurer

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    I read some of discussions and i would like to add some things:

    1)the poll is biased, change please. I get it is a joke, but add serious options too. I guess i woudnt feel good if i was against this suggestion, wanted to vote no and had to admit that i suck at pvp

    2)there is a lot of luck involved in wynn pvp, but there is still a little bit of skill with builds and spell cycling.

    3) wynn pvp is indeed unbalanced, the items were made for pve. But i dont see why this feature shoudnt be added. If you dont like pvp, dont duel. If you want to duel but not to bet, dont bet. If you dont want to duel ppl with toxo, dont duel ppl with toxo. I support this feature because it adds a little extra to duels. The point is, this will impact for better the experience of some players, while having NO impact to the others. Duels, and in this case the betting, are voluntary, it is just an extra feature, it adds to the gameplay of some and dont make a difference to the others

    4) how would this have scams???? This literally prevent scams like mentioned before, when for example you duel betting 10eb and the liser just logs off. I dont see how this system would have scams

    5) This actually has a very good collateral effects. You know when you are at a grind party or doing dungeons and you start a duel by mistake? If this feature is added, the betting interface would pop and you can just close it and go back to grinding, instead of having to duel it out

    6) somebody said about this being loads of code and bugs, but i disagree. I obviously cant affirm that it wont be hard bc i am no expert, but its just creating some interface before the duel,could be just like the trading one, and after the duel give the item to the winner

    7) please be more respectful to each other. This is just a suggestion, please remain open minded to it and try to understand what it is saying. if you disagree, try to respectfully pointing out what you think it is wrong. Just chill lmao. Have a good day!
    Andyroo_88 and Zuxian like this.
  18. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    The problem is, no one (to my knowledge) even tried to describe how it all would work. I disagree because it might make people think they need to bet

    Have you ever heard something about "spaghetti code"?
  19. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    1. No one kinda explained how this would work. Maybe this is a popular suggestion idk, but not explaining on something is like posting "buff warrior plz" without how to rework it, in general suggestions.
    2. Imagine if this is added and people wants to bet money or other items for duel. Is there a possibility that PvPers will say something like "oh you dont wager emeralds for duels, haha u fucking coward"? I guess so because I was called a "coward" a million times (kinda exaggerated but you know what I mean) for simply saying NO right at the faces of people who wanted to duel my tierstack ignition warrior (back in the old times when cancer-apoc exists).
    3. Adding this is useless, since 90% of the people in the community don't like pvp because of reasons, not necessarily because their pvp skills are bad. Even they managed to add this feature somehow, I don't think much players will like or enjoy it, simply because this is one of the very few good PvE servers in minecraft. It is the problem of playerbase, at least from a lot of people I know, they play this server because they don't want to pvp.
    4. The best way to promote pvp is to balance out gears or stats like poison or thorns or whatever pops up in your mind. I am pretty sure that they are NOT going to do stuff that are pointless to 90% of people (I mean staking feature), instead they want to arouse people's interest to stuff like these. Adding such staking feature just... do basically nothing. However, rebalancing PvP actually makes the whole fight more exciting gameplay wise.
    5. I guess all people here understand that this is optional but still a lot of people disagree with it.

    what Zuxian actually means is currently some people wager something on duels and they don't pay up the promised items upon losing

    IRL I know someone who actually does coding web and apps. So their experiences are, if something is wrong, debug it. After debugging, MORE BUGS appears in most of the cases. And if they have that much time to do this, I am sure that they could do some other stuff related to QoL of this game or even some more content.

    He said something like "Go cry somewhere else, nobody cares" over my first comment (which is a sarcasm of the current state of pvp), what could go wrong?
    Moreover this suggestion isn't even near good at all, it gives people a feeling like this:
    "Oh hey Salted or whoever does the coding, please add this feature because I want fight for money"
    instead of
    "A staking feature should be added to wynncraft, since dueling right now is bad and *whatever that is bad*, and adding this would make it exciting, this is how it would be executed: *whatever text or video that demonstrates this feature*."

    The biased poll even make the bad suggestion post worse, overgeneralizing everything is a way to offend people indirectly, like seriously, "robbing kids of emeralds" for yes lol
    His tone in this post doesn't even sound like a suggestion either, so why not VIP plaza?

    Have a good day :)
    TrapinchO likes this.
  20. Zuxian

    Zuxian Professional Duelist. VIP+

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    (1): It's a decent suggestion since we all know wynncraft tried to make a PVP zone for the PVP people back in the days. ( Those were very unbalanced ).
    But quite a lot of endgame people spend their time in there to PVP. of course i have only been back in 2 months and noticed a lot has changed even the cool mellow people are now super toxic. And i'm gonna be honest OP could've described the idea better but there are always haters to hate on stuff so he probably decided to keep it short.

    (2/3/4): idk man, you don't seem like a pvp person buy saying 90% of the community doesn't like pvp is exaggerating the numbers when there is no proper pvp ground to pvp on.
    And for some reason you seem to be attacked by someone asking you to duel?. like we all said you don't have to duel if you don't want it.

    And codes are indeed not easy to create or make but if you love what you do and got some time left there is no harm in adding small stuff that will probably make lots of people happy.
    most end game people are now either grinding prof mindlessly, camping trade market, leveling other classes (HIC) or class building. It's just not fun.

    Either way i think wynncraft tried to add professions cause they know endgame people are bored like how i was when i hit level 100 cap back in the days.
    you have to keep people entertained or they simply stop. and small features like this could spark things up examples: Arena's, Rankings or leaderboards. JUST AN EXAMPLE.
    it just would add an extra edge to this game already. and don't say its a bad idea cause we had this in the past but it wasn't just executed the right way.
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