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General Overall Feedback On Wynncraft And Its Current State

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Novalescent, Sep 3, 2020.

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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    But even if players knew how tedious they were, they're still not going to do them at all because they're tedious. And I honestly do not see how being forced to craft a million items you'll never use or want is good design. Imagine how much worse Minecraft would be if you were forced to craft 10 wooden swords before you could craft a stone one, or 100 iron swords before a diamond one.

    Especially when the alternative is finding weapons that are better in a nearby loot chest. This is especially troubling for newbies since the system is so complex and they see how easier the game becomes by just using obtainables. Which brings back to the problem of professions being forciblely tedious and not most people using them or even buying crafted items.
    Think about it like this: you can either put in a ton of hours leveling another class if you don't want to be forced to craft useless items and want to rely on the market for materials. Or you can put in a ton of hours leveling up professions on a single class as normal if you don't want to repeat quests or dungeons or play on another class.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
  2. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I didn't say the professions themselves were well-designed, only that the intended design of having a small number of players end up doing them was effectively worked into the design. You're talking about a completely different topic here.
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  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Well that's my whole point; there's a better way to have professions be restricted than the current system. So I'm not sure why that's a reason not to do my suggestion.
    But if you wanna talk more just DM me. We're getting off topic.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2020
  4. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    This is one of the biggest problems in my eyes - it's just like how players would only complete quests with x2 xp before the Gameplay Update. It ultimately slows down progression and makes players not want to make progress without bombs. There are a couple of easy fixes though (I think?):

    Speed up the base time to gather resources (Like 50% faster. It's so slow atm)

    Increase the gathering and crafting xp gained again (although there are going to be ID's to help this, so that's fair I guess)

    Lower the amount of resources used to craft and remove the bombs. (If you are crafting something at Dernic level with T3 mats, you'll only ever do it with a prof speed bomb to save 50% of the mats)

    I'm sure there's more to be said on this, but if I have enough ideas and thoughts about it, I'll probably make a thread.
    btdmaster, Druser and Dr Zed like this.
  5. Penguin7922

    Penguin7922 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    About item identification:
    I think there is another possible solution which is to bundle ids together and use more of a balanced curve so middle ids are more common than bad ids

    An example for this is boreal -
    it has 4 important ids (ws, mr, hpr%, hpr raw) and given current identification, 45% of rolls have 1mr, in addition, if the hpr rolls are bad, it doesnt matter anyway.
    I especially don't like this because the balance becomes a bit odd because on average it might work but it lends to the possibilities of - high rolls where its insane and low roll where its really weak
    Bundling the ids should help because if all 4 ids mattered on the same roll, theres a 6.4% chance that after 3 rolls you get below 75% of the base id for all of them.

    Rerolls help fill a really important role in voiding the suffocating amount of emeralds in the game (either from dupes or quests or blacksmithing) and horse breeding and bank spaces are non-sustainable emerald voids. There is so much inflation and for the most part its filled by loot gear and mythics. (legends have reached a nice price). If rerolls could have their exponential nature toned down, it would allow for more emerald voiding and the introduction of more, better items.

    also making a discoverer substitute better than diamond dust would be nice given how dramatic the difference between them is, make it fabled and max at like 125lb and some debuffs to make ingredient farming for non ultra rich players less demoralising since it feels like you aren't being optimal. (infringing on mythics might upset the community and therefore be a bad decision but they just seem so out of tune)
    the discoverer grants 1.4x the loot of the other one (given max rolls on all items)
    working out was (442 + 100) / (286 + 100)

    As for guilds, right now they serve as a small community with a chat and guild wars - the guild wars are kind of mundane - I think it would be cool if guild wars had a team pvp aspect and having a few notable territories so that there would be less split among the entirety of the map. Alliances could also become more official with this. Wars could be scheduled every 1 or 2 hours hopefully encouraging big meet ups. Guilds and players could get points for how many kills they get and whether there are the last standing which could make a reward system. A reward system could be down weekly where you get something similar to the proposed dungeon chests that varies in loot based on how well you helped your guild and how well your guild did. Also for any pvp sense to work custom items would need to be created specifically for something like this so there wouldn't be poison tanks or mythic unbalance.

    one last idea - a negative hp regen boss (maybe curve out the regen to stop working at a certain point) - like yahya but more interactive.
  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    About bad IDs:
    - make positives roll 0.7 to 1.3
  7. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Honestly, my issue with professions is that at times it feels more like I'm grinding for XP than for what professions actually are, item concepts that aren't a thing yet
    My only issue is the level requirements for literally starting the grind, you have to grind in order to start grinding and that is what I don't like
    And this happens even if you are just leveling 3 professions, I remember getting stuck in the 50s with my woodcutting/mining/weaponsmithing warrior because of this scenario, it got to a point it was starting to feel like I was grinding in order to start grinding

    The crafting system itself and the grinding system itself is not bad, it is just the level requirements what bother me, though I get the point of tools having those, even if I'm not a big fan of it
    Dr Zed and Mistrise Mystic like this.
  8. anonymousness

    anonymousness Well-Known Adventurer

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    1. Exponential costs of rerolls are the only things preventing players from rerolling mythics constantly, hoping for great ids. I see why this is a problem, but there aren't a lot of other functions (except for maybe a power function) that softlock the amount of rerolls as well as exponential ones. Decreasing the rate of growth would result in an increased amount of potential rerolls without making it abusable.
    2. Great idea, except for one thing: the new ids should not be taken from a pool that's exclusively greater than the previous values. Here's my reasoning: the expected value of a roll is halfway between the min and max potentials, so let's assume it does this every time. Also, let's assign a value to ids depending on their quality, with 0 being the worst and 1 the best. On the first roll, you expect any given id to hit 0.5 (on average). On the second roll, however, the id will be rolled from 0.5 to 1, and the expected value is 0.75. Due to the exponential nature of this function, when you hit the softlock of 5 rerolls, your expected value is 31/32, which is within the top few percentiles of the spectrum. In conclusion, most players would be able to exploit this system to effectively guarantee near perfect ids. The solution I suggest is to simply generate another id set, and give the newly ided weapon the best of that and its previous ids, which would make it harder to get high ids while guaranteeing a net gain (sorry if this is a bit wordy, I couldn't think of a better way to get my exact point across).
    3. Powders effectively do this, but they are relatively cheap and therefore easy to apply instantly, and any item that upgrades items will run into a similar issue. The only way to add such a system that fulfills your goal of keeping players online is to make it based on time/usage of the weapon.

    That was my main feedback, but overall, I really enjoyed reading this, since it provides some interesting insight into the general view of the game.
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