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World Silent Expanse Quests Are A Joke, Qa Team Is Ignorant.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by bolyai, Aug 21, 2020.


Did you happen to come across one of these glitches?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    39 vote(s)
  3. On multiple classes

    5 vote(s)
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  1. HeyZeer0

    HeyZeer0 Wynncraft Developer Staff Member Admin Developer Game Developer Featured Wynncraftian CHAMPION

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    Kinda, it depends on the implementation:
    If you're seeking to be able to commit each simple modification to the map in a reversible way (build a house and just stash your changes for example) that's harder.
    If you're just seeking a branch system, it's way easier, you operate each "world save" as a commit and each world as a branch and that's it.

    Merging on any of these occasions would require a full world reload, which at this dimension could be problematic.

    The real problem is just the world size which at the current state should have around ~40GB if not using a custom save format.
    To solve the problem above what could be done is to build a custom VCS service using something similar to Amazon S3 as storage.
    In terms of cost, S3 should not be that expensive for this usage.

    Reducing the save file in Wynncraft should be a "reasonably easy" task since you're running a complete custom world environment. There's a lot of stuff that you can throw away because Minecraft save format is made for fast writing and reading since vanilla requires a lot of chunk generation and reading. For example, saves operates similarly to how a hard disk works, in a nutshell for each chunk, it stores in the first bytes the size and with that, you can guess the rest, so basically it "never" deletes anything just write over it again and again and ignore data that is out of the byte range. Since Wynn uses a custom-built map you don't need this behavior so by properly rewriting the save file causes the empty/old data to be removed which massively reduces the file size in a world that exists for years.
    Saya, Bart (MC), bolyai and 1 other person like this.
  2. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    QA shouldn't be limited to mods/ct.
    Miles_ and TrapinchO like this.
  3. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    This is another reason why I miss holiday updates. The update lineup of Gameplay->Hallowynn->Wynnter->Corkus was perfect because not only did it prevent major content droughts, but it was a way to make sure that quests weren’t broken for more than 4 months at a time. Granted, quests were usually less buggy back then.

    Nowadays, if a quest breaks a few weeks after a major update came out, tough shit; We gotta wait 8-12 months for it to get fixed.
    bolyai likes this.
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