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World Silent Expanse Quests Are A Joke, Qa Team Is Ignorant.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by bolyai, Aug 21, 2020.


Did you happen to come across one of these glitches?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    39 vote(s)
  3. On multiple classes

    5 vote(s)
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  1. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Many people reported these bugs, but because of the ignorance of the CT or just the lack of attention to these bugs have led me to make this thread, however this time I want a proper response.

    As most of you know, Silent Expanse added a new region and 4 new quests to the game. These quests have their smaller flaws, but I am only here to talk about game-breaking bugs and the way they are handled by the CT.

    Out of the 4 quests, 3 have or had major bugs. A Journey Beyond, A Journey Further, A Hunter's calling. Most of these bugs not only make the player unable to complete the quest, it locks them away from whole game mechanics (PVP) and soft-locks classes.

    Most of AHC bugs seems to be fixed, however AJB and AJF still have multiple game-breaking bugs since release, which was 8 months ago. 8 months. Yes, some of the luckier players who got a proper (well better than nothing) response to their issue have been told that the bug is fixed and is waiting for 1.20. However, 1.20 still might take months and these issues are in the game since December 2019 (Mind you this only refers to the AJF glitch, the AJB still has multiple bugs without even a proper fix or response). This is unacceptable and mildly infuriating.

    So why does this thread exist in the first place? To demand better QA. Just look at this thread.

    Getting "If you relogged during the first dialogue, the issue should be resolved on our side for the next update. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done until then." for 8 months straight?
    Do you really call this Quality Assurance?

    Or just look at this thread. https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...eyond-get-stuck-in-lutho.271687/#post-3262596
    Not even a proper response in the end.

    Or this report: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/journey-beyond-glitch-and-i-cant-continue.271361/
    No response? Zero?

    One last thread just for the fun: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/cant-finish-the-quest.268723/#post-3236655
    Yes, like many others we did really switch worlds. You know it happens over the span of 8 months. Thread locked? Okay. Please start treating us like players and not idiots.

    No. I didn't stop because I cannot find more unacceptable responses, I just think this shows enough. (Check the spoiler down there for more)

    The fact that these glitches are so frequent that the QA just instant locks the thread is itself shows the size of the problem.

    A few of these bugs can be achieved by the server crashing/restarting and a bad time, dying to a boss fight or just switching classes at the wrong time. Nothing an ordinary player wouldn't do.

    Thanks @MauTrau for the screenshot.

    Thanks @Latios for the video.
    Hundreds of classes are stuck in these quests, waiting for good luck. Yes, luck. No QA, CT, or Moderator can or are willing to free these classes.

    Many reports have been made about these bugs, I'll just put a collection of them here.

    List of bugs:
    • AJF glitch: Aledar following player, quest hasn't been started (fixed on build server)
    • AJB glitch: Classing at the wrong time makes other classes get stuck in the quest https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/cant-end-quest.272791/#post-3272893 (happens at multiple parts of the quest)
    • AJB glitch: Not finishing the quest in Lutho and walking out to Sinister Forest glitches the quest

    Yes, yes I know a few of these reports have not been very collaborative however I'll include them just to show the scale.

    If a member of the QA team wants to talk with me free feel to add me on Discord (bolyai#8857) or send me a message on the forums. (If you can give us some kind of help and not just the same copy paste I can walk you through how to reproduce these glitches or show it to you live. I am very sure I have found an exploitable glitch in one of these quests when I was trying to free my classes, didn't test it to not break the rules.)

    Thank you for reading through this, I hope you can figure out a solution to the bugs.
  2. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    Poor guy has 4 bugged classes. Can we get some respect?
  3. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    when you have to get angry to get people to listen :)))))
    bolyai likes this.
  4. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    While I haven't experienced any of these bugs, I do have to admit there should be regular patch updates rather than all fixes being held until a big content update

    Still waiting until they fix Altar of Sanctification, which is an instant softlock for now
    They claimed they have fixed these issues but the game doesn't show the same
    So all I can say is, can we get like, monthly patch updates or something? I seriously don't know why these aren't a thing yet because sometimes they do drop updates
    I would like to play that one boss altar that forces you to travel from the Dernel Jungle to an Island, only to find out that the boss does not spawn and then procceeds to softlock you thanks to a bunch of leaves, effectively making this a very serious bug
  5. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    If anything, this should be a call-out to the admins for not providing at least monthly pushes. As far as I'm aware, no content team members have any say in when the next map push will be, and this does includes the QAs. Although they should try to respond to every bug report and keep responding, I don't think this thread is being very fair on the Quality Assurance.

    That being said- why the fuck has it been about 8 months since the last map push? Somewhere between the massive bugs that have been fixed on the gm/build side and some missing content, you'd think there would be at least a few pushes?
    TheOolong, wxhlf, btdmaster and 6 others like this.
  6. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I fully agree with the monthly or even bi-monthly updates. Even 1 update per 4 months is better than how updates happen currently.
  7. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Thanks for letting me know about these issues; I’m trying to level up as fast as I can to unlock a Hunted Mode, but I think I’ll wait a bit until 1.20 or a patch comes out.
  8. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    The bugs are all going to be fixed in 1.20 update, but I do agree they need more people looking at the bug reports.
  9. Latios

    Latios Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    If you really need quick-strike / back-up plan you can still get the drops by bomb arrowing the boss while it's in the cage (it spawns but despawns before dialogue ends)
    If you kill the forms with bomb arrow fast enough it'll fall down eventually
    you missed the point
  10. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    I feel your pain. The entire Wynncraft team feels your pain. We discuss so much behind the scenes of what we can do to fix issues, every day. I wish that we could make Wynn perfect, and we work towards that goal, but we don't always get things to work exactly right, so bear with me here.

    We've explained this, multiple times, in the past, but it bears repeating; we can't push a small map fix, most of the time, because content updates may rely on other content, that we don't want to show. And sometimes, what appears to need a small map push, actually needs a change on the development level. Changing that usually means that something else will break, so we work on all of those issues, at the same time. What seems simple, may not be simple, because it affects many other code instances. There is also the issue that QA and CT are not game developers; neither of those groups code the game, we make the game map, the mobs, and the quests, but we don't code the back-end. We also run into the issue that even though we test every quest, every which way that we can, with multiple classes and multiple QA and CT members, even though we have a Beta test server so that we can test everything, sometimes something will get past us. We try our best, but we don't always catch everything.

    I'll address another part of your posts; when something breaks, we get many, many duplicate reports. To be fair, we don't have a huge team on either CT or QA. That's the nature of having a volunteer team of people behind the game. So, we don't catch every instance of every duplicate, and we don't always have an answer to every issue. We may close reports, because they are duplicates, or because we've already answered it, in another post. We might forget to note that the post is a duplicate, which is an oversight, not something malicious. However, we always answer as honestly as we can. An issue may have to wait until the next update to get fixed, because, as I explained, above, we can't push a fix for it, right now. We'd love to be able to push a fix, if we have one, right now! But that's not generally possible.

    Also, I'm sorry that you have classes that are stuck in quests. If we tell you that we have a fix, but it has to wait, we are being completely honest. It's not a matter of anyone not knowing what they are doing. On the contrary, the fix has to wait, for any number of reasons, as I've said, before. We'd love to get your class(es) out of there, but we don't tp players out of quests. We've found that sometimes, when a player is stuck in a quest, that tping them out, locks them out of the quest; they can't complete it, no matter what they do. So, as a matter of rule, we don't tp players out of quests; we don't want you to be prevented from going back into the quest.

    I'm sorry that it has taken so long to get players unstuck from the newer quests. If we had a solution to this, we would implement it. It's not, in any way, shape, or form, a nice situation for you, the players, or for us, the players and volunteer CT, QA, and Moderators. It's not a nice situation for the admins, either; no one develops a game in order to cause issues for their players.

    As to the reports that haven't been answered, at all; we either will be, or are working on them. I can't guarantee a deadline for any report to be answered, as all of our QA are also either CT or Moderators, and are working on the demands of those positions, also.

    And no, no one has to "get mad" to get our attention; our attention is already quite well directed on addressing all of these issues, and more, every day. That, I can guarantee, because I'm heavily involved in it, and see it from the Wynn staff, every day.

    (Moe_Ronickah, QA Manager)
  11. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    The wynncraft team needs more staff looking and sorting through the bug reports page.
    In my opinion, wynncraft should add a "bug reports team" to look through the bug reports so they can clear out duplicates and forward the actual issues to developers for fix.
    I feel like they QA team should be more flexible when answering bug reports also, like I understand they have a standard protocol on how to answer bug reports but some of the bugs are on the players side and can be simply resolved by telling them how to proceed, instead of replying with "Can you expand more on the issue".
    Generally I think that just bumping your thread enough times will get the QA's attention.
  12. HeyZeer0

    HeyZeer0 Wynncraft Developer Staff Member Admin Developer Game Developer Featured Wynncraftian CHAMPION

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    I feel you :confused:
    So if you guys are suffering from the same problem over years and years why not invest time in improving these systems to avoid repeated stress like this?
    Why not use a map "branch" system to avoid pushing unwanted and future areas?
    Why not create a command that allows moderators to reset a specific quest from a player?

    I'm aware that changing huge structures can give a lot of work, but if you're suffering from the same problem over and over again might worth the shot.
    The feeling that I currently have about it, is that there is a huge miscommunication problem between the Content Team and the administration.

    And don't worry, we know that everyone is just trying to make the game better :smile:
  13. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Been a long time since I've related to a thread this much, and that's coming from the ex-Head of QA.

    Edit for actual feedback: I've complained about this back when I was on the CT, but just throwing Mod QAs at the team to fill it up doesn't fix the issue when half of them go inactive after a week, nevermind the lack of game sense. It'd be a great change to actually accept QAs from the broader community or at least set-up a community driven review process that'll help with sorting, similiar to the old Github issue tracker.
    My main problem was that quests get released in half-broken states just because neither the quest creator nor the 5+ QAs that supposedly tested it found any issues simply because they do not have the experience to determine what's prone to go wrong and what is simply bad game design, straight up broken parts aside.

    Last I checked the Content Team considered itself good on recruits though, so a lack of possible QAs doesn't seem like the most probable cause to me.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
    btdmaster, H0Y, Latios and 3 others like this.
  14. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    this is the only part of your response that really hit me cause man, you sure do use a lot of words to describe one small point, anyways!

    idk about you but i, and many others feel the same i know, but i absolutely will take not being able to complete one or two quests on a class if it means i can actually PLAY THE REST OF THE GAME WITH SAID CLASS. this is how you get people to stop playing the game. because of bugs that clearly the devs dont see as an important enough issue to fix as soon as possible
  15. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I would be happy to sacrifice one of my classes and try the teleport to check if it works.​
    SmileyAlec likes this.
  16. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    I mean the issue isn't even with the devs, it's that GMs get away with lazy scripts that don't account for enough checkpoints/fallbacks and the arguably worse QA runs that don't pick up on any of it.
    btdmaster and bolyai like this.
  17. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    true but bugs happen, fixing them asap is the most important thing, which is SURE NOT HAPPENING
  18. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    but the QA manager just gave an answer to why that can't happen?
    so just, chill out.
    try to do it better yourself
  19. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Hi I tried it better myself!! Moe is completely right, once someone is stuck it is difficult to fix that.
    But the point we are making here is that players shouldn't end up in those situations to begin with.
    Castti likes this.
  20. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    A VCS for the map would be nice, but I'm pretty sure no such thing has been created as it's quite a task.
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