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Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Beastzoll, Aug 4, 2020.


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  1. Beastzoll

    Beastzoll Well-Known Adventurer

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    As the title would suggest, I think it would be a good idea to add some kind of item like a potion that can make you invisible to mobs for a while.
    I think this should get added because when you are doing things like grinding professions or going through the secret discoveries there are so many times when you just need a few minutes to do something but the mobs just WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ALONE, so I give you the idea of an Invis potion, that you can buy at most potion sellers, and functions similarly to a health pot, except instead of healing you it makes you invisible for a few minutes, or until you attack a mob.
    Because you become visible when attacking it cannot be used to cheese bosses, and can only be used to avoid fights.
    Edit: I assumed it would act like normal invis, where your armor is still visible
    Edit 2: I suggested invis because it seemed like the easiest to implement, but i'm just asking for a way to get mobs to ignore you
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  2. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    So basically the vanish spell, but in a bottle that can be used by any class?

    Simple but I actually like it. I think it will have to be pretty expensive though because it's kinda OP but yeah +1
  3. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    This could be kind of overpowered in a boss fight. If you get low on health, such as after a wretch, you can just vanish and heal. Even if healing potions are disabled, health regen would still allow a tanky build to fully regen.
  4. Beastzoll

    Beastzoll Well-Known Adventurer

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    That is a good point, perhaps it could entirely disable health- regen while invis, but if you have any other idea I would love to hear it
  5. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Sorry to rain on your parade,

    Terrible Idea because making your character vanish will possibly allow for people to abuse this when hunting. Imagine invisibile toxo hunters sneaking up on unsuspecting players who can't see anyone coming for minutes (even a few seconds can be critical with walk speed weapon or something) and ganking them with actually 0 counter play. Not sure if there's a way to drop agro (without building a completely new system to accommodate two different stealths) and still be visible to players (As far as I can see, assassins become completely invisible from both players and mobs).
    And basically deathless HICH becomes almost unbearably difficult to get to a high level with the chance of roving invisible hunters.

    You are also greatly diminishing one of the strong points of assassin, their novel vanish spell and basically are giving it to everyone without requiring the mana drain that accompanies vanish. This is basically giving people a weathered + vanish effect for probably dirt cheap as a consumable. Basically making a 10+ stack of LE mythic weapon pretty much garbage when you can buy a potion that can do the same thing, for probably less than a stack of LE from what I'm assuming you would want the price to be.
  6. Beastzoll

    Beastzoll Well-Known Adventurer

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    I assume it would be banned during PVP, and to the other part, as an assassin myself I can assure you that being invisible is not why you use vanish
  7. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    How would you ban players from using this in the Hunted Mode in the open world (I assume you're talking about Nether PVP which I'm not too familiar with tbh)? Would it toggle the effect when people decide to turn hunted on in town and cause them to lose the effect instantly and waste the potion?

    I also didn't mean to imply that vanish's ONLY purpose was to be invisible. I just said that was a property unique (or novel) to assassins.
  8. Beastzoll

    Beastzoll Well-Known Adventurer

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    I don't do much PVP but I believe you choose to turn on hunted so if it cancels your invis that would be your fault for starting the mode with the buff active. Also going invisible is the least useful part of vanish, you get 2 seconds, so it doesn't really do much, it may be unique, but it isn't really useful
  9. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Its 5 seconds, the stealth upgrade for resistance is 2 seconds after un-vanishing, but semantics.

    Given the short range of shaman compared to classes like hunter/archer, a few minutes is plenty of time for a toxo shaman to walk up to a person, auto once and deal tons of damage if not killing the player straight outright, and giving time for the shaman to drink another pot and run away. I know my friend would be down to abuse this, He'd pay a stack of LE for one of these, even for a minute.

    Or, if you want to implement normal invis, then there needs to be two different invis in the game (plus implementation): Assassin inivis and the pot invis, where one makes you completely invisible and the other makes you "invisible". May get complaints of people thinking that one is not the other and why is there a difference if it is implemented.
    Also, what about dungeons like CSST where the objective in some rooms is to survive while mobs continuously spawn? Drink a pot and just straight up avoid the room's entire mechanic for the low low price of some emeralds?
    There's already psuedo mechanics for mob psuedo invisibility: IE when harvesting materials for professions you seem to drop agro on mobs, etc. Doesn't seem like there is a particular need for this. Or if you ride a fast enough horse, you can move past the mob so fast that they cannot hit you because of how quickly you exit/enter their agro range (lol galloping spurs memes)
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  10. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    tbh i kinda wish they added more potions like speed, invis and fire resistance so this would be cool

    maybe make it so that dern mobs and any eye related mob can still see you regardless
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