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World [backpacks] Too Little Storage Space

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SSpiritWolf, Jul 9, 2020.


Do you think that backpacks should be added to the game?

  1. Yes!

  2. No.

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  1. SSpiritWolf

    SSpiritWolf Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    Hi everyone! Right then let's get right into business. My inventory constantly fills up all the time and I have to make constant trips to a nearest bank to store my stuff, but that is very annoying. My suggestion is that backpacks are added to the game so that your inventory doesn't fill to max nearly as quickly. I find it very annoying to be fighting mobs and looting chests but being unable to get much because - as mentioned - my inventory is full and making a trip to the bank would take a while. Please, devs, add this to the game, as it would make it so much better. Lads and laddies, please vote on the poll if you agree/disagree.
    ParkourTNT and StormKing3 like this.
  2. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    You probably have a lot of useless stuff on you, my inventory seldom fills up
    Sg_Voltage and TrapinchO like this.
  3. WatchingNetflix

    WatchingNetflix Well-Known Adventurer

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    I tend to agree with the person above ^. I have only been playing for a few days tho, but I noticed I end up dropping a lot of things because they really aren't necessary.
  4. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Part of the intended gameplay loop is to go back to towns decently frequently to sell/identify/bank items, store emeralds etc. Also most items aren't actually as useful as you would think, in general you'll work out a medium of exploring/returning after a decent bit of playing.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  5. Tonnsz

    Tonnsz Skilled Adventurer

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    I particularly support it.
  6. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    I mean pre 1.19 we didn't even have the ingredient pouch. As nice as this sounds we just got an inventory size increase so I don't see another coming anytime soon
    Daeronyx likes this.
  7. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    I lootrun a lot, and when I lootrun I also have to decide which item to keep and which item to throw away. This also applies to general gameplay, since you need to know when to keep and when to throw, or else you'll run into the all too familiar issue of inventory clogging.

    In Ironman mode, this issue is more prevalent since you have no bank access - you do get a pocket bank with 27 slots (Ingredient Pouch), but the main challenge is the game mode forcing you to manage your inventory to the best of your abilities.

    Adding backpacks would kill the point of inventory management, making the game very pointlessly simple.
  8. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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    Does anyone have a list of backpack suggestions?
  9. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I thing @ParkourTNT has one
  10. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I agree, people said they had enough inventory space when there was no ingredient bag too - yeah, shut up took literally 47.14 seconds to fill up ya inventory then - I have no issue with a backpack, doubling inventory space wouldn't do anything bad for the economy except it just doubles the amount of time you can stay out for if you're lootrunning or what not
    SSpiritWolf likes this.
  11. TMoney1909

    TMoney1909 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    We have an ingredients pouch and a massive bank. Use them, or throw stuff out.
    Dwicey likes this.
  12. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Part of any MMO. It's a subject of Risk and Reward. If your inventory is nearly full then you have the "Risk" of having throw out items for better stuff, but the reward of "better items" You don't need everything you find.

    If you're having issues with loot running, work town visits into your loot run. I'm decently new to lootrunning and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work cities into your run.

    Not really, it doesn't double time out, it increases speed of emerald collection, which means more money in the economy at any given time. I'm sure we all understand supply and demand. More emeralds will lead to higher prices: Most likely. Money-sinks and less emerald collection helps keep the economy semi-stable since people sell things for a baseline price.

    Now yeah, it may not have this effect, but there's a good chance it could highly damage the delicate system we already have.
    Northie_ and Dwicey like this.
  13. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    It doubles time out if you still leave the emeralds and go about the same pattern as before, as you'd collect the items at the same rate presumably.

    I'm taking Economics so I can grasp supply and demand: Why would saving a 3 minute trip suddenly mass create emeralds? If they're just getting items that will re-circulate money around the economy and taking emeralds from chests is slower than quests and maybe even monsters if you just insta-sold the junk.

    Even if we go off of supply and demand and I take what you said to be true (which well could happen I'll say so)

    upload_2020-7-12_1-48-22.png Here's a diagram I drew yesterday that can help you, we'll count more emeralds as a subsidy as if it's from the government (The Wynncraft backpack government!)

    More emeralds = a higher supply of purchasing power so therefore the supply of items will increase to hit the new higher demand. This should actually decrease prices:

    "A subsidy means the (Wynncraft) government contributes currency to increase monetary flow and lower prices of goods and services. (Extra emeralds increases purchasing power for items) For example, the government may give players a subsidy of £10 (32 emeralds) for every kilo of potatoes. (Loot Chest) The effect is to shift the supply curve to the right, leading to lower price (of items) and higher quantity demanded (for items)

    Of course, this may not happen at all but you wanted to get economics into this so I collected data ;)
  14. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I do agree that a backpack addition to the game might be a good way to make it less frustrating for lootruning or at least exploration for me since I do run into the problem that my inventory fills up with more and more items to identify/emeralds.
    I'm not sure as to how it would affect the economy, but hopefully, there is a way to add backpack without affecting the economy too much.
  15. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    General coverage

    I liked your drawing, it's a supply and demand graph in it's form.

    However you're making an error, more accurately a few. To claim I "wanted to get economics" into this, when Wynncraft literally has an economy as any decent MMO does, and this a suggestion that will literally affect it. By and large, an economic principal, just not a fiscal once.

    To claim it as a subsidy is incorrect for a number of reasons, due to a subsidy is paid to a business or public body to do X task. OpenTTD, still one of the best transport games around, has this for example: Millington wants you to set a up coal route to it's powerplant. It will subsidized you to construct this route. It will pay you to do a task because it needs it. But this ties into the next part "Lets Talk Econ"

    Lets Talk Economics.
    What is the "Wynncraft government" getting from us? Our quest doing? Which we already do anyway and our quest aren't even given by the same governing bodies. But then again, we can even look at the more chief problem. No one is giving, you're collecting it. By going out in the wild and killing monsters/finishing quest. However, since you want to leak more high&mighty standing then the First "Star by profession 132 people" forum post, I'll look at your economics. The claim itself has no base in what's actually going on, you just threw economic terms out, hoping they'd stick.

    In fact the graph you used is incorrect. The supply and demand chart you are showing is the supply and demands of Goods and Services. Emeralds, at least, in this case are neither of these, but instead are our dollar amount. The S&D Graph makes the assumption as all Double variable or X&Y Graphs make of these two being the only factors affecting it. The "buying" power of the dollar or in our case the emerald staying the same and only rising numerically. Not falling or rising physically.

    We have many real world examples when your currency has no base in life or if you print too much of it. Germany after the First World War, or The Great War. If you remember from history class, Germany was blamed for the war and was required to pay a bunch of money, this is called War Reparations. "They are intended to cover damage or injury inflicted during a war. Generally, the term war reparations refers to money or goods changing hands, but not to the annexation of land." Which I pulled from the wiki, only because I want to make sure we both know what's being discussed. All their colonies were stripped away from them too, going to Italy, France, Japan, etc. The victors of the war.

    What did they do? They printed more money.
    This is from Harold Marcuse,
    Professor of German History at UC Santa Barbara

    You can see the issue right? 3.43 BILLION Marks to 1 US dollar in 1924.

    But baised on your logic, since there was more money in the economy, things should be cheaper then... Right?

    To quote business insider in this article:

    "In 1914, before World War I, a loaf of bread in Germany cost the equivalent of 13 cents. Two years later it was 19 cents, and by 1919, after the war, that same loaf was 26 cents - doubling the prewar price in five years.

    Bad, yes -- but not alarming. But one year later a German loaf of bread cost $1.20. By mid-1922, it was $3.50. Just six months later, a loaf cost $700, and by the spring of 1923 it was $1,200. As of September, it cost $2 million to buy a loaf of bread. One month later, it cost $670 million, and the month after that $3 billion. Within weeks it was $100 billion, at which point the German mark completely collapsed.

    The whole time the German government kept printing more money, so much so that people burned it in their fireplaces because it was cheaper than wood."

    So not only do we have the real world, but we also have the economy update of the server to just show how much uproar and destruction can be brought when changes are made to how things are gathered. How quickly they can be gathered, and to what level they can be gathered.

    Level not talking about crafting ingredients but to the level of crazy no life-ing you can do to get said item.

    But let's say all this Germany is dumb real world stuff, this is a video game so dumb man science can't mess with it.

    That'd be wrong again. You see the "Emerald" and it's "Worth" is all dependent on what it can it buy, since there isn't a "standard" in other metals that rises and falls based on the quality of those metals. Meaning that 1E can stop being worth 1E. I mean, we know it's mathematically possible since German's economy hit the tank and went BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR on the printing machine.

    I get it, Germany is a massive nation full of millions of people, but it's a scaled up version of what is very possible when playing with the economy. Of course it can be managed better here because creative mode exists and all, but I don't think playing with the economy right now is any good.

    We can also look at the US dollar, to watch how our buying power compared to our parents went down by like 2 bucks, but the "numerical" value of our dollar went up about 2-4 dollars. So their 1 dollar is equal to our 3-5dollar, but I felt like using Father Germany
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
    StormKing3 and Dwicey like this.
  16. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    But people don't leave the emeralds. Also, they would be able to pick up more than they usually would in the same trip, so it's a guarantee they would bring back more money/items than previously.

    That being said, if love one of these if it was balanced. Maybe it could only hold untradeable items/ quest items, or something like that, which would help prevent inflation. It would probably even be fine if you could only hold up to something like 9 slots (especially if you had to pay an increasing rate for each slot like in a bank). But, as other people have mentioned, this could easily break the economy if it isn't balanced properly.
    TrapinchO and Dwicey like this.
  17. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Took me awhile to read that, very interesting. Similar to what happened in Zimbabwe a few years ago to their economy, which caused hyper inflation

    I certainly take them lol, I don't think it will break the economy tbh. Quests break the economy, to a certain degree mythics with unbalanced re-distribution of emeralds but not having to take a 3 minute trip back to a town so often... eh maybe? Difficult to say
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