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Increasing Cost Of Items In Ragni's Armor And Weapon Merchants.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by g17fcH_3D, Jul 9, 2020.

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  1. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    I think the armor and weapons (the tradeable ones) should cost more emeralds because of scraping items. When you buy, then sell the items to the blacksmith you earn no profit. But if you buy, then scrap the items to the blacksmith you can sell the scrap on the market for around 10-12 emeralds thus turning a "free profit."
    My suggestion is to make the tradeable armors and weapons above, at least, 14 emeralds. 14 emeralds should be low enough so low-level players can easily buy and marketers can't abuse.

    UPDATE (7/9/2020)- This is an update on this idea which changes the argument of this article. Read this before you yell in my face.

    Second idea: Instead of jacking the prices tenfold from what they are, increase the prices of all tradeable armors by +2 emeralds, +1 emeralds for the tradeable weapons. By doing this we can keep the items purchasable, incentivize grinding for emeralds by a bit to grab more emeralds, close the gap of scraping then reselling the items quicker, and to make the buying range not look awkward.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
  2. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Changing the price of in-game items is a bad idea, unless done purely for balancing reasons.

    The price of repair scrap is/was 13-14 Emeralds for quite a long time since 1.19 (perhaps even earlier), and with such a large volume of scrap being traded, it is very difficult to change the price of scrap unless you trade your entire stockpile to gradually try and drag it down a la (?) who inadvertently crashed the Powder prices.

    Besides, the current prices are fine as they are, which makes them more accessible. I'm all for making abuse harder, but changing in-game item prices should be the last resort.
    Epicness937 and TrapinchO like this.
  3. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    The options that I see that can make the items in Ragni un-abusable are to either make them untradable or increase the price. Unless the Devs can make those items
  4. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    This essentially gives ridiculously high prices for new players in order to keep them from getting more money. You're talking about more than tripling early game armor prices to prevent them from gaining a small profit by selling them. Considering the time-to-profit ratio of this as a low level character with limited funds and the number of better ways to make money at low levels, this seems more likely to just hurt new players. As for endgame players trying to make a profit doing this, it takes (assuming a 10 emerald profit per item) over 400 items to make a liquid. Finding a single decent legendary during a lootrun beats that, while taking a fraction of the time.
  5. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Actually, selling scrap can make upwards of 5 le/hr, and loot running usually cannot as it is rng based wether you'll actually make money. Sure, one decent legendary can put you over 1 le, but the cost of identifying all the legendaries it takes to get that one good one drags down profits by a lot.
    At any rate, I highly disagree that it should be raised, and honestly current scrap prices could use a bump downwards so there's more incentive to use crafted items.
    (Also, do note that scrap on the trade market is a completely player based price- I don't think it's reasonable to balance costs based on a player market.)
    Bart (MC), one_ood, Saya and 2 others like this.
  6. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Personally I think they should just cost 1-2 rotten flesh each or stay the same, that would solve the scrap issue whilst lettings newbies get it quickly.

    At the same time people may be against this as it's not normal to sell items for junk or rotten flesh except in a few places
  7. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    So in conclusion from arguments: Don't dramatically increase the price of armors and weapons.

    Unless the strategy you provided is buying the armors/weapons with emeralds and rotten flesh, this argument you present may be confusing for new players due to the lack of "only ingredients to buy armors" in the large cities.

    Judging based on your profile stats I say that you know your way around Wynncraft and most assuredly know that the professions hole is BAD. Also, I will note that the scrap prices being player-based is true. I'll find a way to close that price gap faster.

    Look at btdmaster's argument for counter-argument.

    Second idea: Instead of jacking the prices tenfold from what they are, increase the prices of all tradeable armors by +2 emeralds, +1 emeralds for the tradeable weapons. By doing this we can keep the items purchasable, incentivize grinding for emeralds by a bit to grab more emeralds, close the gap of scraping then reselling the items quicker, and to make the buying range not look awkward.

    Second round of telling me how dumb this idea is, GO!
  8. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Or why not just make them untradable actually
    I_Liek_Turtlez and Shots like this.
  9. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Yes, lets hurt new players, because this is the area they are in, because of what higher level players do.

    Did you catch it? It's sarcasm

    Never, ever, ever is a suggestion good if it hurts people who are just coming on the scene because of what current players do. It never has been good, it will never be good. There is no reasoning you can give it to make it good.

    Now, onto the point, the scarp is sold on the player market/deals. They only make the money back if they can sell it. Otherwise: R.I.P you just have a ton of scrap. That's how it be.

    However, if they were able to sell said scrap to a vendor and get free money like this, then yeah. Would totally agree with you. But they aren't. They're playing the market. Addition: If this were the case, increasing the prices wouldn't be the solution, changing the buying price for said vendor/removing it fully would be.
  10. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    First, I got the sarcasm.

    Second, did you read the second suggestion or did you just judged a book by its cover?
    StormKing3 likes this.
  11. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Oh shit! Think of all the good they can do with those 10 MORE EMERALDS, oh my God! This guy's gonna break the economy and hurt all the new players holy moly, we need to stop this now!1!1! What do you suggest O Saint Purple?? How can we stop this beast from hurting the new players by forcing them to buy a *I'm so upset I can barely say it* a 14 emerald helmet!

    Or we could have the starting quests give more emeralds, FUN FACT: The first 9 quests the player gets given only gives a total of 2.4eb. Surely they could round that up to a nice 2.5eb? Considering ingredients sell for a lot more now, in fact just a few bits of rotten flesh can get back those PRECIOUS 10 emeralds you were talking about.

    I caught it too! I must be as clever as you, but thank you for pointing it out in case I didn't get it what joy!

    Lowest I've seen someone buying scrap for on the market is 8 emeralds, usually it goes for 9-11 emeralds. If you can count that's more than double the selling price of the helmet, you don't need any knowledge to see that. Sure, it's recirculating money around the economy but these rich players usually have so much they'll never spend it except on a ridiculously overpriced mythics. Scrapping most unique items gives you more emeralds than their blacksmith price anyway, it's unfair to make money from nothing and it's actually fairly quick as others have pointed out, much quicker than Seville reef which at least makes a bit of sense.

    What do you mean by "changing the buying price"?

    I'd say just make it untradable, solves all the issues and players wouldn't be able to trade the helmet.
  12. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    I went with the base idea of your premise, and threw in my two cents. That's what it's for. I read through the rest of them, but didn't quite think much of it because you didn't edit them into the suggestion post, just replied and kept them at the bottom. I get it's not a requirement, but when typing up replies, I'm normally not scrolling up and down trying to find the OP's replies and addendums made outside the post.

    Reading through your replies however,

    This one isn't as bad actually, and I give you a small tip of the hat. It'd work, wouldn't do as much damage as the first one, but I still go with
    Shouldn't start messing around based on what people can technically charge and what actually is being made. This would be a discussion to have with the community.
  13. Sean__

    Sean__ Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    people are paying for the quality of not having to scrap items, its not unbalanced its just how the economy works
    quick007, Druser and Dwicey like this.
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