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World Raid Dungeons & Making Combat In Wynncraft More Team-based

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Emogla3, Jul 1, 2020.


Should this be implemented into Wynncraft?

  1. Yes

  2. I like the idea of more team-based combat/raids, but not this way (please tell why if you can)

  3. Instead of raids just add gavel dungeons

  4. No (please tell why if you can)

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  1. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    At the moment, combat in Wynncraft is very solo-based, and I don't like the fact that you can decimate endgame bosses in under 10 seconds. In my opinion Wynncraft needs actual super-hard bosses that are near impossible (or completely impossible) solo. @Novalescent already has a great suggestion on world bosses, this approach on raid battles is a bit different.

    Another issue that I wish to be solved is the lack of combat challenges and bosses in Gavel (and Gavel in general but let's not get into that now). Gavel has three boss altars and corrupted dungeons, which are literally just Wynn dungeons with corruption, making them scream "WYNN PROVINCE" even more.

    That's why I suggest: Gavel Raid dungeons!

    What would they be and how would they work?

    Raid dungeons would be dungeon-style hard boss battles that require teamwork and multiple people to defeat. Once meeting the entering requirements and walking through the entrance, like with regular dungeons (see entering methods below) you get straight to the boss. A raid dungeon would only include a boss battle, nothing else. All of the battles would be unique with different mechanics and gameplay. Once the boss is defeated, you get teleported out with an XP reward and boss drop rewards (see rewards below).

    Gavel has left many storylines unfinished, and many of those battles that were never fought can be introduced as raid dungeons. These include The Grootslang, Dullahan, Orphion and even the never-implemented Mortal Mountain.
    Also the Dern Beast

    What would a raid battle be like?

    They would all be very different, but I've come up with one idea how a Grootslang raid battle could work.

    The Grootslang, level 60
    Requires quest: "The Worm Holes"
    HP: 110 000
    Damage: Earth, Water
    Defense: Earth, Water
    Weak: Fire

    The arena would be a circle, where there are 9 spots where the Grootslang can surface from under the ground, 8 on the edges, one in the middle.

    [Can add a picture of the arena when I have the time]

    The Grootslang will move underground, showing particles of its movements and damaging players above it. When it comes through the ground and its head pops up on one of the said locations, the Grootslang is damageable. During this time it will use spells like Wave and a spell similiar to The Eye's barrage attack, this time also inflicting a weak 100/3s poison effect. After a few seconds, the Grootslang goes underground again and pops up in a different location.

    Grootslang eggs constantly spawn on the arena, hatching into weak Grootslang newborns.

    At certain HP intervals, the Grootslang will circle around the arena, dealing high damage and only making the middle safe.

    When the Grootslang is at a lower HP number, it can sometimes move overground from one spot to another, dealing high damage. Note: This could be very hard to implement, for this attack the Grootslang could only start it from the middle, this would cut the amount of animations needed to be built down to 8.

    This was just a quick idea I came up with, there are surely many that can think of better and more fun designs for bosses. All raid bosses don't have to be stationary like The Eye, they can be normal mobs aswell. For example Dullahan would be much better that way.

    Now, let's look at different entering method and reward ideas:

    Entering methods

    For these, I have three different ideas:

    1. Key guardians

    Same type of key guardians as with regular dungeons
    Pros: We know it works and is balanced
    Cons: Too many different types of dungeons items are already clogging banks, too many different dungeon guardians already exist

    2. Time limit
    A raid could only be battled every 1 hour or so
    Pros: Could balance XP gains I guess?
    Cons: Hard to re-attempt raids, raid parties couldn't be a thing

    3. Run limit
    Being able to run a raid, let's say 2-3 times a day (dungeon bomb removes limit)
    Pros: No dungeon guardian/key overload, good option for raid parties
    Cons: People might be able to run too much without bombs? The limit can always be adjusted.


    The XP rewards from raids would be greater than those of regular dungeons, making them a possibly better option with large groups.

    For item rewards, I have two ideas:

    1. Random item drops
    Pros: Easy to implement, doesn't take up too much bank space
    Cons: It can be infuriating to run a raid 10 times and not get the item you want

    2. Dungeon shop
    Pros: More choice over what you want to get, balances more rare items
    Cons: Dungeon items fill up the bank

    At first I thought that adding this would mean the removal of corrupted dungeons or turning all of them to be endgame, but that really isn't required. This and corrupted dungeons would work as alternatives on gaining XP, but some problems would arise if both were to use key guardians.

    Extra: Az and Ek
    Some of you may know about the two hidden runes in the Wynncraft texture pack, the Az and Ek runes. Here's something I thought about, even though it would just be extra fetch steps:

    The two most important raid battles will most likely be Orphion and The Dern Beast. So, why not use the two unused runes on those two, respectively? You would need Az for Orphion and Ek for the Dern Beast.

    That's it for now, please post your opinions and ideas to improve, I know it isn't perfect yet.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  2. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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  3. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I see two main issues with this. Issue number 1: most people play solo. Content that requires multiple people, like Bob's tomb or ??? is generally poorly received because having to wait to find a group doing something is a pain that doesn't really improve the game in any way, it just makes it take longer. Problem 2: they've tried making stuff "unsoloable" - it's either nearly universally despised or isn't unsoloable and has been soloed a thousand times over.
  4. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I'm gonna have to disagree with this; the problem with Bob's Tomb and ??? isn't that they require multiple people, it's that they're A. one/two-time, non repeatable events on any given character, B. aren't part of the endgame, C. don't require combat and D. gate content behind them without actually being rewarding. The multiplayer part of it isn't the real issue; hell, if you want to talk about multiplayer events you could easily point to CUR or glowbulb parties, which pretty handily prove that large-scale, repeatable multiplayer events can absolutely work if given the right incentive, specifically a fuckton of XP and items to be grinded for.
    AlleonVera, JaydonTheWarrior and H0Y like this.
  5. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Most people do play solo, yes, but finding a group is not that difficult on repeatable events with high rewards (example CUR) as Gambler of Gales said.

    The power of the bosses and "unsoloability" can be a problem though. The build meta is dominated by offensive builds (side note: this would make tanks more relevant) and some changes would have to come to make this work. For now, I'm not sure what would be the best way to approach that and I'll have to think about it a bit more.
    H0Y likes this.
  6. Neptune

    Neptune Self-proclaimed Az Cult Leader CHAMPION

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    Az rune likely wouldn't be a rune, cause...
    Its currently the level 74 mythic bow, and lore said its a rune, therefore its the Az rune.

    A rune that can shoot out magical arrows, hmmm.
    Cloud__ likes this.
  7. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    ek weapon confirmed
    That_Chudley likes this.
  8. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Why would people do these, supposedly much harder dungeons when they could do corrupted, or even regular dungeons at the same levels as these raid dungeons and have a higher return for XP and probably items? Also nothing you described seems to make this dungeon specifically encourage more players. People would likely still just solo it (no matter how hard you try to balance a boss for multiple people, someone will devise a way to take it out on their own), which defeats the purpose of this idea.
  9. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Adding "dungeon" to the name was probably a bad idea

    These would be with greater rewards than dungeons, so with a large group it would be a more efficent way of gaining XP than dungeons (added now to the main post)

    And yes, the balancing is something I'm thinking about
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  10. TotemOfUndying

    TotemOfUndying Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I think It's a good idea, but it would be very frustrating to have to go out and find a big party of people to do a raid with. I think that wynncraft needs a bigger playerbase before something like this is implemented
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I think it would be much easier to accomplish this by adding PvP during guild wars.
  12. suzukzmiter

    suzukzmiter Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Sounds good but I feel like dungeon finders would be necesarry here.
    H0Y likes this.
  13. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I would prefer regular dungeons in gavel, but these still sound fun.

    The dern beast, in my opinion, is almost CERTAINLY the main antagonist of Wynncraft and if it is ever added as a boss, it will probably be part of a big finale quest. I doubt they would give it a dungeon.
  14. TimeMC

    TimeMC Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i dont think wynncraft players are ready for something that requires teamwork
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