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New Class - Elementalist

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Candras, Jun 24, 2020.


Yes or No ingame?

  1. Definitely

  2. Yes but with changes

  3. Ok/Meh

  4. No

  5. Definitely not

  6. Idk

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  1. Candras

    Candras Well-Known Adventurer

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    So while there is some focus on elements in spells, there hasn't been too much (to my knowledge though I am fairly ignorant). So I came up with a class who revolves around mob weakness.

    Coming from humble beginnings, Elementalists are a group of sorcerers that while researching powders, discovered how powders control the elements. Through this, they were able to become powerful with an inimitable adabltability.
    These mages are deadly against everyone. Many have attempted to counter them through sheer defensive prowess but have found their plans thwarted through their foes versatility and adaptability. Those trying to beat them with offense have found themselves outmaneuvered and stunned while they are bombarded with spells from all angles.

    1. Element Blast - fire a slow moving blast (Fire Charge) that explodes upon contact with an enemy/the ground
    Tier I - Deal 150% dmg split into 30% of each element
    Tier II - Holding shift when using this spell moves you towards the elemental blast
    Tier III - Projectile now homes toward cross-hair
    2. Cycle - Each use of this spell cycles which element the character focuses. (It could be difficult with wynncrafts spell system)
    Tier I - Focus on an element. That element does 25% more dmg but you take 25% more dmg from its elemental weakness
    Tier II - Increase dmg buff to 40% keep the defense debuff the same.
    Tier III - "Elemental Mastery" Has access to constant weakened powder effects for the focused ele.
    3. Ritual - The elementalist concentrates on a massive ritual (totem radius?) that erupts, knocking all enemies around the elementalist into the air.
    Tier I - 250% dmg split into each element. Character cannot move for 1 sec while channeling the spell.
    Tier II - Launch all hit mobs into the air as if hit by uppercut.
    Tier III - "Elemental Supression" - mob's lose 80% of their ele def for the next hit they take.
    4. (This is an edit): Elemental Grasp - Stun mobs from a distance while debuffing them. Only affects 1 mob until its 3 tier upgrade.
    Tier I - Like uproot but instead of throwing mobs, it stuns them in place. The mobs stay like that until the focus is changed, they're hit, or x seconds have passed.
    Tier II - Apply a debuff based on focus when casting the spell: Earth - Posion while they are caught, Thunder - next attack will be a guaranteed crit, Water - 1/4 mana steal while they are caught, Fire - Life Steal while they are caught, Air - Mob is slowed for 7 seconds even if they are released from the spell.
    Tier III - The spell becomes aoe.
    (Suggestions appreciated for the effects and Tiers)

    Weapon - Some form of Fire Charge/Snowball named Runes. Could be difficult with ingreds having the same thing.

    I have absolutely no idea if this would work and its definitely a rough idea only. As said above multiple times, Suggestions appreciated.

    Edit: I changed a lot. Many of you were saying how the second spell needed to be movement. I felt that couldn't really be done as the second spell made the Elementalist Unique. So, I changed the movement ability to be a component of the first spell. This means you unlock it at lvl 16 rather than lvl 26(?).

    Also, I buffed the cycle spell slightly and completely changed the 4th spell to become a stun/debuff spell. The 3rd spell I changed the Tier III to be different so as to make it more different to uppercut.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2020
  2. JohanLTU

    JohanLTU Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Looks really strong, even though I'm not too sure. I'm not too educated in class making either, but what I do know is that the second spell has to be a movement spell, so that should be changed.
    Iboju likes this.
  3. Candras

    Candras Well-Known Adventurer

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    I tried to make it a movement spell hence the second tier but I felt that the core of the Elementalist was the ability to make it change its focus. Also, the fastest spell to spam is the second one as you can hold down either right or left mouse to quickly use the spell. Any other spell "slot" and it would be difficult to cycle imo. As for the strength, idk what a good strength is which is why i'm asking for feedback.
  4. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    Mm I see a lot of these suggestions that revolve around cycling different elements. Personally I'm not really a huge fan, I don't really think they have a place in Wynn. Thread is also a little empty, but a decent idea is definitely there if you expand on this and make it more detailed
  5. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    I don’t really like classes that is only good in certain elements. This limits builds only allowing to use one element if you want it to be good. If you are fighting, you know you will struggle in that element or people may use what your element is as elemental defense in a duel or hunted or something. What if you want to be neutral?
    Melkor and JohanLTU like this.
  6. Candras

    Candras Well-Known Adventurer

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    I mean, the point of the second spell is that you can change what you're focusing. Also, unless they're rainbow, they can't defend against every element so you'll still do damage. As for neutral damage, i felt like it wasn't really needed too much once again because of the ability to change focus.
  7. Cutsard

    Cutsard Self-Proclaimed Idiot

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    Please stop making class suggestions
  8. Aiyria

    Aiyria sad HERO

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    ^ to expand on that:
    i think people should begin to understand that new classes will NOT be added in the near future... or even after that most likely, seeing as we just got the shaman class. I suppose you could argue that you should be able to make that idea anyway, see if people support it, but in my personal opinion, if you expect people to support or agree, you should wait until you might actually get it supported... uhhh.... that might not make sense but what i mean is if you wait for a bit longer, when the shaman isnt so recent (it is still fairly recent at this point, mainly because of the scale of a new class), you would most probably gain a lot more support. This class thread is actually a lot better than others, in the way where there is no obvious bias, but there are obviously still some flaws. Mainly though, i want to exaggerate that im not really against your class thread, or in that case, any class thread despite finding them frustrating to deal with at times. I dont mean to shut down your idea, i just want to say that it would be better to put forwards at a later date.

    On the idea itself, I dislike the idea of a rainbow class, and dislike the cycling through elements, though i do like how you have a bit more thought into the damage than some others (1200% EaRtH aNd WatEr DamAgE). Rainbow is generally a... not too good playstyle as it tries to focus on everything meaning that it has worse stats in everything rather than something that focuses on that. Take this as an example: you dont really want to use spells because the idea of mana doesnt really appeal to you, so you want to go with melee. You go with a rainbow build like morph set ):< It allows you to cast spells a lot, and deal decent melee damage, but to balance that they have to give it worse in both stats. Its like going 50/50 with spells and melee... but then only using melee meaning that you only get 50% of its potential, as compared to a pure melee build, maybe heavy melee (though its getting nerfed a bit e) and get 100% (or closer to 100) potential... perhaps not a very good example but i hope you see what i mean. Classes in my opinion should focus more on tri or quad elemental, with perhaps one main element... and i dont think that would work well with cycling.
    sorry in advance if ive missed something but i generally dislike the class itself, though im against most class suggestions around this time so dont take it personally
    JohanLTU likes this.
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    the idea of it being able to use multiple elements in a chain seems a little broken to me
  10. suzukzmiter

    suzukzmiter Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    from what i know,
    1st spell = base spell
    2nd spell = movement spell
    3rd spell = most damage dealing spell
    4th spell = spell that can move mobs (not quite sure though)
  11. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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    I think 4th is supposed to be utility
    TrapinchO likes this.
  12. Cutsard

    Cutsard Self-Proclaimed Idiot

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    i think fourth is actually defensive
  13. suzukzmiter

    suzukzmiter Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i dont know, i've noticed that all #4 spells can move mobs, with the only exception being smoke bomb
  14. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    4th is Control(?).
    Warrior (War Scream): Pushes mobs away, although this is overshadowed by the buffs.
    Archer (Arrow Shield): Mobs that get too close will be flung away from you.
    Mage (Ice Snake): Stops enemies.
    Assassin (Smoke Bomb): Slows enemies, overshadowed by damage. Spin Attack might be Assassin's true control spell.
    Shaman (Uproot): Sends enemies flying towards or away (depending on whether the caster crouched or not), as well as stunning them.

    As for the suggestion itself, OP, there's a lot of class suggestions, some of them subpar, some of them lacking detail. I recommend adding more details and making your suggestion stand out from the rest. Because as is, it sounds unfinished. In addition, the concept of "element oriented class" is extremely complex to code in and will result in an extreme amount of diversity (and spaghetti code).
  15. suzukzmiter

    suzukzmiter Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ok, 4th spells looks like they're meant to help you push away/stop/slow enemies
  16. Stidham

    Stidham Travelled Adventurer

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    New classes are always useful +1
  17. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    That still really limits things. From what I see, the 2nd spell is suppose to be a movement spell. Additionally that would be kinda op if you can change your element. Doing the hive would be super easy then. You should not really make a class that limits thing but a class with new mechanics that makes it unique to others. Like shaman with it’s totem.
  18. Candras

    Candras Well-Known Adventurer

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    If ppl like the idea, then they'll vote for it. It is unfinished slightly as the 2nd: the cycling spell, and the 4th: the ground effects I didn't rly know how to make them work. I originally had this idea a while ago and even made a rough plan but it was waaay too convoluted. This was an attempt to "dumb it down" in a sense but still make it have a role in Wynncraft.

    so I get what you're saying: Jack of all trades, master of none. It tries to do everything and succeeds but is subpar compared to things that focus on one thing at a time. At the same time, I wanted to mitigate the effects that a mob can do when it's ele def is counter to your attack. Hence cycling. I wanted to make it so that it has enough power to break through counters, but not enough that it completely breaks everything. Its sort of like 4 elements that are 15% used with the focused one being 40% used compared to other classes having 10% usage in 4 elements and then 60% usage of their main element.

    Then again, your point of cycling not working well with the current skill point system is something that I maybe should have considered more. I see how it would be difficult going something like str and then cycling to water dmg being counterintuitive but at the same time, it allows opportunity to be able to get more potential out of rainbow builds e.g. morph that other classes just can't do. This is what I feel sets apart the class from the ones already ingame.

    The Spell Types
    Many ppl above mentioned this and so, here's my reasoning.
    I understand the way that spells in wynncraft are unlocked: Base, movement, damage, utility/defense. It was one of the things i struggled on when making this class.

    The first spell i think works as an ok Base spell (though its Tier 2 i'm not sure about).

    The second one is the main difference of the elementalist: the cycling. This really didn't fit into the slot of a "movement spell" and so I settled for it's upgrade being the movement component. Didn't really know what to do for a third tier upgrade. Possibly some other buff? And I do understand the necessity for a movement spell. It's not the best arrangement atm.

    Third spell: Damage. I think I got this one ok, it does more damage than its other spells and has a minor downside in the channeling necessary. Other than that, it does feel too similar to uppercut in both of it's upgrades which could be a pretty big downside.

    4th spell: Ye ima change this one. I had the class idea, but not all the spells figured out. I'm changing this one to be more utility, and afaik, there isn't a ranged stun(?). There's aura trap, and there's assassin spin stun, but neither of those are really ranged imo.

    Fianlly, I am not a programmer in any way. If it is too difficult to program then I can understand that. I'm not saying that this class is a must have in wynncraft, but i'm just trying to put up a suggestion for anyone who cares to listen. Any changes I should make (many ppl said that it was bad, but few that I noticed said any concrete changes I should make) pls do say! Thanks.
    Aiyria likes this.
  19. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    They got an idea. You should not restrain them from suggesting it. Even when it is a bad idea, it is an idea. Tell them what is wrong (the fact that it is class idea DOES NOT count) and suggest an improvement (I realize that @Wynnonymous did it). Every suggestion they make will improve their future one, which might actually get into the game.
    Dwicey likes this.
  20. Cutsard

    Cutsard Self-Proclaimed Idiot

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    Mostly i just hate it when people decide to come up with new classes, tbh i didn't even read their full suggestion.

    I've retired from ranting now. Hopefully i'll never be brought to such an extreme level of hate for an idea to have to rant on it.
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