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Reworking High-tier Legendary Loot Selling V.2

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Hunyady Csongor, Jun 20, 2020.



  1. Solution No. 1 is the best

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  2. Solution No. 2 is the best

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  3. Neither ones are good.

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  1. Hunyady Csongor

    Hunyady Csongor Bottka

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    This is a follow-up to my previous post about selling legendary items, because as it stands it isn't worth it to get them on loot runs (to see, why I think this, look at my previous post)

    I read your comments, and I have come up with a few better solutions.

    Solution No. 1: Narrowing the RNG on blacksmith prices.

    This, would not only make ID-ing legendaries, a safer thing then before, due to almost guaranteed profit, knowledge about which un-ID legendary items have the highest profits would be important, furthering the depth of looting.

    Solution No. 2: Making legendary items, rarer.

    This would mean that legendaries, have a reason to be expensive, I wouldn't want it to be as rare as mythics, but still quite rare. This would make it profitable to pick up legendary items.

    On the topic of Inflation:

    In my opinion, this wouldn't cause massive inflation, and since basically everybody gets their money from lootruns, it would just increase the value of legendaries. And having inflation would mean, more people get access to higher tier trading, like white horses and mythics, which would just decrease the grindiness of the game.

    This is my reworked version, I am open to hearing your ideas! I may do a last follow up if you guys suggest better ideas!
  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    what why didn't you just edit the original thread
    RazorGuild likes this.
  3. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I personally think that legendaries should be more rare, whatever other changes are made. Before Gavel, finding a legendary was a lot more special, both because of the lack of mythics and the seemingly lower drop rates (I know they're the same, but they felt a lot lower back then). Now it's hardly worth thinking about, and in some cases you might as well not even pick it up. I feel like that really does need to be changed, as items just feel too common, and from a gameplay, looting based experience, that's just not satisfying. It's also the reason why they're so cheap on the player market to begin with, so nerfing drop rates would definitely help with that.
  4. Hunyady Csongor

    Hunyady Csongor Bottka

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    I don't really know
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