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World [170+ Supporters, 95.1% Approval] Field & World Bosses [ Includes Demonstrations ]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Novalescent, May 24, 2020.


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  1. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    So I’m looking to post a surge of suggestions over the next several weeks, starting with this one. No promises though, as I still have a lot of stuff to do for them, mainly building (I really need builders…)

    Unfortunately, I have to start with the short, boring, BASIC suggestion first. But it’s best to get this out of the way now rather than later.

    Wynncraft is one of the biggest Minecraft maps in the world thus far. It can be incredibly fun sometimes to just explore the world to see what kind of things you can find, such as secret discoveries, a tier 3 or 4 chest, or even sometimes a boss altar.
    However, in terms of “open-world” challenges, there isn’t much to be had. When I say “open-world,” I don’t mean boss altars. Those are a bit more secretive and require work to actually get to them. What I’m talking about are open-world monsters that are much more challenging to beat, and you can find them out in the world simply by exploring.

    So I’m here to propose two types of new bosses: Field Bosses and World Bosses. These types of bosses are found in most RPGs so I figured I’d try my best to suggest these into Wynncraft.

    Field Bosses
    (The small bois)​

    Sponsored by Wynncon. :)))

    So Field Bosses are what the name implies: Bosses that you find out in fields, normally in the open world.


    These types of bosses can be used in a wide variety: Quests, Daily Objectives, Special Loot and Items, etc. They are meant to be fought with a party and not by yourself.
    What’s unique about these bosses is that they scale in the amount of players that tag them. So the more players you have in the fight, the more health and the harder the field boss will be. Its base health of course will already be immensely high, but bringing a party along will make the fight easier and smoother.

    Ideally, these bosses would also demonstrate a few unique abilities, or have party-wide abilities that affect everyone. Their mechanics wouldn’t be something to study on, but nothing to ignore either, as their damage and abilities would be immense.
    Finally, a few neat phase changes to change abilities and spawn other monsters would suit these kinds of fights, as it would bring more intensity and more of a reason to bring a party.
    As an added bonus, any player who happens to wander across a Field Boss battle in session, they can freely join the fight to get a share of the rewards.

    So why implement these? Well as I said before, these types can be used in a variety of ways, but also to primarily encourage more group content and ways to test your strength. Sometimes it’s fun to wander in the world and see a really unique or difficult mob and wonder “Wow, maybe I can take that on.” Maybe you can, but if you can’t, then you think about looking for some friends to help you out.

    Endgame field bosses also provide decent PvE content at endgame as well, allowing players to test their strength or do them for a Daily Quest/Objective. Depending on how dangerous these bosses are, they can also be used for practice of mastering your class, or testing out a new build. Unless you prefer the Detlas Citizens.

    WORLD Bosses
    (The big bois)

    Yo pog! Two videos in 1 suggestion!
    Also sponsored by Wynncon. (Server host) :)))

    Before we get into this, allow me to blindly vent about this boss for a few paragraphs. If you don't care about this, you can skip it. This has nothing to do with this suggestion and I just really needed to put it somewhere. BUT if you want to see me suffer, then have a good read. :)

    (If people don't like this, I'll just remove this spoiler. I feel like people will like this however)

    My formality switch is turned off temporarily to let me explain the sheer frustration, tension, and epicness of this boss fight.

    Firstly, the amount of teamwork you need for this fight is more than 0. There are a lot of factors that you have to manage and look out for. It's extremely hard for a PUG (Pickup Group) to do this fight if they don't communicate and don't know what the boss does.
    There are several abilities that can throw a player off if they don't know what they're doing. It's obviously trial and error, but reading a guide on the boss definitely helps. Doesn't make them a god at the fight, but certainly better.

    It was also insanely hard to play a squishy if you aren't skilled at it. I was using a TWF Cataclysm build myself. Now of course I knew how the boss worked and what to look out for, but for other people who were going glass cannon, it was hard, and they pretty much got one shot by most abilities.

    It really boiled down to using a tank-offensive build. But, even with more than half of our party running tank, there was a very horrendous mechanic that made it so you can't facetank this bad boy.

    You see, all players needed to watch their Corruption Meter. The meter increases the more you're hit by the boss with certain abilities. The more corruption you have, the more HEALING REDUCTION you have.
    The Healing Reduction was already tough on most people, but the biggest one was the Corruption Explosion. If a player reached 100% Corruption, they would explode, dealing 65% of their current health, and dealing a solid 5,000 TRUE damage to nearby players, while also inflicting 25% corruption. And yes, this can chain to cause even more explosions.
    With 2/3s of the group being tanks able to facetank multiple hits and stand still... Well you see where this is going. Not to say that everyone eventually learned to move and manage their corruption, so it's all good!

    Secondly was how hard it was to master this fight. I planned this fight yesterday, on a Saturday. We were gonna beat it that day, and I was really confident in everyone's skills. Everyone had read the guide on its mechanics, and we had some of Wynncraft's veteran players on our side.

    We didn't wipe once.
    Not twice.
    Not three times.
    We didn't wipe to this boss even four times.
    We wiped over TEN TIMES. Probably more. I wasn't counting the recordings. It got to the point that we were wiping SO got damn hard that we had to stop for the day and try it again tomorrow (Sunday).

    The day after, we still wiped 4 more times. It was somewhat to people's mistakes. Corruption explosions, not grouping for abilities, not enough DPS, it's crazy.

    Now partially I blame this difficult of a boss on me. I really am wondering what drug I was on while making it. It is undoubtedly an excruciating boss, and probably would be the hardest boss in Wynncraft if it was implemented.
    But of course, I have to put a tiny amount on the party. Eventually we managed to teach each other the mechanics and what to do. We planned out what we're going to do for certain abilities, and trusted in each other to uphold their part to not cause a party wipe. That was probably one of the highlights of this fight: Teaching people how to do it. It's not something you get to do everyday.

    Now, how many takes did this require? Too many to count.
    How any deaths did we have? Probably over 100 total.
    How much sanity did I lose? A fair amount.

    Was it worth it for this single recording? YES.


    Ok anger aside, this boss was hella fun to make and to play. I was honestly surprised that so many people wanted to fight the boss willingly. They all said that it was a fun boss and I am inclined to agree.
    The boss encourages a lot of teamwork and communication, and really does test a player in every way. Dodging attacks, managing yourself and others, communication and strategy. I mean I'ma be real: This is probably the ultimate training exercise for a Guild.

    I'm really thankful to everyone who helped me beat this boss and enduring the hellish epicness that I made. And if you watch the video for yourself, you can see the absolute excitement when we finally brought that beast down.

    Alright, rant over.

    Now let’s get onto the big bois: World Bosses.


    These kinds of bosses are Raid+ tier, requiring an extremely large party, perhaps around 12-20 ideally.

    These bosses are incredibly difficult, and require high amounts of team cooperation and coordination. These fights are also long, and it is advised that players can set aside some time to do them. In the video above, the boss has a base health of 7.5 million, more than twice the health of the Eye from Eldritch Outlook. And that is not accounting for the health scaling it does when there are more players.
    However, in return for their immense difficulty, these bosses also drop powerful, unique items. These can range to tokens which you can use to buy equipment, to RNG drops that can range from Fableds to boss-only Mythics (Maybe.)
    These bosses will also be alive most of the time, allowing for large parties and guilds to run it whenever they need to. However, to prevent massive farming, the amount of times you can acquire these rewards will be limited by time, between once a day to once a week.

    Now some of these bosses will be open to all players to join, even if it has already been engaged. However, these bosses will require the player to gain a certain level of contribution to gain the rewards, such as healing done or damage dealt. This is to prevent the “tag and grab” kind of gameplay with open-world bosses.

    However, some world bosses will have different engagement mechanisms: When the boss is engaged, all players who are in the boss arena, or are within the radius when the fight initially starts, are locked in. All other players are locked out, and cannot join. Dead players also cannot rejoin the fight.

    Why is this? Some world bosses can be very team-coordination oriented. So much in fact that if a random player walks into the fight without knowing what’s going on, it could introduce a chaos factor into the fight, and potentially cause a defeat.
    Take for instance the boss demoed in the video above. There are quite a few abilities where if the player does not carry their weight or responsibility, either they will die or they will cause their party to wipe (Hence one of the ability's name being “Ignorant Doom”). If a player walks in mid fight, one or even both of the scenarios can occur, and it would bring some very bad vibes.

    This kind of rule will vary on a boss by boss basis. Some world bosses can need it, but others cannot. Take for instance the Bob’s Reincarnation: Reckoning fight. This is more about keeping yourself alive and dodging the attacks on your own, and less about having to manage yourself and others to keep everyone alive. Still a difficult challenge to overcome with a large party, but definitely less team cooperation is required. If this was a world boss, which honestly it could be, then it would most likely be a fight that you can join in on at any time.

    So how do you get to even fight one of these bosses? Well, there are two ways:

    • Wander & find. Some of these bosses can be found in hidden areas, or sometimes out in the open world. Just be sure you avoid them when you’re doing your daily travels, or else you may get one shot.

    • Summoning. Some bosses will require you to summon them using materials, similar to that of Boss Altars, and they would take a few minutes to spawn in. However, these materials would be rarer to come across and harder to acquire. As such, when summoning a boss, a world-wide message will play out, informing players who are able to fight the boss that it is spawning in a few minutes. After the time expires, the boss will spawn.

    Similar to the rules on engagement, this will vary on a boss by boss basis, as some may need it, and some don’t. Personally, I wouldn’t mind finding a Giant wandering in the fields of Silent Expanse and fleeing in terror. That’s the experience and fun of exploring the world :).


    I suggest this content with one purpose in mind: To promote more difficult and challenging group content. This would give friend groups and guilds more content to do together, while posing a new and unique challenge that players can face. With the right implementation, these can be both immensely difficult, and incredibly rewarding.

    Bosses like this also help increase the liveliness of the world. It's sometimes awesome and scary to find a boss out in the wild, have it poke your curiosity, and you die to it in 2 seconds. These kinds of moments attach you to the world, and make you more apt to explore it.

    This definitely isn't my best nor my most interesting suggestion, but this is something that I've been looking to see in-game for awhile now, so I wanted to give it a shot.

    Thanks to the folks who helped me make this possible, with shoutouts ofc:
    • AlteredStars (@StarDraco123) - Aid with World Boss design, and heavy testing
    • Oculism_ (@oculism) - World Boss arena
    • The Wynncon Team - Allowing me to host this on their server, and creating the zone that demos the Field boss. That zone’s purpose is not limited to this suggestion ;).

    Following this with a HUGE list of Testers who sacrificed their sanity so I can get some useful data and observations, in no particular order (If I forget your name, please contact me and I’ll add it):

    Thanks for reading, and as always, feedback is appreciated!

    I don’t know when I’ll get the other suggestions out, but I’ll try to get one at least once every two weeks. No promises.
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  2. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    now that i think about it the purple swirls i made for the arena kinda sucked smh

    also nova, stop lying to them. we didnt lose 14 times. we lost more than 30 smh
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  3. Pontosaurus

    Pontosaurus fuy busted moments CHAMPION

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    absolutely phenomenal
    Dream likes this.
  4. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    Woah, this is amazing!
  5. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    imagine just happening upon one of these with no idea about their existence and having two seconds to think "oh fuck" before you respawn in lutho
    Elysium_, EpsilonDown, Aya and 7 others like this.
  6. TurtlePlaysGamez

    TurtlePlaysGamez Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    good suggestion and fun to test YEET
  7. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    everybody gangsta till the boss 1 shot you and you realize you're in for a real challenge

    +1 was very fun
  8. Vendenar

    Vendenar The Alchemist CHAMPION

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    a tad bit chaotic but still the most fun boss
    with a coordinated group it's just awesome
    thanks for doing this all!
    great suggestion as always
  9. ThugFree

    ThugFree A pretty damn old player HERO

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    Gaming moment. What an amazing suggestion from an amazing person! World boss was INCREDIBLY fun (hard af too)
  10. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    Nova out here with 9.8k hp while I'm out here one shotted with 23k hp because I accidentally escaped at the wrong time :/


    Would love to see these types of bosses in the overworld! +1
  11. yuuenchi2

    yuuenchi2 Wynncraft Veteran CHAMPION

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    this was an amazing boss to test, definitely the hardest and needed TONS of communication and knowledge
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  12. Housewife_

    Housewife_ Unknown Person HERO

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    Sounds super fun!
  13. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    sounds like a cool addition. +1
  14. FallenImpact

    FallenImpact Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Happy I got to try this out
  15. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    hell yes, really well done
  16. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    yes please content that's not just "movement spell into the air when the boss shows spell indicator" !!
  17. VovaTheEpic

    VovaTheEpic Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    yes please we really need bosses harder then "know spells and wait 3 minutes"
  18. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Trial-Mod CHAMPION

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    You guys only wiped on the world boss that many times because Turtle was using morph Hellstrand

    He survived but did the least total damage, showing that it's a bad build.
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  19. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    Evacuate the City. Engage all defenses, And make this man a GM.
    Dr Zed, TrapinchO and Thega like this.
  20. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    This is insanity. And I love it!
    The field bosses look amazing and excellently thought out. I could really see this kind of thing being added - it's genuinely mind-blowing what you've created!
    The world bosses however... I like the idea of there being super-mega-ultra-killer-insane bosses which require great teamwork, planning and skill; however I have a couple of problems with it (Not trying to be rude- I honestly think your work is astounding and I love it)

    Problem 1: Lag.
    Yep. The planning, teamwork and skill may all be for nothing due to this common foe. Imagine having co-ordinated 20 guild members online and having planned how you'll take on the boss. You fight it for 20 minutes and have nearly beaten it and... LAG. All dead, all for nothing. The rage would be immense. Plus, lag is quite common and the idea of all members having a flawless connection is unlikely. I know there is nothing you can do about this and in a perfect world, this wouldn't be a factor, but I think it really needs to be taken into consideration.

    Problem 2: Bullet sponge.
    As much as I adore the multitude of spells and creative attacks that you have given to this boss - there's nothing for the other way around. By that I mean all players simply use the same attacks that they would anywhere in the game.
    You know what I weirdly like as a concept? Galleon's Graveyard boss fight. And some of the other dungeons where you can summon things to do damage. I think that adding this as well would be a good idea.
    For example: Maybe there could be geysers in the ground and when you deal enough damage to them, they burst and cause a reasonable amount of damage to anything nearby (obviously including players and the boss alike). This could only deal like 1-2% of the boss' health, and you'd need to coax him near the geyser. But it gives an alternative way of dealing damage rather than the same old attacks we've been using for years.
    Their respawn time should also be slow so that players can't rely on this, but could reasonably destroy maybe 10% of the boss' health with them.

    I genuinely don't mean any of this to be negative. It's just meant to be constructive :)

    Final note: You are astounding. I cannot fathom how you are so good at coding and essentially every suggestion I have ever seen you make has been absolute gold, no wait, diamond, wait... netherite? Well, whatever is the greatest.

    Thank you for putting so much time into your work :)
    Dr Zed, BqwaOLD, JohanLTU and 2 others like this.
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