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Suggestion: Black Zone Like From Albion

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Toha, May 18, 2020.


Would u like black zones added to the game?

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  2. No.

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  1. Toha

    Toha Newbie Adventurer

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    if anyones played albion they will know what this is but i think they should add a part of the map like the black zone in albion is always pvp in that area its where all the high level materials can be found in the game and the guild castles can be constructed by taking over the territorys in that area im thinking u can have prebuilt guild structures for these areas and the guilds can just take them over and build which parts and pieces to it they want with tons of emeralds it also has a territory bank shared between all the guild members and if it is taken over the territory bank and everything in it stays in it what ever guild takes it over gets all that other guilds resources so its another way u can store resources but u have the risk of losing them to
    and i think that these territorys should be taken simulary to the way albion does it add a little pvp because i wouldnt trust mobs defending those type of territorys just make it where guilds have to have good pvp teams to claim territorys and defend them
    [9:54 AM]
    dungeons: also i think there should be ways to improve gear past is current pacing like upgrading the pieces u got and dungeons should be way harder so it cant be soloed by players like me who have been playing for 4 weeks if u add a black zone add better quality gear just make it where dungeons take a group and can not be soloed because i can already solo the eye without pots pretty easily and i think thats boring

    black zones should not be noob friendly if they are added dont nerf like the eye got nerfed just because people cry because im a new player been playing for 4 weeks and i think the eye is a super easy boss and its supposed to be hard i hear either get good to play in black zones or dont play in them just tryna get something added for players who are bored with solo dungeons and crap want a zone where u actually need a group of players with good builds to play in
    also sorry for my horrible gramer and spelling
    also added a voting poll to see everyones opinion on the matter votes can be seen by everyone so u can tell which side has the most votes and if people think this idea is worth bringing to the game
    oh and maybe untradable gear is droppable in this area and destroyed if u die with it on so people cant just suicide run in with untradables and feel safe and secure
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  2. Toha

    Toha Newbie Adventurer

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    oh and probably balance pvp a little more so toxo players cant run in and 1 shot 20 players with poison damage lol
  3. Rueru

    Rueru Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    please come back and come up with a properly formulated post, just reading this is hurting my soul inside
    I_Liek_Turtlez, Saya and TrapinchO like this.
  4. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    First: The Edit button exists
    Second: Format your post
  5. Ten

    Ten Still Poor. HERO

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    Please for the love of god, format.
    Melkor likes this.
  6. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Pvp is currently insanely unbalanced. This isn't really fixable without a rework of the entire system, so mandatory pvp at this point would just be a fun way to say "you can't go here". Look at how (un)popular hunted mode is. I could probably come up with well over a hundred builds that can easily oneshot most players, some of them from range or out of vanish. Archer can strafe backwards and shoot any low walkspeed build, cata builds can easily oneshot pretty much any build out of vanish (the combo can easily do well above 100k) and heavy melee assassin can hit even higher numbers and I'm not even sure why I'm making an argument here. Making mythics drop would make it worse; all it would do is pretty much guarantee no one would ever go there because of how valuable and hard to obtain mythics are, so the entire area is pretty much a waste of space. Don't have them drop, and well.... 100k multihit.
    Saya and Bioniclefan414 like this.
  7. Toha

    Toha Newbie Adventurer

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    well in albion a way to combat the losing ur mythics part is u just dont take ur super expensive gear to the black zone u go to the black zone to find new expensive gear u never really take anything worth to much out there unless u are confident in ur build and ur teams build
  8. anonymousness

    anonymousness Well-Known Adventurer

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    What's the 100k multihit build? I've never seen that much before.
  9. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Not just the multihit, but the full combo from vanish does almost 130k average. And yes, the build sucks for PvE, but if you're just trying to oneshot players that get to close without seeing you, it's more than capable.
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