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World An Idea For A New Class: The Soulsplitter

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Bioniclefan414, May 11, 2020.


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  1. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    All of Wynncraft's classes are great, but there are none that are true single-target classes. The Soulsplitter acts as a single-target pick, with emphasis on one-on-one close-range combat.
    Stats: High focus on Defense (Due to close-range combat) Intelligence (For casting its powerful spells) and Agility or Strength, depending on which form of Soul Guardian you want.

    Weapon Type: Knuckledusters
    Finally, a use for the Offhand slot in the inventory. Knuckledusters are an item given to the player, and identified in pairs which can be mixed and matched (for an example, one box gives 2 Knuckledusters of the same type, or in a few rare cases, a set) Each Knuckleduster has half of the stats of a normal weapon, due to being able to equip two. Due to using both left and right click for punching, the Soulsplitter can attack incredibly quickly, and spells must be cast while sneaking.

    Each of these spells is specialized for playstyles that prioritize single-target focuses, and can also buff teammates in ways that do the same.
    RLR: Awakening (4 Mana)

    This spell summons a Soul Guardian, which remains active for 30 seconds. The Soul Guardian mirrors your actions (attacking if you attack, and moving as you move,) but dealing 25%/50/100% of your normal damage output, with different damage types at higher levels, depending on what stats you choose.
    While the Soul Guardian is out, you take double damage, due to splitting your soul to create the Soul Guardian

    At level 2, If your strength is at least 10% higher than your Agility, it deals 15% of all damage as fire damage, but if Agility is more than 10% higher than your strength, you deal 15% of all damage as air damage. If these stats are within 10% of each other, the damage will be 10% air and 10% fire.

    at Level 3, the effects of Level 2 become more powerful as well.
    If your strength is at least 10% higher than your Agility, it deals 30% of all damage as fire damage, but if Agility is more than 10% higher than your strength, you deal 30% of all damage as air damage. If these stats are within 10% of each other, the damage will be 15% air and 15% fire.

    RRR Soul Launch (4 Mana)

    The Soul Guardian just punches you in the direction you are looking, dealing 10/50/100% of your damage per second as pure Air or Fire Damage, depending on which stat you specialized in

    RLL Flurry/Slam/Slash (8 Mana)
    Depending on which stats you have boosted; this ability behaves in one of three different ways

    If your Strength is more than 10% higher than your Agility, the Soul Guardian will use Flurry. This spell will make your Soul Guardian attack twice for each punch you dish out and deal 20/50/100% of its damage as Fire damage for the duration of the Soul Guardian's active period.

    If your stats are balanced, the Soul Guardian will use Slam, which deals 150/200/250% of your damage per second (300% if an enemy hits a wall) in the form of 10/25/50% air and 10/25/50% fire damage

    If your Agility is more than 10% higher than your Strength, the Soul Guardian will use Slash. This spell will make your Soul Guardian attack once for every two punches you dish out. The damage of Slash has been quadrupled, however, and the damage is dealt as 20/50/100% Air Damage

    RRL Soul Share (8 Mana)
    This ability will either spawn a second Soul Guardian for yourself or give every player within 20 blocks a Soul Guardian that deals half the damage of a normal Soul Guardian as Thunder damage. This second Soul Guardian lasts for 15/30/60 seconds. Remember that the damage vulnerability is added twice if you have 2 Soul Guardians active, so you will take 3x damage while they are both active.

    An example of a Knuckleduster Set
    Order and Chaos: Order focuses on HP regen, regen%, and Agility, at the cost of -strength, -lifesteal, and -poison. Chaos is the exact opposite, focusing on strength, lifesteal, and poison, at the cost of Agility, -HP Regen, and -HP Regen %. The set bonus will make both stats receive positive bonuses, or at least partially nullify the negative effects of equipping two Orders or two Chaoses
    Last edited: May 11, 2020
  2. Saikyo_Psycho

    Saikyo_Psycho Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Cool idea but i feel like 100% of your damage is a bit too op, basically doubles your damage while attacking super fast, you could easily dominate anything and everything with a basic flat melee damage up. I feel like it should scale with spell damage rather than a flat bonus. More spell damage = increase % ratio of your melee attack. If that makes any sense. Cool Jojo idea though kek
  3. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    I think it should double your damage eventually when reaching max power, it's essentially a second version of you, that melees alongside you. (really just a 100% damage bonus slightly reskinned) and who says the knuckledusters have high damage? I planned for them to actually have really low damage in scale, but if you're hitting every single hit, you deal about average damage or more. Compare double damage to Pure Meteor Spam, or other painfully op mythic builds.
  4. Saikyo_Psycho

    Saikyo_Psycho Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    You have to keep in mind armor bonuses though, imagine having a poison build but having that doubled, or even having a basic melee build, items like dawnbreaker would be extremely op, it maxes out at 6500, that doubled would be 13000 and thats JUST on boots with no strength or main attack%. Some tweaking to the scaling is definitely needed but then again, any jojo is also op so :3
    Bioniclefan414 likes this.
  5. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    Also remember that you take double damage if the Soul Guardian is out, or triple if you have two out by using the first and fourth spell.

    It may be twice or 2.5 times as powerful, but you're twice or thrice as fragile.
    Poison wouldnt be able to double, basically the stats of the knuckledusters themselves arent applied a second time to the Soul Guardian, it just deals that raw damage in whatever type it is. (in other words, Soul Guardians aren't just two of you, theyre more like an extension of what you are.) You cannot stack multiple instances of poison or lifesteal on one target, they are only triggered once every four seconds.
  6. Saikyo_Psycho

    Saikyo_Psycho Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    The double damage taken is definitely a good de buff, so basically its only dealing the raw damage bonus but the soul doesnt get the buffs you get?
  7. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    Essentially the Guardian is really just cosmetic. At its core it just doubles your base damage output, or slightly more with Flurry and Slash, and the stat bonuses ON ATTACK DAMAGE are equivalent. if you have a +24% fire damage, if it deals fire damage it deals 24% more. It doesn't stack that ability twice. Poison/lifesteal/manasteal always apply once every 4 seconds.
  8. Saikyo_Psycho

    Saikyo_Psycho Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I see so its kind of like attacking twice in 1 frame or so? So poison would only be applied once or life steal once from YOUR damage and not the Guardians'? Even without the life steal it would still be pretty broken. More damage taken could easily be modified with different armor and still have insane damage and tankiness like statue or something along those lines.
    Bioniclefan414 likes this.
  9. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    Better do some movespeed stacking if you want to be able to MOVE with statue. The damage taken would probably be applied after armor. Just remember, they have half the effective HP of someone with the same gear if their Guardian is out.
  10. Saikyo_Psycho

    Saikyo_Psycho Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Statue is just an example for items you could add on to make yourself tankier but still having insane damage without any real drop off.
    Bioniclefan414 likes this.
  11. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    You could say the same for any class. You don't lose the main attack damage of your other pieces of armor do you? but, you lose out on attack bonuses you could potentially receive. The Soulsplitter is meant to leap into the fray, and not come out until everyone's dead, but still be fragile, to balance out its attack capabilities.

    (Heck, Assassin has Vanish which makes mobs not even target them anymore, and they deal 80% extra damage, it's balanced, but the Soulsplitter isn't?)
  12. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    The damage bonuses and skill point requirements seem very weird and don't match at all. Also, this wouldn't make sense as many builds wouldn't level up either stat and wouldn't benefit from either damage type, (damage conversion on spells is awful) and wouldn't be counterable with a single element weapon. Players that don't level either stat (or level both) are actually punished with a higher damage conversion at lower levels.
  13. Saikyo_Psycho

    Saikyo_Psycho Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Personally feel like this is less risk and more gain with this class. It is true it can be said for each class but the other classes are giving more for more. If that makes sense
  14. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    I suppose it should be explained as a class meant to enhance one's melee capability. The Soul Guardian is just a cosmetic attack buff, and the other forms simply convert that attack damage to more elemental damage. This makes playstyles riskier since large groups are difficult to handle, but the bootleg ora-oras will allow you to finish off single targets incredibly quickly. As a Soulsplitter, your goal is to isolate and destroy your target with melee. Think of the spells less as damage spells and more as generalized buffs. (plus they're a really good team supporter thanks to being able to give nearby players their own weaker Soul Guardians.) The class is meant to support teammates and prioritize and target the largest threat first.
  15. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    So essentially a class with one playstyle.
    And either way, it still punishes builds for not having the correct stats for this class. For instance, with a pure earth weapon on a strength build, because your damage is converted to fire damage, unless you have a lot of points on defense, it won't be nearly as good as if it remained earth. Then, you also are dealing with split damage, meaning that it less effective against enemies with defense in either element. Builds with both agility and strength would be especially punished, as they are forced three types of damage, two of which will be small enough that elemental resistances will counter them easily, reducing your damage output.
    Saya likes this.
  16. Saikyo_Psycho

    Saikyo_Psycho Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    This manz right here is big brain, idk wtf he's talking about but it makes sense.
  17. Vix

    Vix Travelled Adventurer

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    Sneaking for spell casting sounds dope, sounds like a lot of fun tbh
  18. Cutsard

    Cutsard Self-Proclaimed Idiot

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    sorry if this might seem too harsh, but here are my thoughts on your new class idea:

    I only discovered this recently, but the offhand slot in the inventory is already occupied, in order to be able to cast spells, so the idea of having a set of knuckledusters wouldn't be possible

    Would this mean the possibility to mix Mythics?

    Already covered this in the first point, just go up

    wouldn't this make casting powder specials impossible? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that mean trying to cast a powder special would result in starting a spell instead?

    well... that's already been explained :
    I agree entirely
    The idea of having to change your build in order to get a different spell from your class is just......... ew

    That's basically just a charge, except you deal a percentage of your melee damage, instead of just using your spell damage to calculate it
    Also needs several upgrades anyway

    Once again, covered in the fifth point

    Just multiplying your damage output again, not as much of an offensive spell as an overpowered utility spell

    Far too overpowered for a lvl 36 player to be able to double their damage, unless i misunderstand

    Supposing that your new class would have medium damage so if you take the damage you deal with a normal weapon at lv 1 to be 3-4, so 3.5 at an average, so when we then multiply that by 1.25, the result will be 4,375, which would de considerably larger than the mobs' damage, which would be around 2, or maybe 4, at the level, so that would still give you considerable advantage in combat.

    Once again, already been covered further up, but also.... how would the 'Order and Chaos' thing work? I understand that they would have different attributes, and that different weapons would have different paths (couldn't think of a better word, sorry), but would elemental focuses also affect the path you choose?

    3x damage dealt in return for 3x damage taken?
    still not exactly balanced... the player can fight the enemies much better then they can fight the player, as most players are intelligent (to an extent)
    ok maths time
    the highest damage x attack speed weapon for level 31 is Damnation, a legendary bow, with 70-100 dmg with a 70 main attack neutral damage boost, which totals up to 140-170 damage per hit.
    Now lets convert this bow to some "knuckledusters" and see what it looks like
    You deal around 140-170 damage at normal attack speed with no bonuses to damage from your equipment. However, once you cast the "Soul Guardian"(which, from lvl 16, gives a damage bonus of +50%) will give you a damage total of 210 - 255 per hit. By using attack speeds: -
    Super Fast: 4.3
    Very Fast: 3.1
    Fast: 2.5 Normal: 2.05
    Slow: 1.5
    Very Slow: 0.83
    Super Slow: 0.51
    - you can see that you would have a total dps of 420 - 510, without any armour, accessories or skill points. And now, if we add the additional damage from "Soul Share" we get a total damage output per second of 630 - 1020, again, with no armour ect. The average damage, then, would be 825 dps.
    The strongest boss for this level range is hashr, who can only be fought at a min. level of 33 after completing the "kingdom of sand" quest. In the first stage, I could find that he has ~4000hp (there wasn't information on the wiki so i had to take longer finding it), which the new class would be able to deal in >5 secs.
    The next stage has ~6000hp, which the player would be able to deal in >7secs
    The next stage is the glassiest, and the most damage dealing, with ~3000hp, which the player would be able to deal in >4secs

    bear in mind that this is considering that you are doing the fight before you would normally even be able to. and even then completely naked.
    The damage you take?
    well... considering that you can kill the boss in ~17 secs, it wouldnt be much. x3 damage isnt a big punishment when you can kill the enemy before they touch you. Tanky builds would be abused. a lot.

    If you had a lot of people around you, counting on the fact that they are not actually soulsplitters themselves.... your damage output would be boosted by so much more than the other choice would. Out of interest, how would you choose which one you want to cast?

    Overall, I dislike the aspects of the class because it is unbalanced and would be boring to play. May i also add that this is not exactly an original idea - there have been tons of "summoner" or "necromancer" class ideas in the past... and ill probably just file this under one of those.

    Some of what i say may be completely wrong, where i just dont understand what you mean, in which case, try to express yourself a bit clearer
    Please tell me if you disagree with any of my points, I'm sure we can eventually reach a conclusion.
    Upon further reading:
    my first thought:


    Assassin's vanish spell is balanced as it is, because of the fact that it has a duration of only 5 seconds, draining mana the whole time you are invisible. In addition to this, you can only hit the enemy once or twice after you leave the vanish, as opposed to your spell, which does not drain mana, lasts for longer and gives a higher damage boost.
    Also, although it is true that when you are invisible, other mobs cannot target you, you can't damage them without losing your vanish either.

    And then you compare how balanced they are to each other?

    Am i biased? No, i don't even have an assassin.
    Do i have experience? Yes, i have a friend who has a lv105 assassin and a 102 hunted assassin, who probably doesn't even know I'm writing this.

    I'm not trying to start an argument, and I'm sorry if you're thrown off by my passive-aggressive tone but I'm just trying to point out that your new class suggestion is slightly overpowered in too many ways
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
    Saya, Bioniclefan414 and Melkor like this.
  19. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    Huh, it's not really a Necromancer/Summoner in the sense that its not an extension of your attack range, its an extension of YOUR output, much more like the damage boost effect from a totem. I can understand your point though. I can see where that's an issue. I totally forgot about powder specials. I still wish there was some sort of double hit attribute for some weapons that isn't lifesteal or poison or an attack speed boost.

    You have put up an incredibly well-founded argument, and I honestly cannot come up with a good counterargument. Maybe in a while I'll revamp this class to be more friendly to any build types, and have more interesting abilities (Perhaps every spell could be based on different stats, like your buff spell boosts your lowest stat by 10%, etc, rather than having a very locked up playstyle.)
    Cutsard likes this.
  20. Cutsard

    Cutsard Self-Proclaimed Idiot

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    Thanks! Who knew stupid amounts of work would actually come in handy :)
    ah, right, i understand now. In that case maybe you should remove the Soul Guardian entirely and swap it out with something else.
    Also i didn't really like that the third spell, which is supposed to be the damaging spell, is more like a damage boost unless you use the 'Slam' ability.
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