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Guilds Please, Help Us Fix Guilds.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Pally, May 1, 2020.


What do you think about this situation?

  1. I love guilds, and I believe that this issue should be addressed and finally fixed

  2. I love guilds, but I don't think this is our biggest issue right now

  3. I feel neutral toward this.

  4. I dislike guilds, though I do agree that this issue needs to be addressed

  5. I dislike guilds, and believe that wynn should put its resources elsewhere

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  1. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll CHAMPION

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    Dedication and time spent on the game would be a good argument, but developers dont care about that.

    Most quick fixes are meant to help the most amount of people possible. The guild community is a niche.

    Be patient. Theres probably already fixes on the way, soon™
  2. EspChar

    EspChar Lux Nova, Nerfuria and First Fleet veteran *:・゚✧ VIP+

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    My guild members have always been like my second family and I do believe that generally most guilds have wonderful players who support each other. I really think this issue should be fixed as soon as possible c:

    Also @AlphaCloud you mad lad
    Pally likes this.
  3. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    lol I argued this for years last time they were broken, just got ignored or given excuses that turned out to be completely false
  4. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    -Suggestion by ProvoloneCheese
    I think that a good way to fix guilds is to rework wars and rewards.

    My Ideas:

    Starting off with a basic function would be to have war defense presets. What I mean by this is that you can create a defense preset that Has all of your selected mobs loaded when you defend and you can title them. You could have a "1k Filler" defense that is 300 Rangers, 300 Rouges, 100 Barbarians, 300 Mercenaries. I feel like this would be a huge quality of life improvement. Another example would be "22k defense" which would just be the 22k defense but you can just click something in the /guild defend GUI. I think that all of the presets should be completely customizable and you should have up to 5 presets. Another thing would be to make the presets not automatically confirm the mobs just in case you want to change something quickly in the defense without having to buy every mob or having to change the preset.


    I think that there should be more war mobs (or at least change some of the ones we have now). The war mobs we have now are kind of boring and even the more expensive ones are so basic (besides the bosses). Example:Bishop just have rainbow defenses, snipers just hit hard, rangers just hit arrows. Mercenaries, rouges, and barbarians are all the same but varying in how much damage they do. I also think that some mobs should be reworked to add more variation in wars. Make some mobs cheaper, weaker, make some mobs more expensive and buff them. Please make defending mobs feel like more than just a chore.


    I think that there should be custom war timers. 1:30 feels way longer than it should and should be replaced with a custom war timer. Just simply make us able to make the war timer between 15 seconds and 6 minutes. Don't make it too long, otherwise people will grief the wars and make the war timer like 10 minutes. Time goes by way slower when you're waiting.


    Allow the attacker to have more control over the war. A good example would be in a solo war, it takes way too long because the spawn rates are so slow. Allow solo warrers to change the spawn rates by %75 in both positive and negative. The reason negative is so newcomers can slowly increase their skill in warring, and for lower level players to war for fun. Positive is for wars to go by faster. I feel like the more people you have the number should go down to %25 increased spawn rates with 2 warrers, %10 for 3 warrers, and zero for anything higher. I feel like this would be balanced because of how exponentially it decreases. It also increases risk for solo warrers that jump into a war with something other than the defense they've seen 500 times and something that is more of a threat. To increase spawn rates just change the maximum amount of mobs that can be alive in the war at once by these numbers. I feel like this won't have too much of an impact because when warring with 4 or more people the mobs already spawn at a very fast rate.


    Add more territories as the ones we have now have been in the game for such a long time and we have seen them all now. The Silent Expanse territories were cool but it came with a new "province" and wasn't the main focus of the update. Also some regions' territories are way too dense. A good example would be the canyon of the lost. Combine some territories and make more stuff to do there to make the territories more valuable and the canyon of the lost not feel like a chore to navigate and something worth getting muscle memory to navigate. I know this sounds like more of a canyon of the lost rework, but this is the best example I can think of. Fox owns a ton of territories but some are worthless. Make less worthless territories and add something unique to every region that seems dead in stuff to do.

    Lastly I think that challenges should be implemented.

    Lastly guilds should be also wynn based and there should be benefits to being in a guild for something other than just the community. Add some rewards to completing a difficult milestone for the whole guild to achieve. Maybe some emeralds, an item bomb. Something that adds up to be good when used with the entire guild. If store-bought items don't want to be publicly distributed then maybe add a lootchest for completing guild challenges. Example, every guild in wynncraft has a different weekly, monthly, and daily challenge that the entire guild has to work together to achieve. Maybe the monthly challenge is to accumulate a specific amount of emeralds to the guild bank. Make people go out of their way to achieve these goals and not something that just kind of happens like most of the daily challenges. Maybe the monthly challenge should give you some emeralds, a tier 4 crate from the wynncraft store and some random items that are collected similar to how an item bomb works. The daily challenge should be pretty easy to complete in a day. Get some guild xp, donate some emeralds, accumulate wars. A weekly challenge could be, hold this specific number of territories, kill this many mobs, run this many dungeons as a guild (run a dungeon with 4 or more guildmates). Make the challenge difficulty scale into the guild level and their current bank to not make stronger guilds become stronger and weaker guilds take longer to get somewhere.

    Overall make things happen, change things, listen to the community, allow people to have more control.
  5. Newracket

    Newracket Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    wish they'd do something about all the small bugs, like the gu contribute bug. it really won't take long to fix, and would make guilds so much better.
    Pally likes this.
  6. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    I've thought about guilds quite a lot. And I think I might have some things that can help make them more interesting/more fun for players. And I am very uninformed. I can only speak what really what I've seen and what I have experienced and researched. If I get something wrong please don't be rude but kindly correct it. I want to learn as much as the next person, and I know I have a lot to learn. Yet, if I make a claim and it is incorrect, assume I have miss information or It is an opinion though some areas I state it is my opinion, so please keep that in mind as well.

    (Also like 15 replies were made while writing this, if I stole something for you, you actually stole it from me and I want my royalties damn it! But great job for being so massively brained)

    Guild Raids:
    (And I don't mean stealing from each other, though it could be expanded to that), but monthly or bi-monthly rotating long missions/boss fights that are designed with the idea of 6+ people fighting them. I mean bosses that look you in the eye and make you actually want to scream and hide. New spells, player spells, high damage, high health, spell defense. A fight where actually teamwork is needed instead of just a mage spam healing and everyone going to town with clicking. Multiple stages, good dialog, shit like that.

    Guild Halls:
    This ties into the thread that @Novalescent has for player housing (Which is fucking amazing and you best be supporting it.) but instead a large 50 by 50 and maybe even upgradable plot of land that is instanced where the guild can pool it's resources and build things. Trophy rooms, contest (like parkour/puzzle stuff), buildings. If the players can dream it, they can make it. One thing I believe is often forgetten and sometimes even hated is that Wynn is a game in a game. It's in minecraft and I really believe we could be using that to our advantage. (The guild hall could even be attack by mobs/other players for fun non-resetting PVP or just PVE fun with your friends)

    Guild War:
    I think the current system is foolish and useless. You either get guilds that sack, buy only level 50 troops so 1350 or something close or you fight level 100 snipers that are actually wielding Gatling cannons. Science has proven it to be true, so it is fact. But either way, either it's stupid easy and you afk, or it's kinda hard yet boring. I'd personally rather see PVE guild wars become better. It's a war for a location right? Why are the defenders the only ones to get mobs? Why can't we make it like total war? Where we set up mobs and fight the other's people mobs. This would speed up the fighting, you'd already have bought the mobs to defend your new flag (The idea would be these mobs would garrison at the flag, should you lose any you would be able to top them off) I also think, honestly, there are *too many* flags. When you go "to war" you might get a flag off a bigger guild but they just sit there and way, instantly attack after you leave and then take it right back because once again it's basically afk farming. It'd be better if

    1.) You could attack multiple flags at once (If this is the case ignore part of the above about too many flags while I scream in Chieftain.)
    2.) Flags cover larger zones of land so the impact is greater.
    3.) Flags could become apart of "Sectors" or groupings of flags that touch and cover a geographically similar area. If you take so many of a flag, you control that area. If you own 51% of Ragni Flags, your guild is declared the "Rulers Of Ragni and her forest" (not a real name, but more giving location) after holding the majority for 30-40 minutes. After being declared for 20-40 minutes the waring in these Sectors stop. So while the fighting might keep going in Alumji, over by Ragni there is a time of peace. (This could also help with moving PVP wars into different areas of the map.)

    Also there should be a short 30-1.30 timer after a flag is taken so people can actually put a defense up if they wish too. To counter act, the war timer could be lowered to a 1 so the wait time is similar.

    Guild Alliances:
    my view might be hated but I hate them. I personally hate the alliances between guilds. It feels kinda /controlly/ imo, it's basically a large guild that punishes you for not being in it. When in reality (Much like the state of the world as a whole) it is a battle ground for a guild to be the strongest. While this part might get quoted as "Get good" if you have ever played Planetside 2 before you'll get what I mean. You can be the best at what you do. Have the best KDR, have the best gear, be the strongest, know the game inside and out, but if enough people throw themselves at you, you will start to fail. Plenty of people who were in my outfit, more so Khorne, where great a the game, great leaders. But 96+ zergs could still stop us just because of the raw strength of manpower. Alliances seem to take the challenge out of the game. You know you're not going to be attacked by them even thou their strength rivals you. (To throw back to PS2 this is like when The VS and NC team up against the TR or VS&TR vs NC, or whatever. It removes the challenge for those teaming up and makes it near unplayable for those fighting against the united front, which yes, I know it's the point) While non-aggression pacts would be fine IG but to a limit, openly defending/helping other guilds in war just seems kinda ew, imo once again. More chaos is more good, and this doesn't mean you have to hate the people that attack you lol, just take the flag back after the timer is up. Or having your alliance members sack it and let you just want it, defend it and rinse and repeat while you do other things.

    Guild Buffs:
    This could be anything from walk speed, to XP bonus, to health regen in controlled flag zones. They would be bought with emeralds and could be bought once a guild hits a certain level.
    Example: Guild is lvl ten, if it spends two stacks of LE, it can buy: Health Regen by .025% in flag zones. But it must be lvl 15 to buy XP bonus of .01% for 2 stacks of LE

    While the might be minor as examples, they can really speed up parts of a game. The cost would increase per level and hit a cap. Where that cap should be I have no idea. But this could be helpful for older players (In experience and levels) to help the younger players.

    Guild Community:
    I think communities are a great thing and people are working with the system they have got. I think it'd be good to reward players for making a community, sticking with a guild, and improving their experience by rewarding guild mates playing with guild mates. That way players end up interacting more and doing things together.

    Guild Updates:
    More information from staff on what's happening. Games become more successful with active and engaged communities, the whole hush-hush attitude to everything including guilds is disheartening at best and down right annoying at worse. While I'm sure that we'll be pleasantry surprised when it gets fixed and be really happy, waiting for it is a kind of limbo from Devil may Cry, not much makes sense and random flying babies are flinging shit at you. Rumors are sparked and you're unsure of what's going on. Besides big maintenance (Once again, correct if wrong), we aren't told. Jumla ran test like a month ago and didn't say why, just a test. How can we help without knowing what the test was? I get it, wynn wants to stay wynn. It wants to not get copied and be a great place for people to play, but I think a good part of that is letting us know what's going on even more so with guilds. What has the staff found lacking in guilds? What was the originally point of it? Is everything we complain about noted and are fixes trying to be made? I was almost not going to reply at all, because sometimes it feels talking about stuff is just brushed. I know it's not but it feels that way. For instance in the questions thread a question was asked about a quest glitching, the OP was told, "it'll get fixed" but nothing else. It's just a sit wait and pray it's soon thing. Which isn't all the fun. Dates would be nice, information would be amazing. And it's not like informing us will mean you /have/ to do it. Look at DayZ, they're over 3 years behind and still improving the trees, still working on the game. So props to them.

    But with guild updates, I'd like to know what the staff plans on changing and a slight time frame of when (If they're already started on something) that way we can input before it gets launched and all that, before it even goes to the testing servers. I'd like to know whats up so I can stick my fat nose in the pot and get a smell then loudly cough on the soup. Also this could help build hype for future changes. (I have been gone for a while so they might already be doing this, so if so props where props or due, but it doesn't seem like it.)

    Guild Ranks:
    Have more ranks and make the titles custom so we can do cooler things and Imp can finally reharden their boner for the Royal family and give them actually in game titles that can be seen by other guild mates. So their lore, their identity is on display for everyone. More ranks can allow for a guild to make promotion a greater thing. (even the option of being able to buy more guild roles that way they can make whatever they want out of their guild.) is joke, please don't hate, but laugh a little. Give me the ha ha's

    Guild Quest:
    Quest that center around guild play, that must be started by at least 3 to 10 people depending on the harshness of the tasks with multiple multi-person challenges.

    Guild commands:
    Tell us what the commands are meant to do, give us an ETA when they'd be added/fixed and give us an idea of what more could be added. Fixing /guild stats etc.

    Staff in Guilds:
    if they can't control themselves not to abuse, shouldn't be staff in the first place. Plain and simple. While I get it there was an issue at one point, I don't believe because someone really loves the community and signs up to help it that they should be required to limit themselves. I think they should still be allowed to be in guilds and interact with people and just be that... people. A normal player. If they don't want too they don't have too, just imo once again, they should have the choice.

    Now a closing note for anyone reading this.
    Please don't be afraid to share your ideas, your wants for Wynncraft. Just like any community it is OUR wants, our desires that drive it. We make it what it is. We accept or regret at our pleasure and that should be noted. The only time mob rule can work is in situations just like this one. What we find fun, entertaining. The developers need to know what we think about what they do. They need feedback and idea bouncing and we can provide that.

    But also a message to staff reading this, don't shut us out. Don't brush pasts us. If it requires a new staff role then so be it. But I often feel like we as a whole just ignored, even by the mods. We get told, "We can't or won't talk about it" We get told X and later it comes out as Y. You can be honest with us. You can tell us things. We want to know, and we just want to help, that's why a new suggest is made almost every day. Hell even if it's just the, "I want to fix X" or "I really liked X suggestion, we'll talk it over." Anything. Literally ANYTHING would help the anxiety of staring at the screen and even with massive support thinking to yourself, "Did I just waste all my time writing this? Did they just laugh and brush it off? Was my effort meaningless?"

    I'd like to thank you all for reading and hopefully your comments so we can build a better and stronger guild system that is more addictive then Meth.

    Sorry also for the long post.
  7. EspChar

    EspChar Lux Nova, Nerfuria and First Fleet veteran *:・゚✧ VIP+

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    There are a lot of ideas in here that I like, especially the guild hall one because that would be super cool OvO
    Pally and PopePurpleTTV like this.
  8. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    The map can't be too large for the community that is using it.

    Sorry, I'm against more territories being released (for now)
    Every part of the map that already has territories, no other ones can be created atm
    Not to mention, if the map gets too big, there will be less competition among the guilds on it.
    custom ranks would be cool, but you all have to realize how much work that actually is :eyes:
    You can't undo alliances.
    That isn't the staff's fault, its just the nature of the community to form them.

    Guilds ally each other because they want to work together.

    I think you dislike the dynamic of a mega alliance (which is when a ton of guilds come together to dominate the map) as it makes it hard for others or newer guilds, but then against its what the majority decided to do.
    The server can barely handle war worlds with this many players online, guild halls aren't feasible, especially if they make it open to all guilds.

    If they did a feature like or similar to this, it would have to be only available to a few, like a level req.
    Last edited: May 2, 2020
    Pally likes this.
  9. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    I mean I think the main issue here is that we’ve been patient for years with barely anything done to implement some of the suggestions we’ve given over time, guilds have been neglected, and pretty much nothing about them except mobs and cosmetics have changed since the first time guilds were introduced, guilds in their own right have become a new way to play the game imo, they’ve ascended the Niche argument
    Drew1011 likes this.
  10. TheOtherJo

    TheOtherJo Praefectus piger stultitiae cūrandae augendaeque

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    Now, colour me biased, but I feel guilds are a huge missed opportunity and that the "niche" argument is ignoring a main problem with guilds.

    There's a reason guilds are considered niche in the first place, they have a chronic lack of content attached. Aside from the obvious warring which is both cosmetic and a complete and utter waste of emeralds to run, the only thing that guilds have is the community, the so-called permanent party, and with the tomfuckery of the many milksops in guilds, ie. degeneracy like family trees, guilds are painted in an even worse light because they are both senseless to participate in and utterly inane.

    If guilds weren't such a waste of time to participate in and weren't so strip-bare, then I think the guild community would be more mainstream. For now, it's niche, unattractive, ludicrously buggy and the people don't always make it the best. (guild blood-feuds and degenerate role play [not insulting anyone specifically, just really wacky] )

    What guilds need is something that encourages participation and cooperation, for example, brought up time and time again, guild raids, hard bosses requiring groups and a guild and teamwork and giving rewards though maybe punishing failure to not over-inflate the economy.

    Guild challenges that can be worked on together. Just anything that improves the community in guilds and brings people together. I play many other MMOs and guilds are surprisingly mainstream - even with the rp-bullshit that gives the guild community bad wraps within Wynn - because they actually have attached content.

    Now, I understand that there are perhaps, for now, more important parts of Wynn that require address, but, I think it'd be worth it to at least pick guilds back up again, patch them up, add more things to do so that it isn't a box of bullshit and work from there. It wouldn't be (at least in my mind) a good idea to sit on the issue of guilds and completely neglect them as is the status quo for hoi polloi of guilds.
    Vendenar likes this.
  11. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Cool suggestions, I am rooting for implementation by 1.26
    Asthae, Pally and Goden like this.
  12. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I'm really confused by what you mean with fix guilds? Make the guild timer for battle longer or add more slots for guilds? I've read all of this twice and still can't see what you're suggesting, it just looks like one very long rant (a deserved rant against guilds as they should be fixed by making xp from mobs give much more imo, so good job for conflicting this) but I'm still not sure what you're suggesting tbh. Please could someone tell me what she was saying because I really didn't see the suggesting parts apart from "fix guilds".
    Druser likes this.
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I've got bits and pieces of an idea for customizable war mobs in my head, which someday I will write down...
    StormKing3 likes this.
  14. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    Basically, what I’m trying to get at here is for them to fix the issues that we have been reporting for months; guild timers not working, certain commands failing, and to a larger extent to please work with the community to come to agree what guilds should have added to them/what should be edited, in the short term it’s just “hey, you've forgotten about us for months, please fix us” and in the long term it’s “please work with us to make guilds a more interesting experience” shown by the replies to this post
  15. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    Bump10char, 65 votes to fix in less than 24 hours
  16. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    I like guild banners, although I feel the tiers should have more to it then cosmetics.
    The price just for a cosmetic banner on a territories which you may not even own any at times is weird.

    I think it would be cool for banner tiers to have another function that isn't pure cosmetic, anything really.
    Pally likes this.
  17. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Salted and other CT members have stated in the past that Guilds aren't allowed to provide any sort of gameplay benefit, as it would be unfair for a guildless player or a lower level guild to be at a disadvantage in terms of gameplay than a higher level guild.

    While I don't entirely agree with this statement, I understand the reason for it. Although I do agree that it would be very nice if Guild Banners in general provided more than just a banner. A cool cosmetic thing for members would be nice.
    IceResistance likes this.
  18. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    I will write a longer response tomorrow on the topic at hand. though for now i just want to say this to the ppl bringing up the community side of guilds and how it's fcked up: the staff can't do anything about toxicity. There will always be players who take competition too far, or let it get into their head and have times of not treating players like people. STaff can discipline the worst of the worst, but ultimately it's up to the troublemaking players in a situation to drop their petty grudges, or if the grudges are too severe to block and cut off that person. It does leak down into the reasoning of some staff and big players thinking guilds are for the worse, but given how one cannot simply "fix" human behavior, discussing the behavioral issues in the guild system should be a completely different thread or elsewhere discussion.

    Though i will say, if guild gameplay was less boring, perhaps that would help give the bored ppl more to do, meaning less potential time spent towards causing trouble.
  19. TheOtherJo

    TheOtherJo Praefectus piger stultitiae cūrandae augendaeque

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    I don't think anyone in this thread (pardon me if I've missed something) is stating that it is up to staff to patch up toxicity in the community, because as with every game ever, it's up to guild leaders to handle this kind of thing and judge this and do that, and there certainly isn't an argument that we should fundamentally break human behaviour. The only thing said about this is that it is a stain and nothing more, it can't be helped.

    The argument being argued is more, as you said, that there needs to be more distractants, more ways to build goodwill in the community and that guilds shouldn't be lacking and at the same time, have the only content be a farm of toxicity. It's not that the toxicity is the problem in the community that is at hand, it's just that the community-building aspect is just a bit stultifying at this point.
  20. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    So I didn't really read your post for the guy, but I really love this. It's not like there is anything stopping anyone for making or joining a guild. You can always solo for reward or people will just make a "Loot Getting" guild. The community can fix the "issues" with some of the "balancing" issues. Or a reward system could also be put in place. I don't really know.

    As multiple people have said /that seem to be against the thread/ NO ONE has claimed staff need to fix certain things. I believe most of us, at least me, were just pointing out things I disliked when speaking on community things. Sorry for not making it clear in the first post.

    However, a staff problem is set forward, which I, personally, believe is 100% their fault.
    Just want to be told things yet nothing even after years of these threads popping up going, "Hey, this is broken!" or "Hey we want to help!" or 'Hey we need help!" and just... ignored.

    Tell Cheese he's beautiful.
    Pally likes this.
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